SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index and Capital Movement Index

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SS&C GlobeOp has released its Hedge Fund Performance Index and Capital Movement Index for September and October 2024, respectively. The Performance Index showed a 1.22% gross return for September, while the Capital Movement Index indicated a 0.44% decline in October.

Bill Stone, Chairman and CEO of SS&C Technologies, noted that the October decline reflects seasonal asset allocation and portfolio rebalancing patterns. He highlighted that current market conditions, including higher interest rates and persistent inflation, provide opportunities for hedge fund alpha generation and attractive risk-adjusted returns.

The SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index, which began in January 2006, offers an independent view of hedge fund performance. It has shown a 6.77% year-to-date return and a 10.25% return over the last 12 months. The Capital Movement Index stands at 124.19 points, having decreased by 3.36 points over the past year. The next publication date for these indices is set for November 13, 2024.

SS&C GlobeOp ha pubblicato il suo Indice di Performance dei Fondi Hedge e l'Indice di Movimento del Capitale per settembre e ottobre 2024, rispettivamente. L'Indice di Performance ha registrato un ritorno lordo del 1,22% per settembre, mentre l'Indice di Movimento del Capitale ha indicato un declino dello 0,44% in ottobre.

Bill Stone, Presidente e CEO di SS&C Technologies, ha osservato che il declino di ottobre riflette modelli di allocazione stagionale degli asset e di ribilanciamento del portafoglio. Ha evidenziato che le attuali condizioni di mercato, comprese le alte tariffe di interesse e l'inflazione persistente, offrono opportunità per la generazione di alfa nei fondi hedge e rendimenti attraenti aggiustati per il rischio.

L'Indice di Performance dei Fondi Hedge di SS&C GlobeOp, che è iniziato a gennaio 2006, offre una visione indipendente della performance dei fondi hedge. Ha mostrato un ritorno del 6,77% da inizio anno e un ritorno del 10,25% negli ultimi 12 mesi. L'Indice di Movimento del Capitale si attesta a 124,19 punti, avendo registrato un decremento di 3,36 punti nell'ultimo anno. La prossima data di pubblicazione per questi indici è fissata per il 13 novembre 2024.

SS&C GlobeOp ha publicado su Índice de Rendimiento de Fondos de Cobertura y el Índice de Movimiento de Capital para septiembre y octubre de 2024, respectivamente. El Índice de Rendimiento mostró un retorno bruto del 1,22% para septiembre, mientras que el Índice de Movimiento de Capital indicó un declive del 0,44% en octubre.

Bill Stone, Presidente y CEO de SS&C Technologies, señaló que el declive de octubre refleja patrones estacionales de asignación de activos y reequilibrio de cartera. Destacó que las actuales condiciones del mercado, incluidos los tipos de interés más altos y la inflación persistente, ofrecen oportunidades para la generación de alfa en fondos de cobertura y rendimientos ajustados al riesgo atractivos.

El Índice de Rendimiento de Fondos de Cobertura de SS&C GlobeOp, que comenzó en enero de 2006, ofrece una visión independiente del rendimiento de los fondos de cobertura. Ha mostrado un retorno del 6,77% en lo que va del año y un retorno del 10,25% en los últimos 12 meses. El Índice de Movimiento de Capital se sitúa en 124,19 puntos, habiendo disminuido en 3,36 puntos en el último año. La próxima fecha de publicación de estos índices está programada para el 13 de noviembre de 2024.

SS&C GlobeOp는 각각 2024년 9월 및 10월을 위한 헤지펀드 성과 지수와 자본 이동 지수를 발표했습니다. 성과 지수는 9월에 1.22%의 총 수익을 기록했으며, 자본 이동 지수는 10월에 0.44%의 감소를 나타냈습니다.

SS&C Technologies의 회장이자 CEO인 Bill Stone은 10월 감소가 계절적 자산 배분 및 포트폴리오 리밸런싱 패턴을 반영한다고 언급했습니다. 그는 높은 금리와 지속적인 인플레이션을 포함한 현재의 시장 조건이 헤지펀드의 알파 생성 및 매력적인 위험 조정 수익을 위한 기회를 제공한다고 강조했습니다.

