US LNG Capacity Additions Would Significantly Lower GHG Emissions Compared to Alternatives, New S&P Global Study Finds
S&P Global has released a comprehensive study revealing that additional US LNG export capacity would significantly reduce global greenhouse gas emissions compared to alternative energy sources. The study focuses on projects representing 40 million ton per annum (Mtpa) of capacity additions from 2028 to 2040.
The expansion would result in 324-780 M tCO2e lower emissions over 2028-2040, equivalent to 65 million tons annually. This reduction equals more than twice the annual emissions from Los Angeles County's car fleet.
The study's Phase 1 found that US LNG export growth would support 500,000 domestic jobs annually and contribute $1.3 trillion to US GDP through 2040. Additionally, 37% of total jobs (180,000+) and 30% of GDP contributions ($390 billion) would occur in non-producing areas, with 90% of spending remaining within the US supply chain.
S&P Global ha pubblicato uno studio completo che rivela come una maggiore capacità di esportazione di GNL dagli Stati Uniti ridurrebbe significativamente le emissioni globali di gas serra rispetto ad altre fonti energetiche. Lo studio si concentra su progetti che rappresentano 40 milioni di tonnellate all'anno (Mtpa) di capacità aggiuntiva dal 2028 al 2040.
L'espansione porterebbe a emissioni inferiori di 324-780 M tCO2e nel periodo 2028-2040, equivalente a 65 milioni di tonnellate all'anno. Questa riduzione è più del doppio delle emissioni annuali della flotta di auto della contea di Los Angeles.
La Fase 1 dello studio ha trovato che la crescita dell'esportazione di GNL degli Stati Uniti supporterebbe 500.000 posti di lavoro domestici all'anno e contribuirebbe con 1,3 trilioni di dollari al PIL degli Stati Uniti entro il 2040. Inoltre, il 37% dei posti di lavoro totali (oltre 180.000) e il 30% dei contributi al PIL (390 miliardi di dollari) si verificherebbero in aree non produttive, con il 90% della spesa che rimarrebbe all'interno della catena di approvvigionamento statunitense.
S&P Global ha publicado un estudio completo que revela que una mayor capacidad de exportación de GNL de EE. UU. reduciría significativamente las emisiones globales de gases de efecto invernadero en comparación con otras fuentes de energía. El estudio se centra en proyectos que representan 40 millones de toneladas por año (Mtpa) de capacidad adicional desde 2028 hasta 2040.
La expansión resultaría en emisiones inferiores de 324-780 M tCO2e durante 2028-2040, equivalente a 65 millones de toneladas anuales. Esta reducción es más del doble de las emisiones anuales de la flota de automóviles del condado de Los Ángeles.
La Fase 1 del estudio encontró que el crecimiento de las exportaciones de GNL de EE. UU. apoyaría 500,000 empleos domésticos anuales y contribuiría con 1.3 billones de dólares al PIB de EE. UU. hasta 2040. Además, el 37% de los empleos totales (más de 180,000) y el 30% de las contribuciones al PIB (390 mil millones de dólares) se producirían en áreas no productivas, con el 90% del gasto permaneciendo dentro de la cadena de suministro de EE. UU.
S&P Global은 추가적인 미국 액화천연가스(LNG) 수출 능력이 대체 에너지 원에 비해 전 세계 온실가스 배출을 상당히 줄일 것이라는 포괄적인 연구 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 2028년부터 2040년까지 4000만 톤의 연간 용량 추가를 대표하는 프로젝트에 초점을 맞추고 있습니다.
이 확장은 2028-2040년 동안 324-780 M tCO2e의 배출 감소를 초래하며, 이는 연간 6500만 톤에 해당합니다. 이 감소량은 로스앤젤레스 카운티의 자동차 플릿 연간 배출량의 두 배 이상에 해당합니다.
연구의 1단계에서는 미국 LNG 수출 증가가 연간 50만 개의 국내 일자리를 지원하고 2040년까지 미국 GDP에 1.3조 달러를 기여할 것이라고 밝혔습니다. 또한, 전체 일자리의 37% (18만 개 이상)와 GDP 기여의 30% (3900억 달러)가 비생산 지역에서 발생하며, 90%의 지출이 미국 공급망 내에서 유지됩니다.
S&P Global a publié une étude complète révélant qu'une capacité d'exportation supplémentaire de GNL américain réduirait considérablement les émissions mondiales de gaz à effet de serre par rapport aux sources d'énergie alternatives. L'étude se concentre sur des projets représentant 40 millions de tonnes par an (Mtpa) d'ajouts de capacité de 2028 à 2040.
L'expansion entraînerait une réduction des émissions de 324 à 780 M tCO2e sur la période 2028-2040, ce qui équivaut à 65 millions de tonnes par an. Cette réduction est plus de deux fois supérieure aux émissions annuelles de la flotte de voitures du comté de Los Angeles.
La Phase 1 de l'étude a révélé que la croissance des exportations de GNL américain soutiendrait 500 000 emplois domestiques par an et contribuerait 1,3 billion de dollars au PIB américain d'ici 2040. De plus, 37 % des emplois totaux (plus de 180 000) et 30 % des contributions au PIB (390 milliards de dollars) se produiraient dans des zones non productrices, avec 90 % des dépenses restant dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement américaine.
S&P Global hat eine umfassende Studie veröffentlicht, die zeigt, dass eine zusätzliche US-LNG-Exportkapazität die globalen Treibhausgasemissionen im Vergleich zu alternativen Energiequellen erheblich reduzieren würde. Die Studie konzentriert sich auf Projekte, die von 2028 bis 2040 eine Kapazitätserweiterung von 40 Millionen Tonnen pro Jahr (Mtpa) repräsentieren.
