STRATA Skin Sciences Highlights New Clinical Study from Japan Demonstrating Superiority of Narrow Band Excimer Laser Over Non Narrow Band UVB-Source Like Excimer Light
STRATA Skin Sciences (NASDAQ: SSKN) announces results from a new Japanese study validating the superiority of narrow band Excimer Laser over Excimer Light for treating skin conditions. The study, published in the Journal of Nippon Medical School, demonstrates that despite both devices using 308-nm wavelength, the Excimer Laser's unique properties lead to better clinical outcomes.
Key findings show that XTRAC® Excimer Laser achieves:
- Deeper penetration into hair follicles
- Greater activation of melanocyte lineage cells
- Fewer epidermal side effects
- Faster treatment delivery (1 second vs 20 seconds for 1,000 mJ/cm²)
STRATA has expanded its presence in Japan with over 100 devices placed, including 24 in 2024. The company's global footprint includes over 1,800 devices in the United States and 1,000 internationally.
STRATA Skin Sciences (NASDAQ: SSKN) annuncia i risultati di un nuovo studio giapponese che convalida la superiorità del Laser Excimer a banda ristretta rispetto alla Luce Excimer per il trattamento delle condizioni della pelle. Lo studio, pubblicato nel Journal of Nippon Medical School, dimostra che, nonostante entrambi i dispositivi utilizzino una lunghezza d'onda di 308 nm, le proprietà uniche del Laser Excimer portano a risultati clinici migliori.
I risultati chiave mostrano che XTRAC® Excimer Laser raggiunge:
- Una penetrazione più profonda nei follicoli piliferi
- Una maggiore attivazione delle cellule della linea dei melanociti
- Minori effetti collaterali epidermici
- Una consegna del trattamento più rapida (1 secondo contro 20 secondi per 1.000 mJ/cm²)
STRATA ha ampliato la sua presenza in Giappone con oltre 100 dispositivi installati, di cui 24 nel 2024. La presenza globale dell'azienda include oltre 1.800 dispositivi negli Stati Uniti e 1.000 a livello internazionale.
STRATA Skin Sciences (NASDAQ: SSKN) anuncia los resultados de un nuevo estudio japonés que valida la superioridad del láser Excimer de banda estrecha sobre la luz Excimer para el tratamiento de condiciones cutáneas. El estudio, publicado en el Journal of Nippon Medical School, demuestra que, a pesar de que ambos dispositivos utilizan una longitud de onda de 308 nm, las propiedades únicas del láser Excimer conducen a mejores resultados clínicos.
Los hallazgos clave muestran que XTRAC® Excimer Laser logra:
- Una penetración más profunda en los folículos pilosos
- Una mayor activación de las células de la línea de melanocitos
- Menos efectos secundarios epidérmicos
- Una entrega de tratamiento más rápida (1 segundo frente a 20 segundos para 1,000 mJ/cm²)
STRATA ha ampliado su presencia en Japón con más de 100 dispositivos colocados, incluidos 24 en 2024. La huella global de la empresa incluye más de 1,800 dispositivos en Estados Unidos y 1,000 a nivel internacional.
STRATA Skin Sciences (NASDAQ: SSKN)는 피부 질환 치료를 위한 Excimer Light보다 좁은 대역의 Excimer Laser의 우수성을 검증하는 일본의 새로운 연구 결과를 발표했습니다. 일본 의과대학 저널에 발표된 이 연구는 두 장치 모두 308nm 파장을 사용하지만, Excimer Laser의 독특한 특성이 더 나은 임상 결과로 이어진다는 것을 보여줍니다.
주요 발견 사항은 XTRAC® Excimer Laser가:
- 모낭에 더 깊이 침투함
- 멜라노사이트 계통 세포의 더 큰 활성화
- 피부 표면의 부작용이 적음
- 치료 제공 속도가 더 빠름 (1초 대 20초, 1,000 mJ/cm² 기준)
STRATA는 일본에 100개 이상의 장비를 배치하여 존재감을 확장했으며, 2024년에는 24개를 추가했습니다. 이 회사의 글로벌 입지는 미국에 1,800개 이상의 장비와 국제적으로 1,000개를 포함합니다.
STRATA Skin Sciences (NASDAQ: SSKN) annonce les résultats d'une nouvelle étude japonaise validant la supériorité du laser Excimer à bande étroite par rapport à la lumière Excimer pour le traitement des affections cutanées. L'étude, publiée dans le Journal of Nippon Medical School, démontre que, bien que les deux dispositifs utilisent une longueur d'onde de 308 nm, les propriétés uniques du laser Excimer entraînent de meilleurs résultats cliniques.
