Suburban Propane Collaborates with Rutland Community Cupboard to Stock the Shelves and Provide Fresh Milk to more than 2,700 Families in the Community

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Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. (NYSE: SPH) has collaborated with Rutland Community Cupboard in Vermont to support local families facing food insecurity. The company volunteered to stock shelves with food and pantry items, and donated funds to purchase 2,778 fresh half gallons of milk for families in need.

Rutland Community Cupboard, which was visited 10,204 times by those in need last year, expressed gratitude for the partnership. Suburban Propane's spokesperson, Nandini Sankara, emphasized the company's support for the cupboard's mission to provide nutritious meals to those facing food insecurity.

This initiative is part of SuburbanCares' broader commitment to supporting communities across the United States. The company has undertaken similar charitable efforts in numerous locations, including New Hampshire, Arizona, Ohio, California, Alabama, New York, Florida, Washington, Massachusetts, Montana, North Carolina, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, South Carolina, New Jersey, and Texas.

Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. (NYSE: SPH) ha collaborato con il Rutland Community Cupboard nel Vermont per supportare le famiglie locali che affrontano l'insicurezza alimentare. L'azienda ha offerto il suo aiuto per rifornire gli scaffali con cibo e prodotti da dispensa, e ha donato fondi per acquistare 2.778 galloni di latte fresco per le famiglie bisognose.

Il Rutland Community Cupboard, che lo scorso anno è stato visitato 10.204 volte da chi si trovava in difficoltà, ha espresso gratitudine per la collaborazione. La portavoce di Suburban Propane, Nandini Sankara, ha sottolineato il supporto dell'azienda alla missione del cupboard di fornire pasti nutrienti a chi affronta l'insicurezza alimentare.

Questa iniziativa fa parte del più ampio impegno di SuburbanCares nel supportare le comunità in tutto il territorio degli Stati Uniti. L'azienda ha intrapreso sforzi caritatevoli simili in numerose località, tra cui New Hampshire, Arizona, Ohio, California, Alabama, New York, Florida, Washington, Massachusetts, Montana, Carolina del Nord, Delaware, Pennsylvania, Nuovo Messico, Carolina del Sud, New Jersey e Texas.

Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. (NYSE: SPH) ha colaborado con Rutland Community Cupboard en Vermont para apoyar a las familias locales que enfrentan inseguridad alimentaria. La compañía ofreció su apoyo para reabastecer estantes con alimentos y productos de despensa, y donó fondos para comprar 2,778 galones de leche fresca para familias necesitadas.

Rutland Community Cupboard, que fue visitado 10,204 veces por quienes necesitaban ayuda el año pasado, expresó su agradecimiento por la colaboración. La portavoz de Suburban Propane, Nandini Sankara, destacó el apoyo de la compañía a la misión del cupboard de proporcionar comidas nutritivas a quienes enfrentan inseguridad alimentaria.

Esta iniciativa es parte del compromiso más amplio de SuburbanCares de apoyar a las comunidades en todo Estados Unidos. La compañía ha llevado a cabo esfuerzos benéficos similares en numerosas localidades, incluyendo New Hampshire, Arizona, Ohio, California, Alabama, Nueva York, Florida, Washington, Massachusetts, Montana, Carolina del Norte, Delaware, Pensilvania, Nuevo México, Carolina del Sur, Nueva Jersey y Texas.

Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. (NYSE: SPH)는 버몬트에 위치한 Rutland Community Cupboard와 협력하여 식량 불안에 처한 지역 가족들을 지원했습니다. 이 회사는 식품과 건조식품으로 선반을 채우기 위해 자원 봉사하였고, 필요로 하는 가족들을 위해 2,778갤런의 신선한 우유를 구매하기 위해 자금을 기부했습니다.

