NeuroStar Honors Suicide Prevention Month With Milestone Achievement and Powerful Stories

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Neuronetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: STIM) is marking significant progress in its fight against depression during Suicide Prevention Month. The company's NeuroStar Advanced Therapy has treated 88,533 patients in less than three years, potentially saving 1,771 lives. This achievement represents the halfway point in NeuroStar's five-year goal of treating 166,240 people and saving 3,325 lives.

The NeuroStar Voices Portal, launched last year, has become a important platform for individuals to share their experiences with depression and recovery through NeuroStar therapy. Patient testimonials highlight the transformative impact of the treatment, with many describing it as life-saving.

This milestone comes at a critical time, as suicide deaths in the US reached a record high in 2022, with nearly 50,000 lives lost. NeuroStar's progress underscores the vital role of innovative mental health treatments in addressing this urgent issue.

Neuronetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: STIM) sta facendo progressi significativi nella sua lotta contro la depressione durante il Mese della Prevenzione del Suicidio. La terapia avanzata NeuroStar dell'azienda ha trattato 88.533 pazienti in meno di tre anni, potenzialmente salvando 1.771 vite. Questo traguardo rappresenta il punto medio nell'obiettivo quinquennale di NeuroStar di trattare 166.240 persone e salvare 3.325 vite.

Il NeuroStar Voices Portal, lanciato l'anno scorso, è diventato una piattaforma importante per le persone per condividere le loro esperienze con la depressione e la guarigione attraverso la terapia NeuroStar. Le testimonianze dei pazienti evidenziano l'impatto trasformativo del trattamento, con molti che lo descrivono come salvavita.

Questo traguardo arriva in un momento critico, poiché i decessi per suicidio negli Stati Uniti hanno raggiunto un record nel 2022, con quasi 50.000 vite perse. I progressi di NeuroStar sottolineano il ruolo vitale dei trattamenti innovativi per la salute mentale nell'affrontare questo problema urgente.

Neuronetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: STIM) está marcando un progreso significativo en su lucha contra la depresión durante el Mes de Prevención del Suicidio. La terapia avanzada NeuroStar de la compañía ha tratado a 88,533 pacientes en menos de tres años, potencialmente salvando 1,771 vidas. Este logro representa el punto medio en el objetivo de cinco años de NeuroStar de tratar a 166,240 personas y salvar 3,325 vidas.

El NeuroStar Voices Portal, lanzado el año pasado, se ha convertido en una plataforma importante para que las personas compartan sus experiencias con la depresión y la recuperación a través de la terapia NeuroStar. Los testimonios de los pacientes destacan el impacto transformador del tratamiento, con muchos describiéndolo como que salva vidas.

Este hito llega en un momento crítico, ya que las muertes por suicidio en EE. UU. alcanzaron un récord en 2022, con casi 50,000 vidas perdidas. El progreso de NeuroStar subraya el papel vital de los tratamientos innovadores de salud mental para abordar este urgente problema.

Neuronetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: STIM)는 자살 예방의 달 동안 우울증 퇴치에 있어 중요한 진전을 이루고 있습니다. 이 회사의 NeuroStar 고급 치료법은 3년이 채 안 되는 시간에 88,533명의 환자를 치료했으며, 이는 잠재적으로 1,771명의 생명을 구할 수 있는 수치입니다. 이 성과는 NeuroStar의 5년 목표인 166,240명을 치료하고 3,325명을 살리는 길의 중간 지점을 나타냅니다.

NeuroStar Voices Portal는 작년에 출시되어 사람들이 NeuroStar 치료를 통해 우울증과 회복 경험을 공유할 수 있는 중요한 플랫폼이 되었습니다. 환자들의 증언은 치료의 변 transformative 한 영향을 강조하며, 많은 이들이 이를 생명을 구하는 치료로 묘사하고 있습니다.

이번 이정표는 매우 중요한 시기에 도달한 것으로, 2022년 미국에서 자살 사망자가 역대 최고치를 기록했습니다, 거의 50,000명이 희생되었습니다. NeuroStar의 진전은 이 긴급한 문제를 해결하는 데 있어 혁신적인 정신 건강 치료의 필수적인 역할을 강조합니다.

Neuronetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: STIM) marque des progrès significatifs dans sa lutte contre la dépression au cours du Mois de la Prévention du Suicide. La thérapie avancée NeuroStar de l'entreprise a traité 88 533 patients en moins de trois ans, sauvant potentiellement 1 771 vies. Ce succès représente le point médian de l'objectif de cinq ans de NeuroStar, qui consiste à traiter 166 240 personnes et à sauver 3 325 vies.

Le NeuroStar Voices Portal, lancé l'année dernière, est devenu une plateforme importante pour que les individus partagent leurs expériences avec la dépression et la guérison grâce à la thérapie NeuroStar. Les témoignages des patients mettent en lumière l'impact transformateur du traitement, beaucoup le décrivant comme salvateur.

Ce jalon arrive à un moment critique, alors que les décès par suicide aux États-Unis ont atteint un niveau record en 2022, avec près de 50 000 vies perdues. Les progrès de NeuroStar soulignent le rôle vital des traitements innovants en santé mentale pour faire face à cette problématique urgente.

Neuronetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: STIM) macht bedeutende Fortschritte im Kampf gegen Depressionen während des Monats zur Prävention von Suiziden. Die NeuroStar Advanced Therapy des Unternehmens hat in weniger als drei Jahren 88.533 Patienten behandelt und möglicherweise 1.771 Leben gerettet. Dieser Erfolg stellt den Zwischenstand des fünfjährigen Ziels von NeuroStar dar, 166.240 Personen zu behandeln und 3.325 Leben zu retten.

