SoCalGas CEO Scott Drury Receives 'Transformative Leader' Award

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SoCalGas CEO Scott Drury received the Shift Diverse Business Solutions (Shift DBS) Transformative Leader Award at their annual Investor-owned Utility Supplier Summit. The award recognizes Drury's exceptional leadership in sustainability, safety, and supplier diversity. In 2023, SoCalGas exceeded the CPUC's diverse spending goal for the 31st consecutive year, purchasing 44% of all goods and services from diverse businesses.

Under Drury's leadership, SoCalGas' ASPIRE 2045 sustainability strategy aims to achieve 45% spending with diverse business enterprises by 2025 and net zero greenhouse gas emissions in operations and energy delivery by 2045. The company's Supplier Diversity Program was recognized by the DOE's Office of Energy Justice and Equity, leading to SoCalGas hosting the Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Connect Summit in April 2024.

Il CEO di SoCalGas, Scott Drury, ha ricevuto il Shift Diverse Business Solutions (Shift DBS) Transformative Leader Award durante il loro annuale Investor-owned Utility Supplier Summit. Questo premio riconosce l'eccezionale leadership di Drury in sostenibilità, sicurezza e diversità dei fornitori. Nel 2023, SoCalGas ha superato l'obiettivo di spesa diversificata della CPUC per il 31° anno consecutivo, acquistando il 44% di tutti i beni e servizi da imprese diverse.

Sotto la guida di Drury, la strategia di sostenibilità ASPIRE 2045 di SoCalGas punta a raggiungere il 45% di spesa con imprese di diversa origine entro il 2025 e emissioni nette di gas serra zero nelle operazioni e nella consegna di energia entro il 2045. Il programma di diversità dei fornitori dell'azienda è stato riconosciuto dall'Ufficio di Giustizia Energetica ed Equità del DOE, portando SoCalGas a ospitare il Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Connect Summit nell'aprile del 2024.

El CEO de SoCalGas, Scott Drury, recibió el Shift Diverse Business Solutions (Shift DBS) Transformative Leader Award en su cumbre anual de proveedores de servicios públicos de propiedad de inversionistas. Este premio reconoce el liderazgo excepcional de Drury en sostenibilidad, seguridad y diversidad de proveedores. En 2023, SoCalGas superó el objetivo de gasto diverso de la CPUC por 31° año consecutivo, comprando el 44% de todos los bienes y servicios de empresas diversas.

Bajo el liderazgo de Drury, la estrategia de sostenibilidad ASPIRE 2045 de SoCalGas tiene como objetivo alcanzar un 45% de gasto con empresas comerciales diversas para 2025 y emisiones netas de gases de efecto invernadero cero en operaciones y entrega de energía para 2045. El Programa de Diversidad de Proveedores de la empresa fue reconocido por la Oficina de Justicia y Equidad Energética del DOE, lo que llevó a SoCalGas a ser el anfitrión de la cumbre Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Connect en abril de 2024.

SoCalGas의 CEO 스콧 드루리는 연례 투자 소유 유틸리티 공급업체 정상 회담에서 Shift Diverse Business Solutions (Shift DBS) Transformative Leader Award를 수상했습니다. 이 상은 드루리의 지속 가능성, 안전성 및 공급업체 다양성에 대한 뛰어난 리더십을 인정하는 것입니다. 2023년, SoCalGas는 31년 연속으로 CPUC의 다양한 지출 목표를 초과 달성했으며, 다양한 비즈니스로부터 구매한 물품과 서비스가 전체의 44%에 달합니다.

드루리의 리더십 아래, SoCalGas의 ASPIRE 2045 지속 가능성 전략은 2025년까지 다양한 비즈니스 기업과의 지출을 45%로 늘리고 2045년까지 운영 및 에너지 공급에서 온실가스 배출을 제로로 달성하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 회사의 공급업체 다양성 프로그램은 DOE의 에너지 정의 및 형평성 사무소로부터 인정받아, SoCalGas가 2024년 4월에 소수 민족 기업(MBE) 커넥트 정상 회담을 개최하게 되었습니다.