2006년 1월에 시작된 SS&C GlobeOp 헤지펀드 성과 지수는 헤지펀드 성과에 대한 독립적인 관점을 제공합니다. 이 지수는 연초 대비 6.77%의 수익률과 지난 12개월 동안 10.25%의 수익을 기록했습니다. 자본 이동 지수는 124.19점으로 지난 1년간 3.36점 감소했습니다. 이 지수의 다음 발표 날짜는 2024년 11월 13일로 예정되어 있습니다.

SS&C GlobeOp a publié son Indice de Performance des Fonds de Couverture et l'Indice de Mouvement de Capital pour septembre et octobre 2024, respectivement. L'Indice de Performance a enregistré un rendement brut de 1,22% pour septembre, tandis que l'Indice de Mouvement de Capital a indiqué un déclin de 0,44% en octobre.

Bill Stone, Président et CEO de SS&C Technologies, a noté que le déclin d'octobre reflète des modèles d'allocation d'actifs saisonniers et de rééquilibrage de portefeuille. Il a souligné que les conditions actuelles du marché, notamment des taux d'intérêt élevés et une inflation persistante, offrent des opportunités pour la génération d'alfa des fonds de couverture et des rendements ajustés au risque attrayants.

L'Indice de Performance des Fonds de Couverture de SS&C GlobeOp, qui a débuté en janvier 2006, offre une vue indépendante de la performance des fonds de couverture. Il a montré un rendement de 6,77% depuis le début de l'année et un rendement de 10,25% au cours des 12 derniers mois. L'Indice de Mouvement de Capital est fixé à 124,19 points, ayant diminué de 3,36 points au cours de l'année dernière. La prochaine date de publication de ces indices est prévue pour le 13 novembre 2024.

SS&C GlobeOp hat seinen Hedgefonds-Leistungsindex und den Kapitalbewegungsindex für September und Oktober 2024 veröffentlicht. Der Leistungsindex zeigte eine brutto Rendite von 1,22% für September, während der Kapitalbewegungsindex einen Rückgang von 0,44% im Oktober anzeigte.

Bill Stone, Vorsitzender und CEO von SS&C Technologies, merkte an, dass der Rückgang im Oktober saisonale Asset-Allokations- und Portfolioanpassungsmuster widerspiegelt. Er hob hervor, dass die aktuellen Marktbedingungen, einschließlich höherer Zinssätze und anhaltender Inflation, Möglichkeiten zur Generierung von Hedgefonds-Alfa und attraktiven risikoadjustierten Renditen bieten.

Der Hedgefonds-Leistungsindex von SS&C GlobeOp, der im Januar 2006 begann, bietet eine unabhängige Sicht auf die Leistung von Hedgefonds. Er hat eine Rendite von 6,77% seit Jahresbeginn und eine Rendite von 10,25% in den letzten 12 Monaten gezeigt. Der Kapitalbewegungsindex liegt bei 124,19 Punkten und ist im letzten Jahr um 3,36 Punkte gesunken. Der nächste Veröffentlichungstermin für diese Indizes ist für den 13. November 2024 festgelegt.

  • None.
  • None.

SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index: September performance 1.22%
Capital Movement Index: October net flows decline 0.44%

WINDSOR, Conn., Oct. 11, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc. (Nasdaq: SSNC) today announced the gross return of the SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index for September 2024 measured 1.22%. Hedge fund flows as measured by the SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index declined 0.44% in October.

"SS&C GlobeOp's Capital Movement Index for October 2024 was -0.44%, which reflects seasonal asset allocation and portfolio rebalancing patterns," said Bill Stone, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SS&C Technologies. "Asset allocators continue to seek exposure to strategies that can help them navigate the impacts of higher interest rates, persistent inflation, market volatility, and high correlations. These conditions provide fertile ground for hedge fund alpha generation and attractive risk-adjusted returns."

 SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index

The SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index is an asset-weighted, independent monthly window on hedge fund performance. On the ninth business day of each month it provides a flash estimate of the gross aggregate performance of funds for which SS&C GlobeOp provides monthly administration services on the SS&C GlobeOp platform. Interim and final values, both gross and net, are provided in each of the two following months, respectively. Online data can be segmented by gross and net performance, and by time periods. The SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index is transparent, consistent in data processing, and free from selection or survivorship bias.  Its inception date is January 1, 2006.

The SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index offers a unique reflection of the return on capital invested in funds.  It does not overstate exposure to, or the contribution of, any single strategy to aggregate hedge fund performance. Since its inception, the correlation of the SS&C GlobeOp Performance Index to many popular equity market indices has been approximately 25% to 30%. This is substantially lower than the equivalent correlation of other widely followed hedge fund performance indices.

SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index

The SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index represents the monthly net of hedge fund subscriptions and redemptions administered by SS&C GlobeOp on the SS&C GlobeOp platform. This monthly net is divided by the total assets under administration (AuA) for fund administration clients on the SS&C GlobeOp platform.

Cumulatively, the SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index for October 2024 stands at 124.19 points, a decrease of 0.44 points over September 2024. The Index has declined 3.36 points over the past 12 months. The next publication date is November 13, 2024.

Published on the ninth business day of each month, the SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index presents a timely and accurate view of investments in hedge funds on the SS&C GlobeOp administration platform. Data is based on actual subscriptions and redemptions independently calculated and confirmed from real capital movements, and published only a few business days after they occur. Following the month of its release, the Index may be updated for capital movements that occurred after the fifth business day.

SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index


100 points on 31 December 2005

Flash estimate (current month)


Year-to-date (YTD)


Last 12 month (LTM)


Life to date (LTD)


*All numbers reported above are gross

SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index


100 points on 31 December 2005

All time high

150.77 in September 2013

All time low

99.67 in January 2006

12-month high

127.90 in November 2023

12-month low

123.64  in April 2024

Largest monthly change

- 15.21 in January 2009

SS&C GlobeOp Forward Redemption Indicator

All time high

19.27% in November 2008

All time low

1.48% in April 2022

12-month high

3.64% in December 2023

12-month low

1.86% in April 2024

Largest monthly change

9.60% in November 2008

About the SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Index®
The SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Index (the Index) is a family of indices published by SS&C GlobeOp. A unique set of indices by a hedge fund administrator, it offers clients, investors and the overall market a welcome transparency on liquidity, investor sentiment and performance. The Index is based on a significant platform of diverse and representative assets.

The SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index and the SS&C GlobeOp Forward Redemption Indicator provide monthly reports based on actual and anticipated capital movement data independently collected from all hedge fund clients for whom SS&C GlobeOp provides administration services on the SS&C GlobeOp platform.

The SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index is an asset-weighted benchmark of the aggregate performance of funds for which SS&C GlobeOp provides monthly administration services on the SS&C GlobeOp platform. Flash estimate, interim and final values are provided, in each of three months respectively, following each business month-end.

While individual fund data is anonymized by aggregation, the SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Index data will be based on the same reconciled fund data that SS&C GlobeOp uses to produce fund net asset values (NAV). Funds acquired through the acquisition of Citi Alternative Investor Services are integrated into the index suite starting with the January 2017 reporting periods. SS&C GlobeOp's total assets under administration on the SS&C GlobeOp platform represent approximately 10% of the estimated assets currently invested in the hedge fund sector. The investment strategies of the funds in the indices span a representative industry sample. Data for middle and back office clients who are not fund administration clients is not included in the Index, but is included in the Company's results announcement figures.

About SS&C Technologies

SS&C is a global provider of services and software for the financial services and healthcare industries. Founded in 1986, SS&C is headquartered in Windsor, Connecticut, and has offices around the world. Some 20,000 financial services and healthcare organizations, from the world's largest companies to small and mid-market firms, rely on SS&C for expertise, scale and technology.

Additional information about SS&C (Nasdaq: SSNC) is available at

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What was the SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index for September 2024?

The SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index showed a gross return of 1.22% for September 2024.

How did the SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index change in October 2024?

The SS&C GlobeOp Capital Movement Index declined by 0.44% in October 2024.

What is the year-to-date performance of the SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index in 2024?

The year-to-date performance of the SS&C GlobeOp Hedge Fund Performance Index in 2024 is 6.77%.

When will the next SS&C GlobeOp indices be published?

The next publication date for the SS&C GlobeOp indices is November 13, 2024.

What factors are currently providing opportunities for hedge fund alpha generation, according to SS&C Technologies (SSNC)?

According to SS&C Technologies (SSNC), higher interest rates, persistent inflation, market volatility, and high correlations are providing opportunities for hedge fund alpha generation.

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