The ONE Group Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2024 Financial Results
The ONE Group Hospitality (STKS) reported strong financial results for Q4 and full year 2024, highlighted by significant revenue growth following the Benihana acquisition. Q4 revenue surged 146.7% to $221.9 million, while full-year revenue increased 102.3% to $673.3 million.
Despite these gains, the company faced challenges with comparable sales declining 4.3% in Q4 and 6.8% for the full year. Q4 operating income rose 158.9% to $12.8 million, though the company reported a net loss of $5.4 million ($0.18 per share). The full-year results showed a net loss of $35.0 million ($1.12 per share).
Looking ahead, management plans to open 5-7 new venues in 2025, including an owned Benihana in San Mateo. The company aims to achieve $20 million in cost savings by year-end 2026 through administrative costs reduction, supply chain synergies, and cost management. As of December 31, 2024, the company maintained $38.1 million in cash and short-term receivables, with $33.6 million available under its revolving credit facility.
The ONE Group Hospitality (STKS) ha riportato risultati finanziari solidi per il quarto trimestre e per l'intero anno 2024, evidenziati da una significativa crescita dei ricavi dopo l'acquisizione di Benihana. I ricavi del Q4 sono aumentati del 146,7% a 221,9 milioni di dollari, mentre i ricavi dell'intero anno sono cresciuti del 102,3% a 673,3 milioni di dollari.
Nonostante questi guadagni, l'azienda ha affrontato sfide con le vendite comparabili in calo del 4,3% nel Q4 e del 6,8% per l'intero anno. Il reddito operativo del Q4 è aumentato del 158,9% a 12,8 milioni di dollari, sebbene l'azienda abbia riportato una perdita netta di 5,4 milioni di dollari (0,18 dollari per azione). I risultati dell'intero anno hanno mostrato una perdita netta di 35,0 milioni di dollari (1,12 dollari per azione).
Guardando al futuro, la direzione prevede di aprire 5-7 nuovi locali nel 2025, incluso un Benihana di proprietà a San Mateo. L'azienda mira a raggiungere 20 milioni di dollari di risparmi sui costi entro la fine del 2026 attraverso la riduzione dei costi amministrativi, le sinergie nella catena di approvvigionamento e la gestione dei costi. Al 31 dicembre 2024, l'azienda ha mantenuto 38,1 milioni di dollari in contante e crediti a breve termine, con 33,6 milioni di dollari disponibili attraverso la sua linea di credito revolving.
The ONE Group Hospitality (STKS) reportó resultados financieros sólidos para el cuarto trimestre y el año completo 2024, destacando un crecimiento significativo en los ingresos tras la adquisición de Benihana. Los ingresos del Q4 aumentaron un 146,7% a 221,9 millones de dólares, mientras que los ingresos del año completo crecieron un 102,3% a 673,3 millones de dólares.
A pesar de estas ganancias, la empresa enfrentó desafíos con las ventas comparables en declive del 4,3% en el Q4 y del 6,8% para el año completo. El ingreso operativo del Q4 subió un 158,9% a 12,8 millones de dólares, aunque la empresa reportó una pérdida neta de 5,4 millones de dólares (0,18 dólares por acción). Los resultados del año completo mostraron una pérdida neta de 35,0 millones de dólares (1,12 dólares por acción).
De cara al futuro, la dirección planea abrir de 5 a 7 nuevos locales en 2025, incluyendo un Benihana propio en San Mateo. La empresa tiene como objetivo lograr 20 millones de dólares en ahorros de costos para finales de 2026 mediante la reducción de costos administrativos, sinergias en la cadena de suministro y gestión de costos. Al 31 de diciembre de 2024, la empresa mantuvo 38,1 millones de dólares en efectivo y cuentas por cobrar a corto plazo, con 33,6 millones de dólares disponibles bajo su línea de crédito rotativa.
The ONE Group Hospitality (STKS)는 2024년 4분기 및 연간 강력한 재무 결과를 보고하며, Benihana 인수 이후 상당한 수익 성장을 강조했습니다. 4분기 수익은 146.7% 증가한 2억 2,190만 달러에 달했으며, 연간 수익은 102.3% 증가한 6억 7,330만 달러에 달했습니다.
이러한 성과에도 불구하고, 회사는 비교 가능한 매출이 4분기 4.3% 감소하고 연간 6.8% 감소하는 어려움에 직면했습니다. 4분기 운영 수익은 158.9% 증가한 1,280만 달러에 달했지만, 회사는 540만 달러(주당 0.18달러)의 순손실을 보고했습니다. 연간 결과는 3,500만 달러(주당 1.12달러)의 순손실을 보여주었습니다.
앞으로 경영진은 2025년에 5-7개의 새로운 매장을 열 계획이며, San Mateo에 자사 소유의 Benihana를 포함합니다. 회사는 2026년 연말까지 관리 비용 절감, 공급망 시너지 및 비용 관리를 통해 2천만 달러의 비용 절감을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 2024년 12월 31일 기준으로 회사는 3,810만 달러의 현금 및 단기 미수금을 유지하고 있으며, 3,360만 달러는 회전 신용 시설에서 이용 가능합니다.
The ONE Group Hospitality (STKS) a annoncé des résultats financiers solides pour le quatrième trimestre et l'année complète 2024, mettant en évidence une croissance significative des revenus suite à l'acquisition de Benihana. Les revenus du Q4 ont bondi de 146,7 % pour atteindre 221,9 millions de dollars, tandis que les revenus annuels ont augmenté de 102,3 % pour atteindre 673,3 millions de dollars.
