S&P Global Commodity Insights Launches Global Suite of Platts CAM Daily Calculated Cathode Active Material Assessments

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S&P Global Commodity Insights has announced the launch of new daily cathode active material (CAM) calculated price assessments for China, Europe, and North America, effective March 24, 2025. The assessments focus on LFP and NMC lithium-ion battery chemistries, which currently dominate the market with LFP holding 43% and NMC variants holding 18% of global demand.

The new suite includes 24 price assessments that will provide transparency in the battery supply chain, particularly for CAMs which are important components affecting battery performance. The calculations leverage Commodity Insights' battery cell cost model and incorporate various factors including material intensity and processing costs for the Chinese market, which accounts for 81.3% of global production.

This initiative comes amid significant growth in battery demand, driven by electric vehicles and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS). Global BESS capacity additions grew 49% year-on-year in 2024 and are forecast to grow another 29% in 2025.

S&P Global Commodity Insights ha annunciato il lancio di nuove valutazioni quotidiane dei prezzi dei materiali attivi per catodi (CAM) per la Cina, l'Europa e il Nord America, a partire dal 24 marzo 2025. Le valutazioni si concentrano sulle chimiche delle batterie al litio LFP e NMC, che attualmente dominano il mercato con LFP che detiene il 43% e le varianti NMC che detengono il 18% della domanda globale.

Il nuovo pacchetto include 24 valutazioni dei prezzi che forniranno trasparenza nella catena di approvvigionamento delle batterie, in particolare per i CAM, che sono componenti importanti che influenzano le prestazioni delle batterie. I calcoli si basano sul modello di costo delle celle delle batterie di Commodity Insights e incorporano vari fattori, tra cui l'intensità dei materiali e i costi di lavorazione per il mercato cinese, che rappresenta l'81,3% della produzione globale.

Questa iniziativa arriva in un contesto di significativa crescita della domanda di batterie, guidata dai veicoli elettrici e dai sistemi di accumulo di energia da batteria (BESS). Le aggiunte di capacità globali di BESS sono cresciute del 49% su base annua nel 2024 e si prevede che cresceranno ulteriormente del 29% nel 2025.

S&P Global Commodity Insights ha anunciado el lanzamiento de nuevas evaluaciones diarias de precios de materiales activos de cátodo (CAM) para China, Europa y América del Norte, que entrarán en vigor el 24 de marzo de 2025. Las evaluaciones se centran en químicas de baterías de iones de litio LFP y NMC, que actualmente dominan el mercado con LFP sosteniendo el 43% y las variantes NMC sosteniendo el 18% de la demanda global.

El nuevo conjunto incluye 24 evaluaciones de precios que proporcionarán transparencia en la cadena de suministro de baterías, particularmente para los CAM, que son componentes importantes que afectan el rendimiento de las baterías. Los cálculos aprovechan el modelo de costos de celdas de batería de Commodity Insights e incorporan varios factores, incluidos la intensidad de materiales y los costos de procesamiento para el mercado chino, que representa el 81.3% de la producción global.

Esta iniciativa llega en medio de un crecimiento significativo en la demanda de baterías, impulsada por vehículos eléctricos y sistemas de almacenamiento de energía de batería (BESS). Las adiciones de capacidad global de BESS crecieron un 49% interanual en 2024 y se prevé que crezcan otro 29% en 2025.

S&P Global Commodity Insights는 2025년 3월 24일부터 중국, 유럽 및 북미를 위한 새로운 일일 양극 활성 물질(CAM) 가격 평가를 시작한다고 발표했습니다. 이 평가는 현재 시장에서 LFP가 43%, NMC 변형이 18%의 글로벌 수요를 차지하고 있는 LFP 및 NMC 리튬 이온 배터리 화학물질에 중점을 두고 있습니다.

새로운 패키지에는 배터리 공급망의 투명성을 제공할 24개의 가격 평가가 포함되어 있으며, 특히 배터리 성능에 영향을 미치는 중요한 구성 요소인 CAM에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 이 계산은 Commodity Insights의 배터리 셀 비용 모델을 활용하며, 중국 시장의 자재 밀도 및 가공 비용을 포함한 다양한 요소를 반영합니다. 중국은 전 세계 생산의 81.3%를 차지합니다.

