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Santech Holdings (NASDAQ: STEC) announced significant changes to its Board and senior management. The company's Chairman, Mr. Han Hongwei, and CEO, Madame Wang Dian, have been detained and are under investigation by Shanghai authorities for alleged illegal activities at Hywin Wealth Management, a separate entity owned by Mr. Han. In response, the Board has appointed Mr. Lawrence Wai Lok as a new director and acting CEO. Mr. Lok, with over 15 years of experience in investment banking, will review the company's operations and lead its strategic transformation. The Board has also retained independent US counsel for legal advice on securities laws. Santech Holdings emphasizes that it is not associated with the investigation and has not received any official notice from authorities.
Santech Holdings (NASDAQ: STEC) has announced a new share repurchase program authorized by its board of directors. The program allows the company to repurchase up to US$5 million worth of its outstanding American Depositary Shares (ADSs) over the next 12 months, starting from August 26, 2024.
The repurchases may be made on the open market, through private transactions, block trades, or other legal means. The company will adhere to applicable rules and regulations, including Rule 10b5-1 and Rule 10b-18 under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Santech plans to fund the repurchases from its existing cash balance. The board will review the program periodically and may adjust its terms and size as needed.
Santech Holdings (NASDAQ: STEC), a consumer-focused technology company in China, announced changes to its Board of Directors. Mr. Vincent Chun Hung Chan has resigned as an independent director, effective immediately, citing personal reasons. The company emphasized that Chan's resignation was not due to any disagreements regarding business operations, financial reporting, controls, policies, or practices.
Following Chan's departure, the Board will consist of four members: Mr. HAN Hongwei, Ms. WANG Dian (CEO), and two independent directors, Mr. Joel A. GALLO and Ms. CHEN Jie. Madame Wang Dian expressed gratitude for Chan's contributions and wished him success in future endeavors.
Santech Holdings (NASDAQ: STEC), formerly known as Hywin Holdings, announced the results of its extraordinary general meeting held on July 17, 2024, in Hong Kong. Shareholders approved significant resolutions including:
- Changing the company's name to Santech Holdings and adopting the Chinese name 三合智能控股有限公司.
- Amending and restating the Company's memorandum and articles of association to reflect the name change, adjustments in director appointment and removal approvals, and the exemption from holding an annual general meeting every year.
- Authorizing any one director to execute necessary documents for implementing these changes.
Additionally, the Company announced the change of its ticker symbol from HYW to STEC.
What is the current stock price of Santech Holdings American Depositary Shares (STEC)?