Scripps Howard Fund's 'If You Give a Child a Book …' campaign invests $1.5 million in childhood literacy

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The Scripps Howard Fund's ninth annual 'If You Give a Child a Book …' campaign is set to invest a record-breaking $1.5 million in childhood literacy. This year's initiative will provide over 260,000 new books to children at low-income schools across the United States. The campaign focuses on reaching underserved children living in poverty, particularly those in kindergarten through third grade.

Supported by The E.W. Scripps Company (NASDAQ: SSP), its employees, communities, and Scripps family members, the campaign also received a 25,000-book donation from Scholastic. Through a partnership with Scholastic, Scripps' local stations and national networks distribute free books during book fairs, allowing children to choose books to take home. The Fund aims to provide 10 books annually to every student in partner Title I schools.

With this year's contributions, the total number of books distributed since 2016 will surpass 1.5 million. The Scripps Howard Fund invested more than $8.7 million in charitable gifts in 2023 for journalism education, childhood literacy, and community giving.

La nona annuale 'Se dai un libro a un bambino…' della Scripps Howard Fund è destinata a investire un record di 1,5 milioni di dollari nella alfabetizzazione infantile. L'iniziativa di quest'anno fornirà oltre 260.000 nuovi libri a bambini in scuole a basso reddito in tutto gli Stati Uniti. La campagna si concentra sul raggiungimento dei bambini svantaggiati che vivono in povertà, in particolare quelli dalla scuola materna fino alla terza elementare.

Sostenuta da The E.W. Scripps Company (NASDAQ: SSP), dai suoi dipendenti, dalle comunità e dai membri della famiglia Scripps, la campagna ha ricevuto anche una donazione di 25.000 libri da Scholastic. Attraverso una partnership con Scholastic, le stazioni locali di Scripps e le reti nazionali distribuiscono libri gratuiti durante le fiere del libro, permettendo ai bambini di scegliere i libri da portare a casa. Il Fondo mira a fornire 10 libri all'anno a ogni studente nelle scuole partner Title I.

Con i contributi di quest'anno, il numero totale di libri distribuiti dal 2016 supererà 1,5 milioni. Il Scripps Howard Fund ha investito oltre 8,7 milioni di dollari in donazioni caritatevoli nel 2023 per l'educazione giornalistica, l'alfabetizzazione infantile e le iniziative comunitarie.

La novena campaña anual 'Si le das un libro a un niño…' del Fondo Scripps Howard está preparada para invertir un récord de 1.5 millones de dólares en la alfabetización infantil. La iniciativa de este año proporcionará más de 260,000 libros nuevos a niños en escuelas de bajos ingresos en los Estados Unidos. La campaña se centra en llegar a los niños en situación de desventaja que viven en la pobreza, particularmente aquellos en jardín de infantes hasta el tercer grado.

Apoyada por The E.W. Scripps Company (NASDAQ: SSP), sus empleados, comunidades y miembros de la familia Scripps, la campaña también recibió una donación de 25,000 libros de Scholastic. A través de una asociación con Scholastic, las estaciones locales de Scripps y las redes nacionales distribuyen libros gratuitos durante las ferias del libro, permitiendo a los niños elegir libros para llevar a casa. El Fondo tiene como objetivo proporcionar 10 libros anualmente a cada estudiante en las escuelas asociadas Title I.

Con las contribuciones de este año, el número total de libros distribuidos desde 2016 superará 1.5 millones. El Fondo Scripps Howard ha invertido más de 8.7 millones de dólares en donaciones benéficas en 2023 para educación periodística, alfabetización infantil y donaciones comunitarias.

스크립스 하워드 기금의 제9회 연례 '아이에게 책을 주면…' 캠페인은 기록적인 150만 달러를 아동 문해력에 투자할 예정입니다. 올해의 이니셔티브는 미국 전역의 저소득 학교에 26만 개 이상의 새 책을 제공합니다. 이 캠페인은 특히 유치원부터 3학년까지의 아동이 생활하는 빈곤층 아동에게 집중합니다.

이 캠페인은 E.W. 스크립스 컴퍼니(NASDAQ: SSP), 직원을 비롯한 지역 사회 및 스크립스 가족의 지원을 받았으며, 슐라스틱으로부터 25,000권의 책 기부를 받았습니다. 슐라스틱과의 파트너십을 통해 스크립스의 지역 방송국 및 전국 네트워크는 도서 박람회 중에 무료 책을 배포하여 아동이 집에 가져갈 책을 선택할 수 있게 합니다. 이 기금은 Title I 파트너 학교의 모든 학생에게 매년 10권의 책을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

올해의 기여로 2016년 이후 배포된 총 책 수는 150만 권을 초과할 것입니다. 스크립스 하워드 기금은 2023년 언론 교육, 아동문해력 및 지역 사회 기부를 위해 870만 달러 이상의 자선 기부금에 투자했습니다.

La neuvième campagne annuelle 'Si vous donnez un livre à un enfant…' du Scripps Howard Fund prévoit d'investir un montant record de 1,5 million de dollars dans l'alphabétisation des enfants. L'initiative de cette année fournira plus de 260 000 nouveaux livres aux enfants dans des écoles à faible revenu à travers les États-Unis. La campagne se concentre sur l'atteinte des enfants défavorisés vivant dans la pauvreté, en particulier ceux de la maternelle à la troisième année.

Avec le soutien de The E.W. Scripps Company (NASDAQ: SSP), de ses employés, des communautés et des membres de la famille Scripps, la campagne a également reçu un don de 25 000 livres de Scholastic. Grâce à un partenariat avec Scholastic, les stations locales de Scripps et les réseaux nationaux distribuent des livres gratuits lors des foires aux livres, permettant aux enfants de choisir des livres à ramener chez eux. Le Fonds vise à fournir 10 livres par an à chaque élève des écoles Title I partenaires.