Malgré ces gains, l'entreprise a rencontré des défis avec la baisse des ventes comparables de 4,3 % au Q4 et de 6,8 % pour l'année entière. Le résultat opérationnel du Q4 a augmenté de 158,9 % pour atteindre 12,8 millions de dollars, bien que l'entreprise ait enregistré une perte nette de 5,4 millions de dollars (0,18 dollar par action). Les résultats de l'année entière ont montré une perte nette de 35,0 millions de dollars (1,12 dollar par action).
En regardant vers l'avenir, la direction prévoit d'ouvrir 5 à 7 nouveaux établissements en 2025, y compris un Benihana en propriété à San Mateo. L'entreprise vise à réaliser 20 millions de dollars d'économies de coûts d'ici la fin de 2026 grâce à la réduction des coûts administratifs, aux synergies de la chaîne d'approvisionnement et à la gestion des coûts. Au 31 décembre 2024, l'entreprise a maintenu 38,1 millions de dollars en espèces et créances à court terme, avec 33,6 millions de dollars disponibles dans le cadre de sa facilité de crédit renouvelable.
The ONE Group Hospitality (STKS) hat starke finanzielle Ergebnisse für das vierte Quartal und das gesamte Jahr 2024 gemeldet, die durch ein erhebliches Umsatzwachstum nach der Übernahme von Benihana hervorgehoben wurden. Der Umsatz im Q4 stieg um 146,7 % auf 221,9 Millionen Dollar, während der Jahresumsatz um 102,3 % auf 673,3 Millionen Dollar zunahm.
Trotz dieser Gewinne sah sich das Unternehmen Herausforderungen gegenüber, da die vergleichbaren Verkäufe im Q4 um 4,3 % und im gesamten Jahr um 6,8 % zurückgingen. Das Betriebsergebnis im Q4 stieg um 158,9 % auf 12,8 Millionen Dollar, obwohl das Unternehmen einen Nettoverlust von 5,4 Millionen Dollar (0,18 Dollar pro Aktie) meldete. Die Ergebnisse des gesamten Jahres zeigten einen Nettoverlust von 35,0 Millionen Dollar (1,12 Dollar pro Aktie).
Für die Zukunft plant das Management, 2025 5-7 neue Standorte zu eröffnen, darunter ein eigenes Benihana in San Mateo. Das Unternehmen strebt an, bis Ende 2026 20 Millionen Dollar an Kosteneinsparungen durch die Reduzierung von Verwaltungskosten, Synergien in der Lieferkette und Kostenmanagement zu erreichen. Zum 31. Dezember 2024 hielt das Unternehmen 38,1 Millionen Dollar in bar und kurzfristigen Forderungen, wobei 33,6 Millionen Dollar über seine revolvierende Kreditfazilität verfügbar waren.
- Significant revenue growth: Q4 up 146.7% to $221.9M, full-year up 102.3% to $673.3M
- Q4 operating income increased 158.9% to $12.8M
- Restaurant Operating Profit grew 143.7% to $40.1M in Q4
- Adjusted EBITDA increased 147.6% to $30.3M in Q4
- Strong liquidity position with $71.7M total available funds
- Comparable sales declined 4.3% in Q4 and 6.8% for full year
- Q4 net loss of $5.4M ($0.18 per share) vs. profit in 2023
- Full-year net loss of $35.0M ($1.12 per share) vs. profit in 2023
- $23.0M in transition and integration expenses for Benihana acquisition
The ONE Group's Q4 and full-year 2024 results reveal a company navigating significant transition following its Benihana acquisition. While revenue surged 146.7% to $221.9 million for Q4 and 102.3% to $673.3 million annually, these impressive headline figures mask concerning fundamentals. The company shifted from profitability to GAAP net losses of $5.4 million in Q4 and $35 million for the full year, compared to profits in 2023. Most troubling is the consolidated comparable sales decline of 4.3% for Q4 and 6.8% annually, indicating weakening performance across established locations.
Management highlights Adjusted EBITDA growth (up 147.6% to $30.3 million in Q4) to divert attention from GAAP losses, but this metric conveniently excludes $23 million in acquisition-related expenses for 2024. Their target of $20 million in cost savings by 2026 through administrative consolidation and supply chain synergies acknowledges significant efficiency opportunities but also reveals the substantial integration work ahead. With $38.1 million in cash and adequate liquidity, they're not in immediate financial danger, but their emphasis on "asset-light development" and "balance sheet flexibility" suggests cautious financial management as they digest this acquisition.
The relatively modest expansion plan of 5-7 new venues in 2025 further indicates a company prioritizing integration over aggressive growth. Investors should monitor whether promised synergies materialize and if comparable sales can return to growth before considering this acquisition successful.
The ONE Group's acquisition of Benihana has created a significantly larger restaurant portfolio but hasn't solved the company's underlying traffic challenges. The 6.8% annual comparable sales decline is concerning in a year when many restaurant chains managed to achieve modest growth despite inflationary pressures. This suggests potential brand relevance issues across their portfolio that acquisition growth cannot mask.
