Kenya is First African Nation to Build Deforestation-Reduction Project Registry & Teams with S&P Global Commodity Insights

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S&P Global Commodity Insights has been chosen by Conservation International, on behalf of the Kenyan government, to develop Kenya's REDD+ registry. This registry, set to be operational by Q2 2025, will track carbon credits from projects aimed at reducing deforestation and forest degradation. Kenya is positioning itself as a pioneer in Africa for creating a national registry of REDD+ projects.

The registry will utilize S&P Global's Environmental Registry, which is being relaunched with enhanced features for improved efficiency and user-friendliness. This development aligns with Kenya's climate goals and is expected to generate new revenue streams for the country and local communities. The project also highlights Africa's potential role in the global carbon credit market, with Kenya being a key player in voluntary carbon markets.

S&P Global Commodity Insights è stata scelta da Conservation International, per conto del governo keniota, per sviluppare il registro REDD+ del Kenya. Questo registro, che dovrebbe diventare operativo entro il secondo trimestre del 2025, monitorerà i crediti di carbonio provenienti da progetti volti a ridurre la deforestazione e il degrado forestale. Il Kenya si sta posizionando come pioniere in Africa nella creazione di un registro nazionale dei progetti REDD+.

Il registro utilizzerà l'Environmental Registry di S&P Global, che viene rilanciato con funzionalità migliorate per una maggiore efficienza e facilità d'uso. Questo sviluppo è in linea con gli obiettivi climatici del Kenya e si prevede che genererà nuove fonti di reddito per il paese e le comunità locali. Il progetto evidenzia anche il potenziale ruolo dell'Africa nel mercato globale dei crediti di carbonio, con il Kenya che gioca un ruolo chiave nei mercati volontari del carbonio.

S&P Global Commodity Insights ha sido elegida por Conservation International, en nombre del gobierno de Kenia, para desarrollar el registro REDD+ de Kenia. Este registro, que se espera que esté operativo para el segundo trimestre de 2025, rastreará los créditos de carbono de proyectos destinados a reducir la deforestación y la degradación forestal. Kenia se está posicionando como pionero en África en la creación de un registro nacional de proyectos REDD+.

El registro utilizará el Environmental Registry de S&P Global, que está siendo relanzado con características mejoradas para una mayor eficiencia y facilidad de uso. Este desarrollo se alinea con los objetivos climáticos de Kenia y se espera que genere nuevas fuentes de ingresos para el país y las comunidades locales. El proyecto también destaca el potencial papel de África en el mercado global de créditos de carbono, siendo Kenia un actor clave en los mercados de carbono voluntarios.

S&P 글로벌 커모디티 인사이트(S&P Global Commodity Insights)는 케냐 정부를 대신하여 국제 보존 기구(Conservation International)에 의해 케냐의 REDD+ 등록부 개발을 위해 선정되었습니다. 이 등록부는 2025년 2분기까지 운영될 예정이며, 산림 파괴 및 열대림 고갈을 줄이는 것을 목표로 하는 프로젝트로부터 탄소 크레딧을 추적할 것입니다. 케냐는 REDD+ 프로젝트의 국가 등록부를 만드는 데 있어 아프리카에서 선구자로 자리매김하고 있습니다.

이 등록부는 S&P 글로벌의 환경 등록부를 활용하며, 이는 효율성과 사용자 친화성을 높이기 위해 개선된 기능으로 재출시되고 있습니다. 이 개발은 케냐의 기후 목표와 일치하며, 국가와 지역 사회에 새로운 수익원을 생성할 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 프로젝트는 또한 아프리카가 글로벌 탄소 크레딧 시장에서 할 수 있는 잠재적 역할을 강조하며, 케냐는 자발적 탄소 시장의 핵심적인 역할을 하고 있습니다.

S&P Global Commodity Insights a été choisie par Conservation International, au nom du gouvernement kényan, pour développer le registre REDD+ du Kenya. Ce registre, qui devrait être opérationnel d'ici le deuxième trimestre 2025, suivra les crédits carbone provenant de projets visant à réduire la déforestation et la dégradation des forêts. Le Kenya se positionne comme un pionnier en Afrique pour la création d'un registre national des projets REDD+.

Le registre utilisera l'Environmental Registry de S&P Global, qui sera relancé avec des fonctionnalités améliorées pour une efficacité accrue et une meilleure convivialité. Ce développement est en accord avec les objectifs climatiques du Kenya et devrait générer de nouvelles sources de revenus pour le pays et les communautés locales. Le projet met également en lumière le potentiel rôle de l'Afrique sur le marché mondial des crédits carbone, le Kenya jouant un rôle clé sur les marchés volontaire du carbone.

