SoundThinking Delivers Comprehensive Report to Oakland Officials Highlighting ShotSpotter's Critical Role in Public Safety

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SoundThinking, Inc. (Nasdaq: SSTI) has delivered a comprehensive 30-page report to Oakland city officials, highlighting the critical role of ShotSpotter in the city's public safety strategy since 2006. The report, based on data from the Oakland Police Department (OPD) and independent studies, comes as the Oakland City Council's Public Safety Committee prepares to discuss the potential renewal of the ShotSpotter contract.

Key findings include:

  • ShotSpotter directed OPD to 386 gunshot victims from 2020 to 2023 who had no corresponding 911 call
  • Enhanced faster police response to criminal gunfire incidents
  • Supported major crime-fighting initiatives like Operation Ceasefire
  • Demonstrated cost-effectiveness with an estimated $3.2 million savings per prevented fatal shooting
  • Achieved a 97% accuracy rate, exceeding its 90% contractual commitment

The report addresses criticisms and highlights support from Oakland's business leaders, residents, and city officials for the continued use of ShotSpotter technology.

SoundThinking, Inc. (Nasdaq: SSTI) ha consegnato un dettagliato rapporto di 30 pagine ai funzionari della città di Oakland, evidenziando il ruolo cruciale di ShotSpotter nella strategia di sicurezza pubblica della città dal 2006. Il rapporto, basato su dati del Dipartimento di Polizia di Oakland (OPD) e studi indipendenti, arriva mentre il comitato per la Sicurezza Pubblica del Consiglio Comunale di Oakland si prepara a discutere il potenziale rinnovo del contratto di ShotSpotter.

Tra i principali risultati troviamo:

  • ShotSpotter ha indirizzato l'OPD verso 386 vittime di sparatorie dal 2020 al 2023, che non avevano corrispondenti chiamate al 911
  • Risposta più rapida della polizia agli incidenti di sparatoria
  • Supporto a grandi iniziative di lotta al crimine come l'Operazione Ceasefire
  • Dimostrato costo-efficacia con un risparmio stimato di 3,2 milioni di dollari per ogni omicidio prevenuto
  • Ha raggiunto un tasso di precisione del 97%, superando il suo impegno contrattuale del 90%

Il rapporto affronta le critiche e mette in evidenza il supporto dei leader aziendali, dei residenti e dei funzionari della città di Oakland per l'uso continuato della tecnologia ShotSpotter.

SoundThinking, Inc. (Nasdaq: SSTI) ha entregado un informe exhaustivo de 30 páginas a los funcionarios de la ciudad de Oakland, destacando el papel crítico de ShotSpotter en la estrategia de seguridad pública de la ciudad desde 2006. El informe, basado en datos del Departamento de Policía de Oakland (OPD) y estudios independientes, se presenta mientras el Comité de Seguridad Pública del Concejo Municipal de Oakland se prepara para discutir la posible renovación del contrato de ShotSpotter.

Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

  • ShotSpotter dirigió al OPD a 386 víctimas de disparos desde 2020 hasta 2023 que no tenían una llamada correspondiente al 911
  • Respuesta policial más rápida a incidentes de disparos criminales
  • Apoyo a importantes iniciativas de lucha contra el crimen como la Operación Ceasefire
  • Demostrado costo-efectividad con un ahorro estimado de 3,2 millones de dólares por cada tiroteo fatal prevenido
  • Logró una tasa de precisión del 97%, superando su compromiso contractual del 90%

El informe aborda las críticas y destaca el apoyo de los líderes empresariales, residentes y funcionarios de la ciudad de Oakland para el uso continuo de la tecnología ShotSpotter.

사운드씽킹(SoundThinking, Inc.)(나스닥: SSTI)은 오클랜드 시의 공무원들에게 30페이지 분량의 포괄적인 보고서를 전달하며, 2006년 이후 도시의 공공 안전 전략에서 쇼트스파터(ShotSpotter)의 중요한 역할을 강조했습니다. 이 보고서는 오클랜드 경찰서(OPD)의 데이터와 독립적인 연구를 바탕으로 하였으며, 오클랜드 시의회 공공 안전 위원회가 쇼트스파터 계약의 잠재적 갱신에 대해 논의할 준비를 하고 있는 시점에 발표되었습니다.

주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • ShotSpotter는 2020년부터 2023년까지 911에 대한 통화가 없었던 총 386명의 총격 피해자를 OPD에 안내함
  • 범죄 총격 사건에 대한 경찰의 더 빠른 반응
  • Operation Ceasefire와 같은 주요 범죄 퇴치 이니셔티브 지원
  • 예상 320만 달러의 절감 효과를 입증하며, 예방된 치사적 총격당한 사건당 비용 효율성 입증
  • 90%의 계약 약정을 초과하는 97%의 정확도 달성

보고서는 비판에 대한 내용을 다루고 있으며, 오클랜드의 비즈니스 리더, 주민 및 시 정부 관계자들이 쇼트스파터 기술의 지속적 사용에 대해 지지하고 있음을 강조합니다.