Management's brief mention of "positive transactions at STK" in Q4 is the sole bright spot regarding guest traffic, suggesting that other concepts in their portfolio (including the acquired Benihana and RA Sushi) may be experiencing customer count declines. Their development strategy—mixing owned, managed, and licensed restaurants—indicates a strategic shift toward capital-efficient growth, likely in response to the substantial debt taken on for the Benihana acquisition.
The planned opening of 5-7 venues in 2025 represents a cautious approach for a company now operating multiple concepts across various price points. Most telling is their focus on "improved sales performance at Benihana fueled by new initiatives," suggesting they're already implementing operational changes to address performance gaps in their newly acquired flagship brand. The company's ability to successfully integrate these brands while reversing the comparable sales decline will determine whether this acquisition ultimately delivers value or becomes a financial burden. Their transition to a 52/53-week fiscal reporting system also indicates efforts to better align with industry standards and potentially make quarter-to-quarter comparisons more favorable going forward.
Quarterly and Annual Revenue Increased
Highlights for the fourth quarter 2024 compared to the same quarter in 2023 are as follows (the prior year quarter excludes any contribution from the acquisition of Benihana Inc. which closed in May 2024):
Total GAAP revenues increased
146.7% to from$221.9 million ;$89.9 million -
Consolidated comparable sales* decreased
4.3% ; -
Operating income increased
158.9% to from$12.8 million and includes$4.9 million in transition, transaction and integration expenses associated with the acquisition of Benihana and RA Sushi;$3.7 million -
Restaurant Operating Profit** increased
143.7% to from$40.1 million ;$16.5 million -
GAAP net loss available to common stockholders was
, or$5.4 million net loss per share ($0.18 adjusted net loss per share)***, compared to GAAP net income available to common stockholders of$0.03 , or$4.6 million per share ($0.15 adjusted net income per share)***$0.17 -
Adjusted EBITDA**** attributable to The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. increased
147.6% to from$30.3 million .$12.2 million
Highlights for the full year 2024 compared to 2023 are as follows (the prior year excludes any contribution from the acquisition of Benihana Inc. which closed in May 2024):
Total GAAP revenues increased
102.3% to from$673.3 million ;$332.8 million -
Consolidated comparable sales* decreased
6.8% ; -
Operating income increased
15.9% to from$10.8 million and includes$9.3 million in transition, transaction and integration expenses associated with the acquisition of Benihana and RA Sushi;$23.0 million -
Restaurant Operating Profit** increased
115% to from$108.3 million ;$50.4 million -
GAAP net loss available to common stockholders was
, or$35.0 million net loss per share ($1.12 adjusted net loss per share)***, compared to GAAP net income available to common stockholders of$0.28 , or$4.7 million per share ($0.15 adjusted net income per share)***$0.18 -
Adjusted EBITDA**** attributable to The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. increased
129.3% to from$75.2 million .$32.8 million
“We were pleased that annual revenue and adjusted EBITDA reached the higher end of our guided ranges. These achievements were due to a sequentially stronger fourth quarter characterized by our best comparable sales of the year, positive transactions at STK, and improved sales performance at Benihana fueled by our new initiatives. For both the full year and recent quarter, adjusted EBITDA growth exceeded top-line growth, showcasing our capability to achieve greater profitability through the elimination of duplicate administrative costs, supply chain synergies, and tight cost management within our preexisting business. By year-end 2026, we intend to capture
“This year, we will open five to seven venues, beginning with an owned Benihana in
*Comparable sales represent total
**We define Restaurant Operating Profit as owned restaurant net revenue minus owned restaurant cost of sales and owned restaurant operating expenses. Restaurant Operating Profit has been presented in this press release and is a supplemental measure of financial performance that is not required by, or presented in accordance with, GAAP. Refer to the reconciliation of Operating income to Restaurant Operating Profit in this press release.
***We define adjusted net income / (loss) available to common stockholders as net income / (loss) to common stockholders before transaction and exit expenses, transition and integration expenses, non-cash rent during the pre-opening period, other non-recurring costs and the income tax effect of any adjustments. Adjusted net income / (loss) available to common stockholders has been presented in this press release and is a supplemental measure of financial performance that is not required by, or presented in accordance with, GAAP. Refer to the reconciliation of net (loss) / income available to common stockholders to adjusted net income / (loss) to common stockholders in this press release.
****We define Adjusted EBITDA as net income before interest expense, provision for income taxes, depreciation and amortization, non-cash impairment loss, non-cash rent expense, non-recurring gains and losses, stock-based compensation, transaction and exit costs and transition and integration expenses. Starting in Q3 2024, pre-opening expenses are no longer deducted from Adjusted EBITDA. Adjusted EBITDA has been presented in this press release and is a supplemental measure of financial performance that is not required by, or presented in accordance with, GAAP. Refer to the reconciliation of Net Income to Adjusted EBITDA in this press release.
Restaurant Development
In 2024, we opened six restaurants.
Owned STK in |
March 2024 |
Owned RA Sushi in |
July 2024 |
Owned Kona Grill in |
September 2024 |
Owned STK in |
October 2024 |
Owned Salt Water Social in |
November 2024 |
Managed STK in |
November 2024 |
We intend to add five to seven venues in 2025, including asset light development of managed and licensed STKs and Kona Grills and franchised Benihanas.
In March 2025, we will open an owned Benihana in
Owned STK in
Los Angeles, California (re-location); -
Owned STK in
Topanga, California ; and -
Owned Kona Grill in
Seattle, Washington .