S&P Global Commodity Insights wurde von Conservation International im Auftrag der kenianischen Regierung ausgewählt, um das REDD+ Register Kenias zu entwickeln. Dieses Register, das voraussichtlich im zweiten Quartal 2025 in Betrieb genommen wird, wird Kohlenstoffgutschriften aus Projekten verfolgen, die darauf abzielen, Abholzung und Walddegradierung zu reduzieren. Kenia positioniert sich als Vorreiter in Afrika beim Aufbau eines nationalen Registers für REDD+-Projekte.

Das Register wird das Environmental Registry von S&P Global nutzen, das mit verbesserten Funktionen für erhöhte Effizienz und Benutzerfreundlichkeit neu vorgestellt wird. Diese Entwicklung steht im Einklang mit den Klimazielen Kenias und wird voraussichtlich neue Einnahmequellen für das Land und die lokalen Gemeinschaften schaffen. Das Projekt unterstreicht auch das Potenzial Afrikas auf dem globalen Kohlenstoffgutschriftenmarkt, wobei Kenia eine Schlüsselrolle auf den freiwilligen Kohlenstoffmärkten spielt.

  • S&P Global Commodity Insights selected to develop Kenya's REDD+ registry, enhancing its market position
  • Kenya positioning itself as a pioneer in Africa for REDD+ project registry, potentially attracting investment
  • New registry expected to generate revenue streams for Kenya and local communities
  • S&P Global's Environmental Registry relaunch with enhanced features, potentially increasing market competitiveness
  • None.

Kenya's pioneering move to develop a REDD+ registry marks a significant step in Africa's climate action efforts. This initiative will enhance transparency and credibility in carbon credit tracking, potentially attracting more international investment in Kenya's forest conservation projects. The registry's integration with S&P Global's Meta Registry® could facilitate easier verification and trading of carbon credits, potentially increasing revenue for local communities.

However, challenges remain. The success of this registry will depend on robust monitoring and verification systems to ensure the integrity of carbon credits. Additionally, there's a need to balance economic incentives with sustainable forest management practices to prevent unintended consequences like prioritizing carbon sequestration over biodiversity conservation.

Kenya's REDD+ registry development is a game-changer for Africa's carbon market. As the continent's historically top issuer of carbon credits, Kenya is well-positioned to capitalize on the growing demand for high-quality carbon offsets. This move could potentially increase the value and credibility of African carbon credits in the global market.

The registry's launch in 2Q 2025 coincides with increasing corporate commitments to net-zero emissions, potentially driving up demand. However, investors should note that the voluntary carbon market is still evolving, with ongoing debates about credit quality and additionality. The success of Kenya's initiative may influence other African nations to follow suit, potentially increasing the supply of carbon credits and affecting market dynamics.

S&P Global's Environmental Registry platform brings crucial technological advantages to Kenya's REDD+ efforts. The enhanced customizability and user-friendliness of the relaunched platform should facilitate smoother adoption and operation. Integration with the Meta Registry® is a significant feature, potentially enabling Kenya to participate more effectively in global carbon markets.

However, implementing such systems in developing countries can face challenges, including infrastructure limitations and capacity building needs. The success of this project will depend on effective training and support for local stakeholders. Additionally, ensuring data security and integrity will be important for maintaining trust in the system. If successful, this implementation could serve as a model for other African nations, potentially accelerating the continent's participation in global climate mitigation efforts.

SINGAPORE, NEW YORK, LONDON, Sept. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- S&P Global Commodity Insights, the leading independent provider of information, data, analysis, benchmark prices and workflow solutions for the commodities, energy and energy transition markets, today announced it has been selected by Conservation International on behalf of the Government of Kenya, to develop Kenya's REDD+ registry that will aid the nation's climate goals and assist the wider carbon-reduction community and marketplace.

Conservation International, through its science-, policy- and investment-based partnership, works to strengthen the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources to alleviate poverty, tackle climate change and reduce biodiversity loss.

"This is a significant milestone for Kenya as it seeks to establish an enabling environment to mobilize climate finance for NDC* implementation in the Forestry Sector. It is also in line with the established legal and regulatory framework established under the Climate Change Act," said Psamson Nzioki, Programme Manager, Jurisdictional and Nested REDD+ at Conservation International.

