SIMPPLE Ltd. Announces $1.0 Million Sale of Multi-functional Robots in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand

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SIMPPLE (NASDAQ: SPPL) has announced a $1.0 million sale of its proprietary 3-in-1 multifunctional robots and modular robot heads across Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand. The company's Gemini robots, which combine security, digital concierge, and cleaning services, have been deployed in retail malls, commercial office buildings, and healthcare institutions in Singapore. In Malaysia and Thailand, Gemini heads have been retrofitted to existing cleaning robots in commercial office buildings.

CEO Norman Schroeder describes Gemini as a 'game-changer' in service robotics, offering significant savings and convenience to facility management companies. The development of Gemini was supported by Singapore government agencies, with grants totaling about $380,000. SIMPPLE expects additional sales in Australia, New Zealand, and other markets in the coming months.

The global service robotics market is projected to grow by a CAGR of 30.25%, or $90.4 billion, from 2024 to 2028, according to a Technavio report. This growth is driven by the integration of advanced technologies and significant government investments in the sector.

SIMPPLE (NASDAQ: SPPL) ha annunciato una vendita di 1,0 milioni di dollari dei suoi robot multifunzionali 3-in-1 e teste robotiche modulari in Singapore, Malesia e Thailandia. I robot Gemini dell'azienda, che combinano servizi di sicurezza, concierge digitale e pulizia, sono stati impiegati in centri commerciali, edifici per uffici e istituzioni sanitarie a Singapore. In Malesia e Thailandia, le teste Gemini sono state retrofitate su robot per la pulizia già esistenti negli uffici commerciali.

Il CEO Norman Schroeder descrive Gemini come un 'cambiamento radicale' nella robotica dei servizi, offrendo significativi risparmi e convenienza alle aziende di gestione delle strutture. Sviluppo di Gemini è stato supportato da agenzie governative di Singapore, con sovvenzioni che ammontano a circa $380.000. SIMPPLE prevede ulteriori vendite in Australia, Nuova Zelanda e altri mercati nei prossimi mesi.

Il mercato globale della robotica dei servizi è previsto crescere con un CAGR del 30,25%, ovvero 90,4 miliardi di dollari, dal 2024 al 2028, secondo un rapporto di Technavio. Questa crescita è guidata dall'integrazione di tecnologie avanzate e significativi investimenti governativi nel settore.

SIMPPLE (NASDAQ: SPPL) ha anunciado una venta de 1,0 millones de dólares de sus robots multifuncionales 3-en-1 y cabezales robóticos modulares en Singapur, Malasia y Tailandia. Los robots Gemini de la compañía, que combinan servicios de seguridad, conserjería digital y limpieza, han sido desplegados en centros comerciales, edificios de oficinas comerciales e instituciones de salud en Singapur. En Malasia y Tailandia, las cabezas Gemini han sido adaptadas para robots de limpieza existentes en edificios de oficinas comerciales.

El CEO Norman Schroeder describe a Gemini como un 'cambiador de juego' en la robótica de servicios, ofreciendo importantes ahorros y conveniencia a las empresas de gestión de instalaciones. El desarrollo de Gemini fue apoyado por agencias gubernamentales de Singapur, con subvenciones que totalizan aproximadamente $380,000. SIMPPLE espera ventas adicionales en Australia, Nueva Zelanda y otros mercados en los próximos meses.

Se proyecta que el mercado global de robótica de servicios crezca a un CAGR del 30,25%, o 90.4 mil millones de dólares, de 2024 a 2028, según un informe de Technavio. Este crecimiento es impulsado por la integración de tecnologías avanzadas y significativas inversiones gubernamentales en el sector.

