SS&C ALPS Advisors Announces Share Split of the ALPS Equal Sector Weight ETF (EQL)
SS&C ALPS Advisors has announced a 3-for-1 share split for the ALPS Equal Sector Weight ETF (EQL), effective April 1, 2025. The split will be executed at market open, with EQL continuing to trade on the NYSE Arca under its current ticker symbol.
The split will increase the number of outstanding shares while proportionally reducing the share price, maintaining the total value of holdings. However, since fractional shares cannot trade on NYSE Arca, post-split fractional shares will be redeemed for cash, potentially triggering taxable events for affected shareholders.
While the split itself is not a taxable transaction, shareholders may incur brokerage charges. The fund maintains its passive management approach, tracking its underlying index's performance before fees and expenses.
SS&C ALPS Advisors ha annunciato uno split azionario 3 a 1 per l'ALPS Equal Sector Weight ETF (EQL), che entrerà in vigore il 1 aprile 2025. Lo split sarà eseguito all'apertura del mercato, con EQL che continuerà a essere scambiato su NYSE Arca con il suo attuale simbolo ticker.
Lo split aumenterà il numero di azioni in circolazione, riducendo proporzionalmente il prezzo delle azioni, mantenendo così il valore totale degli investimenti. Tuttavia, poiché le azioni frazionarie non possono essere scambiate su NYSE Arca, le azioni frazionarie post-split saranno riscattate in contante, il che potrebbe generare eventi imponibili per gli azionisti interessati.
Anche se lo split stesso non è una transazione imponibile, gli azionisti potrebbero incorrere in costi di intermediazione. Il fondo mantiene il suo approccio di gestione passiva, seguendo le performance del suo indice sottostante al netto di commissioni e spese.
SS&C ALPS Advisors ha anunciado un dividendo de acciones 3 por 1 para el ALPS Equal Sector Weight ETF (EQL), que entrará en vigor el 1 de abril de 2025. La división se llevará a cabo al abrir el mercado, y EQL continuará cotizando en NYSE Arca bajo su símbolo de ticker actual.
La división aumentará el número de acciones en circulación mientras reduce proporcionalmente el precio de las acciones, manteniendo el valor total de las participaciones. Sin embargo, dado que las acciones fraccionarias no pueden negociarse en NYSE Arca, las acciones fraccionarias posteriores a la división se canjearán por efectivo, lo que podría desencadenar eventos imponibles para los accionistas afectados.
Si bien la división en sí no es una transacción imponible, los accionistas pueden incurrir en cargos de corretaje. El fondo mantiene su enfoque de gestión pasiva, siguiendo el rendimiento de su índice subyacente antes de comisiones y gastos.
SS&C ALPS Advisors는 ALPS Equal Sector Weight ETF (EQL)에 대해 3대 1 주식 분할을 발표했으며, 이는 2025년 4월 1일부터 시행됩니다. 분할은 시장 개장 시 실행되며, EQL은 현재의 티커 심볼로 NYSE Arca에서 계속 거래됩니다.
이 분할은 발행 주식 수를 증가시키고 주가를 비례적으로 낮추어 총 보유 가치를 유지합니다. 그러나 NYSE Arca에서는 분할 후의 분수 주식이 거래될 수 없기 때문에, 분할 후의 분수 주식은 현금으로 환급되며, 이는 영향을 받는 주주에게 과세 사건을 유발할 수 있습니다.
분할 자체는 과세 거래가 아니지만, 주주는 중개 수수료를 부담할 수 있습니다. 이 펀드는 수수료 및 비용을 제외한 기초 지수의 성과를 추적하는 수동 관리 방식을 유지합니다.
SS&C ALPS Advisors a annoncé un split d'actions 3 pour 1 pour l'ALPS Equal Sector Weight ETF (EQL), qui prendra effet le 1er avril 2025. Le split sera effectué à l'ouverture du marché, EQL continuant à être négocié sur NYSE Arca sous son symbole ticker actuel.
Le split augmentera le nombre d'actions en circulation tout en réduisant proportionnellement le prix des actions, maintenant ainsi la valeur totale des avoirs. Cependant, étant donné que les actions fractionnaires ne peuvent pas être négociées sur NYSE Arca, les actions fractionnaires après le split seront échangées contre de l'argent, ce qui pourrait déclencher des événements imposables pour les actionnaires concernés.