Les résultats clés montrent que XTRAC® Excimer Laser atteint :
- Une pénétration plus profonde dans les follicules pileux
- Une plus grande activation des cellules de la lignée des mélanocytes
- Moins d'effets secondaires épidermiques
- Une livraison de traitement plus rapide (1 seconde contre 20 secondes pour 1 000 mJ/cm²)
STRATA a élargi sa présence au Japon avec plus de 100 dispositifs installés, dont 24 en 2024. L'empreinte mondiale de l'entreprise comprend plus de 1 800 dispositifs aux États-Unis et 1 000 à l'international.
STRATA Skin Sciences (NASDAQ: SSKN) gibt die Ergebnisse einer neuen japanischen Studie bekannt, die die Überlegenheit des schmalbandigen Excimer-Lasers gegenüber dem Excimer-Licht bei der Behandlung von Hauterkrankungen bestätigt. Die Studie, veröffentlicht im Journal of Nippon Medical School, zeigt, dass trotz der Verwendung einer Wellenlänge von 308 nm bei beiden Geräten die einzigartigen Eigenschaften des Excimer-Lasers zu besseren klinischen Ergebnissen führen.
Wichtige Ergebnisse zeigen, dass XTRAC® Excimer Laser:
- Tiefer in die Haarfollikel eindringt
- Eine größere Aktivierung von Melanozyten-Zellen erreicht
- Weniger epidermale Nebenwirkungen hat
- Schnellere Behandlung (1 Sekunde gegenüber 20 Sekunden für 1.000 mJ/cm²)
STRATA hat ihre Präsenz in Japan mit über 100 installierten Geräten ausgebaut, darunter 24 im Jahr 2024. Der globale Fußabdruck des Unternehmens umfasst über 1.800 Geräte in den Vereinigten Staaten und 1.000 international.
- Clinical study validates superior efficacy of XTRAC Laser over competing technologies
- Significant market penetration with 100+ devices in Japan
- Strong global presence with 1,800+ devices in US and 1,000+ internationally
- Technology demonstrates faster treatment delivery and better clinical outcomes
- Gradual replacement of 400 older VTRAC devices suggests potential obsolescence of existing technology
This Japanese clinical study provides significant scientific validation for STRATA's XTRAC Excimer Laser technology, demonstrating tangible superiority over competing UVB light sources. The research confirms the laser's deeper tissue penetration, greater activation of melanocyte cells, and reduced side effects – all translating to improved clinical outcomes for dermatological conditions.
What's particularly valuable here is the objective validation of XTRAC's technical advantages directly linked to better treatment results. The study shows faster repigmentation onset, fewer required sessions, and lower cumulative doses – all factors that drive real-world clinical preference and adoption.
From a commercial perspective, STRATA has achieved measurable market penetration in Japan since their 2019 launch, with over 100 devices placed, including 24 in 2024 alone. This suggests accelerating adoption in a sophisticated medical market. Their strategic positioning targeting replacement of over 400 existing VTRAC Excimer Light devices presents a clear growth runway within their established customer base.
This study strengthens STRATA's competitive differentiation in the dermatological device market. With a global installed base of over 2,800 Excimer Laser devices (1,800 in US, 1,000+ internationally), the company has established significant scale. The clinical validation reinforces their premium positioning for treating high-prevalence conditions like vitiligo, psoriasis, alopecia areata, and atopic dermatitis.
HORSHAM, Pa., March 20, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- STRATA Skin Sciences, Inc. (“STRATA” or the “Company”) (NASDAQ: SSKN), a medical technology company dedicated to developing, commercializing, and marketing innovative products for the treatment of dermatologic conditions, announces the results of a newly published study in Japan that further validates the technological advantages of high repetition rate, high dose, coherent collimated narrow band Excimer Laser technology over other sources of UVB light that are less accurate, lack the repetition rate and/or fluence capabilities of an Excimer Light for treating Vitiligo, Psoriasis, Alopecia Areata and Atopic Dermatitis. The study, titled “Excimer Laser Penetrates Deeper into Hair Follicles and Activates More Melanocyte Lineage Cells than Excimer Light,” authored by distinguished researchers from the Nippon Medical School and published in the peer reviewed Journal of Nippon Medical School, demonstrates that despite the two devices producing same 308-nm wavelength, the distinct technological characteristics between two devices can have significant impact on the clinical outcomes. Notably, the excimer laser exhibits laser properties (monochromatic coherent light) and unique device specifications (a high frequency of 400 Hz and a remarkably high irradiance that leads to cellular differences such as deeper penetration, greater activation of melanocyte lineage cells (melanocyte stem cells (McSCs) and melanoblasts) resulting in superior clinical outcomes in terms of greater pigmentation and fewer epidermal side effects relative to excimer light. This study provides further scientific evidence that the modality generating UVB light has significant impact on the clinical outcomes of a device.
