PRophet Integrates Influencer Discovery Feature within 'Taylor', its AI-powered Journalist Discovery and Content Creation Product
PRophet, an AI-powered PR software suite, announced a groundbreaking integration of influencer discovery features within its 'Taylor' platform. This industry-first development allows users to simultaneously discover and pitch to both social media influencers and journalists in a single workflow.
The integration with enables brands to identify relevant influencers across Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and podcasts, providing metrics like audience quality scores and engagement rates. The update responds to changing media consumption trends, with Pew Research showing 20% of Americans now getting news from social media influencers.
Over the past 18 months, PRophet has expanded significantly through the acquisition of LEADERS and UNICEPTA, growing to nearly 600 staff across four continents and nine cities. The company has received multiple industry awards, including PRovoke Media's Innovation SABRE in 2023 and 2024, and a 2024 Webby Award.
PRophet, una suite software PR alimentata dall'IA, ha annunciato un'integrazione innovativa delle funzionalità di scoperta degli influencer all'interno della sua piattaforma 'Taylor'. Questo sviluppo, primo nel suo genere nel settore, consente agli utenti di scoprire e contattare contemporaneamente influencer dei social media e giornalisti in un unico flusso di lavoro.
L'integrazione con permette ai brand di identificare influencer pertinenti su Instagram, TikTok, YouTube e nei podcast, fornendo metriche come punteggi di qualità del pubblico e tassi di coinvolgimento. L'aggiornamento risponde alle mutevoli tendenze dei consumi mediatici, con Pew Research che mostra come il 20% degli americani ora riceva notizie dagli influencer dei social media.
Negli ultimi 18 mesi, PRophet ha registrato una significativa espansione tramite l'acquisizione di LEADERS e UNICEPTA, crescendo fino a quasi 600 dipendenti in quattro continenti e nove città. L'azienda ha ricevuto numerosi premi del settore, tra cui l'Innovation SABRE di PRovoke Media nel 2023 e 2024, e un Webby Award nel 2024.
PRophet, un conjunto de software de relaciones públicas impulsado por IA, anunció una integración revolucionaria de características de descubrimiento de influencers dentro de su plataforma 'Taylor'. Este desarrollo, pionero en la industria, permite a los usuarios descubrir y contactar simultáneamente a influencers de redes sociales y periodistas en un solo flujo de trabajo.
La integración con permite a las marcas identificar influencers relevantes en Instagram, TikTok, YouTube y podcasts, proporcionando métricas como puntuaciones de calidad de audiencia y tasas de compromiso. La actualización responde a las tendencias cambiantes en el consumo de medios, con Pew Research mostrando que el 20% de los estadounidenses ahora obtiene noticias de influencers de redes sociales.
En los últimos 18 meses, PRophet ha crecido significativamente a través de la adquisición de LEADERS y UNICEPTA, alcanzando casi 600 empleados en cuatro continentes y nueve ciudades. La compañía ha recibido múltiples premios de la industria, incluido el Innovation SABRE de PRovoke Media en 2023 y 2024, y un Webby Award en 2024.
PRophet는 AI 기반의 PR 소프트웨어 제품군으로, 'Taylor' 플랫폼 내에서 인플루언서 발견 기능의 혁신적인 통합을 발표했습니다. 이 업계 최초의 개발은 사용자가 소셜 미디어 인플루언서와 언론인 모두를 단일 작업 흐름에서 동시에 발견하고 피칭할 수 있게 합니다.
influencermarketing.ai와의 통합을 통해 브랜드는 Instagram, TikTok, YouTube 및 팟캐스트에서 관련 인플루언서를 식별할 수 있으며, 청중 품질 점수 및 참여율과 같은 메트릭을 제공합니다. 이 업데이트는 미디어 소비 경향의 변화를 반영하며, Pew Research에 따르면 이제 미국인의 20%가 소셜 미디어 인플루언서로부터 뉴스를 얻고 있습니다.
지난 18개월 동안 PRophet는 LEADERS와 UNICEPTA의 인수를 통해 크게 확장되어 네 개 대륙과 아홉 도시에서 거의 600명의 직원이 근무하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 2023년과 2024년에 PRovoke Media의 Innovation SABRE를 포함하여 여러 산업 상을 수상했습니다.
PRophet, une suite logicielle de relations publiques propulsée par l’IA, a annoncé une intégration révolutionnaire des fonctionnalités de découverte d'influenceurs au sein de sa plateforme 'Taylor'. Ce développement, qui est une première dans l'industrie, permet aux utilisateurs de découvrir et de contacter simultanément des influenceurs des réseaux sociaux et des journalistes dans un seul flux de travail.
