Latino Restaurant Association Celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month by Awarding 23 Grants to Small Central Valley Restaurants with Donation from SoCalGas

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The Latino Restaurant Association (LRA) has awarded 23 grants of $3,500 each to independently owned restaurants in the Central Valley, funded by a $100,000 grant from SoCalGas. This initiative, celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, supports restaurants in South Fresno, Kings, and Tulare counties. Since 2020, SoCalGas has contributed over $350,000 to the LRA's efforts in promoting Latino restaurateurs and small business owners.

The grants aim to help restaurants invest in equipment, dining gear, technology upgrades, employee benefits, or other essential needs. To qualify, restaurants had to meet specific criteria, including owning up to three locations, generating less than $1 million in annual revenue per location, and being in business for more than three years. This initiative is part of SoCalGas' ASPIRE 2045 Sustainability Strategy, which plans to invest $50 million over five years into the communities it serves.

L'Associazione dei Ristoratori Latino (LRA) ha assegnato 23 sovvenzioni di 3.500 dollari ciascuna a ristoranti di proprietà indipendente nella Central Valley, finanziati da una sovvenzione di 100.000 dollari da SoCalGas. Questa iniziativa, che celebra il Mese dell'Eredità Ispanica, supporta i ristoranti in South Fresno, Kings e Tulare. Dal 2020, SoCalGas ha contribuito con oltre 350.000 dollari agli sforzi della LRA per promuovere i ristoratori latino-americani e i proprietari di piccole imprese.

Le sovvenzioni mirano ad aiutare i ristoranti a investire in attrezzature, dispositivi per la ristorazione, aggiornamenti tecnologici, benefici per i dipendenti o altre necessità essenziali. Per qualificarsi, i ristoranti dovevano soddisfare criteri specifici, tra cui possedere fino a tre sedi, generare meno di 1 milione di dollari di fatturato annuo per sede e essere in attività da più di tre anni. Questa iniziativa fa parte della Strategia di Sostenibilità ASPIRE 2045 di SoCalGas, che prevede di investire 50 milioni di dollari in cinque anni nelle comunità servite.

La Asociación de Restaurantes Latinos (LRA) ha otorgado 23 subvenciones de 3,500 dólares cada una a restaurantes de propiedad independiente en el Valle Central, financiadas por una subvención de 100,000 dólares de SoCalGas. Esta iniciativa, que celebra el Mes de la Herencia Hispana, apoya a los restaurantes en South Fresno, Kings y Tulare. Desde 2020, SoCalGas ha contribuido con más de 350,000 dólares a los esfuerzos de la LRA para promover a los restauradores latinos y a los pequeños empresarios.

Las subvenciones tienen como objetivo ayudar a los restaurantes a invertir en equipos, utensilios de cocina, mejoras tecnológicas, beneficios para empleados u otras necesidades esenciales. Para calificar, los restaurantes debían cumplir con criterios específicos, incluido tener hasta tres ubicaciones, generar menos de 1 millón de dólares en ingresos anuales por ubicación y tener más de tres años en el negocio. Esta iniciativa es parte de la Estrategia de Sostenibilidad ASPIRE 2045 de SoCalGas, que planea invertir 50 millones de dólares durante cinco años en las comunidades a las que sirve.

라티노 레스토랑 협회(LRA)는 중앙밸리에 있는 독립 소유 레스토랑에게 각 3,500달러의 23개 보조금을 지급했습니다. 이 보조금은 SoCalGas의 100,000달러 보조금으로 지원됩니다. 이 이니셔티브는 히스패닉 유산의 달을 기념하며 사우스 프레즈노, 킹스, 그리고 튤라레 카운티의 레스토랑을 지원합니다. SoCalGas는 2020년 이후 LRA의 라티노 식당 주인 및 소기업 소유자를 홍보하기 위한 노력에 350,000달러 이상을 기여했습니다.

이 보조금은 레스토랑이 장비, 다이닝 기구, 기술 업그레이드, 직원 복지 또는 기타 필수 요구 사항에 투자하는 데 도움을 주기 위해 마련되었습니다. 지원을 받기 위해 레스토랑은 최대 세 곳의 지점을 소유하고, 각 지점에서 연간 수익이 100만 달러 미만이며, 3년 이상 사업을 운영해야 하는 특정 기준을 충족해야 했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 SoCalGas의 ASPIRE 2045 지속 가능성 전략의 일환으로, 향후 5년 동안 5천만 달러를 투자할 계획입니다.