SIMPPLE (NASDAQ: SPPL)는 100만 달러 어치의 독자적인 3-in-1 다기능 로봇 및 모듈형 로봇 헤드를 싱가포르, 말레이시아 및 태국에 판매한다고 발표했습니다. 회사의 Gemini 로봇은 보안, 디지털 컨시어지 및 청소 서비스를 결합하여 싱가포르의 소매 쇼핑몰, 상업용 오피스 빌딩 및 의료 기관에 배치되었습니다. 말레이시아와 태국에서는 기존 청소 로봇에 Gemini 헤드가 개조되어 적용되었습니다.

CEO 노먼 슈로더는 Gemini를 '서비스 로봇 공학의 게임 체인저'로 묘사하며, 시설 관리 회사에 상당한 비용 절감과 편리함을 제공한다고 말했습니다. Gemini의 개발은 약 38만 달러의 보조금과 함께 싱가포르 정부 기관의 지원을 받았습니다. SIMPPLE은 향후 몇 달 내 호주, 뉴질랜드 및 기타 시장에서 추가 판매를 예상하고 있습니다.

글로벌 서비스 로봇 시장은 2024년에서 2028년 사이에 30.25%의 CAGR, 즉 904억 달러로 성장할 것으로 예상된다고 Technavio 보고서는 전했습니다. 이 성장은 첨단 기술의 통합과 해당 산업에 대한 정부의 상당한 투자에 의해 주도되고 있습니다.

SIMPPLE (NASDAQ: SPPL) a annoncé une vente de 1,0 million de dollars de ses robots multifonctions 3-en-1 et des têtes robotiques modulaires dans Singapour, Malaisie et Thaïlande. Les robots Gemini de l'entreprise, qui combinent services de sécurité, conciergerie numérique et nettoyage, ont été déployés dans des centres commerciaux, des immeubles de bureaux commerciaux et des établissements de santé à Singapour. En Malaisie et en Thaïlande, les têtes Gemini ont été adaptées à des robots de nettoyage existants dans des immeubles de bureaux commerciaux.

Le PDG Norman Schroeder décrit Gemini comme un 'catalyseur du changement' dans la robotique de service, offrant des économies significatives et une commodité aux entreprises de gestion des installations. Le développement de Gemini a été soutenu par des agences gouvernementales de Singapour, avec des subventions totalisant environ 380 000 $. SIMPPLE s'attend à des ventes supplémentaires en Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande et d'autres marchés dans les mois à venir.

Le marché mondial de la robotique de service devrait croître à un CAGR de 30,25 %, soit 90,4 milliards de dollars, de 2024 à 2028, selon un rapport de Technavio. Cette croissance est soutenue par l'intégration de technologies avancées et des investissements gouvernementaux significatifs dans le secteur.

SIMPPLE (NASDAQ: SPPL) hat einen Umsatz von 1,0 Millionen US-Dollar mit seinen proprietären 3-in-1-Multifunktionsrobotern und modularen Roboterköpfen in Singapur, Malaysia und Thailand bekannt gegeben. Die Gemini-Roboter des Unternehmens, die Sicherheits-, digitale Concierge- und Reinigungsdienste kombinieren, wurden in Einzelhandelszentren, gewerblichen Bürogebäuden und Gesundheitseinrichtungen in Singapur eingesetzt. In Malaysia und Thailand wurden die Gemini-Köpfe an bestehende Reinigungsroboter in gewerblichen Bürogebäuden angepasst.

CEO Norman Schroeder beschreibt Gemini als 'entscheidenden Wandel' in der Servicerobotik, da sie den Facility-Management-Unternehmen erhebliche Einsparungen und Bequemlichkeit bieten. Die Entwicklung von Gemini wurde von den Regierungsbehörden Singapurs unterstützt, mit Zuschüssen in Höhe von insgesamt etwa 380.000 US-Dollar. SIMPPLE erwartet in den kommenden Monaten zusätzliche Verkäufe in Australien, Neuseeland und anderen Märkten.

