STAAR Surgical Experience Center Expands to Meet Growing Surgeon Demand

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STAAR Surgical Company (NASDAQ: STAA) has announced the expansion and relocation of its STAAR Surgical Experience Center at its headquarters in Lake Forest, California. This state-of-the-art facility is designed to meet the growing demand for EVO ICL training among surgeons and refractive practices, driven by the increasing global myopia epidemic.

The center offers comprehensive, hands-on training and education in lens-based vision correction, featuring:

  • Immersive wet lab training stations for up to 24 practitioners
  • Advanced visualization and communication technology
  • Stella™, STAAR's latest innovation in EVO ICL planning and ordering
  • Demonstrations of advanced diagnostic technology

The expansion comes as STAAR Surgical reports a 25% growth in EVO ICL units in the U.S. in the first half of 2024, with more than 700 U.S. surgeons now certified to perform EVO ICL procedures. The company expects to sell more ICLs between 2024 and 2026 than in the first 25 years of ICL sales combined.

STAAR Surgical Company (NASDAQ: STAA) ha annunciato l'espansione e il trasferimento del suo Centro Esperienziale STAAR Surgical presso la sua sede a Lake Forest, California. Questa struttura all'avanguardia è progettata per soddisfare la crescente domanda di formazione sull'EVO ICL tra chirurghi e studi di oftalmologia, guidata dall'aumento dell'epidemia globale di miopia.

Il centro offre una formazione e un'educazione complete e pratiche sulla correzione visiva basata su lenti, comprendente:

  • Stazioni di formazione in laboratorio umido immersive per un massimo di 24 praticanti
  • Tecnologia avanzata di visualizzazione e comunicazione
  • Stella™, l'ultima innovazione di STAAR nella pianificazione e ordinazione dell'EVO ICL
  • Dimostrazioni di tecnologie diagnostiche avanzate

L'espansione avviene mentre STAAR Surgical riporta una crescita del 25% nelle unità di EVO ICL negli Stati Uniti nella prima metà del 2024, con oltre 700 chirurghi statunitensi già certificati per eseguire procedure con EVO ICL. L'azienda prevede di vendere più ICL tra il 2024 e il 2026 rispetto ai primi 25 anni di vendite di ICL messe insieme.

STAAR Surgical Company (NASDAQ: STAA) ha anunciado la expansión y reubicación de su Centro de Experiencia STAAR Surgical en su sede en Lake Forest, California. Esta instalación de vanguardia está diseñada para satisfacer la creciente demanda de capacitación sobre EVO ICL entre cirujanos y prácticas refractivas, impulsada por la creciente epidemia global de miopía.

El centro ofrece una formación y educación completas y prácticas en corrección de la visión basada en lentes, que incluye:

  • Estaciones de capacitación en laboratorio húmedo inmersivas para hasta 24 profesionales
  • Tecnología avanzada de visualización y comunicación
  • Stella™, la última innovación de STAAR en planificación y pedido de EVO ICL
  • Demostraciones de tecnología diagnóstica avanzada

La expansión se produce mientras STAAR Surgical informa un crecimiento del 25% en unidades de EVO ICL en EE. UU. en la primera mitad de 2024, con más de 700 cirujanos estadounidenses certificados para realizar procedimientos de EVO ICL. La empresa espera vender más ICL entre 2024 y 2026 que en los primeros 25 años de ventas de ICL combinadas.

STAAR Surgical Company (NASDAQ: STAA)는 캘리포니아주 레이크 포레스트 본사에 있는 STAAR Surgical Experience Center의 확장 및 이전을 발표했습니다. 이 최첨단 시설은 전 세계적으로 증가하는 근시 유행에 따라 외과의사와 굴절 수술 기관을 위한 EVO ICL 교육의 증가하는 수요를 충족하도록 설계되었습니다.

센터는 렌즈 기반의 시력 교정을 위한 종합적이고 실습 중심의 교육을 제공하며, 다음과 같은 내용을 포함합니다:

  • 최대 24명의 실습자를 위한 몰입형 습식 실습 스테이션
  • 고급 시각화 및 통신 기술
  • Stella™, STAAR의 최신 EVO ICL 계획 및 주문 혁신
  • 고급 진단 기술 시연

이번 확장은 STAAR Surgical이 2024년 상반기 미국에서 EVO ICL 유닛 25% 성장을 보고하고 있으며, 현재 700명 이상의 미국 외과의사들이 EVO ICL 시술을 수행할 수 있도록 인증받았다고 발표함에 따라 이루어졌습니다. 회사는 2024년부터 2026년 사이에 ICL 판매가 처음 25년간의 판매량을 합친 것보다 더 많을 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

La société STAAR Surgical (NASDAQ : STAA) a annoncé l'expansion et le déménagement de son Centre d'expérience STAAR Surgical situé à son siège social à Lake Forest, Californie. Cette installation de pointe est conçue pour répondre à la demande croissante de formation sur l'EVO ICL parmi les chirurgiens et les pratiques réfractives, alimentée par l’augmentation de l’épidémie mondiale de myopie.

