Stewart Named in U.S. News & World Report’s 2024-2025 Best Companies to Work For

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Stewart Information Services (NYSE:STC) has been named one of the 2024-2025 Best Companies to Work For by U.S. News & World Report. The company was also recognized in the Insurance category and South region. This achievement reflects Stewart's efforts to become a destination for top talent in the title insurance and real estate industry.

CEO Fred Eppinger attributed this recognition to improvements in employee benefits and programs based on feedback. The ratings consider factors such as pay and benefits, work-life balance, job stability, comfort, belongingness, and career opportunities. Stewart's commitment to creating a positive work environment aligns with U.S. News' focus on factors influencing job seekers' decisions.

The company emphasizes its dedication to building a better home for all through its culture, customer service, and community and sustainability initiatives. Stewart invites interested individuals to explore career opportunities on their website.

Stewart Information Services (NYSE:STC) è stata nominata una delle migliori aziende per lavorare nel 2024-2025 secondo U.S. News & World Report. L'azienda è stata riconosciuta anche nella categoria Assicurazioni e nella regione Sud. Questo risultato riflette gli sforzi di Stewart per diventare una meta per i migliori talenti nel settore delle assicurazioni sui titoli e immobiliare.

Il CEO Fred Eppinger ha attribuito questo riconoscimento ai miglioramenti nei benefici per i dipendenti e nei programmi basati sul feedback. Le valutazioni considerano fattori come retribuzione e benefici, equilibrio tra vita lavorativa e personale, stabilità lavorativa, comfort, appartenenza e opportunità di carriera. L'impegno di Stewart nella creazione di un ambiente di lavoro positivo si allinea con l'attenzione di U.S. News su fattori che influenzano le decisioni dei cercatori di lavoro.

L'azienda sottolinea la sua dedizione a costruire una casa migliore per tutti attraverso la sua cultura, il servizio clienti e le iniziative di comunità e sostenibilità. Stewart invita le persone interessate a esplorare le opportunità di carriera sul proprio sito web.

Stewart Information Services (NYSE:STC) ha sido nombrada una de las mejores empresas para trabajar en 2024-2025 por U.S. News & World Report. La compañía también fue reconocida en la categoría de Seguros y en la región Sur. Este logro refleja los esfuerzos de Stewart por convertirse en un destino para el mejor talento en la industria de seguros de títulos e inmobiliaria.

El CEO Fred Eppinger atribuyó este reconocimiento a las mejoras en los beneficios y programas para empleados basados en comentarios. Las calificaciones consideran factores como salario y beneficios, equilibrio entre la vida laboral y personal, estabilidad laboral, comodidad, sentido de pertenencia y oportunidades de carrera. Compromiso de Stewart en crear un entorno laboral positivo se alinea con el enfoque de U.S. News en los factores que influyen en las decisiones de los buscadores de empleo.

La empresa enfatiza su dedicación a construir un hogar mejor para todos a través de su cultura, servicio al cliente e iniciativas de comunidad y sostenibilidad. Stewart invita a las personas interesadas a explorar oportunidades de carrera en su sitio web.

스튜어트 정보 서비스 (NYSE:STC)는 U.S. News & World Report에 의해 2024-2025 최고의 직장 중 하나로 선정되었습니다. 이 회사는 보험 분야남부 지역에서도 인정받았습니다. 이 성과는 스튜어트가 제목 보험 및 부동산 업계에서 최고 인재의 목적지가 되기 위한 노력을 반영합니다.

CEO 프레드 엡핑거는 이 인정을 직원 피드백을 바탕으로 한 복지 및 프로그램 개선의 결과로 설명했습니다. 평가에는 급여와 복지, 일과 삶의 균형, 직업 안정성, 편안함, 소속감 및 경력 기회와 같은 요소가 포함됩니다. 긍정적인 근무 환경을 조성하려는 스튜어트의 노력은 구직자의 결정에 영향을 미치는 요소에 중점을 두고 있는 U.S. News의 방향성과 일치합니다.

회사는 문화, 고객 서비스 및 커뮤니티 및 지속 가능성 이니셔티브를 통해 모두를 위한 더 나은 집을 건설하기 위해 헌신하고 있음을 강조합니다. 스튜어트는 관심 있는 사람들이 웹사이트에서 직업 기회를 탐색하도록 초대합니다.

Stewart Information Services (NYSE:STC) a été désigné comme l'une des meilleures entreprises pour travailler en 2024-2025 par U.S. News & World Report. L'entreprise a également été reconnue dans la catégorie Assurance et dans la région Sud. Cet accomplissement reflète les efforts de Stewart pour devenir une destination pour les meilleurs talents dans le secteur de l'assurance titre et de l'immobilier.

Le PDG Fred Eppinger a attribué cette reconnaissance aux améliorations des avantages et des programmes pour les employés basés sur les retours. Les évaluations prennent en compte des facteurs tels que la rémunération et les avantages, l'équilibre travail-vie personnelle, la stabilité de l'emploi, le confort, le sentiment d'appartenance et les opportunités de carrière. L'engagement de Stewart à créer un environnement de travail positif s'aligne avec l'accent mis par U.S. News sur les facteurs influençant les décisions des chercheurs d'emploi.