“This latest clinical study further validates the superiority of Strata Skin Sciences’ advanced technologies embedded in the XTRAC® Excimer Laser over other (less accurate, non-collimated, lower frequency and irradiation level) UVB light sources such as Excimer Light, reinforcing our commitment to delivering innovative and effective treatment solutions to patients worldwide,” said Dr. Dolev Rafaeli, President and CEO of STRATA Skin Sciences. “Our continued success in Japan—a highly advanced clinical environment—demonstrates the growing recognition of XTRAC’s benefits for patients with vitiligo, psoriasis, alopecia areata, and atopic dermatitis. Since launching XTRAC in Japan in 2019, we have significantly expanded our presence, with over 100 devices placed across the country over 24 of which were placed in 2024 alone aimed at gradually replacing the over 400 VTRAC® Excimer Light devices sold in Japan in prior years. The Japanese XTRAC Excimer Laser market expansion joins over 1,800 Excimer Laser devices sold and placed in the United States and over 1,000 outside the United States. This recent study is the most recent addition to hundreds of other clinical and scientific peer-reviewed published studies that highlight the Excimer Laser technology and its advantages treating dermatological auto-immune diseases”.
Key Findings from the Study Include:
Deeper Penetration into Hair Follicles
The study found that UVB light generated through an Excimer Laser penetrates significantly deeper into hair follicles than Excimer Light, reaching melanocyte stem cells (McSCs) located in the bulge and lower follicle. This is essential for effective re-pigmentation in vitiligo patients.
Greater Activation of Melanocyte Lineage Cells
The research demonstrated that Excimer Laser activates a higher number of melanocyte lineage cells, including TRP2-positive cells with nuclear β-catenin, which play a key role in melanin production. This enhanced stimulation results in more effective re-pigmentation.
Fewer Epidermal Side Effects
Compared to Excimer Light, Excimer Lasers cause less DNA damage and epidermal apoptosis, leading to faster removal of Cyclobutane Pyrimidine Dimers (CPDs) and reduced skin damage. This translates to a safer and more tolerable treatment experience.
Higher Irradiance and Shorter Irradiation Time
Excimer Lasers deliver extremely high irradiance versus Excimer Light, reducing exposure time significantly. With laser treatment, a dose of 1,000 mJ/cm² can be delivered in just one second, compared to 20 seconds with Excimer Light. This minimizes skin stress while maximizing efficacy.
Superior Laser Properties for Targeted Treatment
Excimer Laser’s coherent, monochromatic light ensures precise energy delivery with minimal scattering, allowing for more efficient treatment of deeper skin structures. This precision enhances the effectiveness of melanocyte stimulation.
Better Clinical Outcomes for Vitiligo Treatment
The study confirms that Excimer Laser is associated with faster onset of re-pigmentation, fewer treatment sessions, and lower cumulative doses needed for effective therapy. It has also shown efficacy in refractory cases where Excimer Light or narrowband UVB treatments have failed.
About STRATA Skin Sciences
STRATA Skin Sciences is a medical technology company dedicated to developing, commercializing, and marketing innovative products for the in-office treatment of various dermatologic conditions, such as psoriasis, vitiligo, and acne. Its products include the XTRAC® excimer laser, VTRAC® lamp systems, and the TheraClear®X Acne Therapy System.
STRATA is proud to offer these exciting technologies in the U.S. through its unique Partnership Program. STRATA’s popular partnership approach includes a fee per treatment cost structure (versus an equipment purchase), installation and use of the device, on-site training for practice personnel, service and maintenance of the equipment, dedicated account and customer service associates, and co-op advertising support to help raise awareness and promote the program within the practice.
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This press release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include but are not limited to the Company’s plans, objectives, expectations and intentions and may contain words such as “will,” “may,” “seeks,” and “expects,” that suggest future events or trends. These statements, the Company’s ability to launch and sell products recently acquired or to be developed in the future, the Company’s ability to develop social media marketing campaigns, direct to consumer marketing campaigns, and the Company’s ability to build a leading franchise in dermatology and aesthetics, are based on the Company’s current expectations and are inherently subject to significant uncertainties and changes in circumstances. Actual results may differ materially from the Company’s expectations due to financial, economic, business, competitive, market, regulatory, adverse market conditions labor supply shortages, or supply chain interruptions resulting from fiscal, political factors, international conflicts, responses, or conditions affecting the Company, the medical device industry and our customers and patients in general, as well as more specific risks and uncertainties set forth in the Company’s SEC reports on Forms 10-Q and 10-K. Given such uncertainties, any or all these forward-looking statements may prove to be incorrect or unreliable. The statements in this press release are made as of the date of this press release, even if subsequently made available by the Company on its website or otherwise. The Company does not undertake any obligation to update or revise these statements to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this press release. The Company urges investors to carefully review its SEC disclosures available at and
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