Liquidity and Share Repurchase Program
As of December 31, 2024, we held
In March 2024, our Board of Directors authorized a
2025 Targets
As of January 1, 2025, we will report financial information on a fiscal quarter basis using four 13-week quarters with the addition of a 53rd week when necessary. For 2025, our fiscal calendar begins on January 1, 2025 and ends on December 28, 2025 and our first quarter will have 89 days.
Financial Results and Other Select Data US$s in millions |
Q1 2025 Guidance March 30, 2025 |
2025 Guidance December 28, 2025 |
Total GAAP revenues |
Consolidated comparable sales |
- |
- |
Managed, license and franchise fee revenues |
Total owned operating expenses as a percentage of owned restaurant net revenue |
Approx. |
Consolidated total G&A, excluding stock-based compensation |
Approx. |
Approx. |
Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA* |
Consolidated restaurant pre-opening expenses |
Consolidated effective income tax rate |
Approx. |
Consolidated total capital expenditures, net of allowances received by landlords |
Consolidated number of new system-wide venues |
1-2 new venues |
5-7 new venues |
*We have not reconciled guidance for Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA to the corresponding GAAP financial measure because we do not provide guidance for the various reconciling items. We are unable to provide guidance for these reconciling items because we cannot determine their probable significance, as certain items are outside of our control and cannot be reasonably predicted since these items could vary significantly from period to period. Accordingly, reconciliations to the corresponding GAAP financial measure are not available without unreasonable effort.
Conference Call and Webcast
Emanuel “Manny” Hilario, President and Chief Executive Officer, and Tyler Loy, Chief Financial Officer, will host a conference call and webcast today at 4:30 PM Eastern Time.
The conference call can be accessed live over the phone by dialing 412-542-4186. A replay will be available after the call and can be accessed by dialing 412-317-6671; the passcode is 10196501. The replay will be available until Thursday, March 20, 2025.
The webcast can be accessed from the Investor Relations tab of The ONE Group’s website at under “News / Events.”
About The ONE Group
The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. (Nasdaq: STKS) is an international restaurant company that develops and operates upscale and polished casual, high-energy restaurants and lounges and provides hospitality management services for hotels, casinos and other high-end venues both in the
STK, a modern twist on the American steakhouse concept with restaurants in major metropolitan cities in the
U.S. ,Europe and theMiddle East , featuring premium steaks, seafood and specialty cocktails in an energetic upscale atmosphere. -
Benihana, an interactive dining destination with highly skilled chefs preparing food right in front of guests and served in an energetic atmosphere alongside fresh sushi and innovative cocktails. The Company franchises Benihanas in the
U.S. ,Caribbean ,Central America , andSouth America . -
Kona Grill, a polished casual, bar-centric grill concept with restaurants in the
U.S. , featuring American favorites, award-winning sushi, and specialty cocktails in an upscale casual atmosphere. -
RA Sushi, a Japanese cuisine concept that offers a fun-filled, bar-forward, upbeat, and vibrant dining atmosphere with restaurants in the
U.S. anchored by creative sushi, inventive drinks, and outstanding service. -
ONE Hospitality, The ONE Group’s food and beverage hospitality services business develops, manages and operates premier restaurants and turnkey food and beverage services within high-end hotels and casinos currently operating venues in the
U.S. andEurope .
Additional information about The ONE Group can be found at
Non-GAAP Definition Changes
We have evolved our definition of non-GAAP financial measures starting in Q3 2024. We use certain non-GAAP measures in analyzing operating performance and believe that the presentation of these measures provides investors and analysts with information that is beneficial to gaining an understanding of the Company's financial results. Non-GAAP disclosures should not be viewed as a substitute for financial results determined in accordance with GAAP.
We exclude items management does not consider in the evaluation of its ongoing core operating performance from adjusted net income, adjusted net income / (loss) per share, and Adjusted EBITDA. Starting in Q3 2024, we no longer deduct pre-opening expenses from Adjusted EBITDA. Reconciliations of these non-GAAP measures are included under “Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures” in this press release.
Cautionary Statement on Forward-Looking Statements
This press release includes “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the “safe harbor” provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, including with respect to the impact of the Benihana Inc. acquisition, restaurant openings and 2025 financial targets. Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as “target,” “intend,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “expect,” “estimate,” “plan,” “outlook,” and “project” and other similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. A number of factors could cause actual results or outcomes to differ materially from those indicated by such forward-looking statements, including but not limited to: (1) our ability to integrate the new or acquired restaurants into our operations without disruptions to operations; (2) our ability to capture anticipated synergies; (3) our ability to open new restaurants and food and beverage locations in current and additional markets, grow and manage growth profitably, maintain relationships with suppliers and obtain adequate supply of products and retain employees; (4 )factors beyond our control that affect the number and timing of new restaurant openings, including weather conditions and factors under the control of landlords, contractors and regulatory and/or licensing authorities; (5) our ability to successfully improve performance and cost, realize the benefits of our marketing efforts and achieve improved results as we focus on developing new management and license deals; (6) changes in applicable laws or regulations; (7) the possibility that The ONE Group may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors; (8) the impact of actual and potential changes in immigration policies and the imposition of tariffs, including increases in food prices and inflation and potential labor shortages, and (9) other risks and uncertainties indicated from time to time in our filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed for the year ended December 31, 2024 and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q.
