Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. Reports Financial Results for First Quarter 2024

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Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. reported a net loss of $(1.97 million) for the first quarter of 2024, with a loss per share of $(0.92). Despite the large credit loss, credit quality remains strong with 99.44% of unguaranteed loans performing as per agreements. Total assets increased to $925 million, deposits rose to $807 million, and the Bank maintained well-capitalized status with a Tier 1 leverage capital of 7.64%. The Bank's entrance into new markets led to growth in deposit base and relationships, with a focus on overall financial services. Income statement highlights show a decrease in net interest income, while noninterest income increased significantly. Noninterest expenses decreased, and the balance sheet saw increases in total assets, securities, net loans, and total deposits.
Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. ha riportato una perdita netta di 1,97 milioni di dollari per il primo trimestre del 2024, con una perdita per azione di 0,92 dollari. Nonostante l'ingente perdita di credito, la qualità del credito rimane elevata con il 99,44% dei prestiti non garantiti che sono stati rispettati come da accordi. Gli asset totali sono aumentati a 925 milioni di dollari, i depositi sono saliti a 807 milioni di dollari e la banca ha mantenuto uno status ben capitalizzato con un capitale di leva di primo livello del 7,64%. L'ingresso della banca in nuovi mercati ha portato a una crescita della base di depositi e delle relazioni, con un focus sui servizi finanziari complessivi. Il conto economico evidenzia una diminuzione del reddito netto da interessi, mentre i ricavi da attività non basate sugli interessi sono aumentati significativamente. Le spese non interessate sono diminuite e il bilancio ha mostrato incrementi negli asset totali, titoli, prestiti netti e depositi totali.
Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. reportó una pérdida neta de $(1,97 millones) para el primer trimestre de 2024, con una pérdida por acción de $(0,92). A pesar de la gran pérdida crediticia, la calidad del crédito sigue siendo fuerte con el 99,44% de los préstamos no garantizados funcionando según los acuerdos. Los activos totales aumentaron a $925 millones, los depósitos subieron a $807 millones y el banco mantuvo un estado bien capitalizado con un capital de apalancamiento de nivel 1 del 7,64%. La entrada del banco en nuevos mercados condujo a un crecimiento en la base de depósitos y relaciones, con un enfoque en los servicios financieros en general. Las destacadas en el estado de ingresos muestran una disminución en el ingreso neto de intereses, mientras que los ingresos por intereses no aumentaron significativamente. Los gastos no interesados disminuyeron, y el balance general mostró aumentos en los activos totales, valores, préstamos netos y depósitos totales.
Sturgis Bancorp, Inc.는 2024년 첫 분기에 순손실 197만 달러, 주당 손실 0.92달러를 보고했습니다. 큰 대출 손실에도 불구하고 99.44%의 무보증 대출이 계약대로 성공적으로 이행되어 신용 품질이 강하게 유지되고 있습니다. 총 자산은 9억 2500만 달러로 증가했으며, 예금은 8억 700만 달러로 증가했습니다. 은행은 7.64%의 1차 레버리지 자본으로 잘 자본화된 상태를 유지했습니다. 은행의 새로운 시장 진입은 예치금 기반과 관계의 성장을 이끌었으며, 전반적인 재무 서비스에 초점을 맞췄습니다. 손익 계산서의 하이라이트는 순이자 수입이 감소한 반면 비이자 수입은 크게 증가했습니다. 비이자 지출은 감소했으며, 대차 대조표는 총 자산, 증권, 순대출 및 총 예금의 증가를 보였습니다.
Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. a enregistré une perte nette de 1,97 million de dollars pour le premier trimestre de 2024, avec une perte par action de 0,92 dollar. Malgré la grande perte de crédit, la qualité du crédit reste forte avec 99,44% des prêts non garantis performants conformément aux accords. Les actifs totaux ont augmenté à 925 millions de dollars, les dépôts ont atteint 807 millions de dollars et la banque a maintenu un statut bien capitalisé avec un capital de levier de premier niveau de 7,64%. L'entrée de la banque sur de nouveaux marchés a entraîné une croissance de la base de dépôts et des relations, avec un accent sur les services financiers globaux. Les points forts du compte de résultat montrent une diminution du revenu net d'intérêts, tandis que le revenu non lié aux intérêts a augmenté de manière significative. Les dépenses non liées aux intérêts ont diminué, et le bilan a montré des augmentations des actifs totaux, des titres, des prêts nets et des dépôts totaux.
Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. verzeichnete im ersten Quartal 2024 einen Nettoverlust von 1,97 Millionen Dollar, mit einem Verlust pro Aktie von 0,92 Dollar. Trotz des großen Kreditverlusts bleibt die Kreditqualität stabil, mit 99,44% der ungesicherten Kredite, die gemäß den Vereinbarungen erfüllt werden. Die Gesamtaktiva stiegen auf 925 Millionen Dollar, die Einlagen erhöhten sich auf 807 Millionen Dollar und die Bank behielt den Status gut kapitalisiert bei, mit einem Tier 1 Hebelkapital von 7,64%. Der Eintritt der Bank in neue Märkte führte zu Wachstum bei den Einlagen und Kundenbeziehungen, mit einem Fokus auf umfassende Finanzdienstleistungen. Die Highlights der Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung zeigen einen Rückgang des Nettozinsenertrags, während die nichtzinsabhängigen Einkünfte erheblich stiegen. Die nichtzinsabhängigen Ausgaben sanken und die Bilanz verzeichnete Zuwächse bei den Gesamtaktiva, Wertpapieren, Nettokrediten und Gesamteinlagen.
  • Credit quality remains strong with 99.44% of unguaranteed loans performing as per agreements.
  • Total assets increased to $925 million.
  • Deposits rose to $807 million.
  • The Bank maintained well-capitalized status with a Tier 1 leverage capital of 7.64%.
  • Noninterest income saw significant increases.
  • Total equity as of the end of 1Q24 was $52.7 million.
  • Net loss for the quarter was $(1.97 million).
  • Net interest income decreased.
  • Net charge-offs increased to $5.48 million in 1Q24.
  • Noninterest expenses increased.
  • Book value per share decreased.

