Spruce Biosciences Reports Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results and Provides Corporate Updates

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Spruce Biosciences (SPRB) reported Q2 2024 financial results and provided corporate updates. Key highlights include:

1. Strategic collaboration with HMNC Brain Health to develop tildacerfont for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).

2. Topline data from CAHmelia-204 and CAHptain-205 studies of tildacerfont in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) expected in Q4 2024.

3. Cash runway through the end of 2025 with $69.7 million in cash and cash equivalents as of June 30, 2024.

4. Q2 2024 financial results: Collaboration revenue of $1.6 million, R&D expenses of $8.1 million, G&A expenses of $3.6 million, and net loss of $9.2 million.

5. Anticipated End of Phase 2 meeting with FDA in H1 2025.

Spruce Biosciences (SPRB) ha riportato i risultati finanziari del secondo trimestre 2024 e fornito aggiornamenti aziendali. I punti salienti includono:

1. Collaborazione strategica con HMNC Brain Health per sviluppare tildacerfont per il Disturbo Depressivo Maggiore (MDD).

2. Si prevede che i dati principali degli studi CAHmelia-204 e CAHptain-205 su tildacerfont nella Ipoadrenalismo Congenito (CAH) siano disponibili nel quarto trimestre 2024.

3. Liquidità disponibile fino alla fine del 2025 con 69,7 milioni di dollari in contante e equivalenti al 30 giugno 2024.

4. Risultati finanziari del secondo trimestre 2024: ricavi da collaborazione di 1,6 milioni di dollari, spese in R&S di 8,1 milioni di dollari, spese generali e amministrative di 3,6 milioni di dollari e perdita netta di 9,2 milioni di dollari.

5. Incontro finale previsto di Fase 2 con la FDA nella prima metà del 2025.

Spruce Biosciences (SPRB) reportó los resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024 y ofreció actualizaciones corporativas. Los aspectos destacados incluyen:

1. Colaboración estratégica con HMNC Brain Health para desarrollar tildacerfont para el Trastorno Depresivo Mayor (MDD).

2. Se esperan datos finales de los estudios CAHmelia-204 y CAHptain-205 de tildacerfont en Hiperplasia Adrenal Congénita (CAH) en el cuarto trimestre de 2024.

3. Fondo disponible hasta finales de 2025 con 69,7 millones de dólares en efectivo y equivalentes al 30 de junio de 2024.

4. Resultados financieros del segundo trimestre de 2024: ingresos por colaboración de 1,6 millones de dólares, gastos en I+D de 8,1 millones de dólares, gastos generales y administrativos de 3,6 millones de dólares, y una pérdida neta de 9,2 millones de dólares.

5. Reunión final anticipada de la Fase 2 con la FDA en la primera mitad de 2025.

Spruce Biosciences (SPRB)는 2024년 2분기 재무 결과를 발표하고 기업 업데이트를 제공했습니다. 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 주요 우울 장애(MDD)를 위한 tildacerfont 개발을 위해 HMNC Brain Health와 전략적 협력 관계를 맺었습니다.

2. 2024년 4분기에는 선천성 부신 과형성(CAH)에서 tildacerfont에 대한 CAHmelia-204 및 CAHptain-205 연구의 주요 데이터가 예상됩니다.

3. 2025년 말까지 사용 가능한 현금은 6,970만 달러이며, 2024년 6월 30일 기준으로 현금 및 현금성 자산이 있습니다.

4. 2024년 2분기 재무 결과: 협력 수익 160만 달러, 연구 및 개발 비용 810만 달러, 일반 관리 비용 360만 달러, 순손실 920만 달러입니다.

5. 2025년 상반기 FDA와의 2단계 종료 회의가 예상됩니다.

Spruce Biosciences (SPRB) a publié les résultats financiers du deuxième trimestre 2024 et fourni des mises à jour corporatives. Les points clés incluent :

1. Collaboration stratégique avec HMNC Brain Health pour développer le tildacerfont pour le trouble dépressif majeur (MDD).

2. Les données principales des études CAHmelia-204 et CAHptain-205 sur le tildacerfont dans l'hyperplasie surrénale congénitale (CAH) sont attendues au quatrième trimestre 2024.

3. Trésorerie disponible jusqu'à la fin de 2025 avec 69,7 millions de dollars en liquidités et équivalents au 30 juin 2024.

4. Résultats financiers du 2ème trimestre 2024 : revenus de collaboration de 1,6 million de dollars, dépenses de R&D de 8,1 millions de dollars, dépenses générales et administratives de 3,6 millions de dollars, et perte nette de 9,2 millions de dollars.

