EURneffy (adrenaline nasal spray) Approved in the EU as the First and Only Needle-Free Emergency Treatment of Allergic Reactions (anaphylaxis)

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ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRY) announced that the European Commission approved EURneffy (adrenaline nasal spray) on August 22, 2024, for emergency treatment of allergic reactions (anaphylaxis). This marks the first needle-free treatment option in the EU for adults and children (≥30 kg) with severe allergies in over 30 years. EURneffy's approval follows FDA approval in the US on August 9, 2024.

The approval was based on extensive clinical data from over 700 study participants and 1,200 administrations. EURneffy offers advantages such as a smaller form factor and longer, less temperature-sensitive shelf-life, potentially increasing the likelihood of patients carrying and administering adrenaline during allergic reactions. ARS Pharma anticipates EURneffy's availability in certain EU Member States by Q4 2024.

ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRY) ha annunciato che la Commissione Europea ha approvato EURneffy (spray nasale di adrenalina) il 22 agosto 2024, per il trattamento di emergenza delle reazioni allergiche (anafilassi). Questo segna la prima opzione di trattamento senza ago nell'UE per adulti e bambini (≥30 kg) con gravi allergie dopo oltre 30 anni. L'approvazione di EURneffy segue quella della FDA negli Stati Uniti, avvenuta il 9 agosto 2024.

L'approvazione si basa su dati clinici estesi provenienti da oltre 700 partecipanti allo studio e 1.200 somministrazioni. EURneffy offre vantaggi come un formato più compatto e una durata di conservazione più lunga e meno sensibile alla temperatura, aumentando potenzialmente la probabilità che i pazienti portino e somministrino adrenalina durante le reazioni allergiche. ARS Pharma prevede la disponibilità di EURneffy in alcuni Stati membri dell'UE entro il Q4 del 2024.

ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRY) anunció que la Comisión Europea aprobó EURneffy (spray nasal de adrenalina) el 22 de agosto de 2024, para el tratamiento de emergencia de reacciones alérgicas (anafilaxis). Esto marca la primera opción de tratamiento sin aguja en la UE para adultos y niños (≥30 kg) con alergias severas en más de 30 años. La aprobación de EURneffy sigue a la aprobación de la FDA en los EE. UU. el 9 de agosto de 2024.

La aprobación se basó en datos clínicos extensos de más de 700 participantes en el estudio y 1,200 administraciones. EURneffy ofrece ventajas como un tamaño más pequeño y una vida útil más larga y menos sensible a la temperatura, lo que podría aumentar la probabilidad de que los pacientes lleven y administren adrenalina durante reacciones alérgicas. ARS Pharma anticipa la disponibilidad de EURneffy en ciertos Estados miembros de la UE para el cuarto trimestre de 2024.

ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRY)는 유럽연합 집행위원회가 2024년 8월 22일에 EURneffy (아드레날린 코스프레이)를 알레르기 반응(아나필락시스)의 응급 치료를 위해 승인했다고 발표했습니다. 이는 30년 이상 만에 성인과 어린이(≥30 kg)에게 제공되는 첫 번째 바늘 없는 치료 옵션입니다. EURneffy의 승인은 2024년 8월 9일 미국 FDA 승인을 따릅니다.

이번 승인은 700명 이상의 연구 참가자와 1,200회의 투여에서 얻은 광범위한 임상 데이터를 기반으로 이루어졌습니다. EURneffy는 더 작은 형태 요인온도에 덜 민감한 더 긴 유통 기한과 같은 장점을 제공하여, 알레르기 반응 중 환자들이 아드레날린을 휴대하고 투여할 가능성을 높일 수 있습니다. ARS Pharma는 EURneffy가 2024년 4분기 내에 일부 EU 회원국에서 이용 가능할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다.

ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRY) a annoncé que la Commission Européenne a approuvé EURneffy (spray nasal d'adrénaline) le 22 août 2024, pour le traitement d'urgence des réactions allergiques (anaphylaxie). Cela marque la première option de traitement sans aiguille dans l'UE pour les adultes et les enfants (≥30 kg) souffrant d'allergies sévères depuis plus de 30 ans. L'approbation d'EURneffy fait suite à l'approbation de la FDA aux États-Unis le 9 août 2024.

L'approbation a été fondée sur des données cliniques étendues provenant de plus de 700 participants à l'étude et de 1 200 administrations. EURneffy offre des avantages tels qu'un format plus petit et une durée de conservation plus longue et moins sensible à la température, ce qui pourrait augmenter la probabilité pour les patients de transporter et d'administrer de l'adrénaline lors de réactions allergiques. ARS Pharma prévoit que EURneffy sera disponible dans certains États membres de l'UE d'ici le quatrième trimestre 2024.

ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRY) gab bekannt, dass die Europäische Kommission am 22. August 2024 EURneffy (Adrenalin-Nasenspray) für die Notfallbehandlung von allergischen Reaktionen (Anaphylaxie) genehmigt hat. Dies stellt die erste nadelfreie Behandlungsoption in der EU für Erwachsene und Kinder (≥30 kg) mit schweren Allergien seit über 30 Jahren dar. Die Genehmigung von EURneffy folgt der Genehmigung durch die FDA in den USA am 9. August 2024.

Die Genehmigung basierte auf umfangreichen klinischen Daten von über 700 Studienteilnehmern und 1.200 Verabreichungen. EURneffy bietet Vorteile wie eine kompaktere Bauform und eine längere, weniger temperaturempfindliche Haltbarkeit, was die Wahrscheinlichkeit erhöhen könnte, dass Patienten Adrenalin während allergischer Reaktionen mitführen und verabreichen. ARS Pharma erwartet die Verfügbarkeit von EURneffy in bestimmten EU-Mitgliedstaaten im vierten Quartal 2024.

  • First needle-free emergency treatment for allergic reactions approved in the EU
  • Potential for increased patient compliance due to easier administration and storage
  • Extensive clinical data supporting approval (700+ participants, 1,200+ administrations)
  • Patent protection until 2039 in Europe
  • Anticipated market availability in Q4 2024 in certain EU Member States
  • None.

The approval of EURneffy marks a significant milestone in anaphylaxis treatment. As the first needle-free emergency treatment for allergic reactions in the EU, it addresses a critical gap in patient care. The extensive clinical program, involving over 700 participants and 1,200 administrations, demonstrates robust efficacy and safety profiles. Notably, the eight-year data protection and ten-year marketing protection provide ARS Pharmaceuticals with a strong market position. The 2 mg dosage, tested across various conditions, shows versatility in real-world scenarios. This approval could potentially increase adrenaline utilization among at-risk patients, addressing the current underuse of this life-saving medication.

EURneffy's approval opens up a significant market opportunity for ARS Pharmaceuticals. The European severe allergy market is substantial and being the first needle-free option gives ARS a competitive edge. The planned Q4 2024 launch through an established European pharmaceutical partner suggests a strong go-to-market strategy. The longer shelf-life and less temperature sensitivity of EURneffy compared to injectable alternatives could drive market penetration. Additionally, the patent protection until 2039 provides a long runway for market exclusivity. Investors should monitor the initial uptake and reimbursement decisions across EU member states, as these will be key indicators of EURneffy's commercial success and potential impact on ARS Pharmaceuticals' revenue stream.

This EU approval, following the recent FDA approval, positions ARS Pharmaceuticals for potential revenue growth. The dual-market access in the US and EU expands the addressable patient population significantly. While specific financial projections aren't provided, the Q4 2024 European launch timeline gives investors a clear horizon for potential revenue impact. The partnership strategy for EU distribution indicates a capital-efficient approach to market entry. Investors should focus on upcoming quarterly reports for insights into launch preparations and any revenue guidance. The long patent protection and market exclusivity periods provide a solid foundation for long-term value creation. However, it's important to monitor the company's cash position and burn rate as they transition from development to commercialization phases.

EURneffy offers adults and children (≥30 kg) in Europe living with severe allergic reactions the first new delivery method for adrenaline in more than 30 years in the EU

European Commission decision follows FDA approval in the United States on August 9, 2024

SAN DIEGO, Aug. 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --   ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRY), a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development of products to better protect patients from severe allergic reactions that could lead to anaphylaxis, announced today that the European Commission has approved EURneffy® (adrenaline nasal spray) for the emergency treatment of allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) on August 22, 2024.

“Adrenaline is the only first-line treatment for allergic reactions including anaphylaxis, yet there is significant underutilization of adrenaline due to the limitations of current available therapy,” said Antonella Muraro, MD PhD, Professor of Food Allergy at the University of Padua, and lead author of the European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) treatment guidelines for anaphylaxis, “The approval of EURneffy provides the first needle-free treatment option available in the EU for adults and children (≥30 kg) with severe allergies, many of whom may not carry, or delay use of an injectable adrenaline product.”

“Today’s approval marks an important moment for the severe allergy community in the EU, and the first novel adrenaline delivery method in more than three decades,” said Richard Lowenthal, Co-Founder, President and CEO of ARS Pharma. “EURneffy’s needle-free, smaller form and longer and less temperature-sensitive shelf-life may increase the likelihood that patients will both carry and administer adrenaline, which improves the outcome of allergic reactions.”