SoundThinking, Inc. (Nasdaq: SSTI) a remis un rapport complet de 30 pages aux responsables de la ville d'Oakland, soulignant le rôle essentiel de ShotSpotter dans la stratégie de sécurité publique de la ville depuis 2006. Le rapport, basé sur des données du département de police d'Oakland (OPD) et des études indépendantes, arrive alors que le comité de sécurité publique du conseil municipal d'Oakland se prépare à discuter du renouvellement potentiel du contrat ShotSpotter.

Les résultats clés incluent :

  • ShotSpotter a dirigé l'OPD vers 386 victimes de tirs de 2020 à 2023 qui n'avaient aucun appel correspondant au 911
  • Réponse policière améliorée et plus rapide aux incidents criminels de coups de feu
  • Soutien à d'importantes initiatives de lutte contre la criminalité comme l'Opération Ceasefire
  • Économie démontrée avec une estimation de 3,2 millions de dollars par tir mortel évité
  • Taux de précision de 97 %, dépassant son engagement contractuel de 90 %

Le rapport aborde les critiques et met en lumière le soutien des dirigeants d'entreprises d'Oakland, des résidents et des responsables de la ville en faveur de l'utilisation continue de la technologie ShotSpotter.

SoundThinking, Inc. (Nasdaq: SSTI) hat den Städten von Oakland einen umfassenden 30-seitigen Bericht übergeben, der die entscheidende Rolle von ShotSpotter in der Sicherheitsstrategie der Stadt seit 2006 hervorhebt. Der Bericht, basierend auf Daten der Oakland Police Department (OPD) und unabhängigen Studien, wird vorgelegt, während der öffentliche Sicherheitsausschuss des Stadtparlaments von Oakland sich auf die Diskussion einer möglichen Vertragsverlängerung für ShotSpotter vorbereitet.

Wichtige Ergebnisse sind:

  • ShotSpotter hat die OPD auf 386 Schussopfer von 2020 bis 2023 hingewiesen, für die es keinen dazugehörigen 911-Anruf gab
  • Verstärkte schnellere Polizeireaktionen auf kriminalitätsbedingte Schussvorfälle
  • Unterstützt bedeutende Kriminalitätsbekämpfungsinitiativen wie die Operation Ceasefire
  • Nachgewiesene Kostenwirksamkeit mit geschätzten Einsparungen von 3,2 Millionen Dollar pro verhinderten tödlichen Schuss
  • Einen Genauigkeitsgrad von 97% erreicht, der über dem vertraglichen Engagement von 90% liegt

Der Bericht geht auf Kritiken ein und hebt die Unterstützung von Oaklander Geschäftsführern, Bewohnern und Stadtbeamten für die fortgesetzte Nutzung der ShotSpotter-Technologie hervor.

  • Directed OPD to 386 gunshot victims from 2020 to 2023 without corresponding 911 calls, potentially saving lives
  • Enhanced faster police response to criminal gunfire incidents
  • Supported major crime-fighting initiatives like Operation Ceasefire
  • Demonstrated cost-effectiveness with $3.2 million estimated savings per prevented fatal shooting
  • Achieved 97% accuracy rate, exceeding 90% contractual commitment
  • Accepted as reliable evidence in over 340 court cases across 24 states
  • Strong support from Oakland's business leaders, residents, and city officials
  • None.


SoundThinking's comprehensive report on ShotSpotter's impact in Oakland presents a strong case for the technology's effectiveness in public safety. The data-driven analysis highlights several key benefits:

  • Identification of 386 gunshot victims from 2020 to 2023 without corresponding 911 calls, potentially saving numerous lives
  • Enhanced police response to gunfire incidents, important given that less than 10% of such incidents are reported via 911
  • Support for major crime-fighting initiatives like Operation Ceasefire
  • Cost-effectiveness, with potential savings of $3.2 million per prevented fatal shooting compared to the $800,000 annual investment

The 97% accuracy rate and acceptance as reliable evidence in over 340 court cases further bolster ShotSpotter's credibility. The strong support from local businesses and officials suggests a positive community reception. However, the upcoming City Council discussion indicates some controversy, which investors should monitor closely for potential impact on SoundThinking's contract renewal and future growth prospects.

From a financial perspective, SoundThinking's (SSTI) report on ShotSpotter's impact in Oakland presents several positive indicators for investors:

  • Long-term partnership: The 18-year relationship with Oakland since 2006 demonstrates product longevity and customer retention.
  • Quantifiable ROI: The $3.2 million estimated cost savings per prevented fatal shooting vs. the $800,000 annual investment showcases a strong value proposition.
  • Market validation: Support from major corporations like Blue Shield, Clorox and Kaiser Permanente indicates broader market acceptance.
  • Legal credibility: Acceptance in 340+ court cases reduces legal risk and strengthens the product's defensibility.