이 이니셔티브는 전기차 및 배터리 에너지 저장 시스템(BESS)에 의해 주도되는 배터리 수요의 급격한 증가 속에서 진행됩니다. 2024년 글로벌 BESS 용량 추가는 전년 대비 49% 증가했으며, 2025년에는 또 다른 29%의 성장이 예상됩니다.

S&P Global Commodity Insights a annoncé le lancement de nouvelles évaluations quotidiennes des prix des matériaux actifs de cathode (CAM) pour la Chine, l'Europe et l'Amérique du Nord, à compter du 24 mars 2025. Les évaluations se concentrent sur les chimies des batteries lithium-ion LFP et NMC, qui dominent actuellement le marché avec LFP représentant 43% et les variantes NMC 18% de la demande mondiale.

Le nouveau lot comprend 24 évaluations de prix qui fourniront de la transparence dans la chaîne d'approvisionnement des batteries, en particulier pour les CAM, qui sont des composants importants affectant les performances des batteries. Les calculs s'appuient sur le modèle de coût des cellules de batterie de Commodity Insights et intègrent divers facteurs, y compris l'intensité des matériaux et les coûts de traitement pour le marché chinois, qui représente 81,3% de la production mondiale.

Cette initiative intervient dans un contexte de croissance significative de la demande de batteries, alimentée par les véhicules électriques et les systèmes de stockage d'énergie par batterie (BESS). Les ajouts de capacité BESS mondiaux ont augmenté de 49 % d'une année sur l'autre en 2024 et devraient encore croître de 29 % en 2025.

S&P Global Commodity Insights hat die Einführung neuer täglicher Preisbewertungen für Kathodenaktive Materialien (CAM) für China, Europa und Nordamerika bekannt gegeben, die am 24. März 2025 in Kraft treten. Die Bewertungen konzentrieren sich auf LFP- und NMC-Lithium-Ionen-Batteriechemien, die derzeit den Markt dominieren, wobei LFP 43% und NMC-Varianten 18% der globalen Nachfrage ausmachen.

Das neue Paket umfasst 24 Preisbewertungen, die Transparenz in der Batterieversorgungskette bieten, insbesondere für CAMs, die wichtige Komponenten sind, die die Batterieleistung beeinflussen. Die Berechnungen nutzen das Kostenmodell für Batteriezellen von Commodity Insights und berücksichtigen verschiedene Faktoren, darunter Materialintensität und Verarbeitungskosten für den chinesischen Markt, der 81,3% der globalen Produktion ausmacht.

Diese Initiative erfolgt vor dem Hintergrund eines signifikanten Wachstums der Batterienachfrage, die durch Elektrofahrzeuge und Batteriespeichersysteme (BESS) vorangetrieben wird. Die globalen Kapazitätszuwächse bei BESS stiegen 2024 um 49% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr und sollen 2025 um weitere 29% wachsen.

  • First-ever daily European and North American CAM import price assessments launched
  • Addresses important market transparency needs in rapidly growing battery sector
  • Leverages comprehensive data from established battery materials assessments
  • Strong market growth indicators with BESS capacity additions up 49% YoY
  • Heavy dependence on Chinese CAM production (81.3% of global supply)
  • regional diversification in CAM manufacturing capability
  • Other regions likely to remain import-dependent for years

First in Market Global Daily Frequency Calculated Price Assessments Meet Information Needs of Fast-Growing Battery Supply Chain Industry

NEW YORK and LONDON and SINGAPORE, March 17, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Platts, part of S&P Global Commodity Insights, the leading independent provider of information, data, analysis, benchmark prices and workflow solutions for the metals, commodities, energy and energy transition markets, today announced the launch of a suite of new daily cathode active material (CAM) calculated price assessments for China, Europe and North America, effective March 24. The new assessments will expand downstream into the battery supply chain and complement Platts extensive suite of daily battery materials assessments.

The new offering focuses on the CAM chemistries for LFP (lithium iron phosphate), NMC622 and NMC811 (nickel-manganese-cobalt) lithium-ion batteries that are expected to hold a large market share in the coming years. LFP currently holds around 43% share of global demand, and NMC622 and NMC811 hold an estimated global demand share of around 18% combined, according to S&P Global Mobility.

