S&P Global Launches S&P Global Climate Center of Excellence to Advance Climate, Environmental, and Nature Research

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S&P Global has launched the S&P Global Climate Center of Excellence, a group of world-class scientists and strategists aimed at advancing climate, environmental, and nature research. The center will collaborate with experts across all S&P Global divisions to ensure that climate and sustainability solutions are grounded in best-in-class science, data, and methodologies.

The center's mission includes tackling complex methodological challenges, supporting science-driven thought leadership, building external academic partnerships, and leveraging in-house expertise to drive transparency on critical climate and sustainability issues. It will also cultivate learning opportunities for S&P Global employees to elevate science-based thinking throughout the company.

Dr. Terence Thompson, Chief Science Officer of the center, emphasized the focus on complex data and modeling challenges to enable advancements in science-driven methodologies. Thomas Yagel, Chief Operating and Product Officer for S&P Global Sustainable1, highlighted the importance of collaboration with leading experts in the academic and scientific community.

S&P Global ha lanciato il Centro di Eccellenza per il Clima di S&P Global, un gruppo di scienziati e strateghi di classe mondiale dedicato a promuovere la ricerca sul clima, sull'ambiente e sulla natura. Il centro collaborerà con esperti di tutte le divisioni di S&P Global per garantire che le soluzioni per il clima e la sostenibilità siano basate su scienza, dati e metodologie di alta qualità.

La missione del centro include affrontare sfide metodologiche complesse, sostenere la leadership di pensiero guidata dalla scienza, costruire collaborazioni accademiche esterne e sfruttare l'esperienza interna per garantire trasparenza su questioni fondamentali legate al clima e alla sostenibilità. Inoltre, coltiverà opportunità di apprendimento per i dipendenti di S&P Global per elevare il pensiero basato sulla scienza nell'intera azienda.

Il Dott. Terence Thompson, Chief Science Officer del centro, ha sottolineato l'importanza di concentrarsi su dati complessi e sfide di modellazione per consentire progressi nelle metodologie guidate dalla scienza. Thomas Yagel, Chief Operating and Product Officer di S&P Global Sustainable1, ha evidenziato l'importanza della collaborazione con esperti leader nella comunità accademica e scientifica.

S&P Global ha lanzado el Centro de Excelencia Climática de S&P Global, un grupo de científicos y estrategas de clase mundial enfocado en avanzar en la investigación sobre clima, medio ambiente y naturaleza. El centro colaborará con expertos de todas las divisiones de S&P Global para asegurar que las soluciones climáticas y de sostenibilidad estén fundamentadas en ciencia, datos y metodologías de primer nivel.

La misión del centro incluye abordar desafíos metodológicos complejos, apoyar el liderazgo de pensamiento impulsado por la ciencia, construir asociaciones académicas externas y aprovechar la experiencia interna para promover la transparencia en cuestiones críticas de clima y sostenibilidad. También cultivará oportunidades de aprendizaje para los empleados de S&P Global para elevar el pensamiento basado en ciencia en toda la empresa.

El Dr. Terence Thompson, Director de Ciencia del centro, enfatizó el enfoque en los desafíos de datos y modelado complejos para permitir avances en metodologías impulsadas por la ciencia. Thomas Yagel, Director de Operaciones y Producto de S&P Global Sustainable1, destacó la importancia de la colaboración con expertos líderes en la comunidad académica y científica.

S&P 글로벌은 S&P 글로벌 기후 전문 센터를 출범했습니다. 이는 기후, 환경 및 자연 연구를 발전시키기 위한 세계적 수준의 과학자 및 전략가 그룹입니다. 이 센터는 S&P 글로벌의 모든 부문과 협력하여 기후 및 지속 가능성 솔루션이 최고 수준의 과학, 데이터 및 방법론에 기반을 두도록 할 것입니다.

센터의 임무는 복잡한 방법론적 문제 해결, 과학 기반의 사고 리더십 지원, 외부 학술 파트너십 구축 및 내부 전문 지식을 활용하여 기후와 지속 가능성 문제에 대한 투명성을 증진하는 것입니다. 또한 S&P 글로벌 직원들에게 과학 기반 사고를 회사 전반에 걸쳐 향상할 수 있는 학습 기회를 제공할 것입니다.

센터의 수석 과학 책임자인 테렌스 톰슨 박사는 과학 기반 방법론의 발전을 가능하게 하는 복잡한 데이터 및 모델링 문제에 집중하겠다고 강조했습니다. S&P 글로벌 지속 가능성 1의 최고 운영 및 제품 책임자인 토마스 야겔은 학문 및 과학 공동체의 선도 전문가들과 협력하는 것의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

S&P Global a lancé le Centre d'Excellence Climatique de S&P Global, un groupe de scientifiques et de stratèges de classe mondiale visant à faire progresser la recherche sur le climat, l'environnement et la nature. Le centre collaborera avec des experts de toutes les divisions de S&P Global pour s'assurer que les solutions climatiques et de durabilité reposent sur une science, des données et des méthodologies de premier ordre.

La mission du centre inclut le traitement de défis méthodologiques complexes, le soutien à un leadership éclairé basé sur la science, la création de partenariats académiques externes et l'utilisation de l'expertise interne pour favoriser la transparence sur des enjeux climatiques et de durabilité cruciaux. Il cultivamera également des opportunités d'apprentissage pour les employés de S&P Global afin d'élever la pensée basée sur la science dans toute l'entreprise.

Le Dr Terence Thompson, directeur scientifique du centre, a souligné l'importance de se concentrer sur les défis liés aux données complexes et à la modélisation pour permettre des avancées dans les méthodologies basées sur la science. Thomas Yagel, directeur des opérations et des produits de S&P Global Sustainable1, a souligné l'importance de la collaboration avec des experts de premier plan dans la communauté académique et scientifique.