Le centre propose une formation et une éducation complètes et pratiques sur la correction de la vision par lentilles, comprenant :

  • Stations de formation en laboratoire humide immersif pour jusqu'à 24 praticiens
  • Technologie avancée de visualisation et de communication
  • Stella™, la dernière innovation de STAAR dans la planification et la commande de l’EVO ICL
  • Démos de technologies diagnostiques avancées

L'expansion intervient alors que STAAR Surgical rapporte une croissance de 25 % des unités EVO ICL aux États-Unis au cours de la première moitié de 2024, avec plus de 700 chirurgiens américains désormais certifiés pour réaliser des procédures EVO ICL. La société s'attend à vendre plus d'ICL entre 2024 et 2026 que pendant les 25 premières années de ventes d'ICL combinées.

Die STAAR Surgical Company (NASDAQ: STAA) hat die Expansion und Verlagerung ihres STAAR Surgical Experience Centers in ihrer Zentrale in Lake Forest, Kalifornien, angekündigt. Diese hochmoderne Einrichtung ist darauf ausgelegt, der wachsenden Nachfrage nach EVO ICL-Trainings unter Chirurgen und refraktiven Praxen gerecht zu werden, die durch die zunehmende globale Myopieepidemie bedingt ist.

Das Zentrum bietet umfassende, praxisnahe Ausbildung und Schulungen zur linsenbasierten Sehkorrektur, die Folgendes umfasst:

  • Immersive Wet-Lab-Trainingsstationen für bis zu 24 Praktizierende
  • Fortschrittliche Visualisierungs- und Kommunikationstechnologie
  • Stella™, die neueste Innovation von STAAR in der Planung und Bestellung von EVO ICL
  • Demonstrationen fortschrittlicher Diagnosetechnologie

Die Expansion erfolgt, da STAAR Surgical ein Wachstum von 25% bei EVO ICL-Einheiten in den USA in der ersten Hälfte von 2024 meldet, wobei mehr als 700 US-Chirurgen jetzt zertifiziert sind, um EVO ICL-Verfahren durchzuführen. Das Unternehmen erwartet, zwischen 2024 und 2026 mehr ICLs zu verkaufen als in den ersten 25 Jahren der ICL-Verkäufe insgesamt.

  • 25% growth in EVO ICL units in the U.S. in the first half of 2024
  • Over 700 U.S. surgeons now certified to perform EVO ICL procedures
  • Expected to sell more ICLs between 2024-2026 than in the first 25 years of ICL sales combined
  • Expansion of STAAR Surgical Experience Center to meet growing demand for EVO ICL training
  • None.

State-of-the-Art Facility Elevates Ophthalmic Education, Empowering Surgeons and Practitioners to Lead the Future of Vision Correction

  • Myopia in the U.S. has doubled over the past three decades with an expected prevalence of 58.4% by 2050 1
  • EVO ICLTM units, a proxy for procedures, grew by 25% in the U.S. in 1H 20242
  • More than 700 U.S. surgeons are now certified by STAAR Surgical to perform EVO ICL2


STAAR Surgical Company (NASDAQ: STAA), a leading developer, manufacturer and marketer of the EVO family of Implantable Collamer® Lenses (EVO ICLTM) for myopia, astigmatism and presbyopia, is proud to announce the expansion and new location of the STAAR Surgical Experience Center. Located at STAAR’s headquarters in Lake Forest, California, near John Wayne Airport (SNA), the center serves as a dynamic hub for comprehensive, hands-on training and education in lens-based vision correction.

The new Experience Center is a critical addition to customer training, education and support as the demand for EVO ICL continues to surge among surgeons and refractive practices, driven by the escalating global myopia epidemic. The prevalence of myopia in Americans is 42%3, having doubled over the past three decades3, while laser refractive procedure volume is declining. EVO ICL is rapidly disrupting the refractive market. STAAR Surgical is on track to sell more ICLs between 2024 and 2026 than in the first 25 years of ICL sales combined, reflecting the transformative impact of this technology following FDA approval and market launch.

“We are thrilled to open our expanded Experience Center, offering cutting-edge resources and training for ophthalmic professionals,” said Tom Frinzi, President and CEO of STAAR Surgical. “The center reflects our commitment to supporting the growing demand for EVO ICL and advancing its global adoption.”