L'Association des Restaurateurs Latinos (LRA) a attribué 23 subventions de 3 500 dollars chacune à des restaurants indépendants dans la Central Valley, financés par une subvention de 100 000 dollars de SoCalGas. Cette initiative, qui célèbre le mois de l'héritage hispanique, soutient les restaurants dans South Fresno, Kings et Tulare. Depuis 2020, SoCalGas a contribué à hauteur de plus de 350 000 dollars aux efforts de la LRA pour promouvoir les restaurateurs latinos et les propriétaires de petites entreprises.

Les subventions visent à aider les restaurants à investir dans du matériel, des équipements de restauration, des mises à niveau technologiques, des avantages pour les employés ou d'autres besoins essentiels. Pour se qualifier, les restaurants devaient répondre à des critères spécifiques, y compris posséder jusqu'à trois emplacements, générer moins d'1 million de dollars de chiffre d'affaires annuel par emplacement, et être en activité depuis plus de trois ans. Cette initiative fait partie de la stratégie de durabilité ASPIRE 2045 de SoCalGas, qui prévoit d'investir 50 millions de dollars sur cinq ans dans les communautés qu'elle dessert.

Die Latino Restaurant Association (LRA) hat 23 Zuschüsse in Höhe von jeweils 3.500 Dollar an unabhängig geführte Restaurants im Central Valley vergeben, die durch einen Zuschuss von 100.000 Dollar von SoCalGas finanziert werden. Diese Initiative, die den Monat des hispanischen Erbes feiert, unterstützt Restaurants in South Fresno, Kings und Tulare Countys. Seit 2020 hat SoCalGas über 350.000 Dollar zu den Bemühungen der LRA beigetragen, Latino-Restaurateure und Kleinunternehmer zu fördern.

Die Zuschüsse sollen den Restaurants helfen, in Ausrüstung, Gastronomiebedarf, Technologieneuerungen, Mitarbeitervorteile oder andere wesentliche Bedürfnisse zu investieren. Um sich zu qualifizieren, mussten die Restaurants spezifische Kriterien erfüllen, einschließlich des Besitzes von bis zu drei Standorten, einer jährlichen Einnahme von weniger als 1 Million Dollar pro Standort und einer Geschäftstätigkeit von mehr als drei Jahren. Diese Initiative ist Teil der ASPIRE 2045 Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie von SoCalGas, die plant, 50 Millionen Dollar über fünf Jahre in die Gemeinden zu investieren, die sie bedient.

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LOS ANGELES, Oct. 15, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Latino Restaurant Association (LRA) announced that 23 independently owned restaurants in the Central Valley will receive grants of $3,500 each, made possible by a $100,000 grant from Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas). A check presentation was held Tuesday with grant recipient Mi Favorito restaurant in the City of Fowler. The full list of grant recipients is here: Since 2020, SoCalGas has supported the LRA with over $350,000 towards the organization's promotion and support of Latino restaurateurs and small business owners.

"We are thrilled to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by awarding 23 grants to deserving restaurants in South Fresno, Kings and Tulare counties. This initiative not only supports our vibrant culinary community but also honors the rich cultural heritage that these establishments represent," said Lilly Rocha, CEO of the LRA. "By empowering these restaurants, we are preserving and promoting the diverse flavors and traditions that make our culture so unique. We are proud to stand with these entrepreneurs and help them continue to share their passion and heritage through their delicious food."

The LRA provides resources, advocacy, and networking opportunities to help Latino-owned restaurants succeed and grow.

"As we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, I would like to acknowledge and thank the Latino Restaurant Association who, with the generous support of SoCalGas, will award grants to uplift and celebrate local businesses and honor our cultural heritage," said California State Sen. Anna Caballero (D-Merced). "More than just financial support, these grants are a testament to the resilience, creativity and hard work of our Latino restaurateurs. By investing in small businesses, we are preserving the rich culinary traditions of our community, sharing it with others, and fostering economic growth and opportunity in the Central Valley."