However, the pending contract renewal discussion by the City Council introduces some uncertainty. Investors should watch this closely, as Oakland represents a significant, long-standing client. The outcome could impact SSTI's revenue stability and potentially influence other municipalities' decisions. The company's ability to retain and expand such partnerships is important for sustained growth in the competitive public safety technology sector.

Summary: SoundThinking, Inc. today announced the delivery of a detailed report to Oakland city officials, demonstrating how OPD’s use of ShotSpotter has made an impact on public safety since 2006, including lives saved, reduced gun violence, enhanced evidence collection, and substantial cost savings.

FREMONT, Calif., Oct. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SoundThinking, Inc. (Nasdaq: SSTI), a leading public safety technology company, today delivered a 30-page report to Oakland city officials detailing the crucial role of the Oakland Police Department’s (OPD) use of ShotSpotter in the city's public safety strategy. The report comes as the Oakland City Council's Public Safety Committee prepares to discuss the potential renewal of the ShotSpotter contract.

SoundThinking's report, based on data from the OPD and independent studies, found that since its deployment in Oakland in 2006, ShotSpotter has:

  • Directed OPD to 386 gunshot victims from 2020 to 2023 who did not have a corresponding 911 call within 15 minutes or 1,000 feet of the location, potentially saving numerous lives.
  • Enhanced faster and more comprehensive police response to criminal gunfire incidents, crucial as less than 10% of such incidents are reported via 911.
  • Supported major crime-fighting initiatives like Operation Ceasefire with accurate gunfire data for effective resource deployment and strategic violence reduction efforts.
  • Demonstrated cost-effectiveness and ROI: every life is immeasurable, but the National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (NICJR) estimates the cost savings of preventing each fatal shooting to be $3.2 million. This compares very favorably to the roughly $800,000 annual investment in ShotSpotter in Oakland.

The report addresses and refutes several claims made against ShotSpotter, providing evidence of its effectiveness in reducing response times, improving evidence collection, and its impact on arrest outcomes. It highlights ShotSpotter's high accuracy rate of 97%, which exceeds its contractual commitment of 90%, and its acceptance as reliable evidence in over 340 court cases across 24 states.

“SoundThinking and Oakland have worked hand-in-hand since 2006 to combat gun violence, a partnership that has helped yield significant results in public safety,” said SoundThinking CEO Ralph Clark. “This report shows how ShotSpotter has helped empower Oakland's police to respond rapidly to gunfire, save lives, and gather crucial evidence. We remain committed to Oakland, continuing our shared mission of addressing the scourge of gun violence and keeping Oaklanders safe.”

The report also includes strong support for ShotSpotter from Oakland's business leaders, residents, and city officials, including Mayor Sheng Thao and Chief of Police Floyd Mitchell. Notable companies in Oakland such as Blue Shield of California, The Clorox Company, Kaiser Permanente, and Pacific Gas & Electric have expressed their “vehement” opposition to cutting ShotSpotter funding.

Read the formal response here.

To learn more about SoundThinking’s full range of public safety technologies, please visit

About SoundThinking
SoundThinking, Inc. (Nasdaq: SSTI) is a leading public safety technology company that delivers AI- and data-driven solutions for law enforcement, civic leadership, and security professionals. SoundThinking is trusted by approximately 250 customers and has worked with over 2,100 agencies to drive more efficient, effective, and equitable public safety outcomes. The company’s SafetySmart™ platform includes ShotSpotter®, the leading acoustic gunshot detection system; CrimeTracer™, the leading law enforcement search engine; CaseBuilder™, a one-stop investigation management system; ResourceRouter™, software that directs patrol and community anti-violence resources to help maximize their impact; SafePointe®, an AI-based weapons detection system; and PlateRanger powered by Rekor, a leading ALPR solution. SoundThinking has been designated a Great Place to Work® Company.

Company Contact:
Jerome Filip, PR & Marketing Specialist
SoundThinking, Inc.
+1 (510) 203-0934 

Investor Relations Contacts:
Matt Glover and Greg Bradbury
Gateway Group, Inc.
+1 (949) 574-3860

Ankit Hira and Sean Daly
Solebury Strategic Communications
+1 (203) 546-0444


What is the accuracy rate of ShotSpotter in Oakland according to the report?

According to the report, ShotSpotter has achieved a 97% accuracy rate in Oakland, which exceeds its contractual commitment of 90%.

How many gunshot victims did ShotSpotter help identify in Oakland from 2020 to 2023?

ShotSpotter directed the Oakland Police Department to 386 gunshot victims from 2020 to 2023 who did not have a corresponding 911 call within 15 minutes or 1,000 feet of the location.

What is the estimated cost savings of preventing a fatal shooting in Oakland using ShotSpotter (SSTI)?

According to the National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform (NICJR), the estimated cost savings of preventing each fatal shooting is $3.2 million, compared to the roughly $800,000 annual investment in ShotSpotter in Oakland.

How long has ShotSpotter (SSTI) been deployed in Oakland?

ShotSpotter has been deployed in Oakland since 2006, working in partnership with the city to combat gun violence.

SoundThinking, Inc.


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