EBONY Partners with Allison in Historic First

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EBONY, the iconic Black-owned media company, has partnered with Allison as its first-ever public relations agency of record in its 80-year history. This strategic collaboration aims to amplify EBONY's influential voice, expand its reach, and strengthen its position as a cultural authority in an evolving media landscape.

EBONY CEO Eden Bridgeman expressed excitement about working with Allison's world-class communications team to further amplify the publication's work, values, and mission. The partnership will focus on promoting initiatives, thought leadership positioning, campaign launches, editorial features, corporate news, reputation management, event support, and media relations.

Notably, Allison will support the return of the EBONY Power 100 list, with honorees gathering at a gala in Los Angeles on November 17, 2024. This collaboration represents a new chapter for both organizations, signifying a shared commitment to amplifying U.S. and global Black voices, perspectives, and stories.

EBONY, l'iconica azienda mediatica di proprietà nera, ha stretto una partnership con Allison come la sua prima agenzia di pubbliche relazioni ufficiale nella sua storia di 80 anni. Questa collaborazione strategica mira ad amplificare la voce influente di EBONY, espandere la sua portata e rafforzare la sua posizione come autorità culturale in un panorama mediatico in evoluzione.

Il CEO di EBONY, Eden Bridgeman, ha espresso entusiasmo per la collaborazione con il team di comunicazione di classe mondiale di Allison, per amplificare ulteriormente il lavoro, i valori e la missione della pubblicazione. La partnership si concentrerà sulla promozione di iniziative, posizionamento come leader di pensiero, lancio di campagne, articoli editoriali, notizie aziendali, gestione della reputazione, supporto per eventi e relazioni con i media.

In particolare, Allison supporterà il ritorno della EBONY Power 100 list, con i premiati che si riuniranno a una gala a Los Angeles il 17 novembre 2024. Questa collaborazione rappresenta un nuovo capitolo per entrambe le organizzazioni, segnando un impegno condiviso per amplificare voci, prospettive e storie nere negli Stati Uniti e nel mondo.

EBONY, la icónica empresa de medios de comunicación de propiedad negra, se ha asociado con Allison como su primera agencia de relaciones públicas oficial en sus 80 años de historia. Esta colaboración estratégica tiene como objetivo amplificar la voz influyente de EBONY, expandir su alcance y fortalecer su posición como autoridad cultural en un panorama mediático en evolución.

El CEO de EBONY, Eden Bridgeman, expresó su entusiasmo por trabajar con el equipo de comunicaciones de clase mundial de Allison para amplificar aún más el trabajo, los valores y la misión de la publicación. La asociación se centrará en promover iniciativas, posicionamiento de liderazgo de pensamiento, lanzamiento de campañas, características editoriales, noticias corporativas, gestión de reputación, apoyo a eventos y relaciones con los medios.

Notablemente, Allison apoyará el regreso de la EBONY Power 100 list, con los homenajeados reuniéndose en una gala en Los Ángeles el 17 de noviembre de 2024. Esta colaboración representa un nuevo capítulo para ambas organizaciones, simbolizando un compromiso compartido de amplificar las voces, perspectivas e historias negras en los EE. UU. y en el mundo.

EBONY는 상징적인 흑인 소유 미디어 회사로서 80년 역사상 처음으로 공공 관계 대행사 Allison과 파트너십을 체결했습니다. 이번 전략적 협력의 목표는 EBONY의 영향력 있는 목소리를 높이고, 도달 범위를 확장하며, 변화하는 미디어 환경에서 문화적 권위로서의 입지를 강화하는 것입니다.

EBONY의 CEO인 에든 브리젬은 Allison의 세계적 수준의 커뮤니케이션 팀과 함께 출판물의 작업, 가치 및 사명을 더욱 강화할 수 있게 되어 기쁘다고 전했습니다. 이 파트너십은 이니셔티브 홍보, 사고 리더십 포지셔닝, 캠페인 출시, 편집적 특집, 기업 뉴스, 명성 관리, 이벤트 지원 및 미디어 관계 구축에 중점을 둘 것입니다.