Avec les contributions de cette année, le nombre total de livres distribués depuis 2016 dépassera 1,5 million. Le Scripps Howard Fund a investi plus de 8,7 millions de dollars en dons caritatifs en 2023 pour l'éducation en journalisme, l'alphabétisation des enfants et les dons à la communauté.

Die neunte jährliche 'Wenn Sie einem Kind ein Buch geben…' Kampagne der Scripps Howard Fund plant, einen Rekordbetrag von 1,5 Millionen Dollar in die Lesefähigkeit von Kindern zu investieren. Die Initiative in diesem Jahr wird über 260.000 neue Bücher an Kinder in einkommensschwachen Schulen in den Vereinigten Staaten bereitstellen. Die Kampagne konzentriert sich darauf, benachteiligte Kinder in Armut zu erreichen, insbesondere solche im Kindergarten bis zur dritten Klasse.

Unterstützt von The E.W. Scripps Company (NASDAQ: SSP), ihren Mitarbeitern, Gemeinden und Mitgliedern der Scripps-Familie, erhielt die Kampagne auch eine Spende von 25.000 Büchern von Scholastic. Durch eine Partnerschaft mit Scholastic verteilen die lokalen Stationen von Scripps und die nationalen Netzwerke kostenlose Bücher während der Buchmessen, damit Kinder Bücher zum Mitnehmen auswählen können. Der Fonds hat das Ziel, jedem Schüler in Partner-Schulen vom Typ Title I jährlich 10 Bücher zur Verfügung zu stellen.

Mit den Beiträgen dieses Jahres wird die Gesamtzahl der seit 2016 verteilten Bücher 1,5 Millionen überschreiten. Der Scripps Howard Fund hat im Jahr 2023 über 8,7 Millionen Dollar in Wohltätigkeitsgeschenke für journalistische Bildung, Kinderalphabetisierung und gemeinnützige Zwecke investiert.

  • Record-breaking $1.5 million investment in childhood literacy
  • Distribution of over 260,000 new books to children at low-income schools
  • 25,000-book donation from Scholastic
  • Total books distributed since 2016 will surpass 1.5 million
  • $8.7 million invested in charitable gifts in 2023
  • None.

CINCINNATI, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Scripps Howard Fund's ninth annual "If You Give a Child a Book …" campaign will invest a record-breaking $1.5 million in childhood literacy. This year's campaign will provide over 260,000 new books to children at low-income schools across the United States.

For every $6 donation, the Fund gives one book to a child in need.

The campaign's primary focus is on reaching underserved and vulnerable children living in poverty, with a special focus on distributing books to kids in kindergarten through third grade, when they are still learning to read.

The "If You Give a Child a Book …" campaign is supported by The E.W. Scripps Company (NASDAQ: SSP) and its employees, the communities it serves and Scripps family members. This year, the campaign also received a 25,000-book donation from Scholastic, which will benefit nonprofits that support childhood literacy.

Through the Fund's partnership with Scholastic, Scripps' local stations and national networks distribute the free books during book fairs. The Scholastic Book Fairs allow children to choose books they can take home. The Fund's goal is to ensure every student in partner Title I schools receives 10 books each year.

"The number of books in a child's home is one of the greatest predictors of a child's success," said Meredith Delaney, president and CEO of the Scripps Howard Fund. "Our goal is to invest in these children year after year – allowing them to build their own libraries at home."

On Sept. 4, the Fund announced it would match that day's donations, which led to more than $170,000 raised from community members in a single day. With the funds raised through this year's campaign, the total number of books distributed since 2016 will surpass 1.5 million.

The Scripps Howard Fund invested more than $8.7 million in charitable gifts in 2023 for journalism education, childhood literacy and community giving.

To learn more and donate, visit

Media contact: Molly Miossi, The E.W. Scripps Company, 513-977-3713, 

About the Scripps Howard Fund
The Scripps Howard Fund, a public charity established by The E.W. Scripps Company (NASDAQ: SSP), is dedicated to creating informed and engaged communities through journalism education, childhood literacy and local causes. At the crossroads of the classroom and the newsroom, the Fund is a leader in supporting journalism through scholarships, internships, minority recruitment and development and First Amendment causes. The Scripps Howard Awards stand as one of the industry's top honors for outstanding journalism. The Fund's annual "If You Give a Child a Book …" childhood literacy campaign has distributed thousands of new books to children in need across the nation. The Fund partners with Scripps brands to create awareness of local issues and support organizations that build thriving communities. The Scripps Howard Fund administers funding for the Scripps Howard Foundation, a private foundation established in 1962 to advance charitable causes important to The E.W. Scripps Company and the Scripps and Howard families.  


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SOURCE The E.W. Scripps Company


How much is the Scripps Howard Fund investing in childhood literacy through the 'If You Give a Child a Book …' campaign in 2024?

The Scripps Howard Fund is investing a record-breaking $1.5 million in childhood literacy through the 'If You Give a Child a Book …' campaign in 2024.

How many books will be provided to children through the Scripps Howard Fund's campaign in 2024?

The campaign will provide over 260,000 new books to children at low-income schools across the United States in 2024.

What is the cost per book donation in the Scripps Howard Fund's literacy campaign?

For every $6 donation, the Scripps Howard Fund gives one book to a child in need.

How many books has the Scripps Howard Fund's campaign distributed since 2016?

With this year's contributions, the total number of books distributed since 2016 will surpass 1.5 million.

What was the total charitable investment made by the Scripps Howard Fund in 2023?

The Scripps Howard Fund invested more than $8.7 million in charitable gifts in 2023 for journalism education, childhood literacy, and community giving.

The E.W. Scripps Company


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