Le PDG de SoCalGas, Scott Drury, a reçu le Shift Diverse Business Solutions (Shift DBS) Transformative Leader Award lors de leur sommet annuel des fournisseurs de services publics détenus par des investisseurs. Ce prix reconnaît le leadership exceptionnel de Drury en matière de durabilité, sécurité et diversité des fournisseurs. En 2023, SoCalGas a dépassé l'objectif de dépenses diversifiées de la CPUC pour la 31e année consécutive, en achetant 44% de tous les biens et services auprès d'entreprises diversifiées.

Sous la direction de Drury, la stratégie de durabilité ASPIRE 2045 de SoCalGas vise à atteindre 45% de dépenses avec des entreprises commerciales diverses d'ici 2025 et des émissions nettes de gaz à effet de serre nulles dans ses opérations et la livraison d'énergie d'ici 2045. Le programme de diversité des fournisseurs de l'entreprise a été reconnu par le Bureau de la Justice Énergétique et de l'Équité du DOE, ce qui a conduit SoCalGas à organiser le sommet Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Connect en avril 2024.

Der CEO von SoCalGas, Scott Drury, erhielt den Shift Diverse Business Solutions (Shift DBS) Transformative Leader Award auf ihrem jährlichen Investor-owned Utility Supplier Summit. Der Preis erkennt Drurys außergewöhnliche Führung in Nachhaltigkeit, Sicherheit und Lieferantendiversität an. Im Jahr 2023 übertraf SoCalGas zum 31. Mal in Folge das Diversifizierungsziel der CPUC, indem 44% aller Waren und Dienstleistungen von diversifizierten Unternehmen bezogen wurden.

Unter Drurys Führung zielt die Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie ASPIRE 2045 von SoCalGas darauf ab, bis 2025 45% der Ausgaben bei diversifizierten Unternehmen zu erreichen und bis 2045 netto null Treibhausgasemissionen in Betrieb und Energielieferung zu erreichen. Das Lieferantendiversitätsprogramm des Unternehmens wurde vom Büro für Energiegerechtigkeit und -gleichheit des DOE anerkannt, was dazu führte, dass SoCalGas im April 2024 den Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Connect Summit ausrichtet.

  • SoCalGas exceeded CPUC's diverse spending goal for 31 consecutive years, reaching 44% in 2023
  • Company aims to achieve 45% spending with diverse business enterprises by 2025
  • SoCalGas plans to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in operations and energy delivery by 2045
  • DOE's Office of Energy Justice and Equity recognized SoCalGas's Supplier Diversity Program
  • SoCalGas hosted MBE Connect Summit, connecting diverse businesses with $400 billion in federal contract opportunities
  • None.

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LOS ANGELES, Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) CEO Scott Drury was honored Wednesday with the Shift Diverse Business Solutions (Shift DBS) Transformative Leader Award at their annual Investor-owned Utility Supplier Summit. The event celebrates suppliers in the utility space, bringing together the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), prime suppliers, subcontractors, diverse businesses and some of California's utility leaders including San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E), Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), AT&T and SoCalGas.

"We are honored to present Scott Drury with the Shift DBS Transformative Leader Award for his exceptional leadership in sustainability, safety and supplier diversity," said Sherry Shafiei, CEO at Shift DBS. "His dedication to creating opportunities for suppliers of all sizes and backgrounds has helped reshape the way the industry approaches supplier diversity. Known for being a humble and people-centered leader, Scott has made a lasting impact on his organization and the broader community. His influence extends to suppliers, communities, and industries across the board. This is why Shift DBS is proud to recognize Scott, as his visionary leadership continues to inspire the entire industry."

Shift DBS partners with diverse and non-diverse suppliers to offer tailored development programs, strategic guidance and collaborative opportunities to work with major corporations.

In 2023, SoCalGas exceeded the CPUC's diverse spending goal* for the 31st consecutive year, purchasing 44% of all goods and services from diverse businesses. SoCalGas has spent almost $6 billion over the past seven years with diverse business enterprises owned by minority, women, disabled veteran, persons with disabilities and/or LGBT-owned businesses.