5. Réunion prévue de fin de phase 2 avec la FDA au premier semestre 2025.

Spruce Biosciences (SPRB) hat die Finanzkennzahlen für das zweite Quartal 2024 veröffentlicht und Unternehmensupdates bereitgestellt. Wichtige Highlights umfassen:

1. Strategische Zusammenarbeit mit HMNC Brain Health zur Entwicklung von Tildacerfont für die Major Depression (MDD).

2. Die Hauptergebnisse aus den Studien CAHmelia-204 und CAHptain-205 zu Tildacerfont bei angeborener Nebennierenhyperplasie (CAH) werden im vierten Quartal 2024 erwartet.

3. Liquide Mittel bis Ende 2025, mit 69,7 Millionen Dollar in bar und liquiden Mitteln zum 30. Juni 2024.

4. Finanzielle Ergebnisse für Q2 2024: Kooperationsumsatz von 1,6 Millionen Dollar, F&E-Ausgaben von 8,1 Millionen Dollar, allgemeine und Verwaltungskosten von 3,6 Millionen Dollar und ein Nettoverlust von 9,2 Millionen Dollar.

5. Erwartetes Treffen zum Ende der Phase 2 mit der FDA in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres 2025.

  • Strategic collaboration with HMNC Brain Health to develop tildacerfont for MDD
  • Cash runway extended through the end of 2025
  • Decrease in R&D expenses from $13.1 million to $8.1 million year-over-year in Q2
  • Reduction in net loss from $12.8 million to $9.2 million year-over-year in Q2
  • Decrease in collaboration revenue from $2.2 million to $1.6 million year-over-year in Q2
  • Increase in G&A expenses from $3.0 million to $3.6 million year-over-year in Q2

Spruce Biosciences' Q2 2024 results show a mixed financial picture. While the company reported a reduction in net loss to $9.2 million for Q2 2024 from $12.8 million in Q2 2023, this was primarily driven by decreased R&D expenses due to study completions and terminations. The cash position of $69.7 million provides runway through 2025, which is important for upcoming milestones. However, the decline in collaboration revenue to $1.6 million from $2.2 million year-over-year is concerning. The strategic collaboration with HMNC Brain Health for MDD treatment could potentially diversify revenue streams, but its impact remains to be seen. Investors should closely monitor the upcoming Q4 2024 trial results, as positive outcomes could significantly impact the company's valuation and future prospects.

The upcoming Q4 2024 readouts for tildacerfont in CAH are critical inflection points for Spruce Biosciences. The CAHmelia-204 study, focusing on glucocorticoid reduction, could potentially lead to registration if successful. The CAHptain-205 study, evaluating higher doses (200mg BID and 400mg BID) in adults and pediatrics, is particularly interesting as it addresses the limitations observed in the CAHmelia-203 study. Positive results from these trials could position tildacerfont as a first-in-class treatment for CAH, addressing a significant unmet need. The expansion into MDD through the HMNC collaboration is an intriguing move, leveraging tildacerfont's mechanism as a CRF1 receptor antagonist. This diversification could mitigate risk and open new market opportunities, but efficacy in this new indication remains to be proven.

Spruce Biosciences is at a pivotal juncture with its lead asset, tildacerfont. The CAH market, while niche, represents a significant opportunity due to the lack of approved non-steroidal treatments. Positive results from the upcoming trials could position Spruce as a leader in this space. The collaboration with HMNC for MDD is a strategic move into a much larger market, potentially broadening the company's appeal to investors. However, competition in the MDD space is fierce and success is far from guaranteed. The company's focus on endocrine and neurological disorders with unmet needs is commendable, but it also carries higher risk. Investors should weigh the potential rewards against the risks of clinical trial failures, which could significantly impact the company's valuation and future prospects.

Announced Strategic Collaboration with HMNC Brain Health GmbH (HMNC) to Develop Tildacerfont for the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)

Topline Data from CAHmelia-204 Study of Tildacerfont in Adult Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) Anticipated in Q4 2024

Topline Data from CAHptain-205 Study of Tildacerfont in Adult and Pediatric CAH Anticipated in Q4 2024

Cash Runway Through the End of 2025

SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Spruce Biosciences, Inc. (Nasdaq: SPRB), a late-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing novel therapies for endocrine and neurological disorders with significant unmet medical need, today reported financial results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024 and provided corporate updates.

“We remain committed to advancing the development of tildacerfont and opening a new chapter in the management of CAH with a potentially life-changing medicine for patients and their families,” said Javier Szwarcberg, M.D., M.P.H., Chief Executive Officer of Spruce. “In the fourth quarter of 2024, we plan to report primary efficacy and safety data through week 24 plus interim data from the open-label extension of the CAHmelia-204 study, which is assessing glucocorticoid (GC) reduction, a potentially registrational endpoint in adult CAH patients on supraphysiologic GC doses with normal or near normal levels of androstenedione (A4).”