Der globale Markt für Servicerobotik wird laut einem Bericht von Technavio voraussichtlich von 2024 bis 2028 mit einer CAGR von 30,25%, also 90,4 Milliarden US-Dollar, wachsen. Dieses Wachstum wird durch die Integration fortschrittlicher Technologien und erheblicher staatlicher Investitionen in den Sektor vorangetrieben.

  • Secured $1.0 million in sales for multifunctional robots and modular robot heads
  • Expanded market presence in Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand
  • Developed innovative 3-in-1 robot (Gemini) combining security, digital concierge, and cleaning services
  • Received government support and grants totaling $380,000 for robot development
  • Inclusion in Singapore's Advanced Digital Solutions (ADS) grant scheme
  • Potential for additional sales in Australia, New Zealand, and other markets
  • None.


The launch of SIMPPLE's Gemini robots marks a significant advancement in facilities management technology. By combining security, concierge and cleaning functions into a single unit, Gemini addresses multiple operational needs efficiently. The $1 million initial sale across three Southeast Asian countries demonstrates market acceptance and potential for expansion.

The modular design allowing retrofitting of existing cleaning robots is particularly noteworthy, as it offers a cost-effective upgrade path for businesses already invested in robotics. This approach could accelerate adoption and give SIMPPLE a competitive edge in the rapidly growing service robotics market.

With projected 30.25% CAGR in the global service robotics market, SIMPPLE is well-positioned to capitalize on this growth. The company's collaboration with Singapore government agencies and inclusion in grant schemes further validates its technology and provides financial support for development and commercialization.

However, investors should note that while the $1 million sale is promising, it's relatively small compared to SIMPPLE's $6.65 million market cap. The company will need to secure larger contracts and expand into more markets to justify its valuation and demonstrate long-term growth potential.

The $1 million sale of Gemini robots is a positive development for SIMPPLE, but it's important to contextualize this within the company's overall financial picture. With a market cap of $6.65 million, this sale represents about 15% of the company's valuation, which is significant for a single transaction.

Key financial considerations include:

  • Revenue Impact: This sale could substantially boost SIMPPLE's top line, depending on their current revenue levels.
  • Margins: The profitability of these robots will be crucial. High-tech products often have good margins, but initial production runs may have higher costs.
  • R&D Recovery: The $380,000 in grants received likely offset some development costs, potentially improving the project's ROI.
  • Market Potential: The projected 30.25% CAGR for service robotics suggests strong growth opportunities, but competition will be fierce.

Investors should watch for follow-on sales, especially in new markets like Australia and New Zealand, as indicators of broader market acceptance and revenue scalability. The company's ability to leverage its government partnerships for future developments and sales could be a significant advantage in a rapidly evolving market.

Singapore, Oct. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- SIMPPLE Ltd. (NASDAQ: SPPL) (“SIMPPLE” or “the Company”), a leading technology provider and innovator in the facilities management (FM) sector, today announced the initial sale, for an aggregate of about $1.0 million, of the Company’s proprietary 3-in-1 multifunctional robots and modular robot heads across Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

Photo Comparison of Gemini (multifunctional robot) and cleaning robot in a retail mall

Brand-named Gemini, the A.I. video-analytics robots are the first to perform security, digital concierge, and cleaning services in a facilities management setting. These modular robot heads can be retrofitted on traditional cleaning robots, thus converting them to 3-in-1 units with the same A.I. video-analytics capabilities.

In Singapore, Gemini robots have been deployed at retail malls, commercial office buildings, and healthcare institutions. In Malaysia and Thailand, SIMPPLE’s Gemini heads have been retrofitted to existing cleaning robots and utilized at commercial office buildings.

According to SIMPPLE chief executive officer Norman Schroeder, Gemini is a “game-changer” in the field of service robotics. The robot can swiftly, accurately, and intelligently conduct security patrols, engage with lost or distressed personnels seeking security assistance, engage in two-way video calls, interface remotely with facility managers, and perform a wide variety of routine cleaning tasks including scrubbing or vacuuming.