CAMs are the electrochemically active components in a lithium-ion battery's cathode. CAMs are synthesized materials, typically composed of metal oxides, used to produce electrodes (or cathodes) which, alongside the anode and electrolyte, facilitate the storage and release of lithium ions during charge and discharge cycles. The specific composition of the CAM significantly influences the battery's performance - including its energy density, cycle life, and safety.

Viral Shah, Managing Editor, EMEA Low Carbon & Base Metals, at S&P Global Commodity Insights, commented, "We are pleased to announce the launch of this new suite of Platts Cathode Active Material calculated price assessments, providing the first-ever daily European and North American import price assessments alongside a crucial focus on the key China market. As production technology rapidly evolves and industry demand from the EV and Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) markets continues to grow, Platts CAM will bring greater transparency to the global marketplace and help quantify value for this opaque portion of the battery supply chain.

At present, there is insufficient price transparency on the cost of CAMs, which are a key part of the most valuable aspect of a battery – the cathode – and make up a large portion of overall battery cost. Against this backdrop, Platts, with its extensive suite of daily spot battery materials assessments, provides market participants with comprehensive pricing information for this crucial energy transition sector."

Henrique Ribeiro, Principal Analyst Technologies & Supply Chains, ETSS, at S&P Global Commodity Insights, commented: "As battery production scales globally, supply of battery raw materials – especially Cathode Active Materials – will become a key concern for battery manufacturers. The manufacturing scale involved makes technological change more difficult and so LFP and NMC chemistries are expected to dominate for some time. Since key refining and CAM production stages are dominated by Chinese companies, other regions are likely to remain reliant on imports for years to come."

Battery demand is expected to grow sharply in the coming years not just from the growth in adoption of electric vehicles, but also from Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) which are increasingly being deployed to capture energy generated from solar and wind plants, as well as use as back up sources of energy for high-energy consumption end uses such as data centers. Global BESS annual capacity additions grew 49% year-on-year in 2024 and are forecast to grow another 29% on year in 2025, according to S&P Global Commodity Insights' Clean Energy Technology team.

The new calculated CAM assessments leverage Commodity Insights research team's battery cell cost model, factoring in material intensity and proprietary processing cost estimates for the Chinese domestic market. China accounts for about 81.3% of global production, according to S&P Global Mobility.

The 24-strong series leverages Platts established daily spot assessments for lithium carbonate, lithium hydroxide, cobalt sulfate, nickel sulfate, manganese sulfate, and iron ore, as well as its weekly technical monoammonium phosphate (TMAP) assessment, while the calculated CIF assessments for Europe and North America for China-origin material also leverage Platts daily container freight price assessments.
The subscriber note can be accessed here, while a full description of the Platts assessment methodology can be found here.

Media Contacts: 
Americas/ EMEA: Kathleen Tanzy + 1 917-331-4607,
Asia/ EMEA: Melissa Tan + 65-6597-6241,

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At S&P Global Commodity Insights, our complete view of global energy and commodity markets enables our customers to make decisions with conviction and create long-term, sustainable value.

We are a trusted connector that brings together thought leaders, market participants, governments, and regulators and we create solutions that lead to progress. Vital to navigating commodity markets, our coverage includes oil and gas, power, chemicals, metals, agriculture, shipping and energy transition. Platts® products and services, including leading benchmark price assessments in the physical commodity markets, are offered through S&P Global Commodity Insights. S&P Global Commodity Insights maintains clear structural and operational separation between its price assessment activities and the other activities carried out by S&P Global Commodity Insights and the other business divisions of S&P Global. 

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What are the new CAM price assessments launched by S&P Global Commodity Insights (SPGI) and when do they start?

SPGI is launching 24 daily cathode active material price assessments covering China, Europe, and North America, starting March 24, 2025.

What battery chemistries are covered in SPGI's new CAM assessments?

The assessments cover LFP (lithium iron phosphate) and NMC (622 and 811) chemistries, which represent 61% of global demand combined.

How much of global CAM production does China control according to SPGI?

According to S&P Global Mobility, China accounts for 81.3% of global CAM production.

What was the growth rate of global BESS capacity additions in 2024, and what is forecast for 2025?

Global BESS capacity additions grew 49% year-on-year in 2024 and are forecast to grow 29% in 2025.
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