Das NeuroStar Voices Portal, das im letzten Jahr gestartet wurde, ist zu einer wichtigen Plattform für Menschen geworden, um ihre Erfahrungen mit Depressionen und der Genesung durch NeuroStar-Therapie zu teilen. Die Patientenberichte heben die transformative Wirkung der Behandlung hervor, wobei viele sie als lebensrettend beschreiben.

Diese Errungenschaft kommt zu einem kritischen Zeitpunkt, da die Suizidrate in den USA im Jahr 2022 einen Rekordhöchststand erreicht hat und fast 50.000 Leben verloren gingen. Der Fortschritt von NeuroStar unterstreicht die entscheidende Rolle innovativer Behandlungen der psychischen Gesundheit bei der Bewältigung dieses dringenden Problems.

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NeuroStar Is More Than Halfway to Achieving Its Five-Year Goal of Saving Thousands of Lives

MALVERN, Pa., Sept. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Neuronetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: STIM), a medical technology company focused on designing, developing, and marketing products that improve the quality of life for patients who suffer from neurohealth disorders, is proud to shine a light on the powerful stories shared through the NeuroStar Voices Portal in recognition of Suicide Prevention Month. Launched last year, the portal has become a vital platform for individuals to share their journeys of battling depression and reclaiming their lives through NeuroStar Advanced Therapy.

NeuroStar is also marking a key milestone, reaching halfway toward its goal of saving 3,325 lives with this transformative therapy. In less than three years, NeuroStar has treated 88,533 patients, potentially saving 1,771 lives. This achievement is part of a five-year plan to treat 166,240 people with NeuroStar TMS and save 3,325 lives.*1 The five-year plan accelerates momentum gained since NeuroStar’s initial FDA clearance in 2008. The 88,533 patients treated in such a short time represent more than half the total number of patients treated between 2008 and 2023.

“When we set the goal of saving 3,325 lives, it was more than an objective—it was a heartfelt commitment to providing hope to those struggling to stay afloat,” said Keith J. Sullivan, President and CEO of Neuronetics, Inc. “Surpassing the halfway mark underscores that every life saved is a testament the bravery of those fighting depression and the impact NeuroStar has on their mental health journey. The inspiring stories shared through the NeuroStar Voices Portal humanizes these milestones, showcasing the transformative power of our therapy and the renewed hope it brings to individuals and their families.”

The NeuroStar Voices Portal powerfully illustrates NeuroStar’s life-saving impact on those battling depression, as well as its profound effects on families and communities.

  • "My life has completely changed since NeuroStar TMS. I tell everybody all the time that it did not just change my life, but it saved my life." – Kayla, Arkansas
  • "NeuroStar TMS was probably the best thing that could have happened. I feel so much freer without that heaviness of depression. There's light now." – Curry, Massachusetts
  • "I want people with depression to know that THEY are worth the time commitment, the effort, and the healing NeuroStar TMS will bring to get them back to a productive, happy, enjoyable life!" – Kat, Ohio

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, suicide deaths reached a record high in 2022, with nearly 50,000 Americans losing their lives to suicide, reflecting an urgent and ongoing need for effective mental health treatments.2 These findings highlight the critical importance of continued innovation and commitment in mental health care and underscore how NeuroStar plays a vital role in providing support and hope to those in need. For more information about NeuroStar TMS Therapy, please visit

*Based on a suicide rate of 2%.

About Neuronetics
Neuronetics, Inc. believes that mental health is as important as physical health. As a global leader in neuroscience, Neuronetics is redefining patient and physician expectations with its NeuroStar Advanced Therapy for Mental Health. NeuroStar is a non-drug, noninvasive treatment that can improve the quality of life for people suffering from neurohealth conditions when traditional medication hasn’t helped. NeuroStar is indicated for the treatment of depressive episodes and for decreasing anxiety symptoms for those who may exhibit comorbid anxiety symptoms in adult patients suffering from MDD and who failed to achieve satisfactory improvement from previous antidepressant medication treatment in the current episode. It is also FDA-cleared as an adjunct for adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder and for adolescent patients aged 15-21 with MDD. NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is the leading TMS treatment for MDD in adults with over 6.6 million treatments delivered. Neuronetics is committed to transforming lives by offering an exceptional treatment that produces extraordinary results. For safety and prescribing information, visit

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  1. Psychology Today. (2024). Depression and Suicide. Retrieved from
  2. National Center for Health Statistics. (2021, November 3). Vital statistics rapid release: Provisional suicide mortality in the United States, 2022 (Report No. 034). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved from


How many patients has NeuroStar Advanced Therapy treated since launching its five-year plan?

NeuroStar Advanced Therapy has treated 88,533 patients in less than three years since launching its five-year plan.

What is Neuronetics' (STIM) five-year goal for treating patients with NeuroStar TMS?

Neuronetics' five-year goal is to treat 166,240 people with NeuroStar TMS and potentially save 3,325 lives.

When was the NeuroStar Voices Portal launched?

The NeuroStar Voices Portal was launched last year, in 2023.

How many lives has NeuroStar potentially saved so far according to the press release?

According to the press release, NeuroStar has potentially saved 1,771 lives so far.

What was the suicide rate in the United States in 2022 according to the CDC?

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, nearly 50,000 Americans lost their lives to suicide in 2022, reaching a record high.

Neuronetics, Inc.


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