Die Expansion würde zu 324-780 M tCO2e niedrigeren Emissionen im Zeitraum 2028-2040 führen, was 65 Millionen Tonnen jährlich entspricht. Diese Reduzierung entspricht mehr als dem Doppelten der jährlichen Emissionen der Fahrzeugflotte des Los Angeles County.
Die Phase 1 der Studie ergab, dass das Wachstum der US-LNG-Exporte 500.000 inländische Arbeitsplätze jährlich unterstützen und bis 2040 1,3 Billionen Dollar zum US-BIP beitragen würde. Darüber hinaus würden 37% der Gesamtarbeitsplätze (über 180.000) und 30% der BIP-Beiträge (390 Milliarden Dollar) in nicht produzierenden Gebieten entstehen, wobei 90% der Ausgaben innerhalb der US-Lieferkette verbleiben.
- Projected $1.3 trillion contribution to US GDP through 2040
- Creation of 500,000 annual domestic jobs
- $76 billion in consumer savings by 2040 from Northeast pipeline expansion
- 90% of spending remains within US supply chain
- Significant emissions reduction potential of 65 million tons annually
- $14 billion capital costs required for Northeast pipeline expansions
S&P Global's new LNG impact study demonstrates the company's advanced research and analytical capabilities in the energy sector. By leveraging expertise across both its Commodity Insights and Market Intelligence divisions, S&P Global showcases its ability to deliver integrated, multi-dimensional analysis that connects environmental impact with economic outcomes - a valuable differentiation point in the competitive market intelligence landscape.
The study's findings on emissions reduction potential and economic benefits (
While primarily representing thought leadership rather than a direct revenue initiative, this research strengthens S&P Global's market positioning in the strategically important energy intelligence sector. The cross-divisional collaboration demonstrates the company's ability to leverage its diverse information services portfolio to address multifaceted market questions, potentially creating opportunities for cross-selling additional services to energy sector clients.
The study aligns with S&P Global's broader strategy of providing data-driven insights for decision-makers across industries, reinforcing its reputation for delivering actionable intelligence in evolving markets.
Development of additional US LNG projects currently on hold or in the pre-Final Investment Decision stage would avoid carbon emissions by 2040 equivalent to more than twice the annual emissions from the entire car fleet in Los Angeles County
The study examined LNG projects that are currently on hold or in pre-Final Investment Decision stage that would represent a combined 40 million ton per annum (Mtpa) of capacity additions from 2028 to 2040.
This expansion of
The size of the net reduction in emissions would be equivalent to:
- More than twice the annual emissions of all the gasoline cars in Los Angeles County
- Total 2028-2040 emissions from all vehicles on the road in the United Kingdom
- A third of the reduction in EU energy-related emissions (GWP 20) over the past decade
- The CO2 absorbed by 5.4 billion trees over 10 years
The net reduction in emissions is due to the lower GHG intensity of
"The continued expansion of
The study, Major New US Industry at a Crossroads: A US LNG Impact Study – Phase 2 is the second installment of a major research project that leverages the combined expertise of the S&P Global Commodity Insights and S&P Global Market Intelligence divisions to provide a comprehensive and forward-looking assessment of the projected impacts of
Phase 1 of the study found that growth of
The new Phase 2 study adds the environmental impact assessment of the continued development of
State and Congressional-district Level Economic Impacts:
The economic impacts extend well beyond the seven core gas-producing states (
At the
Debottlenecking the
The new study also examines the potential impacts of removing bottlenecks in infrastructure across the
The study finds that expanding Northeast exit capacity by 6 billion cubic feet per day would generate substantial price impacts at the regional and national level driving consumer savings far exceeding the estimated
Northeast region:
20% -30% reduction in gas prices for Northeast markets /MMBtu and$2.25 /MMBtu reductions for$1.23 Boston andNew York , respectively in peak months
National level:
- Lower the Henry Hub gas prices by an additional
~ per MMBtu$0.20 cumulative savings for consumers by 2040$76 billion
About the Study:
Major New
This study offers an independent and objective assessment of the global emissions impact of the
The study utilized the best satellite data sources available, including Sentinel-2, TROPOMI, and GHGsat, to quantify methane emission rates over large areas and identify event-based point sources. Where available, it has also leveraged high-quality overflight data from Insight M. The analysis and metrics developed during the course of this research represent the independent analysis and views of S&P Global. The study makes no policy recommendations. This research was supported by the US Chamber of Commerce.
S&P Global is exclusively responsible for all of the analysis, content and conclusions of the study.
Media Contacts:
Jeff Marn +1-202-463-8213,
About S&P Global
S&P Global (NYSE: SPGI) provides essential intelligence. We enable governments, businesses and individuals with the right data, expertise and connected technology so that they can make decisions with conviction. From helping our customers assess new investments to guiding them through sustainability and energy transition across supply chains, we unlock new opportunities, solve challenges and accelerate progress for the world.
We are widely sought after by many of the world's leading organizations to provide credit ratings, benchmarks, analytics and workflow solutions in the global capital, commodity and automotive markets. With every one of our offerings, we help the world's leading organizations plan for tomorrow, today.
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What emissions reduction would additional US LNG capacity achieve by 2040?
How many jobs will US LNG export growth create according to S&P Global study?
What economic impact will US LNG expansion have on non-producing states?