"Scott Drury's leadership at SoCalGas is transformative," said California State Sen. Steven Bradford (D-Gardena). "As a strong supporter of diversity, I commend his dedication to sustainability, safety, and supplier diversity, which strengthens our local economies and sets a high standard for the utility sector. Congratulations to Scott on receiving the Transformative Leader Award. His work continues to positively shape California's energy future." 

Under Drury's leadership, SoCalGas' ASPIRE 2045 sustainability strategy includes the goal of achieving 45% spending with diverse business enterprises by 2025. In addition, ASPIRE 2045 sets forth SoCalGas' goal to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the company's operations and delivery of energy by 2045, as well as establishes goals related to safety, diversity, equity and inclusion (DE&I) in the workplace, and investment in underserved communities.

"Supplier diversity can drive innovation, benefit local economies, strengthen the supply chain, and help accelerate California's clean energy transition," Drury said. "SoCalGas' achievements in supplier diversity and cleaner energy innovations are driven by our determination to deliver energy for our customers that is reliable, affordable and increasingly sustainable. As we pursue our mission to build the cleanest, safest, and most innovative energy infrastructure company in America, we are proud that our supplier network reflects California's diversity."

The DOE's Office of Energy Justice and Equity recognized SoCalGas's successful Supplier Diversity Program and selected SoCalGas to host its Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) Connect Summit in April at SoCalGas' Energy Resource Center in Downey, Calif. The summit connected MBEs with the DOE, more than 40 state and federal agencies and prime government contractors involved in the allocation of $400 billion in federal contract opportunities. Eight hundred representatives of diverse businesses from 33 states attended, more than 1,600 unique business matchmaking sessions took place and attendees engaged with financial institutions, private sector companies and nonprofits for learning and business opportunities.

This week, in Riverside, Calif., the CPUC held a Small and Diverse Business Expo and the 22nd annual GO 156 Supplier Diversity En Banc, a public forum to hear representatives from California's investor-owned utilities discuss supplier diversity programs and contracting opportunities. Drury participated in an energy panel discussion, "Driving Utility Performance Through Technology and Innovative Strategies," moderated by CPUC Commissioner John Reynolds.

To learn more about SoCalGas' supplier diversity programs, visit

*California Public Utilities Commission Supplier Diversity Program, see General Order 156

About SoCalGas 

SoCalGas is the largest gas distribution utility in the United States, serving approximately 21 million consumers across approximately 24,000 square miles of Central and Southern California. SoCalGas' mission is to build the cleanest, safest, and most innovative energy infrastructure company in America. SoCalGas aims to deliver affordable, reliable, and increasingly renewable gas service through its pipelines to help advance California's clean energy transition by supporting energy system reliability and resiliency and enabling the integration of renewable resources. SoCalGas is a recognized leader in its industry and community, as demonstrated by being named one of Reuters' Top 100 Innovators Leading the Global Energy Transition and Corporate Member of the Year by the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. SoCalGas is a subsidiary of Sempra (NYSE: SRE), a leading North American energy infrastructure company. For more information, visit or connect with SoCalGas on social media @SoCalGas.  

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements are based on assumptions about the future, involve risks and uncertainties, and are not guarantees. Future results may differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement. These forward-looking statements represent our estimates and assumptions only as of the date of this press release. We assume no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement as a result of new information, future events or otherwise. 

In this press release, forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as "believe," "expect," "intend," "anticipate," "contemplate," "plan," "estimate," "project," "forecast," "envision," "should," "could," "would," "will," "confident," "may," "can," "potential," "possible," "proposed," "in process," "construct," "develop," "opportunity," "preliminary," "initiative," "target," "outlook," "optimistic," "poised," "positioned," "maintain," "continue," "progress," "advance," "goal," "aim," "commit," or similar expressions, or when we discuss our guidance, priorities, strategy, goals, vision, mission, opportunities, projections, intentions or expectations. 

