SS&C Intralinks Predicts M&A Deal Flow Rising Globally in Q4 2024

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SS&C Technologies Holdings (Nasdaq: SSNC) has released its Q4 2024 global and regional M&A predictions through the SS&C Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor. Despite ongoing challenges like interest rates and geopolitical uncertainties, dealmakers remain optimistic about strategic growth opportunities. Global M&A deal flow is expected to grow 5-10% above Q3 2024 and Q4 2023 announced volumes.

Key regional forecasts include:

  • Asia Pacific: Stable with upward growth trajectory, particularly in China, Hong Kong, and India
  • Europe, Middle East, and Africa: Double-digit growth, with strong performance in France, Germany, and the UK
  • Latin America: Stable performance, with promising activity in Mexico and Colombia
  • North America: Steady climb in pre-announced deal volume, with Canada showing impressive growth

The SS&C Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor forecasts future M&A announcements by tracking early-stage M&A activity on the Intralinks platform, typically six months ahead of public announcements.

SS&C Technologies Holdings (Nasdaq: SSNC) ha rilasciato le sue previsioni globali e regionali per le fusione e acquisizioni (M&A) per il quarto trimestre del 2024 attraverso il SS&C Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor. Nonostante le sfide in corso come i tassi di interesse e le incertezze geopolitiche, gli operatori del mercato rimangono ottimisti riguardo alle opportunità di crescita strategica. Si prevede che il flusso di affari globali per M&A cresca del 5-10% rispetto ai volumi annunciati nel terzo trimestre del 2024 e nel quarto trimestre del 2023.

Le principali previsioni regionali includono:

  • Asia Pacifico: Stabile con una traiettoria di crescita ascendente, in particolare in Cina, Hong Kong e India
  • Europa, Medio Oriente e Africa: Crescita a doppia cifra, con forti performance in Francia, Germania e Regno Unito
  • America Latina: Performance stabile, con un’attività promettente in Messico e Colombia
  • Nord America: Lieve aumento nel volume di affari pre-annunciati, con il Canada che mostra una crescita impressionante

Il SS&C Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor prevede futuri annunci di M&A monitorando l'attività M&A nella fase iniziale sulla piattaforma Intralinks, tipicamente sei mesi prima degli annunci pubblici.

SS&C Technologies Holdings (Nasdaq: SSNC) ha publicado sus predicciones globales y regionales sobre fusiones y adquisiciones (M&A) para el cuarto trimestre de 2024 a través del SS&C Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor. A pesar de los desafíos actuales como las tasas de interés y las incertidumbres geopolíticas, los responsables de las decisiones de inversión siguen siendo optimistas sobre las oportunidades de crecimiento estratégico. Se espera que el flujo de negocios global de M&A crezca un 5-10% por encima de los volúmenes anunciados en el tercer trimestre de 2024 y el cuarto trimestre de 2023.

Las principales previsiones regionales incluyen:

  • Asia-Pacífico: Estable con una trayectoria de crecimiento ascendente, especialmente en China, Hong Kong e India
  • Europa, Medio Oriente y África: Crecimiento de dos dígitos, con un rendimiento sólido en Francia, Alemania y el Reino Unido
  • América Latina: Rendimiento estable, con actividad prometedora en México y Colombia
  • América del Norte: Aumento constante en el volumen de negocios previamente anunciados, con Canadá mostrando un crecimiento impresionante

El SS&C Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor pronostica futuros anuncios de M&A al rastrear la actividad de M&A en etapas tempranas en la plataforma Intralinks, típicamente seis meses antes de los anuncios públicos.

SS&C 테크놀로지 홀딩스(Nasdaq: SSNC)가 SS&C 인트라링크스 거래 흐름 예측기를 통해 2024년 4분기 글로벌 및 지역 M&A 예측을 발표했습니다. 금리 및 지정학적 불확실성과 같은 지속적인 도전 과제가 있음에도 불구하고, 거래자는 전략적 성장 기회에 대해 낙관적인 자세를 유지하고 있습니다. 글로벌 M&A 거래 흐름은 2024년 3분기와 2023년 4분기 발표된 거래량보다 5-10% 증가할 것으로 예상됩니다.