The Experience Center elevates the standard of care by equipping healthcare practitioners—MDs, ODs, and support staff—with the tools and knowledge to optimize EVO ICL patient outcomes. It offers advanced visualization and communication technology for both in-person and virtual training. Highlights include:

  • Immersive wet lab training stations for up to 24 practitioners, with seating for 59 in lectures
  • Stella™, STAAR’s latest innovation in ordering, streamlines and enhances the EVO ICL planning and ordering process
  • Advanced diagnostic technology demonstrations, including the OCULUS Pentacam® AXL Wave, IOLMaster 700 and CIRRUS 6000
  • 120-inch 4K video array for video conferencing and streaming of remote live surgery to enhance training

The center will officially open on September 26 with a grand opening event attended by local ophthalmic surgeons and staff, EVO patients, and STAAR management and clinical staff, including Tom Frinzi, President and CEO of STAAR Surgical, Warren Foust, COO of STAAR Surgical, and Dr. Scott Barnes, STAAR’s Chief Medical Officer.

STAAR Surgical offers a comprehensive range of professional education programs to support ophthalmic professionals at every stage with EVO ICL. From onboarding to advanced practice, STAAR provides certification through digital training, wet labs, peer mentorship, and proctorship. STAAR also hosts live webinars, an annual surgeon summit and offers on-demand resources via STAAR University for ongoing support tailored to both MDs and ODs.

For more information or to schedule a visit, please contact Jaimie Morgan, STAAR Surgical, Senior Director of Strategic and Professional Education, at (714) 353-6942.

For more information about EVO Implantable Collamer® Lenses, visit Connect with us on social media at: Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

1Bullimore MA, Brennan NA. The underestimated role of myopia in uncorrectable visual impairment in the United States. Scientific Reports. 2023 Sep 13.
2STAAR Surgical data on file.
3Banashefski B, Rhee MK, Lema GMC. High Myopia Prevalence across Racial Groups in the United States: A Systematic Scoping Review. J Clin Med. 2023 Apr 21;12(8):3045.

About STAAR Surgical

STAAR, which has been dedicated solely to ophthalmic surgery for over 40 years, designs, develops, manufactures and markets implantable lenses for the eye. These lenses are intended to provide visual freedom for patients, lessening or eliminating the reliance on glasses or contact lenses. All of these lenses are foldable, which permits the surgeon to insert them through a small incision. STAAR’s lens used in refractive surgery is called an Implantable Collamer® Lens or “ICL,” which includes the EVO ICL™ product line. More than 3,000,000 ICLs have been sold to date and STAAR markets these lenses in over 75 countries. To learn more about the ICL go to: Headquartered in Lake Forest, CA, the company operates manufacturing and packaging facilities in Aliso Viejo, CA, Monrovia, CA, and Nidau, Switzerland. For more information, please visit the Company’s website at

Important Safety Information

The EVO Visian ICL lens is intended to correct/reduce nearsightedness between -3.0 D up to -20.0 D and treat astigmatism from 1.0 D to 4.0 D. If you have nearsightedness within these ranges, EVO Visian ICL surgery may improve your distance vision without eyeglasses or contact lenses. Because the EVO Visian ICL corrects for distance vision, it does not eliminate the need for reading glasses, you may require them at some point, even if you have never worn them before. Since the implantation of the EVO Visian ICL is a surgical procedure, before considering EVO Visian ICL surgery you should have a complete eye examination and talk with your eye care professional about EVO Visian ICL surgery, especially the potential benefits, risks, and complications. You should discuss the time needed for healing after surgery. Complications, although rare, may include the need for additional surgical procedures, inflammation, loss of cells from the back surface of the cornea, increase in eye pressure, and cataracts. You should NOT have EVO Visian ICL surgery if your doctor determines that 1) the shape of your eye is not appropriate, 2) you do not meet the minimum endothelial cell density for your age at the time of implantation, 3) you have moderate to severe glaucoma, 4) your vision is not stable; or 5) if you are pregnant or nursing.

For additional information with potential benefits, risks and complications please visit


Deb Holliday


Brian Moore

Vice President, Investor Relations and Corporate Development

(626) 303-7902, Ext. 3023

Source: STAAR Surgical Company


What is the expected prevalence of myopia in the U.S. by 2050?

According to the press release, the expected prevalence of myopia in the U.S. by 2050 is 58.4%.

How much did EVO ICL units grow in the U.S. in the first half of 2024 for STAA?

STAAR Surgical (STAA) reported a 25% growth in EVO ICL units in the U.S. in the first half of 2024.

How many U.S. surgeons are certified to perform EVO ICL procedures?

According to STAAR Surgical (STAA), more than 700 U.S. surgeons are now certified to perform EVO ICL procedures.

What is the current prevalence of myopia in Americans according to the press release?

The press release states that the current prevalence of myopia in Americans is 42%.

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