"SoCalGas recognizes the vital role small restaurants play in our communities, especially given the challenges they've faced in recent years," said Andy Carrasco, vice president of communications, local government and community affairs, SoCalGas."In collaboration with the Latino Restaurant Association, these grants will offer crucial support, enabling restaurants to invest in purchasing vital equipment, necessary dining gear, making technology upgrades, employee benefits, or other needs essential for the receiving restaurant's success and growth."

Grants will be given to seven restaurants in Fresno, four in Kings and 11 in Tulare counties. The grant application was announced in July of this year, and eligibility was open to restaurants with a focus on Latino heritage or who have made significant contributions to the Latino community.

"We are incredibly grateful to the Latino Restaurant Association and SoCalGas for this generous $3,500 grant. Their support allows us to continue sharing the rich and vibrant flavors of Mexican cuisine with our community," said Mirella Soto, owner of Mi Favorito Restaurant. "Serving authentic Mexican food is not just about providing a meal; it's about celebrating our culture, traditions, and the joy of coming together over a delicious plate. This grant will help us enhance our kitchen, improve our services, and bring even more of our beloved dishes to our valued customers. Thank you, SoCalGas, for helping us keep the spirit of Mexican cuisine alive and thriving."

To qualify for the 2024 grant, restaurant owners must have met the following criteria:

  • Own up to three restaurant locations
  • Generate less than $1 million in annual revenue per location
  • Have been in business for more than three years
  • Must be a current SoCalGas customer
  • Be a member of the Latino Restaurant Association (Free two-year memberships were made available to restaurants in South Fresno, Kings, and Tulare Counties).

Last year, SoCalGas supported the LRA in distributing grants to 35 Los Angeles County restaurants, including 25 Latino-owned and 10 AAPI-owned restaurants. LRA members network with industry professionals, market their brands, and learn ways to make their businesses more efficient. The grants are part of SoCalGas' ASPIRE 2045 Sustainability Strategy. SoCalGas plans to invest $50 million over five years into communities the company serves. SoCalGas aspires to empower communities and help entrepreneurs grow for success.

About SoCalGas 
SoCalGas is the largest gas distribution utility in the United States, serving approximately 21 million consumers across approximately 24,000 square miles of Central and Southern California. SoCalGas' mission is to build the cleanest, safest, and most innovative energy infrastructure company in America. SoCalGas aims to deliver affordable, reliable, and increasingly renewable gas service through its pipelines to help advance California's clean energy transition by supporting energy system reliability and resiliency and enabling the integration of renewable resources. SoCalGas is a recognized leader in its industry and community, as demonstrated by being named one of Reuters' Top 100 Innovators Leading the Global Energy Transition and Corporate Member of the Year by the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. SoCalGas is a subsidiary of Sempra (NYSE: SRE), a leading North American energy infrastructure company. For more information, visit or connect with SoCalGas on social media @SoCalGas.  

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The owners of Mi Favorito Restaurant in Fowler, CA receive a <money>$3,500</money> grant from the Latino Restaurant Association and SoCalGas.

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How many grants did the Latino Restaurant Association award in the Central Valley?

The Latino Restaurant Association awarded 23 grants of $3,500 each to independently owned restaurants in the Central Valley.

What is the total amount of the grant provided by SoCalGas (SOCGP) for this initiative?

SoCalGas provided a $100,000 grant to fund this initiative by the Latino Restaurant Association.

Which counties in California received grants from this LRA and SoCalGas (SOCGP) initiative?

The grants were awarded to restaurants in South Fresno, Kings, and Tulare counties in California's Central Valley.

What are the eligibility criteria for restaurants to receive the 2024 grant?

To be eligible, restaurants must own up to three locations, generate less than $1 million in annual revenue per location, have been in business for more than three years, be a current SoCalGas customer, and be a member of the Latino Restaurant Association.

How much does SoCalGas (SOCGP) plan to invest in communities as part of its ASPIRE 2045 Sustainability Strategy?

SoCalGas plans to invest $50 million over five years into the communities it serves as part of its ASPIRE 2045 Sustainability Strategy.



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