Solidion Technology Reached Major Milestones in Lithium-Sulfur Battery
Solidion Technology (NASDAQ: STI) has achieved a significant breakthrough in lithium-sulfur (Li-S) battery technology, reaching a cell energy density of 380 Wh/kg, with their next target set at 450 Wh/kg. This achievement was validated by a leading EV battery producer.
The company's Li-S batteries offer several advantages over traditional lithium-ion cells:
- Higher theoretical energy density (>600 Wh/kg vs current 260 Wh/kg)
- Uses abundant and low-cost sulfur as primary cathode material
- Excludes costly and less environmentally sustainable rare metals (cobalt, nickel, manganese)
- Projected battery cost under $65/kWh
- 100 kWh battery pack cost estimated at $6,500, comparable to combustion engines
Solidion is developing solutions to address Li-S commercialization challenges through graphene/elastomer-protected lithium metal anode, 3D graphene-protected sulfur cathode, and quasi-solid or solid-state electrolyte, protected by 100+ US patents.
Solidion Technology (NASDAQ: STI) ha raggiunto un'importante svolta nella tecnologia delle batterie al litio-zolfo (Li-S), raggiungendo una densità energetica di cella di 380 Wh/kg, con l'obiettivo successivo fissato a 450 Wh/kg. Questo risultato è stato convalidato da un importante produttore di batterie per veicoli elettrici.
Le batterie Li-S dell'azienda offrono diversi vantaggi rispetto alle tradizionali celle agli ioni di litio:
- Densità energetica teorica superiore (>600 Wh/kg rispetto ai 260 Wh/kg attuali)
- Utilizza zolfo abbondante e a basso costo come materiale catodico principale
- Esclude metalli rari costosi e meno sostenibili per l'ambiente (cobalto, nichel, manganese)
- Costo previsto della batteria inferiore a $65/kWh
- Costo stimato per un pacco batteria da 100 kWh di $6,500, comparabile ai motori a combustione
Solidion sta sviluppando soluzioni per affrontare le sfide della commercializzazione delle batterie Li-S attraverso un anodo in litio metallico protetto da grafene/elastomero, un catodo in zolfo protetto da grafene 3D e un elettrolita quasi solido o solido, protetto da oltre 100 brevetti negli Stati Uniti.
Solidion Technology (NASDAQ: STI) ha logrado un avance significativo en la tecnología de baterías de litio-azufre (Li-S), alcanzando una densidad de energía de celda de 380 Wh/kg, con su próximo objetivo establecido en 450 Wh/kg. Este logro fue validado por un importante productor de baterías para vehículos eléctricos.
Las baterías Li-S de la compañía ofrecen varias ventajas sobre las celdas de iones de litio tradicionales:
- Densidad de energía teórica más alta (>600 Wh/kg frente a los 260 Wh/kg actuales)
- Utiliza azufre abundante y de bajo costo como material catódico principal
- Excluye metales raros costosos y menos sostenibles para el medio ambiente (cobalto, níquel, manganeso)
- Costo proyectado de la batería por debajo de $65/kWh
- Costo estimado de un paquete de batería de 100 kWh en $6,500, comparable a los motores de combustión
Solidion está desarrollando soluciones para abordar los desafíos de comercialización de Li-S a través de un ánodo de litio metálico protegido por grafeno/elastómero, un cátodo de azufre protegido por grafeno 3D y un electrolito casi sólido o de estado sólido, protegido por más de 100 patentes en EE. UU.
솔리디온 테크놀로지 (NASDAQ: STI)는 리튬-황 (Li-S) 배터리 기술에서 중요한 돌파구를 달성하여 셀 에너지 밀도가 380 Wh/kg에 도달했으며, 다음 목표는 450 Wh/kg로 설정되었습니다. 이 성과는 주요 전기차 배터리 제조업체에 의해 검증되었습니다.
회사의 Li-S 배터리는 전통적인 리튬 이온 셀에 비해 여러 가지 장점을 제공합니다:
- 이론적 에너지 밀도가 더 높음 (>600 Wh/kg 대 현재 260 Wh/kg)
- 주요 양극 재료로 풍부하고 저렴한 황을 사용
- 비용이 많이 들고 환경적으로 지속 가능성이 낮은 희귀 금속 (코발트, 니켈, 망간)을 배제
- 예상 배터리 비용이 $65/kWh 이하
- 100 kWh 배터리 팩 비용이 $6,500로, 내연기관과 유사
솔리디온은 그래핀/엘라스토머로 보호된 리튬 금속 음극, 3D 그래핀으로 보호된 황 양극 및 quasi-solid 또는 고체 전해질을 통해 Li-S 상용화 문제를 해결하기 위한 솔루션을 개발하고 있으며, 100개 이상의 미국 특허로 보호받고 있습니다.