Rutland Community Cupboard는 지난해 도움이 필요한 사람들이 10,204회 방문했으며, 파트너십에 감사의 뜻을 전했습니다. Suburban Propane의 대변인인 Nandini Sankara는 식량 불안을 겪는 이들에게 영양가 있는 식사를 제공하는 cupboard의 사명을 지원하는 회사의 입장을 강조했습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 SuburbanCares의 미국 전역의 지역 사회를 지원하기 위한 더 넓은 노력의 일환입니다. 이 회사는 뉴햄프셔, 아리조나, 오하이오, 캘리포니아, 앨라배마, 뉴욕, 플로리다, 워싱턴, 매사추세츠, 몬태나, 노스캐롤라이나, 델라웨어, 펜실베이니아, 뉴멕시코, 사우스캐롤라이나, 뉴저지 및 텍사스 등 여러 지역에서도 유사한 자선 활동을 진행했습니다.

Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. (NYSE: SPH) a collaboré avec Rutland Community Cupboard dans le Vermont pour soutenir les familles locales confrontées à l'insécurité alimentaire. L'entreprise a proposé de faire du bénévolat pour remplir les étagères de nourriture et d'articles d'épicerie, et a fait don de fonds pour acheter 2 778 demi-gallon de lait frais pour les familles dans le besoin.

Rutland Community Cupboard, qui a été visité 10 204 fois par des personnes dans le besoin l'année dernière, a exprimé sa gratitude pour ce partenariat. La porte-parole de Suburban Propane, Nandini Sankara, a souligné le soutien de l'entreprise à la mission du cupboard de fournir des repas nutritifs aux personnes confrontées à l'insécurité alimentaire.

Cette initiative fait partie de l'engagement plus large de SuburbanCares à soutenir les communautés à travers les États-Unis. L'entreprise a entrepris des efforts caritatifs similaires dans de nombreux endroits, notamment le New Hampshire, l'Arizona, l'Ohio, la Californie, l'Alabama, New York, la Floride, Washington, le Massachusetts, le Montana, la Caroline du Nord, le Delaware, la Pennsylvanie, le Nouveau-Mexique, la Caroline du Sud, le New Jersey et le Texas.

Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. (NYSE: SPH) hat mit dem Rutland Community Cupboard in Vermont zusammengearbeitet, um lokale Familien zu unterstützen, die mit Lebensmittelunsicherheit konfrontiert sind. Das Unternehmen hat sich freiwillig bereit erklärt, Regale mit Lebensmitteln und Vorratsartikeln aufzufüllen, und Gelder gespendet, um 2.778 frische Halbgallonen Milch für bedürftige Familien zu kaufen.

Das Rutland Community Cupboard, das im letzten Jahr 10.204 Mal von Bedürftigen besucht wurde, drückte seine Dankbarkeit für die Partnerschaft aus. Die Sprecherin von Suburban Propane, Nandini Sankara, betonte die Unterstützung des Unternehmens für die Mission des Cupboards, nahrhafte Mahlzeiten für Menschen in Lebensmittelunsicherheit bereitzustellen.

Diese Initiative ist Teil des umfassenderen Engagements von SuburbanCares zur Unterstützung von Gemeinschaften in den Vereinigten Staaten. Das Unternehmen hat ähnliche wohltätige Aktivitäten an vielen Standorten durchgeführt, darunter New Hampshire, Arizona, Ohio, Kalifornien, Alabama, New York, Florida, Washington, Massachusetts, Montana, North Carolina, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Mexico, South Carolina, New Jersey und Texas.

  • Suburban Propane's charitable initiative enhances community relations and corporate social responsibility
  • The company's nationwide presence in 42 states with 700 locations demonstrates strong market penetration
  • Diversification into renewable energy sources and low carbon fuel alternatives shows adaptability to changing market trends
  • None.