STURGIS, MI / ACCESSWIRE / April 22, 2204 / Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. (OTCQX:STBI) today announced results for the first quarter of 2024:

Key Highlights

  • Net loss for the quarter was $(1.97 million).
  • Loss per share of $(0.92).
  • Paid dividend of $0.17 per share.
  • Total assets increased to $925 million.
  • Deposits increased to $807 million.
  • Credit quality remains strong with 99.44% of unguaranteed loans performing according to loan agreements.
  • The Bank maintained strong capital ratios, exceeding "well-capitalized" requirements, with Tier 1 leverage capital at 7.64%.

From Jason J. Hyska, Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. Chief Executive Officer

"Overall, the Bank is performing well despite the large credit loss. The Bank recognized a large write-off related to one commercial loan relationship. This is the same credit that required a $1.00 million reserve in 4Q23. Overall credit quality remains strong with 99.44% of all unguaranteed loans performing according to loan agreements and the Bank remains well capitalized with a Tier 1 leverage ratio of 7.64%.

The Bank continues to grow our deposit base and relationships throughout our footprint. The Bank's entrance into new markets has helped fuel this growth and attract quality talent that bring well-seasoned relationships that are new to the Bank, but not new to the lender. The Bank is focusing on overall relationships that include loans, deposits, insurance services, and investment services opportunities. We remain committed to providing strong customer service, while managing the net interest margin and overall expenses in this very challenging interest rate environment."

Income Statement Highlights

  • Net loss for the quarter (1Q24) was $(1.97 million), down from last quarter's (4Q23) loss of $(350,000) and from the net income of $1.52 million reported for the same quarter of the prior year (1Q23).
  • Earnings (loss) per share were $(0.92) for 1Q24, $(0.16) for 4Q23, and $0.72 for 1Q23.
  • Net interest income was $6.79 million during 1Q24, a 1.02% decrease from 4Q23's $6.86 million and a 4.97% decrease from 1Q23's $7.15 million in net interest income. These decreases were primarily due to increasing interest expense of $4.39 million in 1Q24, versus $3.91 million in 4Q23 and $2.30 million in 1Q23.
  • The tax equivalent net interest margin decreased to 3.21% during 1Q24 from 3.28% in 4Q23 and from 3.60% in 1Q23.
  • During 1Q24, $4.66 million was provided to the allowance for credit losses, compared to $993,000 in 4Q23, and $267,000 in 1Q23.
  • Noninterest income totaled $3.11 million during 1Q24, a 58.99% increase from 4Q23's $1.96 million. This also represents an 82.05% increase from 1Q23's $1.71 million in noninterest income. These increases were primarily due to:
    • Investment brokerage commission income in 1Q24 was $594,000, compared to $606,000 for 4Q23, and $420,000 for 1Q23.
    • Mortgage banking activities in 1Q24 were $486,000, compared to $420,000 for 4Q23, and $251,000 for 1Q23.
    • Termination of an interest rate swap resulting in gain recognition of $1.07 million during 1Q24.
  • Noninterest expenses totaled $7.82 million during 1Q24, a 6.56% decrease from 4Q23's $8.37 million. This also represents a 15.88% increase from 1Q23's $6.74 million in noninterest expenses. These fluctuations were primarily due to:
    • Compensation and benefits in 1Q24 were $4.57 million, compared to $5.41 million for 4Q23, and $4.03 million for 1Q23. Most of the increase in 4Q23 was due to one-time expenses associated with the retirement of the former President and CEO.