특히, Allison은 2024년 11월 17일 로스앤젤레스에서 개최되는 갈라에서 수상자들이 모일 EBONY Power 100 list의 복귀를 지원할 것입니다. 이번 협력은 두 조직 모두를 위한 새로운 장을 의미하며, 미국 및 전 세계의 흑인 목소리, 관점 및 이야기를 확대하려는 공동의 의지를 상징합니다.

EBONY, l'emblématique société de médias de propriété noire, s'est associée à Allison en tant que sa toute première agence de relations publiques dans son histoire de 80 ans. Cette collaboration stratégique vise à amplifier la voix influente d'EBONY, à étendre sa portée et à renforcer sa position en tant qu'autorité culturelle dans un paysage médiatique en évolution.

Le PDG d'EBONY, Eden Bridgeman, a exprimé son enthousiasme à l'idée de travailler avec l'équipe de communication de classe mondiale d'Allison pour renforcer encore le travail, les valeurs et la mission de la publication. Le partenariat se concentrera sur la promotion d'initiatives, le positionnement en tant que leader d'opinion, le lancement de campagnes, des articles éditoriaux, des actualités d'entreprise, la gestion de la réputation, le soutien aux événements et les relations avec les médias.

Notamment, Allison soutiendra le retour de la EBONY Power 100 list, avec les lauréats se réunissant lors d'un gala à Los Angeles le 17 novembre 2024. Cette collaboration représente un nouveau chapitre pour les deux organisations, symbolisant un engagement commun à amplifier les voix, perspectives et histoires noires aux États-Unis et dans le monde.

EBONY, das ikonische von Schwarzen geführte Medienunternehmen, hat sich in seiner 80-jährigen Geschichte mit Allison zusammengetan, um seine erste öffentliche Relationsagentur zu benennen. Diese strategische Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die einflussreiche Stimme von EBONY zu verstärken, ihre Reichweite zu erweitern und ihre Position als kulturelle Autorität in einer sich wandelnden Medienlandschaft zu festigen.

Der CEO von EBONY, Eden Bridgeman, zeigte sich begeistert von der Zusammenarbeit mit Allisons erstklassigem Kommunikationsteam, um die Arbeit, die Werte und die Mission der Publikation weiter zu verstärken. Die Partnerschaft wird sich auf die Förderung von Initiativen, die Positionierung von Ideenführerschaft, die Einführung von Kampagnen, redaktionelle Features, Unternehmensnachrichten, Reputationsmanagement, Eventunterstützung und Medienbeziehungen konzentrieren.

Besonders hervorzuheben ist, dass Allison die Rückkehr der EBONY Power 100 list unterstützen wird, bei der die Preisträger am 17. November 2024 bei einer Gala in Los Angeles zusammenkommen werden. Diese Zusammenarbeit stellt ein neues Kapitel für beide Organisationen dar und symbolisiert ein gemeinsames Engagement zur Stärkung der Stimmen, Perspektiven und Geschichten von Schwarzen in den USA und weltweit.

  • First-ever partnership with a PR agency in EBONY's 80-year history, potentially expanding reach and impact
  • Strategic move to amplify EBONY's voice and strengthen its position as a cultural authority
  • Support for the return of the influential EBONY Power 100 list and gala event
  • Expansion of digital presence to reconnect with core audience and connect with newer audiences like Gen Z
  • None.

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- In a groundbreaking partnership, Allison was named the public relations agency of record (AOR) for EBONY, the iconic Black-owned media company and leading platform showcasing Black excellence and culture in America and around the globe for eight decades. This marks the first time in EBONY’s 80-year history it has engaged an external public relations agency.

EBONY CEO Eden Bridgeman (Photo: Business Wire)

EBONY CEO Eden Bridgeman (Photo: Business Wire)

The collaboration between EBONY and Allison is a strategic move to amplify the publication’s powerful and influential voice and expand its reach and impact in an ever-evolving media landscape. By leveraging Allison’s expertise, resources and network, EBONY aims to elevate its brand, strengthen its position as a cultural authority, amplify key event and initiatives, and drive meaningful and sustained impact with existing and new audiences.

