SPZI: JP 3E Holdings, Inc. Accelerates Growth with Major Corporate Milestones Toward Uplisting
JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI), formerly Spooz, Inc., has announced significant corporate developments aimed at growth and expansion. The company has completed audited financial statements for 2022 and 2023, positioning it to become a fully SEC-reporting entity. Key initiatives include:
1. Steps to uplist to the OTCQB market
2. Filing a Form 10 and initiating 15c2-11 filing
3. Removing the "shell risk" designation
4. Comprehensive rebranding, including name, ticker symbol, and CUSIP number change
JP3E is preparing to release operational updates showcasing its aggressive growth strategy and market expansion efforts. The company focuses on the Eating, Energy, and Education sectors and is committed to transparency and compliance. These strategic steps reflect JP3E's dedication to shareholders and its vision to be a leader in its served markets.
JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI), in precedenza Spooz, Inc., ha annunciato significativi sviluppi aziendali mirati alla crescita e all'espansione. L'azienda ha completato i bilanci finanziari auditati per il 2022 e il 2023, posizionandosi per diventare un'entità pienamente soggetta ai report SEC. Le iniziative chiave includono:
1. Passi per passare al mercato OTCQB
2. Presentazione di un Modulo 10 e avvio della presentazione 15c2-11
3. Rimozione della designazione di "shell risk"
4. Rebranding completo, compresi il cambiamento di nome, simbolo di borsa e numero CUSIP
JP3E si prepara a rilasciare aggiornamenti operativi che mostrano la sua strategia di crescita aggressiva e gli sforzi di espansione del mercato. L'azienda si concentra nei settori Alimentazione, Energia ed Educazione ed è impegnata nella trasparenza e nella conformità. Questi passi strategici riflettono la dedizione di JP3E verso gli azionisti e la sua visione di essere un leader nei mercati serviti.
JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI), anteriormente Spooz, Inc., ha anunciado importantes desarrollos corporativos enfocados en el crecimiento y la expansión. La compañía ha completado los estados financieros auditados para 2022 y 2023, posicionándose para convertirse en una entidad completamente reportante ante la SEC. Las iniciativas clave incluyen:
1. Pasos para subir al mercado OTCQB
2. Presentación de un Formulario 10 e inicio de la presentación 15c2-11
3. Eliminación de la designación de "shell risk"
4. Rebranding integral, incluido cambio de nombre, símbolo bursátil y número CUSIP
JP3E se está preparando para lanzar actualizaciones operativas que muestran su agresiva estrategia de crecimiento y esfuerzos de expansión de mercado. La compañía se enfoca en los sectores de Alimentación, Energía y Educación y está comprometida con la transparencia y la conformidad. Estos pasos estratégicos reflejan la dedicación de JP3E hacia los accionistas y su visión de ser un líder en los mercados que atiende.
JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI), 이전 Spooz, Inc.는 성장과 확장을 목표로 한 중요한 기업 발전을 발표했습니다. 이 기업은 2022년과 2023년의 감사 재무제표를 완료하여 SEC 보고 요구를 충족하는 완전 보고 기업으로 자리 매김하고 있습니다. 주요 이니셔티브는 다음과 같습니다:
1. OTCQB 시장으로의 상장 절차
2. Form 10 제출 및 15c2-11 제출 시작
3. "shell risk" 지칭 제거
4. 이름, 주식 기호 및 CUSIP 번호 변경을 포함한 종합 재브랜딩
JP3E는 공격적인 성장 전략과 시장 확장 노력을 보여주는 운영 업데이트를 발표할 준비를 하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 음식, 에너지 및 교육 분야에 집중하고 있으며 투명성과 준수에 전념하고 있습니다. 이러한 전략적 조치는 JP3E의 주주에 대한 헌신과 그들이 서비스하는 시장에서 리더가 되겠다는 비전을 반영합니다.
JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI), anciennement Spooz, Inc., a annoncé des développements corporatifs significatifs visant la croissance et l'expansion. L'entreprise a terminé ses états financiers audités pour 2022 et 2023, la positionnant pour devenir une entité entièrement soumise à l'obligation de rapporter à la SEC. Les initiatives clés incluent :
1. Étapes pour se transférer sur le marché OTCQB
2. Dépôt d'un formulaire 10 et initiation du dépôt 15c2-11
3. Suppression de la désignation de "shell risk"
4. Rebranding complet, y compris changement de nom, symbole boursier et numéro CUSIP
JP3E se prépare à publier des mises à jour opérationnelles mettant en avant sa stratégie de croissance agressive et ses efforts d'expansion du marché. L'entreprise se concentre sur les secteurs de l'alimentation, de l'énergie et de l'éducation et s'engage à promouvoir la transparence et la conformité. Ces étapes stratégiques reflètent l'engagement de JP3E envers ses actionnaires et sa vision d'être un leader dans ses marchés desservis.
JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI), zuvor Spooz, Inc., hat bedeutende Unternehmensentwicklungen angekündigt, die auf Wachstum und Expansion abzielen. Das Unternehmen hat die geprüften Finanzberichte für 2022 und 2023 abgeschlossen und sich so positioniert, dass es zu einer vollständig berichtspflichtigen SEC-Einheit wird. Zu den wichtigsten Initiativen gehören:
1. Schritte zur Notierung im OTCQB-Markt
2. Einreichung eines Formulars 10 und Initiierung der 15c2-11 Einreichung
3. Entfernung der "shell risk" Bezeichnung
4. Umfassende Neugestaltung, einschließlich Änderung des Namens, des Börsensymbols und der CUSIP-Nummer
JP3E bereitet sich darauf vor, Betriebsupdates zu veröffentlichen, die seine aggressive Wachstumsstrategie und Marktexpansionsbemühungen vorstellen. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf die Sektoren Ernährung, Energie und Bildung und setzt sich für Transparenz und Compliance ein. Diese strategischen Schritte spiegeln das Engagement von JP3E gegenüber den Aktionären wider und zeigen die Vision, ein Marktführer in den bedienten Märkten zu werden.
- Completed audited financial statements for 2022 and 2023
- Initiating steps to uplist to OTCQB market
- Filing Form 10 to become a fully SEC-reporting company
- Submitting documentation to remove "shell risk" designation
- Implementing comprehensive rebranding strategy
- No plans for a reverse split during uplisting process
- None.
NEW YORK, Oct. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- JP 3E Holdings, Inc. (OTC: SPZI), formerly Spooz, Inc., is excited to announce a series of significant corporate developments that mark a new era of growth and expansion for the company. These strategic initiatives include steps to uplist to the OTCQB market, filing a Form 10, following which, it will initiate 15c2-11 filing, become a fully reporting company under SEC guidelines, remove the "shell risk" designation, and implement a comprehensive rebranding, including a name, ticker symbol, and CUSIP number change through FINRA.
JP 3E Holdings has successfully completed its audited financial statements for 2022 and 2023, a pivotal achievement that positions the company to become a fully SEC-reporting entity. This milestone underscores JP3E's unwavering commitment to transparency, compliance, and delivering significant income and growth to its shareholders.
Shell Risk Removal: One of the initial steps JP3E undertook was to mitigate the risk associated with being designated a “shell risk” by OTC Markets. Through substantial business combinations and acquisitions, the company has demonstrated robust operational activity. Legal counsel has submitted two letters and comprehensive documentation to OTC Markets, confidently presenting a compelling case for the removal of the shell risk designation. The company anticipates a favorable review and is poised for this designation to be lifted soon.
Form 10 Filing with the SEC: JP3E has coordinated with its legal counsel, Gary Blum, and has submitted the proper paperwork to complete its Form 10, registration statement, to become a reporting company under the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. This filing is crucial for uplisting and provides the SEC with comprehensive information on the company’s business, financial condition, and operations.
Form 15c2-11 Submission: The company is also preparing its Form 15c2-11 submission, a key step that will assign a Market Maker to represent JP3E in the market to obtain adequate information and complete the required sufficient due diligence. This will be done alongside the Form 10 filing with the SEC, which will offer detailed insights into the company’s business operations and financial condition.
Name, Ticker, and CUSIP Change: As part of its strategic rebranding, JP3E, formerly Spooz, Inc., is changing its name, ticker, and CUSIP number to reflect its focus on the Eating, Energy, and Education sectors. The paperwork has been completed to change the name with the Nevada Secretary of State. The company has been issued a 16 digit case code from FINRA under Corporate Actions to provide any support and coordination required to complete the process of changing the name, symbol, and CUSIP number for the company.
Uplist Plans: JP3E’s strategic roadmap includes uplisting from the OTC markets to the OTCQB with no plans of doing a reverse split. The above are all prerequisites that are essential for trading on the OTCQB. This move is contingent on meeting the stringent financial and compliance criteria of these exchanges, which the company is actively pursuing through its audited financials.
"Our journey to become a fully reporting company is not just about meeting regulatory requirements; it's a testament to our integrity, transparency, and dedication to sustainable growth," said John K. Park, Chairman and President of JP 3E Holdings, Inc. "These strategic steps are complex and demanding, but they reflect our unwavering commitment to our shareholders and our vision to be a leader in the markets we serve."
The company is gearing up to release exciting operational updates in the near future, showcasing additional strides in its aggressive growth strategy and market expansion efforts. To receive information on JP3E, sign up for email news alerts at https://www.jp3e.com/subscription.
For additional information on the Global Trade Financing Platform via Bloxcross, Inc., reach out to sgallegos@bloxcross.com.
About JP 3E Holdings, Inc.
JP3E is a global leader in commodity trading, known for its innovative approach to optimizing trade processes and solutions across numerous sectors. With a commitment to sustainability and market leadership, JP3E continues to drive new trends and solutions in global commodity markets. JP3E’s financial statements are audited by a PCAOB auditor.
About Bloxcross, Inc.
Bloxcross is at the forefront of financial technology, specializing in blockchain-based solutions for cross-border payments and trade finance. Dedicated to streamlining global financial transactions, Bloxcross provides secure, fast, and cost-effective services to clients worldwide. To learn more about their groundbreaking solutions, visit https://www.blox.global/.
Company Contact:
John K. Park, Chairman
732-241-0598 Office
Websites: https://www.jp3e.com/
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/SpoozInc
Facebook: http://www.Facebook.com/SpoozInc
E-Mail: info@jp3e.com