Balance Sheet Highlights

  • Total assets increased to $925 million as of the end of 1Q24, a 0.63% increase from the end of 4Q23's $919 million balance, and a 5.84% increase from the end of 1Q23's $874 million balance. These fluctuations were primarily due to:
    • Cash and cash equivalents ended 1Q24 at $16.5 million, compared to $40.0 million as of the end of 4Q23, and $19.3 million as of the end of 1Q23.
    • Securities - available-for-sale increased to $75.4 million as of the end of 1Q24, from $52.7 million as of the end of 4Q23, and $63.4 million as of the end of 1Q23.
    • Net loans increased to $742 million as of the end of 1Q24, from $739 million as of the end of 4Q23, and $705 million as of the end of 1Q23.
    • Net charge-offs increased to $5.48 million in 1Q24, from $63,000 in 4Q23, and $14,000 in 1Q23. Net charge-offs in 1Q24 included $5.50 million from one relationship, $22,000 from other charge-offs, and $38,000 of recoveries.
  • Total deposits increased to $807 million as of the end of 1Q24, a 1.05% increase from the end of 4Q23's $799 million balance, and a 2.24% increase from the end of 1Q23's $790 million balance. These fluctuations were comprised of:
    • Noninterest-bearing deposits decreased to $155 million as of the end of 1Q24, from $160 million as of the end of 4Q23, and $159 million as of the end of 1Q23.
    • Interest-bearing deposits increased to $652 million as of the end of 1Q24, from $639 million as of the end of 4Q23, and $631 million as of the end of 1Q23.
  • Borrowed funds increased to $41.0 million as of the end of 1Q24, from $40.0 million as of the end of 4Q23, and $10.0 million as of the end of 1Q23.
  • Total equity as of the end of 1Q24 was $52.7 million, compared to $55.8 million as of the end of 4Q23, and $52.5 million as of the end of 1Q23.
  • Book value per share was $24.49 ($20.37 tangible) as of the end of 1Q24, compared to $25.94 ($21.84 tangible) as of the end of 4Q23, and $24.48 ($20.40 tangible) as of the end of 1Q23.

About Sturgis Bancorp, Inc.

Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. is the holding company for Sturgis Bank & Trust Company (the Bank), and its subsidiaries: Oakleaf Financial Services, Oak Mortgage, Ayres/Oak Insurance, and Oak Title Services. The Bank provides a full array of trust, commercial, and consumer banking services from banking centers in: Sturgis, Bangor, Bronson, Centreville, Climax, Colon, Marshall, Niles, Portage, South Haven, St. Joseph, Three Rivers, and White Pigeon, Michigan. Oakleaf Financial Services offers a complete range of investment and financial-advisory services. Oakleaf Mortgage offers residential mortgages in all markets of the Bank. Ayres/Oak Insurance offers various competitive commercial and consumer insurance products. Oak Title Services offers commercial and consumer title insurance services.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements. These statements appear in several places in this release and include statements regarding intent, belief, outlook, objectives, efforts, estimates, or expectations of Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. (Bancorp), primarily with respect to future events and the future financial performance of Bancorp. Any such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future events or performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause a difference between an ultimate actual outcome and a preceding forward-looking statement include, but are not limited to, changes in interest rates and interest rate relationships; demand for products and services; the degree of competition by traditional and non-traditional competitors; changes in banking laws and regulations; changes in tax laws; changes in prices, levies, and assessments; the impact of technological advances; government and regulatory policy changes; the outcome of any pending or future litigation and contingencies; trends in consumer behavior and ability to repay loans; and changes in the world, national, and local economies. Bancorp undertakes no obligation to update, amend, or clarify forward-looking statements as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. The numbers presented herein are unaudited.