Bien que le split lui-même ne soit pas une transaction imposable, les actionnaires peuvent encourir des frais de courtage. Le fonds maintient son approche de gestion passive, suivant la performance de son indice sous-jacent avant frais et dépenses.
SS&C ALPS Advisors hat einen 3-für-1 Aktiensplit für den ALPS Equal Sector Weight ETF (EQL) angekündigt, der am 1. April 2025 wirksam wird. Der Split wird zu Markteröffnung durchgeführt, wobei EQL weiterhin unter seinem aktuellen Tickersymbol an der NYSE Arca gehandelt wird.
Der Split erhöht die Anzahl der ausstehenden Aktien und reduziert gleichzeitig proportional den Aktienpreis, wodurch der Gesamtwert der Bestände erhalten bleibt. Da jedoch Bruchstücke von Aktien nicht an der NYSE Arca gehandelt werden können, werden die Bruchstücke nach dem Split gegen Bargeld eingelöst, was möglicherweise steuerpflichtige Ereignisse für die betroffenen Aktionäre auslösen kann.
Obwohl der Split selbst keine steuerpflichtige Transaktion darstellt, können Aktionäre Maklergebühren anfallen. Der Fonds verfolgt weiterhin einen passiven Managementansatz und verfolgt die Performance seines zugrunde liegenden Index vor Gebühren und Ausgaben.
- Share split improves stock accessibility through lower share price
- No direct taxable impact from the split itself
- Maintains same ticker and trading venue stability
- Forced cash redemption of fractional shares may trigger unwanted taxable events
- Potential brokerage charges for split-related transactions
The split of EQL will be effective at the market open on April 1, 2025. EQL will continue to trade on the NYSE Arca under the same ticker symbol.
Fund Name | Ticker | CUSIP | Split Ratio | Record Date | Pay Date | Ex-Date |
ALPS Equal Sector Weight ETF | EQL | 00162Q205 | 3:1 | 3/26/2025 | 3/31/2025 | 4/1/2025 |
The split will increase the number of EQL's shares outstanding and will proportionately lower the price of the shares for EQL, without affecting the total value of the shares outstanding, except with respect to the redemption of fractional shares, as discussed below.
As a result of the share split, a shareholder of EQL could potentially hold fractional shares. However, fractional shares cannot trade on NYSE Arca, EQL's primary listing exchange. Post-split fractional shares will be redeemed for cash and sent to the broker of record. This redemption may cause some shareholders to realize a gain or loss, which could be a taxable event for those shareholders. Otherwise, the split will not result in a taxable transaction for shareholders of EQL. Some brokerage charges may apply as a result of the split and are not charges imposed by ALPS Advisors, Inc.
Important Disclosures
An investor should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. To obtain a prospectus containing this and other information, call 1-866-759-5679 or visit Read the prospectus carefully before investing.
Shares of ETFs are bought and sold at market price (not NAV) and are not individually redeemable.
All investments are subject to risks, including the loss of money and the possible loss of the entire principal amount invested. Additional information regarding the risks of this investment is available in the prospectus.
The Fund's investment performance, because it is a fund of funds, depends on the investment performance of the Underlying Sector ETFs in which it invests.
An investment in the Fund is subject to the risks associated with the Underlying Sector ETFs that comprise the Underlying Index. The Fund will indirectly pay a proportional share of the asset-based fees of the Underlying Sector ETFs in which it invests.
The Fund is considered non-diversified and as a result may experience greater volatility than a diversified fund.
The Fund employs a "passive management" - or indexing - investment approach and seeks investment results that correspond (before fees and expenses) generally to the performance of its underlying index. Unlike many investment companies, the Fund is not "actively" managed. Therefore, it would not necessarily sell or buy a security unless that security is removed from or added to the underlying index, respectively.
ALPS Advisors, Inc., registered investment adviser with the SEC, is the investment adviser to the Fund. ALPS Advisors, Inc., ALPS Distributors, Inc. and ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc. are affiliated.
ALPS Portfolio Solutions Distributor, Inc. is the distributor for the Fund.
Not FDIC Insured • No Bank Guarantee • May Lose Value
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SS&C is a global provider of services and software for the financial services and healthcare industries. Founded in 1986, SS&C is headquartered in
About SS&C ALPS Advisors
SS&C ALPS Advisors, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SS&C Technologies, is a leading provider of investment products for advisors and institutions. With over
* Christopher Murphy is a Registered Representative of ALPS Distributors, Inc.
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SOURCE ALPS Equal Sector Weight ETF