Solidion Technology (NASDAQ: STI) a réalisé une avancée significative dans la technologie des batteries lithium-soufre (Li-S), atteignant une densité d'énergie de cellule de 380 Wh/kg, avec un nouvel objectif fixé à 450 Wh/kg. Cette réalisation a été validée par un important producteur de batteries pour véhicules électriques.
Les batteries Li-S de l'entreprise offrent plusieurs avantages par rapport aux cellules lithium-ion traditionnelles :
- Densité d'énergie théorique plus élevée (>600 Wh/kg contre 260 Wh/kg actuellement)
- Utilise du soufre abondant et peu coûteux comme matériau cathodique principal
- Exclut les métaux rares coûteux et moins durables pour l'environnement (cobalt, nickel, manganèse)
- Coût de batterie projeté en dessous de 65 $/kWh
- Coût estimé d'un pack de batterie de 100 kWh à 6 500 $, comparable aux moteurs à combustion
Solidion développe des solutions pour relever les défis de la commercialisation des Li-S grâce à une anode en lithium métallique protégée par du graphène/élastomère, une cathode en soufre protégée par du graphène 3D et un électrolyte quasi-solide ou solide, protégé par plus de 100 brevets aux États-Unis.
Solidion Technology (NASDAQ: STI) hat einen bedeutenden Durchbruch in der Lithium-Schwefel (Li-S) Batterietechnologie erzielt und eine Zellenergiedichte von 380 Wh/kg erreicht, wobei das nächste Ziel bei 450 Wh/kg liegt. Dieser Erfolg wurde von einem führenden Hersteller von EV-Batterien validiert.
Die Li-S-Batterien des Unternehmens bieten mehrere Vorteile gegenüber herkömmlichen Lithium-Ionen-Zellen:
- Höhere theoretische Energiedichte (>600 Wh/kg gegenüber aktuellen 260 Wh/kg)
- Verwendet reichlich verfügbares und kostengünstiges Schwefel als primäres Kathodenmaterial
- Schließt teure und weniger umweltfreundliche seltene Metalle (Kobalt, Nickel, Mangan) aus
- Prognostizierte Batteriekosten unter $65/kWh
- Kosten für ein 100 kWh-Batteriepack werden auf $6,500 geschätzt, vergleichbar mit Verbrennungsmotoren
Solidion entwickelt Lösungen, um die Herausforderungen der Kommerzialisierung von Li-S zu bewältigen, durch einen mit Graphen/Elastomer geschützten Lithium-Metall-Anoden, einen mit 3D-Graphen geschützten Schwefel-Kathoden und quasi-feste oder feste Elektrolyte, die durch über 100 US-Patente geschützt sind.
- Achieved 380 Wh/kg cell energy density, significantly higher than current lithium-ion batteries (260 Wh/kg)
- Projected battery cost under $65/kWh, making EVs affordable without subsidies
- Uses abundant, low-cost sulfur instead of expensive rare metals
- Strong IP protection with 100+ US patents
- Third-party validation from leading EV battery producer
- Technology still faces commercialization challenges requiring additional development
- Current energy density (380 Wh/kg) still below theoretical maximum (>600 Wh/kg)
- Solutions still in development phase, not yet market-ready
The Company's High-Energy Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Validated by a Third Party
Lithium-sulfur (Li-S) batteries possess a theoretical energy density much higher than 600 Wh/kg and is currently the only practical energy storage solution capable of doubling the energy density (260 Wh/kg) of current lithium-ion cells. Furthermore, the primary cathode material for a Li-S battery is sulfur, which is abundant and of low cost. The Li-S battery does not contain high-cost and environmentally less sustainable rare metal elements, such as cobalt, nickel, and manganese.
A combination of extremely low sulfur cost and exceptional energy density ensures that a battery cost less than
Solidion continues to develop effective solutions capable of resolving the major technical issues that have thus far impeded full commercialization of Li-S barriers; these solutions include graphene/elastomer-protected lithium metal anode, 3D graphene-protected sulfur cathode, and quasi-solid or solid-state electrolyte. These solutions are protected by a superior IP portfolio, including 100+ US patents and numerous international patents.
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About Solidion Technology, Inc.
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This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Solidion Technology Inc., (NASDAQ: STI) (the "Company," "Solidion," "we," "our" or "us") desires to take advantage of the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and is including this cautionary statement in connection with this safe harbor legislation. The words "forecasts" "believe," "may," "estimate," "continue," "anticipate," "intend," "should," "plan," "could," "target," "potential," "is likely," "expect" and similar expressions, as they relate to us, are intended to identify forward-looking statements. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise, except as may be required by law.
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