주요 지역 예측은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 아시아 태평양: 안정적이며 상승세를 보이고 있으며, 특히 중국, 홍콩, 인도에서 두드러집니다
  • 유럽, 중동 및 아프리카: 두 자릿수 성장, 프랑스, 독일 및 영국에서 강력한 성과
  • 라틴 아메리카: 안정적인 성과, 멕시코 및 콜롬비아에서 유망한 활동
  • 북미: 사전 발표된 거래량의 꾸준한 상승, 캐나다에서 인상적인 성장

SS&C 인트라링크스 거래 흐름 예측기는 인트라링크스 플랫폼에서 초기 단계 M&A 활동을 추적하여 향후 M&A 발표를 예측합니다. 이는 일반적으로 공개 발표 6개월 전에 이루어집니다.

SS&C Technologies Holdings (Nasdaq: SSNC) a publié ses prévisions globales et régionales en matière de fusions et acquisitions (M&A) pour le quatrième trimestre de 2024 via le SS&C Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor. Malgré les défis persistants tels que les taux d'intérêt et les incertitudes géopolitiques, les acteurs du marché restent optimistes quant aux opportunités de croissance stratégique. On s'attend à ce que le flux d'affaires mondial en M&A augmente de 5 à 10 % par rapport aux volumes annoncés au troisième trimestre de 2024 et au quatrième trimestre de 2023.

Les principales prévisions régionales incluent :

  • Asie-Pacifique : Stable avec une trajectoire de croissance à la hausse, en particulier en Chine, à Hong Kong et en Inde
  • Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique : Croissance à deux chiffres, avec des performances solides en France, en Allemagne et au Royaume-Uni
  • Amérique Latine : Performance stable, avec une activité prometteuse au Mexique et en Colombie
  • Amérique du Nord : Augmentation régulière du volume d'affaires préalablement annoncé, le Canada affichant une croissance impressionnante

Le SS&C Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor prévoit de futurs annonces de M&A en suivant l'activité M&A en phase initiale sur la plateforme Intralinks, généralement six mois avant les annonces publiques.

SS&C Technologies Holdings (Nasdaq: SSNC) hat seine globalen und regionalen M&A-Prognosen für das 4. Quartal 2024 über den SS&C Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor veröffentlicht. Trotz laufender Herausforderungen wie Zinssätzen und geopolitischen Unsicherheiten bleiben die Deal-Maker optimistisch bezüglich strategischer Wachstumschancen. Der globale M&A-Deal Flow wird voraussichtlich um 5-10% über dem für das 3. Quartal 2024 und das 4. Quartal 2023 angekündigten Volumen wachsen.

Wichtige regionale Prognosen umfassen:

  • Asien-Pazifik: Stabil mit Aufwärtstrend, insbesondere in China, Hongkong und Indien
  • Europa, Naher Osten und Afrika: Zweistelliges Wachstum, starke Performance in Frankreich, Deutschland und dem Vereinigten Königreich
  • Lateinamerika: Stabile Performance mit vielversprechenden Aktivitäten in Mexiko und Kolumbien
  • Nordamerika: Stetiger Anstieg des vorab angekündigten Dealvolumens, Kanada zeigt beeindruckendes Wachstum

Der SS&C Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor sagt zukünftige M&A-Ankündigungen voraus, indem er Aktivitäten im frühen Stadium von M&A auf der Intralinks-Plattform verfolgt, typischerweise sechs Monate vor öffentlichen Ankündigungen.

  • Global M&A deal flow expected to grow 5-10% above Q3 2024 and Q4 2023 announced volumes
  • Double-digit growth in Europe, Middle East, and Africa region
  • Strong M&A activity in France, Germany, and the UK
  • Impressive growth in Canada's M&A deal volume
  • Stable performance with upward growth trajectory in Asia Pacific markets
  • Ongoing challenges from interest rates and geopolitical uncertainties
  • Economic and political uncertainty affecting growth in Latin America
  • Cooling M&A activity in Brazil
  • Uncertainty around the U.S. election impacting deal activity


The SS&C Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor suggests a positive outlook for global M&A activity in Q4 2024, with an expected 5-10% growth compared to Q3 2024 and Q4 2023. This forecast is particularly significant for SS&C Technologies (SSNC), as it indicates potential increased demand for their M&A-related services.

