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BitMine Immersion Technologies, Inc. (OTC: BMNR), previously known as Sandy Springs Holdings, Inc., announced its name change and new ticker symbol approved by FINRA on March 3, 2022. The company is transitioning to a Bitcoin hosting center utilizing immersion cooling technology, which enhances efficiency by up to 95%. It recently signed its first client under a three-year hosting agreement, achieving a revenue-positive status in Q2 2022. The management believes these changes reflect the company's new direction focused on providing institutional quality hosting for Bitcoin miners.

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BitMine Immersion Technologies (OTC: SSHI) has signed its first hosting client, agreeing to host 215 ASIC miners. This transaction includes equipment sales and a multi-year hosting agreement, generating shared mining proceeds. The company expects to receive a large batch of immersion cooling equipment soon, allowing it to accommodate up to 50 Megawatts of mining capacity in 2022. BitMine aims to leverage low-cost energy locations for Bitcoin mining while exploring other financing opportunities.

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BitMine Immersion Technologies (OTC: SSHI) has secured an agreement to host up to 100 Megawatts of equipment at various locations of a large regional enterprise. This partnership allows BitMine to leverage existing infrastructure, including real estate and low electricity rates of 3.5 cents per kilowatt hour. The company aims to become a leading Bitcoin hosting provider by offering competitive pricing and high-quality services. Their first hosting facility is expected to launch in January 2022, with further expansions planned.

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BitMine Immersion Technologies, Inc. (OTC: SSHI) has announced a rebranding from Sandy Springs Holdings, Inc. and plans to acquire 51 Megawatts of hosting equipment to support Bitcoin mining operations. The company aims to utilize oil-cooled immersion technology for efficient cooling, allowing for the potential mining of over 300 Bitcoins per month. With a focus on sectors affected by the recent China mining shutdown, BitMine is negotiating with energy providers and mining firms in the United States, Canada, and the Caribbean. The experienced management team brings extensive industry expertise.

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Semiconductor and Related Device Manufacturing