“We are excited to work with Allison and its world-class communications team,” said Eden Bridgeman, EBONY CEO. “EBONY continues to produce world-class, Black-focused content with an emphasis on consistently showcasing the Black experience and perspective in a variety of ways, and our collaboration with the Allison team will further amplify our work, values and mission at this exciting time for the organization.”

EBONY magazine, a cornerstone of Black culture and history, changed ownership and is now published as EBONY Media Corporation. This transition marked a pivotal moment for the platform, as it reinvigorates the brand, expands its digital presence to reconnect with its core audience and connects with newer audiences, such as Generation Z. Under new leadership, EBONY continues to preserve its legacy while adapting to the evolving media landscape, focusing on storytelling that empowers and inspires the Black community.

This historic partnership will enable EBONY to further enhance its storytelling, engage with new audiences and solidify its position as a leading voice on issues affecting the Black community, especially during this pivotal election year. The scope of work will focus on promoting both flagship and new initiatives and programming, thought leadership positioning, campaign launches, amplified editorial features and corporate news, reputation management, event support, media relations and more.

Allison will also support the return of the highly anticipated EBONY Power 100 list, which recognizes the diverse accomplishments of individuals who have made a significant impact on Black culture. This year’s honorees will gather at the star-studded EBONY Power 100 gala in Los Angeles on Sunday Nov. 17, 2024.

“EBONY is a phenomenal brand steeped in legacy, authority and Black representation, and we are thrilled to embark on this historic partnership with the publication,” said Claudine Moore, Allison managing director. “This collaboration represents a new chapter for both organizations as Allison combines its continued growing expertise in DE&I client counsel and multicultural public relations and signifies our shared commitment to amplifying U.S. and global Black voices, perspectives and stories.”

Allison’s DE&I and multicultural teams based in offices across the U.S. will support EBONY, mirroring the platform’s country-wide initiatives, activations and corporate team.

Please reach out to if you have any questions.

About EBONY Magazine

For more than 75 years, EBONY has served as the leading voice of the Black American experience and is the most influential Black-owned media company in the world. Under new ownership and leadership, EBONY has grown into a multi-media entity, covering cultural news, entertainment, and lifestyle with a commitment to Move Black Forward with EBONY, EBONY Studios, and JET. EBONY continues to be the leading authority and anchor for all facets of Black culture, illuminating the Black perspective and serving as the ultimate curator for the past, present, and future of the Black and African American experience.

EBONY Media Group is a division of 1145 Holdings, LLC.

About Allison

Allison is a global integrated marketing and communications consultancy dedicated to driving growth, innovation, and positive change for clients, colleagues, and communities. With a diverse range of expertise and a forward-looking mindset, Allison delivers game-changing results that make a lasting impact. Allison is owned by Stagwell (NASDAQ: STGW), one of the fastest growing and most influential marketing and communications networks in the world. Agency partners leverage Stagwell’s technology, data analytics, insights and strategic consulting solutions to drive measurable results and optimize return on marketing investment for more than 1,700 clients worldwide. Learn more at

Allix Snyder

Source: Allison


What is the significance of EBONY partnering with Allison?

This partnership marks the first time in EBONY's 80-year history that it has engaged an external public relations agency, aiming to amplify its voice, expand reach, and strengthen its position as a cultural authority in the media landscape.

When will the EBONY Power 100 gala take place in 2024?

The EBONY Power 100 gala is scheduled to take place in Los Angeles on Sunday, November 17, 2024.

What areas will Allison focus on in its work with EBONY?

Allison will focus on promoting initiatives, thought leadership positioning, campaign launches, editorial features, corporate news, reputation management, event support, and media relations for EBONY.

Who is the current CEO of EBONY?

Eden Bridgeman is the current CEO of EBONY.

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