S&P Global hat das S&P Global Climate Center of Excellence ins Leben gerufen, eine Gruppe von Wissenschaftlern und Strategen von Weltklasse, die sich der Förderung von Forschung zu Klima, Umwelt und Natur widmen. Das Zentrum wird mit Experten aus allen S&P Global-Bereichen zusammenarbeiten, um sicherzustellen, dass Lösungen für Klima und Nachhaltigkeit auf erstklassiger Wissenschaft, Daten und Methodiken basieren.

Die Mission des Zentrums umfasst die Bewältigung komplexer methodischer Herausforderungen, die Unterstützung von wissenschaftlich fundierter Meinungsführerschaft, den Aufbau externer akademischer Partnerschaften und die Nutzung interner Expertise, um Transparenz in wichtigen Fragen zu Klima und Nachhaltigkeit zu schaffen. Zudem wird es Lernmöglichkeiten für die Mitarbeiter von S&P Global schaffen, um das wissenschaftlich fundierte Denken im gesamten Unternehmen zu fördern.

Dr. Terence Thompson, Chief Science Officer des Zentrums, betonte den Fokus auf komplexe Daten- und Modellierungsherausforderungen, um Fortschritte bei wissenschaftlich fundierten Methoden zu ermöglichen. Thomas Yagel, Chief Operating and Product Officer von S&P Global Sustainable1, hob die Bedeutung der Zusammenarbeit mit führenden Experten der akademischen und wissenschaftlichen Gemeinschaft hervor.

  • Launch of a specialized Climate Center of Excellence to advance research and methodology development
  • Collaboration across all S&P Global divisions to enhance climate and sustainability solutions
  • Potential for improved actionable intelligence for customers and partners in climate-related risks and opportunities
  • Partnerships with external academics to inform cutting-edge research and innovation
  • None.

NEW YORK, Oct. 10, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- S&P Global announced today the launch of the S&P Global Climate Center of Excellence, a group of world-class scientists and strategists that will advance S&P Global's work on long-term climate, environmental, and nature research and methodology development. 

The center will collaborate with experts across all S&P Global divisions – S&P Global Market Intelligence, S&P Global Ratings, S&P Global Commodity Insights, S&P Global Mobility, and S&P Dow Jones Indices – to ensure that S&P Global climate and sustainability solutions are grounded in best-in-class science, data, and methodologies.  

The S&P Global Climate Center of Excellence will help S&P Global provide actionable intelligence to its customers and partners, including investors, banks, companies, and sustainability solution providers. Its mission is to:

  • Tackle complex methodological challenges in climate and environmental science to support long-term innovation.
  • Support the next generation of science-driven thought leadership to provide intelligence to the market.
  • Build external academic partnerships to inform cutting-edge research and innovation.
  • Partner across S&P Global to leverage our in-house scientific and economic expertise and robust suite of data, analytics, insights and research to help drive transparency on climate and sustainability issues deemed critical by the markets.
  • Cultivate learning opportunities for S&P Global employees to elevate science-based thinking on climate and sustainability issues throughout the company.

"To push the frontiers in climate research, S&P Global scientists are diving into some of the most complex data and modelling challenges in the physical and economic sciences," said Dr. Terence Thompson, Chief Science Officer, S&P Global Climate Center of Excellence. "We are bridging multi-disciplinary gaps and perspectives to enable advancements in our science-driven methodologies providing actionable information on climate-related risks and opportunities." 

"We are exceptionally proud of the world-class scientists advancing S&P Global's work on long-term climate, environmental, and nature research and methodology development," said Thomas Yagel, Chief Operating and Product Officer for S&P Global Sustainable1. "Developing the most innovative climate risk data solutions requires collaboration across the industry and we are excited to partner with leading experts in the academic and scientific community to help ensure our climate and sustainability solutions are grounded in best-in-class science."

More information about the S&P Global Climate Center of Excellence including how external academics can collaborate with the Center, can be found on its website.

About S&P Global

S&P Global (NYSE: SPGI) provides essential intelligence. We enable governments, businesses and individuals with the right data, expertise and connected technology so that they can make decisions with conviction. From helping our customers assess new investments to guiding them through sustainability and energy transition across supply chains, we unlock new opportunities, solve challenges and accelerate progress for the world.

We are widely sought after by many of the world's leading organizations to provide credit ratings, benchmarks, analytics and workflow solutions in the global capital, commodity and automotive markets. With every one of our offerings, we help the world's leading organizations plan for tomorrow, today. For more information, visit

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Ray McConville
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What is the purpose of S&P Global's new Climate Center of Excellence?

The S&P Global Climate Center of Excellence aims to advance long-term climate, environmental, and nature research and methodology development. It will collaborate across S&P Global divisions to ensure climate and sustainability solutions are grounded in best-in-class science, data, and methodologies.

How will the S&P Global Climate Center of Excellence (SPGI) benefit customers and partners?

The center will help S&P Global provide actionable intelligence to customers and partners, including investors, banks, companies, and sustainability solution providers, by tackling complex methodological challenges and supporting science-driven thought leadership in climate and environmental science.

Who leads the S&P Global Climate Center of Excellence?

Dr. Terence Thompson serves as the Chief Science Officer of the S&P Global Climate Center of Excellence, focusing on complex data and modeling challenges in physical and economic sciences related to climate research.

How does S&P Global (SPGI) plan to collaborate with external experts through the Climate Center of Excellence?

S&P Global plans to build external academic partnerships to inform cutting-edge research and innovation. The center's website provides information on how external academics can collaborate with the Center.

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