Investors are referred to the most recent reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission by The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance upon any forward-looking statements, which speak only as of the date made, and we undertake no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.
in thousands, except earnings per share and related share information)
For the three months ended December 31, |
For the year ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Revenues: |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
Owned restaurant net revenue |
$ |
217,799 |
$ |
85,165 |
$ |
658,915 |
$ |
317,366 |
Management, license, franchise and incentive fee revenue |
4,081 |
4,772 |
14,429 |
15,403 |
Total revenues |
221,880 |
89,937 |
673,344 |
332,769 |
Cost and expenses: |
Owned operating expenses: |
Owned restaurant cost of sales |
44,323 |
19,426 |
138,794 |
75,727 |
Owned restaurant operating expenses |
133,334 |
49,266 |
411,798 |
191,250 |
Total owned operating expenses |
177,657 |
68,692 |
550,592 |
266,977 |
General and administrative (including stock-based compensation of |
13,229 |
7,947 |
44,170 |
30,751 |
Depreciation and amortization |
11,395 |
4,770 |
34,096 |
15,664 |
Transition and integration expenses |
3,613 |
— |
13,681 |
— |
Pre-opening expenses |
1,960 |
2,850 |
9,488 |
8,855 |
Transaction and exit costs |
127 |
207 |
9,326 |
207 |
Lease termination expenses |
1,096 |
— |
1,096 |
— |
Other expenses |
46 |
543 |
124 |
1,021 |
Total costs and expenses |
209,123 |
85,009 |
662,573 |
323,475 |
Operating income |
12,757 |
4,928 |
10,771 |
9,294 |
Other expenses, net: |
Interest expense, net of interest income |
10,487 |
1,927 |
31,109 |
7,028 |
Loss on early debt extinguishment |
— |
— |
4,149 |
— |
Total other expenses, net |
10,487 |
1,927 |
35,258 |
7,028 |
Income (loss) before benefit for income taxes |
2,270 |
3,001 |
(24,487 |
) |
2,266 |
Provision (benefit) for income taxes |
346 |
(1,533 |
) |
(7,834 |
) |
(1,760 |
) |
Net income (loss) |
1,924 |
4,534 |
(16,653 |
) |
4,026 |
Less: net loss attributable to noncontrolling interest |
(140 |
) |
(109 |
) |
(829 |
) |
(692 |
) |
Net income (loss) attributable to The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. |
$ |
2,064 |
$ |
4,643 |
$ |
(15,824 |
) |
$ |
4,718 |
Series A Preferred Stock paid-in-kind dividend and accretion |
(7,479 |
) |
— |
(19,142 |
) |
— |
Net (loss) income available to common stockholders |
$ |
(5,415 |
) |
$ |
4,643 |
$ |
(34,966 |
) |
$ |
4,718 |
Net (loss) income attributable to The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. per share: |
Basic (loss) net income per share |
$ |
(0.18 |
) |
$ |
0.15 |
$ |
(1.12 |
) |
$ |
0.15 |
Diluted (loss) net income per share |
$ |
(0.18 |
) |
$ |
0.15 |
$ |
(1.12 |
) |
$ |
0.15 |
Shares used in computing basic (loss) income per share |
30,850,443 |
31,249,833 |
31,154,765 |
31,556,437 |
Shares used in computing diluted (loss) income per share |
30,850,443 |
31,689,332 |
31,154,765 |
32,287,864 |
The following table sets forth certain statements of operations data as a percentage of total revenues for the periods indicated. Certain percentage amounts may not sum to total due to rounding.
For the three months ended December 31, |
For the year ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Revenues: |
Owned restaurant net revenue |
Management, license, franchise and incentive fee revenue |
Total revenues |
Cost and expenses: |
Owned operating expenses: |
Owned restaurant cost of sales (1) |
Owned restaurant operating expenses (1) |
Total owned operating expenses (1) |
General and administrative (including stock-based compensation of |
Depreciation and amortization |
Transition and integration expenses |
—% |
—% |
Pre-opening expenses |
Transaction and exit costs |
Lease termination expenses |
—% |
—% |
Other expenses |
Total costs and expenses |
Operating income |
Other expenses, net: |
Interest expense, net of interest income |
Loss on early debt extinguishment |
—% |
—% |
—% |
Total other expenses, net |
Income (loss) before benefit for income taxes |
(3.6)% |
Provision (benefit) for income taxes |
(1.7)% |
(1.2)% |
(0.5)% |
Net income (loss) |
(2.5)% |
Less: net loss attributable to noncontrolling interest |
(0.1)% |
(0.1)% |
(0.1)% |
(0.2)% |
Net income (loss) attributable to The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. |
(2.4)% |
- These expenses are being shown as a percentage of owned restaurant net revenue.