L'intégration avec permet aux marques d'identifier des influenceurs pertinents sur Instagram, TikTok, YouTube et dans les podcasts, en fournissant des indicateurs tels que les scores de qualité de l'audience et les taux d'engagement. La mise à jour répond aux tendances changeantes de la consommation des médias, avec des recherches de Pew montrant que 20 % des Américains obtiennent désormais leurs nouvelles par le biais d'influenceurs des médias sociaux.
Au cours des 18 derniers mois, PRophet a connu une expansion significative grâce à l'acquisition de LEADERS et UNICEPTA, portant son effectif à près de 600 collaborateurs répartis sur quatre continents et neuf villes. L'entreprise a reçu plusieurs prix de l'industrie, dont le prix Innovation SABRE de PRovoke Media en 2023 et 2024, ainsi qu'un Webby Award en 2024.
PRophet, eine KI-gesteuerte PR-Software-Suite, hat eine bahnbrechende Integration von Funktionen zur Entdeckung von Influencern innerhalb seiner 'Taylor'-Plattform angekündigt. Diese branchenweit erste Entwicklung ermöglicht es den Nutzern, gleichzeitig sowohl Social Media-Influencer als auch Journalisten in einem einzigen Workflow zu entdecken und anzusprechen.
Die Integration mit ermöglicht es Marken, relevante Influencer über Instagram, TikTok, YouTube und Podcasts zu identifizieren und bietet Metriken wie die Qualität der Zielgruppenbewertung und Engagement-Raten. Das Update reagiert auf die sich ändernden Mediennutzungsgewohnheiten, wobei Pew Research zeigt, dass 20 % der Amerikaner mittlerweile ihre Nachrichten von Social Media-Influencern beziehen.
In den letzten 18 Monaten hat PRophet durch die Übernahme von LEADERS und UNICEPTA erheblich expandiert und wächst auf fast 600 Mitarbeiter in vier Kontinenten und neun Städten. Das Unternehmen hat mehrere Branchenpreise erhalten, darunter den Innovation SABRE von PRovoke Media in 2023 und 2024 sowie einen Webby Award im Jahr 2024.
- First-to-market integration of influencer and journalist discovery in single platform
- Strategic expansion through two key acquisitions (LEADERS and UNICEPTA)
- Significant growth to 600 staff across four continents
- Multiple industry awards recognition in 2023-2024
- None.
An industry first, the new feature reflects the undeniable fact that audiences are increasingly relying on social media influencers for news
In 2020, PRophet launched the first AI-powered SaaS platform of its kind to help PR and communications leaders predict interest in their stories among high-authority journalists. Now, leveraging that same technology, PRophet has integrated with its platform to identify and target social media influencers and journalists in one seamless process.
This development marks a pivotal step in PRophet's evolution, blending earned media and influencer marketing capabilities in response to shifting media consumption habits, particularly among younger demographics. Recent Pew Research Center data revealed that one in five Americans now regularly get their news from social media influencers. PRophet's improved functionality allows for streamlined engagement with these influential voices alongside traditional media outlets.
"Today we are introducing the first of many integrations that bridge the gap between earned media and influencer marketing," said Aaron Kwittken, CEO and Founder of the PRophet suite. "By unifying these two critical disciplines through AI tools, PRophet is empowering savvy communications professionals to craft comprehensive comms strategies that reach audiences across all channels."
The new integration enables brands and agencies to identify relevant influencers and content creators for news stories and announcements across platforms including Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and podcasts. Users can review the influencers' audience quality score, engagement rate, follower credibility, and advanced insights such as popular hashtags or direct mentions.
Over the past 18 months, PRophet expanded from a single point solution to a comprehensive suite of tools following two key acquisitions late last year, LEADERS and UNICEPTA, greatly expanding its capabilities and global footprint and boasting a staff of nearly 600 across four continents and nine cities.
About PRophet
PRophet is a comms tech suite of AI-powered SaaS tools and services designed to empower modern communicators. Purpose-built for PR and marketing professionals, PRophet harnesses predictive, cognitive and generative AI to help users discover, target and engage with high-authority journalists and leading influencers. The media relations solution creates and tests "mediable" PR content to predict journalist interest and sentiment. The influencer marketing solution,, combines influencer discovery, analytics, brand safety and tracking technologies to inform and manage influencer campaigns with precision. The suite also features, UNICEPTA, the largest provider of global media, market intelligence and social listening tools, delivering unmatched insights and analysis to communicators worldwide. PRophet was awarded PRovoke Media's Innovation SABRE in 2023 and 2024, a 2024 Webby Award, and was included in PR News' 2024 Tech Hotlist. PRophet is headquartered in
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Stephanie Hernandez
PRophet Comms Tech
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