Dr. Szwarcberg added, “At the same time, we will also report topline data from CAHptain-205, which will include week 4 efficacy and safety measures on 200mg twice-daily (BID) and 400mg BID doses of tildacerfont in adults, adolescents and children with CAH and elevated levels of A4. Following our analysis of results from the CAHmelia-203 study, which evaluated doses of tildacerfont up to 200mg once-daily (QD) in adults with CAH and highly elevated levels of A4, we believe that tildacerfont has the potential to address severe hyperandrogenemia in CAH at higher doses taken BID. If results from CAHmelia-204 and CAHptain-205 are positive, we intend to meet with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and comparable foreign regulatory authorities to align on the next steps for our CAH program.”

Corporate Updates

  • Announced Strategic Collaboration with HMNC to Develop Personalized Treatment for MDD: Spruce entered into a license, development and option agreement with HMNC to develop Spruce’s investigational product candidate, tildacerfont, a second-generation CRF1 receptor antagonist, with HMNC’s companion diagnostic, the proprietary Cortibon Genetic Selection Tool (Cortibon), as a personalized medicine with potential for the treatment of MDD. Under the terms of the agreement, HMNC will fund and conduct a Phase 2 proof-of-concept study of tildacerfont in MDD patients, who will be screened using Cortibon. Spruce has an option to in-license exclusive worldwide rights to Cortibon after completion of the study, if results are positive.
  • Poster Highlighting Final Results from Phase 2 POWER Study of Tildacerfont for the Treatment of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Presented at ENDO 2024 Annual Meeting: Ricardo Azziz, M.D., M.B.A., M.P.H., Professor, Obstetrics and Gynecology at University of Alabama at Birmingham School of Medicine, presented final results from the Phase 2 POWER study, which demonstrated the ability of tildacerfont to reduce dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate levels over 12 weeks in women with PCOS. Additionally, an observed increase in serum sex hormone binding globulin demonstrated that tildacerfont may potentially lower levels of free, bioactive sex hormones such as testosterone. Tildacerfont was well-tolerated, with no safety signals observed. The majority of adverse events were mild to moderate, and no serious adverse reactions were reported. The poster presentation is available on the company’s website.
  • Poster Highlighting Impact of Geography and Insurance on Healthcare Utilization Preferences of Individuals with CAH Presented at ENDO 2024 Annual Meeting: Prasanth Surampudi, M.D., Associate Professor, Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at U.C. Davis School of Medicine, presented findings related to the need for increased partnership between primary care physicians and endocrinologists as well as increased education among CAH patients and advocacy groups of specialty care to improve biochemical outcomes that reduce risks of morbidity and mortality in adult CAH patients. The poster presentation is available on the company’s website.
  • Poster Highlighting Pediatric and Adult Endocrinology Practices to Improve Biochemical Outcomes in Adults with CAH Presented at ENDO 2024 Annual Meeting: Wenyu Huang, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor, Division of Endocrinology, Metabolism and Molecular Medicine at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, and Amir Hamrahian, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism at Johns Hopkins University, presented findings exploring the risks associated with CAH diagnosis and treatment, including health impacts of hyperandrogenemia and serious adverse events with long-term use of supraphysiologic GC doses. The poster presentation is available on the company’s website.

Anticipated Upcoming Milestones

  • Topline results from the CAHmelia-204 clinical trial of tildacerfont 200mg QD in adult classic CAH patients on supraphysiologic doses of GCs with normal or near normal levels of A4 anticipated in the fourth quarter of 2024
  • Topline results from the CAHptain-205 clinical trial of tildacerfont 200mg BID and 400mg BID adult and pediatric cohorts anticipated in the fourth quarter of 2024
  • End of Phase 2 (EOP2) meeting with the U.S. FDA anticipated in the first half of 2025

Second Quarter 2024 Financial Results

  • Cash and Cash Equivalents: Cash and cash equivalents as of June 30, 2024 were $69.7 million. Cash and cash equivalents are expected to allow the company to fund its current operating plan through the end of 2025.
  • Collaboration Revenue: Collaboration revenue was $1.6 million and $3.6 million for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, respectively, compared to $2.2 million and $4.1 million for the same periods in 2023. The collaboration revenue reflects the partial recognition of the $15.0 million upfront payment the company received in April 2023 in connection with the collaboration and license agreement with Kaken Pharmaceutical.
  • Research and Development (R&D) Expenses: R&D expenses for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 were $8.1 million and $18.4 million, respectively, compared to $13.1 million and $24.8 million for the same periods in 2023. The overall decrease in R&D expenses was primarily driven by the decrease in clinical development and manufacturing expenses related to the termination of the CAHmelia-203 study, completion of enrollment in the company’s CAHmelia-204 study, and completion of the Phase 2 POWER study in PCOS.
  • General and Administrative (G&A) Expenses: G&A expenses for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 were $3.6 million and $7.9 million, respectively, compared to $3.0 million and $6.5 million for the same periods in 2023.
  • Total Operating Expenses: Total operating expenses for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 were $11.6 million and $26.3 million, respectively, compared to $16.1 million and $31.3 million for the same periods in 2023. Operating expenses include non-cash stock-based compensation expenses of $1.7 million and $3.2 million for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024, respectively, compared to $1.2 million and $2.3 million for the same periods in 2023.
  • Net Loss: Net loss for the three and six months ended June 30, 2024 was $9.2 million and $20.8 million, respectively, compared to $12.8 million and $25.6 million for the same periods in 2023.