(in thousands, except share information)
December 31, |
December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
Current assets: |
Cash and cash equivalents |
$ |
27,576 |
$ |
21,047 |
Credit card receivable |
10,477 |
7,234 |
Restricted cash and cash equivalents |
499 |
— |
Accounts receivable |
12,294 |
10,030 |
Inventory |
11,318 |
6,184 |
Other current assets |
6,786 |
1,809 |
Due from related parties |
376 |
376 |
Total current assets |
69,326 |
46,680 |
Property and equipment, net |
276,120 |
139,908 |
Operating lease right-of-use assets |
260,204 |
95,075 |
Goodwill |
155,783 |
— |
Intangibles, net |
133,111 |
15,306 |
Deferred tax assets, net |
53,682 |
14,757 |
Other assets |
9,030 |
4,636 |
Security deposits |
2,097 |
883 |
Total assets |
$ |
959,353 |
$ |
317,245 |
Current liabilities: |
Accounts payable |
$ |
30,883 |
$ |
19,089 |
Accrued payroll expenses |
23,897 |
5,655 |
Accrued expenses |
48,339 |
22,678 |
Current portion of operating lease liabilities |
14,998 |
6,897 |
Deferred gift card revenue and other |
6,540 |
2,077 |
Current portion of long-term debt |
6,125 |
1,500 |
Other current liabilities |
313 |
266 |
Total current liabilities |
131,095 |
58,162 |
Long-term debt, net of current portion, unamortized discount and debt issuance costs |
328,110 |
70,410 |
Operating lease liabilities, net of current portion |
291,785 |
120,481 |
Other long-term liabilities |
5,758 |
832 |
Total liabilities |
756,748 |
249,885 |
Commitments and contingencies (Note 17) |
Series A preferred stock, |
158,085 |
— |
Stockholders’ equity: |
Common stock, |
3 |
3 |
Preferred stock, other than Series A preferred stock, |
— |
— |
Treasury stock, at cost, 3,019,654 shares at December 31, 2024 and 2,276,453 shares at December 31, 2023 |
(18,202 |
) |
(15,051 |
) |
Additional paid-in capital |
68,392 |
58,270 |
Retained earnings |
— |
28,884 |
Accumulated other comprehensive loss |
(3,028 |
) |
(2,930 |
) |
Total stockholders’ equity |
47,165 |
69,176 |
Noncontrolling interests |
(2,645 |
) |
(1,816 |
) |
Total stockholders' equity |
44,520 |
67,360 |
Total liabilities, Series A preferred stock and stockholders' equity |
$ |
959,353 |
$ |
317,245 |
Reconciliation of Non-GAAP Measures
We prepare our financial statements in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). In this press release, we also make references to the following non-GAAP financial measures: total food and beverage sales at owned and managed units, Adjusted EBITDA, Restaurant Operating Profit and adjusted net income / (loss) to available to common stockholders.
Total food and beverage sales at owned and managed units. Total food and beverage sales at owned and managed units represents our total revenue from our owned operations as well as the revenue reported to us with respect to sales at our managed locations, where we earn management and incentive fees at these locations. We believe that this measure represents a useful internal measure of performance as it identifies total sales associated with our brands and hospitality services that we provide. Accordingly, we include this non-GAAP measure so that investors can review financial data that management uses in evaluating performance, and we believe that it will assist the investment community in assessing performance of restaurants and other services we operate, whether or not the operation is owned by us. However, because this measure is not determined in accordance with GAAP, it is susceptible to varying calculations and not all companies calculate these measures in the same manner. As a result, this measure as presented may not be directly comparable to a similarly titled measure presented by other companies. This non-GAAP measure is presented as supplemental information and not as an alternative to any GAAP measurements. The following table includes a reconciliation of our GAAP revenue to total food and beverage sales at our owned and managed units (in thousands):
For the three months ended December 31, |
For the year ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
(unaudited) |
Owned restaurant net revenue (1) |
$ |
217,799 |
$ |
85,165 |
$ |
658,915 |
$ |
317,366 |
Management, license, franchise and incentive fee revenue |
4,081 |
4,772 |
14,429 |
15,403 |
GAAP revenues |
$ |
221,880 |
$ |
89,937 |
$ |
673,344 |
$ |
332,769 |
Food and beverage sales from managed units (1) |
35,448 |
29,805 |
127,924 |
119,024 |
Total food and beverage sales at owned and managed units |
$ |
253,247 |
$ |
114,970 |
$ |
786,839 |
$ |
436,390 |
- Components of total food and beverage sales at owned and managed units.
The following table presents the elements of the quarterly and annual Same Store Sales measure for 2023 and 2024:
2023 vs. 2022 |
2024 vs. 2023 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
Q1 |
Q2 |
Q3 |
Q4 |
US STK Owned Restaurants |
(10.1)% |
(7.8)% |
(6.5)% |
(6.0)% |
(6.0)% |
(11.9)% |
(11.4)% |
(5.0)% |
(8.3)% |
US STK Managed Restaurants |
(8.6)% |
(7.4)% |
(10.3)% |
(12.2)% |
(9.5)% |
US STK Total Restaurants |
(6.8)% |
(5.5)% |
(4.6)% |
(3.0)% |
(6.8)% |
(10.6)% |
(11.1)% |
(6.9)% |
(8.7)% |
Benihana Owned Restaurants |
(1.0)% |
(4.2)% |
(0.2)% |
(1.8)% |
Grill Concept Owned Restaurants |
( |
(1.5)% |
(3.9)% |
(2.2)% |
(9.7)% |
(13.0)% |
(17.0)% |
(11.7)% |
(13.2)% |
Combined Same Store Sales |
(4.7)% |
(3.0)% |
(4.3)% |
(2.7)% |
(7.9)% |
(7.0)% |
(8.8)% |
(4.3)% |
(6.8)% |
Adjusted EBITDA. We define Adjusted EBITDA as net income before interest expense, provision for income taxes, depreciation and amortization, non-cash impairment loss, non-cash rent expense, non-recurring gains and losses, stock-based compensation, certain transactional and exit costs and transition and integration expenses. Not all the aforementioned items defining Adjusted EBITDA occur in each reporting period but have been included in our definitions of terms based on our historical activity. Adjusted EBITDA has been presented in this press release and is a supplemental measure of financial performance that is not required by, or presented in accordance with, GAAP.