For additional information and updates, visit our website at

Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. Contacts

  • Jason J. Hyska, CEO & President, or Brian P. Hoggatt, CFO - (269) 651-9345

(Unaudited - Amounts in thousands, except share and per share data)

March 31, Dec 31, March 31,
2024 2023 2023
1Q24 4Q23 1Q23
Cash and due from banks
$8,711 $10,243 $11,963
Other short-term investments
7,784 29,766 7,290
Total cash and cash equivalents
16,495 40,009 19,253

Securities - available-for-sale
75,354 52,658 63,435
Securities - held-to-maturity
20,615 20,866 21,640
Federal Home Loan Bank stock
7,599 7,295 8,381
Loans held for sale
4,865 2,259 1,023
Loans, net of allowance for credit losses of $10,283, $10,198,
and $9,001 at 1Q24, 4Q23, and 1Q23, respectively
742,472 739,461 705,307
Premises and equipment, net
18,846 19,136 17,294
5,834 5,834 5,834
Mortgage servicing rights
3,036 2,979 2,914
Real estate owned
188 130 285
Bank-owned life insurance
15,939 15,832 16,086
Accrued interest receivable
3,239 3,099 2,674
Other assets
10,815 9,914 10,140
Total assets
$925,297 $919,472 $874,266

$155,116 $159,899 $158,761
652,251 639,039 630,904
Total deposits
807,367 798,938 789,665

Federal Home Loan Bank advances and other borrowings
41,000 40,000 10,000
Subordinated debentures - $15,000 face amount (less
unamortized debt issuance costs of $143, $164, and $225
at 1Q24, 4Q23, and 1Q23, respectively)
14,857 14,836 14,775
Accrued interest payable
1,752 1,654 1,146
Other liabilities
7,606 8,276 6,203
Total liabilities
872,582 863,704 821,789

Stockholders' equity
Common stock - $1 par value: authorized - 9,000,000 shares;
issued and outstanding - 2,152,441 shares at 1Q24,
2,150,191 shares at 4Q22, and 2,143,441 shares at 1Q23
2,152 2,150 2,143
Additional paid-in capital
8,590 8,556 8,433
Retained earnings
49,694 52,029 48,627
Accumulated other comprehensive (loss)
(7,721) (6,967) (6,726)
Total stockholders' equity
52,715 55,768 52,477
Total liabilities and stockholders' equity
$925,297 $919,472 $874,266

(Unaudited - Amounts in thousands, except share and per share data)

Three Months Ended
March 31, Dec 31, March 31,
2024 2023 2023
1Q24 4Q23 1Q23
Interest and dividend income
Loans (including fees)
$ 10,210 $ 10,056 $ 8,717
Investment securities:
761 506 499
61 69 125
147 139 107
Total interest and dividend income
11,179 10,770 9,448

Interest expense
3,750 3,496 1,871
Borrowed funds
635 410 428
Total interest expense
4,385 3,906 2,299

Net interest income
6,794 6,864 7,149

Credit loss expense
4,663 993 267

Net interest income, after credit loss expense
2,131 5,871 6,882

Noninterest income
Service charges on deposits and other fees
335 345 318
Interchange income
308 328 312
Investment brokerage commission income
594 606 420
Mortgage banking activities
486 420 251
Trust fee income
87 76 137
Earnings on cash value of bank-owned life insurance
107 100 98
Gain on sale of real estate owned, net
1 2 17
Gain on termination of interest rate swap
1,070 - -
Proportionate net income from unconsolidated subsidiaries
114 67 31
Other income
11 14 126
Total noninterest income
3,113 1,958 1,710

Noninterest expenses
Compensation and benefits
4,569 5,412 4,034
Occupancy and equipment
1,064 992 851
Interchange expenses
165 179 150
Data processing
290 187 259
Professional services
169 177 132
201 185 172
FDIC premiums
181 152 127
Other expenses
1,178 1,082 1,021
Total noninterest expenses
7,817 8,366 6,746

Income (loss) before income tax expense (benefit)
(2,573) (537) 1,846

Income tax expense (benefit)
(603) (187) 324

Net income (loss)
$ (1,970) $ (350) $ 1,522

Earnings (loss) per share
$ (0.92) $ (0.16) $ 0.72
Dividends per share
$ 0.17 $ 0.17 $ 0.17

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What was Sturgis Bancorp, Inc.'s net loss for the first quarter of 2024?

Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. reported a net loss of $(1.97 million) for the first quarter of 2024.

What was the total assets of Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. at the end of 1Q24?

Total assets increased to $925 million.

What is the Tier 1 leverage capital of Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. as of 1Q24?

The Bank maintained well-capitalized status with a Tier 1 leverage capital of 7.64%.

How did noninterest income change in the first quarter of 2024 for Sturgis Bancorp, Inc.?

Noninterest income totaled $3.11 million during 1Q24, a 58.99% increase from 4Q23's $1.96 million.

What was the total equity of Sturgis Bancorp, Inc. as of the end of 1Q24?

Total equity as of the end of 1Q24 was $52.7 million.

Sturgis Bancorp


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