About Spruce Biosciences

Spruce Biosciences is a late-stage biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and commercializing novel therapies for endocrine and neurological disorders with significant unmet medical need. Spruce is developing its product candidate, tildacerfont, an oral, second-generation CRF1 receptor antagonist, for the treatment of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and major depressive disorder (MDD). To learn more, visit and follow us on X, LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube.

Forward-Looking Statements

Statements contained in this press release regarding matters that are not historical facts are “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such forward-looking statements include statements regarding, among other things, the design, results, conduct, progress and timing of Spruce’s clinical trials; Spruce’s expectations regarding reporting results of its clinical trials in 2024; Spruce’s plans to meet with the FDA to discuss the potential registrational path forward of tildacerfont for adult and pediatric classic CAH; and Spruce’s product candidate, strategy and regulatory matters. Because such statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Words such as “anticipate”, “will”, “potential”, “suggest”, “plan”, “intend” and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based upon Spruce’s current expectations and involve assumptions that may never materialize or may prove to be incorrect. Actual results could differ materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result of various risks and uncertainties, which include, without limitation, risks and uncertainties associated with Spruce’s business in general, the impact of geopolitical and macroeconomic events, and the other risks described in Spruce’s filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made and are based on management’s assumptions and estimates as of such date. Spruce undertakes no obligation to update such statements to reflect events that occur or circumstances that exist after the date on which they were made, except as required by law.




(in thousands, except share and per share amounts)




June 30,


December 31,













Current assets:







Cash and cash equivalents









Prepaid expenses









Other current assets









Total current assets









Right-of-use assets









Other assets









Total assets
















Current liabilities:







Accounts payable









Accrued expenses and other current liabilities









Term loan, current portion









Deferred revenue, current portion









Total current liabilities









Lease liabilities, net of current portion









Term loan, net of current portion









Other liabilities









Total liabilities









Commitments and contingencies







Stockholders’ equity:







Preferred stock, $0.0001 par value; 10,000,000 shares authorized and no shares issued or outstanding as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023







Common stock, $0.0001 par value; 200,000,000 shares authorized as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023; 41,302,599 and 41,029,832 shares issued and outstanding as of June 30, 2024 and December 31, 2023, respectively









Additional paid-in capital









Accumulated deficit









Total stockholders’ equity









Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity













(in thousands, except share and per share amounts)




Three Months Ended

June 30,


Six Months Ended

June 30,










Collaboration revenue

















Operating expenses:













Research and development

















General and administrative

















Total operating expenses

















Loss from operations

















Interest expense

















Interest income and other expense, net

















Net loss

















Other comprehensive gain, net of tax:













Unrealized gain on available for sale securities















Total comprehensive loss

















Net loss per share, basic and diluted

















Weighted-average shares of common stock outstanding, basic and diluted



















Katie Beach Oltsik

Inizio Evoke Comms

(937) 232-4889


Samir Gharib

President and CFO

Spruce Biosciences, Inc.

Source: Spruce Biosciences, Inc.


When will Spruce Biosciences (SPRB) report topline data for its CAH studies?

Spruce Biosciences expects to report topline data from both the CAHmelia-204 and CAHptain-205 studies of tildacerfont in Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) in the fourth quarter of 2024.

What is Spruce Biosciences' (SPRB) cash position as of Q2 2024?

As of June 30, 2024, Spruce Biosciences reported cash and cash equivalents of $69.7 million, which is expected to fund its current operating plan through the end of 2025.

What was Spruce Biosciences' (SPRB) net loss for Q2 2024?

Spruce Biosciences reported a net loss of $9.2 million for the second quarter of 2024, compared to $12.8 million for the same period in 2023.

What new collaboration did Spruce Biosciences (SPRB) announce in Q2 2024?

Spruce Biosciences announced a strategic collaboration with HMNC Brain Health GmbH to develop tildacerfont as a personalized treatment for Major Depressive Disorder (MDD).

Spruce Biosciences, Inc.


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Pharmaceutical Preparations
United States of America