The following table presents a reconciliation of net income to EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA for the periods indicated (in thousands):
For the three months ended December 31, |
For the year ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net income (loss) attributable to The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. |
$ |
2,064 |
$ |
4,643 |
$ |
(15,824 |
) |
$ |
4,718 |
Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interest |
(140 |
) |
(109 |
) |
(829 |
) |
(692 |
) |
Net income (loss) |
1,924 |
4,534 |
(16,653 |
) |
4,026 |
Interest expense, net of interest income |
10,487 |
1,927 |
31,109 |
7,028 |
Provision (benefit) for income taxes |
346 |
(1,533 |
) |
(7,834 |
) |
(1,760 |
) |
Depreciation and amortization |
11,395 |
4,770 |
34,096 |
15,664 |
24,152 |
9,698 |
40,718 |
24,958 |
Stock-based compensation |
1,585 |
1,234 |
6,017 |
5,032 |
Transaction and exit costs |
127 |
207 |
9,326 |
207 |
Transition and integration expenses |
3,613 |
— |
13,681 |
— |
Lease termination expense (1) |
1,096 |
— |
1,096 |
— |
Non-cash rent (2) |
(341 |
) |
544 |
(338 |
) |
1,228 |
Loss on debt extinguishment |
— |
— |
4,149 |
— |
Other expenses |
46 |
543 |
124 |
1,021 |
Adjusted EBITDA |
30,278 |
12,226 |
74,773 |
32,446 |
Adjusted EBITDA attributable to noncontrolling interest |
(29 |
) |
(13 |
) |
(416 |
) |
(339 |
) |
Adjusted EBITDA attributable to The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. |
$ |
30,307 |
$ |
12,239 |
$ |
75,189 |
$ |
32,785 |
- Lease termination expense are costs associated with closed, abandoned and disputed locations or leases.
- Non-cash rent expense is included in owned restaurant operating expenses, pre-opening expenses and general and administrative expense on the consolidated statements of operations.
The following table presents a reconciliation of net income to EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA for the periods indicated (in thousands):
Q1 2023 |
Q2 2023 |
Q3 2023 |
Q4 2023 |
Q1 2024 |
Q2 2024 |
Q3 2024 |
Net (loss) income attributable to The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. |
$ |
2,606 |
$ |
568 |
$ |
(3,098 |
) |
$ |
4,643 |
$ |
(2,069 |
) |
$ |
(6,929 |
) |
$ |
(8,890 |
) |
Net loss attributable to noncontrolling interest |
(276 |
) |
(152 |
) |
(155 |
) |
(109 |
) |
(361 |
) |
(163 |
) |
(165 |
) |
Net loss |
2,330 |
416 |
(3,253 |
) |
4,534 |
(2,430 |
) |
(7,092 |
) |
(9,055 |
) |
Interest expense, net |
1,787 |
1,642 |
1,673 |
1,927 |
2,078 |
7,865 |
10,679 |
Benefit for income taxes |
161 |
(13 |
) |
(375 |
) |
(1,533 |
) |
(268 |
) |
(3,268 |
) |
(4,644 |
) |
Depreciation and amortization |
3,656 |
3,506 |
3,732 |
4,770 |
5,260 |
8,025 |
9,416 |
7,934 |
5,551 |
1,777 |
9,698 |
4,640 |
5,530 |
6,396 |
Stock-based compensation |
1,320 |
1,234 |
1,244 |
1,234 |
1,358 |
1,495 |
1,580 |
Transaction and exit costs |
— |
— |
— |
207 |
1,523 |
6,826 |
850 |
Transition and integration expenses |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
3,794 |
6,274 |
Non-cash rent expense (1) |
173 |
234 |
273 |
544 |
93 |
(93 |
) |
2 |
Loss on early debt extinguishment |
— |
— |
— |
— |
— |
4,149 |
— |
Other expenses |
157 |
195 |
128 |
543 |
32 |
0 |
46 |
Adjusted EBITDA |
9,584 |
7,214 |
3,422 |
12,226 |
7,646 |
21,701 |
15,149 |
Adjusted EBITDA attributable to noncontrolling interest |
(189 |
) |
(65 |
) |
(72 |
) |
(13 |
) |
(262 |
) |
(71 |
) |
(54 |
) |
Adjusted EBITDA attributable to The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc. |
$ |
9,773 |
$ |
7,279 |
$ |
3,494 |
$ |
12,239 |
$ |
7,908 |
$ |
21,772 |
$ |
15,203 |
- Non-cash rent expense is included in owned restaurant operating expenses, pre-opening expenses and general and administrative expense on the consolidated statements of operations.
Restaurant Operating Profit. We define Restaurant Operating Profit as owned restaurant net revenue minus owned restaurant cost of sales and owned restaurant operating expenses.
We believe Restaurant Operating Profit is an important component of financial results because: (i) it is a widely used metric within the restaurant industry to evaluate restaurant-level productivity, efficiency, and performance, and (ii) we use Restaurant Operating Profit as a key metric to evaluate our restaurant financial performance compared to our competitors. We use these metrics to facilitate a comparison of our operating performance on a consistent basis from period to period, to analyze the factors and trends affecting our business and to evaluate the performance of our restaurants.