The new REDD+ registry for Kenya, due to be operational by 2Qtr 2025, will allow complete lifecycle tracking of REDD+ carbon credits generated from interventions aimed at reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, including the  sustainable management of forests, conservation of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks.  

Jonty Rushforth, Head of Environmental Solutions, S&P Global Commodity Insights, said, ""We applaud the important step that Kenya is taking in registry development and the example it sets for Africa more broadly. We are honored to be selected to provide the registry technology, and look forward to working with both the Kenyan government and Conservation International."  

S&P Global's Environmental Registry, with a 15-year history as the go-to solution in carbon, water and biodiversity environmental registries, is relaunching as a significantly enhanced, customizable registry-as-a-service platform. The infrastructure and functionality enhancements make the registry solution faster, more efficient; more user-friendly; and able to address a broader set of industry challenges. It's aimed at further augmenting credibility and reliability in environmental markets.

"We look forward to working with S&P Global Commodity Insights and believe its Environmental Registry is a smart solution for building our registry because of its security, customization to our needs and readiness," said George Tarus, Agriculture Forest Conservation Secretary, Kenya State Department for Forestry. "We are proud to be one of the first, if not the first African nation to create a national registry of REDD+ projects that reduce deforestation and decrease carbon emissions, but one that will in turn help generate new revenue streams for us and our local communities."

Africa, as an important source of potential supply of carbon credits, is positioned to be strategic to the achievement the world's goals under the Paris Agreement. Africa made up less than 10% of total global greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 and its emissions are projected to remain relatively flat through 2030, according to S&P Global Commodity Insights research and analysis. "Kenya, in particular, is a key player in the voluntary carbon market, having historically been the top issuer of carbon credits in Africa, mainly from REDD+ projects," the analysis states.

The S&P Global Commodity Insights Environmental Registry infrastructure software and platform allows a user to track its environmental projects and manage associated carbon and other environmental credits across their life cycles on both small and large scales. Its built-in tracking and workflow management capabilities allow for easier monitoring of National Determined Contributions and helps to avoid double counting of credits, thereby facilitating greater confidence in the carbon markets.

By using S&P Global Commodity Insights' Environmental Registry, the Kenyan REDD+ registry will automatically have access to S&P Global's Meta Registry ®, a new centralized connectivity platform to link different registries and exchanges from around the world so they can share information.

S&P Global Commodity Insights is valued for its independence, established history of registry-build delivery, its deep and broad understanding of environmental markets, carbon emissions, carbon mitigation and voluntary and compliance carbon markets, and its century-plus history as a trusted partner in energy and commodity markets.

For additional information on Environmental Registry, visit: 

* Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) are actions and targets that countries signal they will undertake to help keep global temperatures from rising more than 2 degrees Celsius.

Media Contacts:
Americas: Kathleen Tanzy + 1 917-331-4607,
EMEA: Paul Sandell + 44 (0)7816 180039,  
Asia: Melissa Tan + 65-6597-6241,   

About S&P Global Commodity Insights 

At S&P Global Commodity Insights, our complete view of global energy and commodity markets enables our customers to make decisions with conviction and create long-term, sustainable value.  

We're a trusted connector that brings together thought leaders, market participants, governments, and regulators and we create solutions that lead to progress. Vital to navigating commodity markets, our coverage includes oil and gas, power, chemicals, metals, agriculture, shipping and energy transition. Platts® products and services, including leading benchmark price assessments in the physical commodity markets, are offered through S&P Global Commodity Insights. S&P Global Commodity Insights maintains clear structural and operational separation between its price assessment activities and the other activities carried out by S&P Global Commodity Insights and the other business divisions of S&P Global.   

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When is Kenya's REDD+ registry expected to be operational?

Kenya's REDD+ registry is expected to be operational by the second quarter of 2025, according to the announcement by S&P Global Commodity Insights (SPGI).

What is the purpose of Kenya's new REDD+ registry?

The REDD+ registry will allow complete lifecycle tracking of carbon credits generated from interventions aimed at reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, including sustainable forest management and conservation.

How does the S&P Global Environmental Registry benefit Kenya's REDD+ project?

The S&P Global Environmental Registry provides Kenya with a secure, customizable solution that offers tracking and workflow management capabilities, helping to avoid double counting of credits and facilitating greater confidence in carbon markets.

What is Kenya's historical position in the African carbon credit market?

According to S&P Global Commodity Insights (SPGI) analysis, Kenya has historically been the top issuer of carbon credits in Africa, primarily from REDD+ projects.

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