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Starstream Entertainment's subsidiary, Facetime Consulting and Promotions, anticipates record revenues in its upcoming Q1 2022 report. President Carla Rissell noted that Q1 revenues could approach the total of the previous year's Q1 and Q2 combined, suggesting more than double the revenue year-to-date. Rate increases have bolstered the ability to attract skilled staff in a competitive labor market, enhancing service quality. New business bookings are rising, and Facetime has expanded with a new wearables division, contributing to profitability and continued growth focus for 2022.
Starstream Entertainment (SSET) announces that its subsidiary, Facetime Consulting and Promotions, has surpassed a significant corporate milestone by invoicing clients over $1 million in the current 2021 fiscal year. October was particularly successful, with a revenue increase of over 350% compared to October 2020. Facetime successfully completed over 700 events in October alone. The company anticipates continued strong performance through the holiday season as demand for its services remains high.
Starstream Entertainment Inc. (SSET) announced its subsidiary, Facetime Consulting and Promotions, completed over 250 events in the first twelve days of October 2021, showing strong demand in the event staffing industry. Following a record month in September with 609 events, Facetime is projected to exceed October 2020 revenue by over 300%. New service offerings, including Point-of-Sale solutions, are positively impacting the bottom line. The company continues to experience increased client interest and is on track for its largest corporate month in history.
Starstream Entertainment's subsidiary, Facetime Consulting and Promotions, reported significant growth, completing over 330 promotional events in August and over 600 in September 2021. This increase is attributed to strong client relationships, expanded marketing solutions, and strategic regional hiring in Georgia, Alabama, and South Carolina.
Facetime aims to be a comprehensive marketing partner, enhancing their service offerings including custom point-of-sale solutions. The company is also pursuing expansions within its management structure.
Starstream Entertainment's (SSET) subsidiary, Facetime Consulting, has expanded its services by adding Point Of Sale Design and Uniform Design to its marketing solutions. The global workwear market, valued at USD 28.3 billion in 2018, is projected to grow to USD 43 billion by 2025. CEO Carla Rissell emphasized the importance of branding and noted that Facetime has successfully reached clients beyond Florida, with expectations for a record year despite COVID-19 challenges. The company continues to enhance its offerings, focusing on client needs and expanding its operational footprint.
What is the current stock price of STARSTREAM ENTMT (SSET)?