Simpson Manufacturing Co. Announces the Appointment of Angela Drake to its Board of Directors
Simpson Manufacturing Co. (NYSE: SSD) has appointed Angela Drake as an independent director, effective January 1, 2025. Drake will serve on the company's Audit and Finance and Compensation and Leadership Development Committees. She brings nearly 30 years of financial and business management experience, currently serving as Chief Financial Officer at The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC) since March 2023.
Drake's extensive background includes leadership positions at The Toro Company between 2019-2023, including Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Construction, and Senior Managing Director, Integration Co-Lead. She previously served as CFO at Charles Machine Works before its acquisition by Toro. Drake is a Certified Public Accountant with a BS in Accounting from the University of Central Oklahoma and serves on the board of First Bank & Trust Company.
Simpson Manufacturing Co. (NYSE: SSD) ha nominato Angela Drake come direttrice indipendente, con effetto dal 1 gennaio 2025. Drake farà parte dei comitati di Audit e Finanza, oltre al Comitato per la Compensazione e lo Sviluppo della Leadership dell'azienda. Porta con sé quasi 30 anni di esperienza nella gestione finanziaria e aziendale, attualmente ricoprendo il ruolo di Chief Financial Officer presso The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC) da marzo 2023.
Il vasto background di Drake include posizioni di leadership presso The Toro Company tra il 2019 e il 2023, tra cui Vice Presidente della Finanza, Vice Presidente delle Costruzioni e Direttore Generale Senior, Co-Lead dell'Integrazione. In precedenza ha ricoperto il ruolo di CFO presso Charles Machine Works prima della sua acquisizione da parte di Toro. Drake è un Dottore Commercialista con una laurea in Contabilità presso l'Università del Central Oklahoma e fa parte del consiglio di amministrazione di First Bank & Trust Company.
Simpson Manufacturing Co. (NYSE: SSD) ha nombrado a Angela Drake como directora independiente, con efecto a partir del 1 de enero de 2025. Drake formará parte de los comités de Auditoría y Finanzas, así como del Comité de Compensación y Desarrollo de Liderazgo de la empresa. Aporta casi 30 años de experiencia en gestión financiera y empresarial, y actualmente se desempeña como Directora Financiera en The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC) desde marzo de 2023.
El extenso currículum de Drake incluye puestos de liderazgo en The Toro Company entre 2019 y 2023, incluyendo Vicepresidenta de Finanzas, Vicepresidenta de Construcción y Directora General Senior, Co-Líder de Integración. Anteriormente, fue CFO en Charles Machine Works antes de su adquisición por Toro. Drake es Contadora Pública Certificada y tiene una licenciatura en Contabilidad de la Universidad de Central Oklahoma, además de formar parte de la junta de First Bank & Trust Company.
Simpson Manufacturing Co. (NYSE: SSD)는 Angela Drake를 독립 이사로 임명하였으며, 2025년 1월 1일부로 효력을 발휘합니다. Drake는 회사의 감사 및 재무, 보상 및 리더십 개발 위원회에서 활동할 예정입니다. 그녀는 거의 30년의 재무 및 비즈니스 관리 경험을 보유하고 있으며, 현재 2023년 3월부터 The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC)의 최고 재무 책임자를 맡고 있습니다.
Drake는 2019년부터 2023년 사이에 The Toro Company에서 재무 부사장, 건설 부사장 및 고위 이사, 통합 공동 책임자 등의 리더십 직책을 맡았습니다. 그녀는 Toro에 인수되기 전 Charles Machine Works의 CFO로 재직했습니다. Drake는 중앙 오클라호마 대학교에서 회계학 학사 학위를 취득한 공인회계사이며, First Bank & Trust Company의 이사회에서도 활동하고 있습니다.
Simpson Manufacturing Co. (NYSE: SSD) a nommé Angela Drake en tant que directrice indépendante, avec effet au 1er janvier 2025. Drake siégera aux comités d'audit et des finances, ainsi qu'au comité de rémunération et de développement du leadership de l'entreprise. Elle possède près de 30 ans d'expérience en gestion financière et commerciale, et occupe actuellement le poste de directrice financière chez The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC) depuis mars 2023.
Le parcours de Drake comprend des postes de leadership chez The Toro Company entre 2019 et 2023, y compris vice-présidente des finances, vice-présidente de la construction et directrice générale senior, co-responsable de l'intégration. Elle a précédemment été CFO chez Charles Machine Works avant son acquisition par Toro. Drake est expert-comptable certifié et détient un diplôme en comptabilité de l'Université de Central Oklahoma, et elle siège au conseil d'administration de la First Bank & Trust Company.
Simpson Manufacturing Co. (NYSE: SSD) hat Angela Drake zum unabhängigen Direktor ernannt, der am 1. Januar 2025 in Kraft tritt. Drake wird in den Prüfungsausschüssen und den Ausschüssen für Finanzen sowie für Vergütung und Führungsentwicklung des Unternehmens tätig sein. Sie bringt fast 30 Jahre Erfahrung in der Finanz- und Unternehmensführung mit und ist seit März 2023 CFO bei The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC).
Drakes umfangreiche Erfahrung umfasst Führungspositionen bei The Toro Company von 2019 bis 2023, darunter Vizepräsidentin für Finanzen, Vizepräsidentin für Bauwesen und Senior Managing Director, Co-Lead der Integration. Zuvor war sie CFO bei Charles Machine Works, bevor diese von Toro übernommen wurde. Drake ist eine zertifizierte Wirtschaftsprüferin mit einem Bachelor-Abschluss in Buchhaltung von der University of Central Oklahoma und sitzt im Vorstand der First Bank & Trust Company.
- Appointment of experienced financial executive with 30 years of management expertise
- Addition of director with proven track record in strategic planning and M&A
- Strengthening of board expertise in finance, IT, and budget management
- None.
"I am very pleased to welcome Ms. Drake to our Board given her extensive experience in financial leadership roles at leading manufacturing companies," said Phil Donaldson, Chair of Simpson's Board of Directors. "Angela is an accomplished professional with a proven track record in strategic planning, mergers and acquisitions, information technology, and budget and expense management. These attributes will be beneficial to Simpson as it bolsters its position as a leader in the building products space and continues to execute its key growth initiatives. We look forward to benefiting from Ms. Drake's contributions to our Board."
Ms. Drake brings nearly 30 years of experience in financial and business management. She has served as the Chief Financial Officer at The Toro Company (NYSE: TTC), a leading worldwide provider of innovative solutions for the outdoor environment including turf and landscape maintenance, snow and ice management, underground utility construction, rental and specialty construction, irrigation and outdoor lighting, since March 2023. Prior to her appointment as Chief Financial Officer, Ms. Drake held numerous leadership positions between April 2019 and March 2023, including Vice President of Finance, Vice President of Construction, and Senior Managing Director, Integration Co-Lead. Prior to joining The Toro Company, Ms. Drake served as the Chief Financial Officer, among other leadership roles, at Charles Machine Works, a privately held manufacturing company which was later acquired by The Toro Company. Ms. Drake also serves as a member of the board at First Bank & Trust Company. Ms. Drake is a Certified Public Accountant and holds a Bachelor of Science in Accounting from the University of
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