Key points to consider:

  • Double-digit growth expected in deal flow across all four tracked geographies
  • Strong performance in Europe, Middle East and Africa, with notable growth in France, Germany and the UK
  • Stable growth in Asia Pacific, particularly in China, Hong Kong and India
  • Mixed outlook for Latin America, with Mexico and Colombia showing promise
  • North America showing steady growth, with Canada performing well

For investors, this forecast suggests potential revenue growth for SS&C's Intralinks division, which could positively impact the company's overall financial performance. However, it's important to note that geopolitical uncertainties and shifting economic policies may still affect actual deal closures.

WINDSOR, Conn., Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: SSNC) today announced Q4 2024 global and regional predictions from the SS&C Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor, a quarterly publication of future mergers and acquisitions (M&A) announcements.

"As we move into the last quarter of 2024, the M&A market continues to grapple with interest rates, persistent geopolitical uncertainties and shifting policies across major economies," said Ken Bisconti, Co-Head of SS&C Intralinks. "Despite these ongoing challenges, dealmakers are optimistic about strategic growth opportunities. We are expecting to see double-digit increases in deal flow based on pre-announced deal volumes across all four geographies we track."

Regional market forecasts for Q4 2024 M&A activity:

  • Globally, M&A deal flow is expected to grow 5-10% above Q3 2024 and Q4 2023 announced volume.  
  • Asia Pacific markets remain stable, with an upward growth trajectory. Mainland China, Hong Kong and India are likely to experience sustained growth.
  • Europethe Middle East and Africa are experiencing some of the best performance of all regions, showing double-digit growth on a quarterly and annual basis. France, Germany and the U.K. show especially strong growth.
  • Latin America continues to show stable performance. Economic and political uncertainly continue to affect growth across the region. Mexico and Colombia show promising levels of activity, while Brazil appears to see activity cooling.
  • North America's pre-announced deal volume steadily climbed over the first half of the year, trailing off in June. Canada saw impressive growth on a QoQY basis, and early-stage volumes in the U.S. stayed strong. The positive impact of interest rate cuts, coupled with uncertainty around the U.S. election, invite cautious optimism on deal activity through the end of the year.    

The SS&C Intralinks Deal Flow Predictor forecasts the number of future M&A announcements by tracking early-stage M&A activity on the Intralinks platform from the previous four quarters, defined as new sell-side M&A transactions that are in preparation or have begun their due diligence stage. On average, early-stage deals are six months away from public announcement.

SS&C Intralinks is a pioneer of the virtual data room, delivering software-enabled services across the entire deal lifecycle, including deal marketing, deal prep, due diligence, insights and post-merger integration. Intralinks technology enables and secures the flow of information by facilitating M&A, capital raising and investor reporting. SS&C Intralinks has executed more than USD 35 trillion worth of financial transactions on its platform.

About SS&C Technologies

SS&C is a global provider of services and software for the financial services and healthcare industries. Founded in 1986, SS&C is headquartered in Windsor, Connecticut, and has offices around the world. Some 20,000 financial services and healthcare organizations, from the world's largest companies to small and mid-market firms, rely on SS&C for expertise, scale and technology.

Additional information about SS&C (Nasdaq: SSNC) is available at

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What is the expected global M&A deal flow growth for Q4 2024 according to SS&C Intralinks?

According to SS&C Intralinks' Deal Flow Predictor, global M&A deal flow is expected to grow 5-10% above Q3 2024 and Q4 2023 announced volumes in Q4 2024.

Which regions are showing the strongest M&A growth according to SSNC's Q4 2024 predictions?

Europe, the Middle East, and Africa are showing the strongest M&A growth, with double-digit growth on both a quarterly and annual basis. France, Germany, and the UK are highlighted as having especially strong growth.

How is the M&A market in North America performing according to SS&C Intralinks' forecast?

North America's pre-announced deal volume steadily climbed over the first half of the year, with Canada showing impressive growth. The U.S. maintained strong early-stage volumes, but there's cautious optimism due to potential interest rate cuts and uncertainty around the U.S. election.

What factors are influencing the global M&A market in Q4 2024, as per SSNC's report?

According to SS&C Intralinks, the global M&A market in Q4 2024 is influenced by factors such as interest rates, persistent geopolitical uncertainties, and shifting policies across major economies. Despite these challenges, dealmakers remain optimistic about strategic growth opportunities.

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