L'entreprise souligne son dévouement à construire un meilleur foyer pour tous à travers sa culture, son service client et ses initiatives communautaires et de durabilité. Stewart invite les personnes intéressées à explorer les opportunités de carrière sur son site web.

Stewart Information Services (NYSE:STC) wurde von U.S. News & World Report als eines der beste Unternehmen zum Arbeiten 2024-2025 ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen wurde auch in der Versicherungsbranche und in der Südregion anerkannt. Dieser Erfolg spiegelt Stewarts Bemühungen wider, ein Ziel für Top-Talente in der Titelversicherungs- und Immobilienbranche zu werden.

CEO Fred Eppinger führte diese Anerkennung auf Verbesserungen bei den Mitarbeiterleistungen und Programmen basierend auf Feedback zurück. Die Bewertungen berücksichtigen Faktoren wie Gehalt und Sozialleistungen, Work-Life-Balance, Arbeitsplatzsicherheit, Komfort, Zugehörigkeitsgefühl und Karrierechancen. Stewarts Engagement für die Schaffung eines positiven Arbeitsumfelds stimmt mit dem Fokus von U.S. News auf Faktoren überein, die die Entscheidungen von Arbeitsuchenden beeinflussen.

Das Unternehmen betont sein Engagement, ein besseres Zuhause für alle durch seine Kultur, Kundendienst und Initiativen für Gemeinschaft und Nachhaltigkeit zu schaffen. Stewart lädt interessierte Personen ein, Karrieremöglichkeiten auf seiner Website zu erkunden.

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  • None.

HOUSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Stewart Information Services Corporation (NYSE:STC) announced today that U.S. News & World Report, the global authority in rankings and consumer advice, has named Stewart one of the 2024-2025 Best Companies to Work For. In addition to making the overall list, Stewart was included in Best Companies to Work For – Insurance category, and Best Companies to Work For – South region, stemming from factors contributing to job seekers’ decision-making when choosing a workplace that best meets their needs.

“At Stewart we are striving to be a destination for top talent in the title insurance and real estate industry,” said Stewart CEO Fred Eppinger. “Over the years we have strengthened our Employee Value Proposition through a number of improvements to our employee benefits and programs as a direct result of employee feedback. Our employees are the driving-force behind our continued success for more than 130 years and I celebrate this tremendous recognition with them.”

U.S. News’ ratings reflect the evolving sentiments that factor into employee decision making when choosing the “best” company to work for. The ratings then analyze that sentiment against other factors, including quality of pay and benefits, work-life balance and flexibility, job and company stability, physical and psychological comfort, belongingness and esteem, and career opportunities and professional development.

“Choosing a company to establish yourself or take the next steps in your career is a critical decision for anyone,” said U.S. News Vice President, Careers, Carly Chase. “The 2024-2025 list includes companies that received high scores on multiple metrics that make up a positive work environment and everyday employee experience.”

Stewart is committed to ensuring a better home for all through company culture, customer service, and community and sustainability initiatives. Learn how Stewart is building a company for the next generation and beyond by visiting and find career opportunities at

About Stewart

Stewart (NYSE-STC) is a global real estate services company, offering products and services through our direct operations, network of Stewart Trusted Providers™ and family of companies. From residential and commercial title insurance and closing and settlement services to specialized offerings for the mortgage and real estate industries, we offer the comprehensive service, deep expertise and solutions our customers need for any real estate transaction. At Stewart, we are dedicated to becoming the premier title services company and we are committed to doing so by partnering with our customers to create mutual success. Learn more at

About U.S. News & World Report

U.S. News & World Report is the global leader in quality rankings that empower consumers, business leaders and policy officials to make better, more informed decisions about important issues affecting their lives and communities. A multifaceted digital media company with Education, Health, Money, Travel, Cars, News, Real Estate, Careers and 360 Reviews platforms, U.S. News provides rankings, independent reporting, data journalism, consumer advice and U.S. News Live events. More than 40 million people visit each month for research and guidance. Founded in 1933, U.S. News is headquartered in Washington, D.C.

John Chattaway, Stewart Media Relations

(713) 625-8180;

Source: Stewart Information Services Corporation


What recognition did Stewart (NYSE:STC) receive from U.S. News & World Report for 2024-2025?

Stewart (NYSE:STC) was named one of the 2024-2025 Best Companies to Work For by U.S. News & World Report. They were also recognized in the Insurance category and South region.

What factors did U.S. News consider in ranking Stewart (NYSE:STC) as a Best Company to Work For?

U.S. News considered factors such as quality of pay and benefits, work-life balance, job stability, physical and psychological comfort, belongingness, and career opportunities in ranking Stewart (NYSE:STC).

How has Stewart (NYSE:STC) improved its Employee Value Proposition?

Stewart (NYSE:STC) has strengthened its Employee Value Proposition by implementing improvements to employee benefits and programs based on direct employee feedback.

What is Stewart's (NYSE:STC) commitment to its employees and community?

Stewart (NYSE:STC) is committed to ensuring a better home for all through company culture, customer service, and community and sustainability initiatives, aiming to build a company for the next generation and beyond.

Stewart Information Services Corporation


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Insurance - Property & Casualty
Title Insurance
United States of America