WHIPPANY, N.J., Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. (NYSE: SPH), a nationwide distributor of propane, renewable propane, renewable natural gas, fuel oil and related products and services, as well as a marketer of natural gas and electricity and investor in low carbon fuel alternatives, today volunteered at Rutland Community Cupboard in Rutland, Vermont to unload, sort, and stock its shelves with pallets of food and pantry items, while also donating funds to purchase 2,778 fresh half gallons of milk for families in the local community.

"In the last year we were visited by those in need 10,204 times. The milk provided by Suburban Propane will support bones, heart health, and teeth, all needed to live a healthy and dignified life. We are honored to partner with the generous folks at Suburban Propane," said Audrey Bridge, Executive Director, Rutland Community Cupboard.

"Rutland Community Cupboard plays a crucial role in assisting individuals facing food insecurity by providing access to nutritious meals," said Nandini Sankara, Spokesperson for Suburban Propane. "We proudly support Rutland Community Cupboard's mission and extend our gratitude to their dedicated team of volunteers for aiding those in need."

SuburbanCares is committed to supporting community efforts across the United States. Recently, SuburbanCares has undertaken charitable endeavors in numerous communities within Milford, NH; Phoenix, AZ; Dayton and Columbus, OH; Sacramento, San Diego, Santa Rosa and Los Angeles, CA; Huntsville, AL; Saratoga Springs, Syracuse and Albany, NY; St. Augustine, Key West and Lake Worth, FL; Spokane, WA; Boston, MA; Helena, MT; Charlotte, NC; Lewes, DE; Philadelphia, PA; Santa Fe, NM; Columbia and Charleston, SC; New Brunswick, NJ; and Austin, TX.

About Suburban Propane:
Suburban Propane Partners, L.P. ("Suburban Propane") is a publicly traded master limited partnership listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Headquartered in Whippany, New Jersey, Suburban Propane has been in the customer service business since 1928 and is a nationwide distributor of propane, renewable propane, renewable natural gas ("RNG"), fuel oil and related products and services, as well as a marketer of natural gas and electricity and producer of and investor in low carbon fuel alternatives, servicing the energy needs of approximately 1 million residential, commercial, governmental, industrial and agricultural customers through approximately 700 locations across 42 states. 

Suburban Propane is supported by three core pillars: (1) Suburban Commitment – showcasing Suburban Propane's 95-year legacy, an ongoing commitment to the highest standards for dependability, flexibility, and reliability that underscores Suburban Propane's commitment to excellence in customer service; (2) SuburbanCares – highlighting continued dedication to giving back to local communities across Suburban Propane's national footprint; and (3) Go Green with Suburban Propane – promoting the clean burning and versatile nature of propane and renewable propane as a bridge to a green energy future and investing in the next generation of innovative, renewable energy alternatives.

For additional information on Suburban Propane, please visit  

About Rutland Community Cupboard:
Rutland Community Cupboard is located at 65 River St. in Rutland, VT, and open to individuals or families struggling with food insecurity. 100% of the Community Cupboard's operating budget comes from donations. The Cupboard is open Monday, Wednesday & Friday 12:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. and Tuesday & Thursday 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Senior hours are also available.

For more information, please visit

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SOURCE Suburban Propane Partners, L.P.


What charitable action did Suburban Propane (SPH) take in Rutland, Vermont?

Suburban Propane (SPH) volunteered at Rutland Community Cupboard to stock shelves with food and pantry items, and donated funds to purchase 2,778 fresh half gallons of milk for families in need.

How many times was Rutland Community Cupboard visited by those in need last year?

According to the press release, Rutland Community Cupboard was visited 10,204 times by those in need in the last year.

What is SuburbanCares and how does it relate to Suburban Propane (SPH)?

SuburbanCares is Suburban Propane's initiative dedicated to giving back to local communities across the company's national footprint. It's one of the three core pillars supporting Suburban Propane's business model.

In how many states does Suburban Propane (SPH) operate?

Suburban Propane (SPH) operates in 42 states across the United States, servicing approximately 1 million customers through about 700 locations.

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