Factors, among others, that could cause actual results and events to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statement include: decisions, investigations, inquiries, regulations, denials or revocations of permits, consents, approvals or other authorizations, renewals of franchises, and other actions, including the failure to honor contracts and commitments, by the (i) California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC), U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Internal Revenue Service and other regulatory bodies and (ii) U.S. and states, counties, cities and other jurisdictions therein where we do business; the success of business development efforts and construction projects, including risks related to (i) completing construction projects or other transactions on schedule and budget, (ii) realizing anticipated benefits from any of these efforts if completed, (iii) obtaining third-party consents and approvals and (iv) third parties honoring their contracts and commitments; macroeconomic trends or other factors that could change our capital expenditure plans and their potential impact on rate base or other growth; litigation, arbitration and other proceedings, and changes (i) to laws and regulations, including those related to tax and trade policy and (ii) due to the results of elections; cybersecurity threats, including by state and state-sponsored actors, of ransomware or other attacks on our systems or the systems of third parties with which we conduct business, including the energy grid or other energy infrastructure; the availability, uses, sufficiency, and cost of capital resources and our ability to borrow money on favorable terms and meet our obligations, including due to (i) actions by credit rating agencies to downgrade our credit ratings or place those ratings on negative outlook, (ii) instability in the capital markets, or (iii) rising interest rates and inflation; the impact on affordability of our customer rates and our cost of capital and on our ability to pass through higher costs to customers due to (i) volatility in inflation, interest rates and commodity prices and (ii) the cost of meeting the demand for lower carbon and reliable energy in California; the impact of climate policies, laws, rules, regulations, trends and required disclosures, including actions to reduce or eliminate reliance on natural gas, increased uncertainty in the political or regulatory environment for California natural gas distribution companies, the risk of nonrecovery for stranded assets, and uncertainty related to emerging technologies; weather, natural disasters, pandemics, accidents, equipment failures, explosions, terrorism, information system outages or other events, such as work stoppages, that disrupt our operations, damage our facilities or systems, cause the release of harmful materials or fires or subject us to liability for damages, fines and penalties, some of which may not be recoverable through regulatory mechanisms or insurance or may impact our ability to obtain satisfactory levels of affordable insurance; the availability of natural gas and natural gas storage capacity, including disruptions caused by failures in the pipeline system or limitations on the withdrawal of natural gas from storage facilities; and other uncertainties, some of which are difficult to predict and beyond our control. 

These risks and uncertainties are further discussed in the reports that the company has filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). These reports are available through the EDGAR system free-of-charge on the SEC's website,, and on Sempra's website, Investors should not rely unduly on any forward-looking statements. 

Sempra Infrastructure, Sempra Infrastructure Partners, Sempra Texas, Sempra Texas Utilities, Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC (Oncor) and Infraestructura Energética Nova, S.A.P.I. de C.V. (IEnova) are not the same companies as the California utilities, San Diego Gas & Electric Company or Southern California Gas Company, and Sempra Infrastructure, Sempra Infrastructure Partners, Sempra Texas, Sempra Texas Utilities, Oncor and IEnova are not regulated by the CPUC. 

In 2023, SoCalGas exceeded the CPUC’s diverse spending goal for the 31st consecutive year, purchasing <percent>44%</percent> of all goods and services from diverse businesses.

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SOURCE Southern California Gas Company


What award did SoCalGas CEO Scott Drury receive in October 2024?

Scott Drury received the Shift Diverse Business Solutions (Shift DBS) Transformative Leader Award at their annual Investor-owned Utility Supplier Summit on October 10, 2024.

What percentage of goods and services did SoCalGas purchase from diverse businesses in 2023?

In 2023, SoCalGas purchased 44% of all goods and services from diverse businesses, exceeding the CPUC's diverse spending goal for the 31st consecutive year.

What are the main goals of SoCalGas' ASPIRE 2045 sustainability strategy?

The ASPIRE 2045 strategy aims to achieve 45% spending with diverse business enterprises by 2025 and net zero greenhouse gas emissions in operations and energy delivery by 2045.

How much has SoCalGas spent with diverse business enterprises over the past seven years?

SoCalGas has spent almost $6 billion over the past seven years with diverse business enterprises owned by minority, women, disabled veteran, persons with disabilities and/or LGBT-owned businesses.



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