The approval of the mixed application for marketing authorization grounded on Article 8(3) of Directive 2001/83/EC by the European Commission was granted following the review of data from one of the most extensive nasal spray development programs in history involving more than 700 study participants and over 1,200 administrations, as well as studies and peer-reviewed literature substituting or supporting certain tests and studies. The pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of 2 mg EURneffy were evaluated across a range of dosing conditions, including single and repeat dosing, self-administration by patients, dosing in pediatrics, and during multiple nasal conditions that can cause congestion and rhinorrhea such as nasal allergen challenge or infectious rhinitis caused by a cold/flu.

EURneffy benefits from an eight-year period of data protection whereby another applicant cannot rely the data submitted as part of the EURneffy marketing authorization application, and a ten-year period of marketing protection during which a generic, hybrid or biosimilar cannot be placed on the market in the EU. The issued composition of matter and method of treatment patents covering EURneffy in Europe expire in 2039.

ARS Pharma anticipates that EURneffy will be made available to patients in certain European Union Member States in Q4 2024 by a pharmaceutical company with an already established commercial footprint in Europe.

EURneffy is the trade name for neffy® (epinephrine nasal spray) in the European Union.

About Type I Allergic Reactions including Anaphylaxis
Type I severe allergic reactions are serious and potentially life-threatening events that can occur within minutes of exposure to an allergen and require immediate treatment with epinephrine, the only approved medication for these reactions in the European Union. While adrenaline autoinjectors have been shown to be highly effective, there are well published limitations that result in many patients and caregivers delaying or not administering treatment in an emergency situation. These limitations include fear of the needle, lack of portability, needle-related safety concerns, lack of reliability, and complexity of the devices. Even if patients or caregivers carry an autoinjector, more than half either delay or do not administer the device when needed in an emergency.

About ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
ARS Pharma is a biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the development of products to better protect patients from severe allergic reactions that could lead to anaphylaxis. The Company is commercializing neffy® (trade name EURneffy in the EU),, an intranasal epinephrine product in clinical development for patients and their caregivers with Type I allergic reactions including food, medications and insect bites that could lead to life-threatening anaphylaxis. For more information, visit

Forward-Looking Statements
Statements in this press release that are not purely historical in nature are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These statements include but are not limited to: the potential market and demand for EURneffy; the needle-free profile of neffy potentially increasing the likelihood that patients may both carry and administer adrenaline; the expected intellectual property protection; the timelines for commercialization of EURneffy in the European Union; ARS Pharma’s marketing and commercialization strategies, including potential partnerships in foreign jurisdictions; and other statements that are not historical fact. Because such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Words such as “anticipate,” “expects,” “potential,” “will,” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon ARS Pharma’s current expectations and involve assumptions that may never materialize or may prove to be incorrect. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result of various risks and uncertainties, which include, without limitation; the ability to obtain and maintain regulatory approval for neffy; potential safety and other complications from neffy; the labelling for neffy in any future indication or patient population, if approved; the scope, progress and expansion of developing and commercializing neffy; the potential for payors to delay, limit or deny coverage for neffy the size and growth of the market therefor and the rate and degree of market acceptance thereof vis-à-vis intramuscular injectable products; ARS Pharma’s ability to protect its intellectual property position; and the impact of government laws and regulations. Additional risks and uncertainties that could cause actual outcomes and results to differ materially from those contemplated by the forward-looking statements are included under the caption “Risk Factors” in ARS Pharma’s Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024, filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on August 6, 2024. This and other documents ARS Pharma files with the SEC can also be accessed on ARS Pharma’s website at by clicking on the link “Financials & Filings” under the “Investors & Media” tab.

ARS Investor Contact:
Justin Chakma
ARS Pharmaceuticals

ARS Media Contact:
Christy Curran
Sam Brown Inc.


When was EURneffy (adrenaline nasal spray) approved in the EU for SPRY?

EURneffy was approved by the European Commission on August 22, 2024, for the emergency treatment of allergic reactions (anaphylaxis).

What is unique about EURneffy compared to other anaphylaxis treatments for SPRY?

EURneffy is the first and only needle-free emergency treatment for allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) approved in the EU in over 30 years.

When does ARS Pharmaceuticals (SPRY) expect EURneffy to be available in the EU?

ARS Pharmaceuticals anticipates that EURneffy will be available to patients in certain European Union Member States in Q4 2024.

What are the potential advantages of EURneffy for SPRY in treating anaphylaxis?

EURneffy offers a needle-free, smaller form factor with longer and less temperature-sensitive shelf-life, potentially increasing the likelihood of patients carrying and using it during allergic reactions.

ARS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


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