Gemini can operate independently or in concert with existing CCTV camera systems,” he added, allowing those systems to identify situations needing resolution and task Gemini to resolve them. In so doing, Gemini provides “significant savings and convenience” to facility management companies and integrated services operators, said the CEO.

“The deployment of Gemini across Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand,” he said, “further validates the commercial viability of our end-to-end facilities management solution including integrated robotics and artificial intelligence.”

Additional Gemini sales to customers in Australia, New Zealand, and other markets are expected “in the coming months,” said Mr. Schroeder.

The development of Gemini was supported by three Singapore government agencies, one of which, in 2019 and 2022, awarded SIMPPLE grants totalling about $380,000 to develop multi-functional robots. In 2024, Gemini was then included in the Advanced Digital Solutions (ADS) grant scheme supported by Singapore’s InfoComm Media Development Authority (IMDA), thus facilitating SIMPPLE’s aggregate $1.0 million Gemini sale described above.

According to a May 2024 report by Technavio, the global service robotics market is projected to grow by a CAGR of 30.25%, or $90.4 billion, from 2024 to 2028. This rapid growth, said Technavio, will be driven by the continuing integration of advanced technologies such as IoT, A.I., and natural language processing into service robots, and by world governments pouring significant investment into these technologies. Technological advancements in machine learning, adaptive computing, and vision systems will also make service robots increasingly suitable for commercial tasks, said the report.

Close-up photo of Gemini modular security head at a premium retail mall in Singapore


Headquartered in Singapore, SIMPPLE LTD. is an advanced technology solution provider in the emerging PropTech space, focused on helping facilities owners and managers manage facilities autonomously. Founded in 2016, the Company has a strong foothold in the Singapore facilities management market, serving over 60 clients in both the public and private sectors and extending out of Singapore into Australia and the Middle East. The Company has developed its proprietary SIMPPLE Ecosystem, to create an automated workforce management tool for building maintenance, surveillance and cleaning comprised of a mix of software and hardware solutions such as robotics (both cleaning and security) and Internet-of-Things ("IoT") devices. 

For more information on SIMPPLE, please visit:

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This press release contains forward-looking statements. In addition Photo of Gemini robot within an institution, from time to time, we or our representatives may make forward-looking statements orally or in writing. We base these forward-looking statements on our expectations and projections about future events, which we derive from the information currently available to us. Such forward-looking statements relate to future events or our future performance, including: our financial performance and projections; our growth in revenue and earnings; and our business prospects and opportunities. You can identify forward-looking statements by those that are not historical in nature, particularly those that use terminology such as “may,” “should,” “expects,” “anticipates,” “contemplates,” “estimates,” “believes,” “plans,” “projected,” “predicts,” “potential,” or “hopes” or the negative of these or similar terms. In evaluating these forward-looking statements, you should consider various factors, including: our ability to change the direction of the Company; our ability to keep pace with new technology and changing market needs; and the competitive environment of our business. These and other factors may cause our actual results to differ materially from any forward-looking statement.

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What is the value of SIMPPLE's recent robot sales in Southeast Asia?

SIMPPLE (NASDAQ: SPPL) announced sales of approximately $1.0 million for its multifunctional robots and modular robot heads across Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand.

What are the key features of SIMPPLE's Gemini robot?

SIMPPLE's Gemini robot is a 3-in-1 multifunctional robot that performs security patrols, digital concierge services, and cleaning tasks. It can operate independently or integrate with existing CCTV systems.

How much government support did SIMPPLE receive for developing Gemini?

SIMPPLE received grants totaling about $380,000 from Singapore government agencies in 2019 and 2022 to develop multi-functional robots like Gemini.

What is the projected growth of the global service robotics market according to the Technavio report?

According to the Technavio report from May 2024, the global service robotics market is projected to grow by a CAGR of 30.25%, or $90.4 billion, from 2024 to 2028.

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