The following table presents a reconciliation of Operating income to Restaurant Operating Profit for the periods indicated (in thousands):
For the three months ended December 31, |
For the year ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Operating income as reported |
$ |
12,757 |
$ |
4,928 |
$ |
10,771 |
$ |
9,294 |
Management, license and incentive fee revenue |
(4,081 |
) |
(4,772 |
) |
(14,429 |
) |
(15,403 |
) |
General and administrative |
13,229 |
7,947 |
44,170 |
30,751 |
Depreciation and amortization |
11,395 |
4,770 |
34,096 |
15,664 |
Transaction and exit costs |
127 |
207 |
9,326 |
207 |
Transition and integration expenses |
3,613 |
— |
13,681 |
— |
Pre-opening expenses |
1,960 |
2,850 |
9,488 |
8,885 |
Lease termination expenses |
1,096 |
1,096 |
— |
Other expenses |
46 |
543 |
124 |
1,021 |
Restaurant Operating Profit |
$ |
40,142 |
$ |
16,473 |
$ |
108,323 |
$ |
50,389 |
Restaurant Operating Profit as a percentage of owned restaurant net revenue |
18.4 |
% |
19.3 |
% |
16.4 |
% |
15.9 |
% |
Restaurant Operating Profit by component is as follows (in thousands):
For the three months ended December 31, |
For the year ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
STK restaurant operating profit (Company owned) |
$ |
11,337 |
$ |
12,547 |
$ |
38,106 |
$ |
38,531 |
STK restaurant operating profit (Company owned) as a percentage of STK revenue (Company owned) |
Benihana restaurant operating profit (Company owned) |
$ |
25,155 |
$ |
— |
$ |
59,597 |
$ |
— |
Benihana restaurant operating profit (Company owned) as a percentage of Benihana revenue (Company owned)(1) |
— |
— |
Grill Concepts restaurant operating profit |
$ |
2,909 |
$ |
4,117 |
$ |
11,180 |
$ |
12,134 |
Grill Concepts restaurant operating profit as a percentage of Grill Concepts revenue |
Non-core restaurant operating profit |
$ |
(473) |
$ |
0 |
$ |
(1,764) |
$ |
171 |
Non-core restaurant operating profit as a percentage of Non-core revenue |
(2.7)% |
(10.1)% |
When adjusted for Benihana gift card revenue shown in the other segment in our segment reporting, the Benihana restaurant operating profit as a percentage of Benihana revenue increased 320 basis points from
19.4% for the pro forma three months ended December 31, 2023 to22.6% for the three months ended December 31, 2024.
Adjusted Net Income / (Loss) Available to Common Stockholders. We define adjusted net income / (loss) to available to common stockholders as net income before transaction and exit costs, transition and integration expenses, lease termination expenses, one-time stock-based compensation, non-recurring costs and the income tax effect of any adjustments.
We believe that adjusted net income / (loss) to available to common stockholders is an appropriate measure of operating performance, as it provides a clear picture of our operating results by eliminating certain one-time expenses that are not reflective of the underlying business performance. Adjusted net income / (loss) to available to common stockholders is included in this press release because it is a key metric used by management, and we believe that it provides useful information facilitating performance comparisons from period to period. Adjusted net income / (loss) to available to common stockholders has limitations as an analytical tool and our calculation thereof may not be comparable to that reported by other companies; accordingly, you should not consider it in isolation or as a substitute for analysis of our results as reported under GAAP.
For the three months ended December 31, |
For the year ended December 31, |
2024 |
2023 |
2024 |
2023 |
Net (loss) income available to common stockholders as reported |
$ |
(5,415 |
) |
$ |
4,643 |
$ |
(34,966 |
) |
$ |
4,718 |
Adjustments: |
Transaction and exit costs |
127 |
207 |
9,326 |
207 |
Transition and integration expenses |
3,613 |
— |
13,681 |
— |
Lease termination expense |
1,096 |
— |
1,096 |
— |
Loss on early debt extinguishment |
— |
— |
4,149 |
— |
Other expenses |
46 |
543 |
124 |
1,021 |
Adjusted net (loss) income before income taxes |
(533 |
) |
5,393 |
(6,590 |
) |
5,946 |
Income tax effect on adjustments(1) |
(366 |
) |
(120 |
) |
(2,128 |
) |
(249 |
) |
Adjusted net (loss) income available to common stockholders as reported |
$ |
(899 |
) |
$ |
5,273 |
$ |
(8,718 |
) |
$ |
5,697 |
Adjusted net income per share: Basic |
$ |
(0.03 |
) |
$ |
0.17 |
$ |
(0.28 |
) |
$ |
0.18 |
Adjusted net income per share: Diluted |
$ |
(0.03 |
) |
$ |
0.17 |
$ |
(0.28 |
) |
$ |
0.18 |
Shares used in computing basic (loss) income per share |
30,850,443 |
31,249,833 |
31,154,765 |
31,556,437 |
Shares used in computing diluted (loss) income per share |
30,850,443 |
31,689,332 |
31,154,765 |
32,287,864 |
- Reflects the tax expense associated with the adjustments for the three and twelve months ended December 31, 2024, and December 31, 2023. The Company uses its estimated normalized annual tax rate.
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Michelle Michalski or Raphael Gross
(646) 277-1224
Seth Grugle
(646) 277-1272
Source: The ONE Group Hospitality, Inc.
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