SuperCom Wins New National Domestic Violence Electronic Monitoring Contract in European Country

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SuperCom (NASDAQ: SPCB) has secured a new three-year national contract with a European country's government to deploy its PureSecurity domestic violence (DV) monitoring solution. This marks SuperCom's fifth national DV contract in Europe, reinforcing its leadership in the region's DV monitoring programs. The contract aims to enhance domestic violence prevention and intervention capabilities.

Ordan Trabelsi, President and CEO of SuperCom, emphasized the trust governments place in their technology and their commitment to public safety. The DV monitoring solution offers real-time tracking, communication, and security, providing authorities with a powerful tool to protect vulnerable individuals and promote offender accountability.

SuperCom's success across Europe demonstrates the effectiveness of its PureSecurity Suite and its ability to adapt to each client's unique needs. The company remains focused on driving innovation in electronic monitoring with scalable solutions that impact public safety and domestic violence prevention.

SuperCom (NASDAQ: SPCB) ha ottenuto un nuovo contratto nazionale triennale con il governo di un paese europeo per implementare la sua soluzione di monitoraggio contro la violenza domestica (DV) PureSecurity. Questo segna il quinto contratto nazionale DV in Europa per SuperCom, rinforzando la sua leadership nei programmi di monitoraggio DV della regione. L'obiettivo del contratto è quello di migliorare le capacità di prevenzione e intervento contro la violenza domestica.

Ordan Trabelsi, Presidente e CEO di SuperCom, ha sottolineato la fiducia che i governi ripongono nella loro tecnologia e il loro impegno per la sicurezza pubblica. La soluzione di monitoraggio DV offre tracciamento in tempo reale, comunicazione e sicurezza, fornendo alle autorità uno strumento potente per proteggere le persone vulnerabili e promuovere la responsabilità degli autori di reati.

Il successo di SuperCom in tutta Europa dimostra l'efficacia della sua PureSecurity Suite e la sua capacità di adattarsi alle esigenze uniche di ciascun cliente. L'azienda rimane concentrata sull'innovazione nel monitoraggio elettronico con soluzioni scalabili che impattano la sicurezza pubblica e la prevenzione della violenza domestica.

SuperCom (NASDAQ: SPCB) ha logrado un nuevo contrato nacional de tres años con el gobierno de un país europeo para implementar su solución de monitoreo de violencia doméstica (DV) PureSecurity. Esto marca el quinto contrato nacional de DV en Europa para SuperCom, reforzando su liderazgo en los programas de monitoreo de DV en la región. El contrato tiene como objetivo mejorar las capacidades de prevención e intervención en casos de violencia doméstica.

Ordan Trabelsi, Presidente y CEO de SuperCom, enfatizó la confianza que los gobiernos depositan en su tecnología y su compromiso con la seguridad pública. La solución de monitoreo de DV ofrece seguimiento en tiempo real, comunicación y seguridad, proporcionando a las autoridades una herramienta poderosa para proteger a las personas vulnerables y promover la responsabilidad de los ofensores.

El éxito de SuperCom en toda Europa demuestra la efectividad de su PureSecurity Suite y su capacidad de adaptarse a las necesidades únicas de cada cliente. La empresa sigue enfocada en impulsar la innovación en el monitoreo electrónico con soluciones escalables que impactan la seguridad pública y la prevención de la violencia doméstica.

SuperCom (NASDAQ: SPCB)는 유럽의 한 국가 정부와 삼년 국가 계약을 체결하고 자사의 PureSecurity 가정 폭력(DV) 모니터링 솔루션을 배포하게 되었습니다. 이는 SuperCom의 유럽 내 다섯 번째 국가 DV 계약으로, 해당 지역에서의 DV 모니터링 프로그램의 리더십을 강화하는 계기가 됩니다. 계약의 목적은 가정 폭력 예방 및 개입 능력을 향상시키는 것입니다.

SuperCom의 사장이자 CEO인 Ordan Trabelsi는 정부가 자사의 기술에 신뢰를 보내고 있으며, 공공 안전에 대한 그들의 의지를 강조했습니다. DV 모니터링 솔루션은 실시간 추적, 커뮤니케이션 및 보안을 제공하여 당국이 취약한 개인을 보호하고 범죄자에 대한 책임을 촉구하는 강력한 도구를 제공합니다.

SuperCom의 유럽 전역에서의 성공은 PureSecurity Suite의 효과성과 각 고객의 독특한 요구에 적응하는 능력을 보여줍니다. 회사는 공공 안전과 가정 폭력 예방에 영향을 미치는 확장 가능한 솔루션으로 전자 모니터링 혁신을 추진하는 데 집중하고 있습니다.

SuperCom (NASDAQ: SPCB) a obtenu un nouveau contrat national de trois ans avec le gouvernement d'un pays européen pour déployer sa solution de surveillance de la violence domestique (DV) PureSecurity. Cela marque le cinquième contrat national DV en Europe pour SuperCom, renforçant ainsi son leadership dans les programmes de surveillance DV de la région. L'objectif du contrat est d'améliorer les capacités de prévention et d'intervention en matière de violence domestique.

Ordan Trabelsi, Président et CEO de SuperCom, a souligné la confiance que les gouvernements accordent à leur technologie et leur engagement envers la sécurité publique. La solution de surveillance DV offre suivi en temps réel, communication et sécurité, fournissant aux autorités un outil puissant pour protéger les personnes vulnérables et promouvoir la responsabilité des auteurs d'infractions.

Le succès de SuperCom à travers l'Europe démontre l'efficacité de sa PureSecurity Suite et sa capacité à s'adapter aux besoins uniques de chaque client. L'entreprise reste concentrée sur l'innovation dans le domaine du suivi électronique avec des solutions évolutives qui impactent la sécurité publique et la prévention de la violence domestique.

SuperCom (NASDAQ: SPCB) hat einen neuen drei-Jahres-Vertrag mit der Regierung eines europäischen Landes abgeschlossen, um seine PureSecurity-Lösung zur Überwachung von häuslicher Gewalt (DV) einzuführen. Dies markiert den fünften nationalen DV-Vertrag in Europa für SuperCom, was ihre Führungsposition in den DV-Überwachungsprogrammen der Region stärkt. Ziel des Vertrags ist es, die Präventions- und Interventionskapazitäten bei häuslicher Gewalt zu verbessern.

Ordan Trabelsi, Präsident und CEO von SuperCom, betonte das Vertrauen, das Regierungen in ihre Technologie setzen, und ihr Engagement für die öffentliche Sicherheit. Die DV-Überwachungslösung bietet Echtzeitverfolgung, Kommunikation und Sicherheit und bietet den Behörden ein leistungsstarkes Werkzeug, um gefährdete Personen zu schützen und die Verantwortung der Täter zu fördern.

Der Erfolg von SuperCom in ganz Europa zeigt die Wirksamkeit seiner PureSecurity Suite und ihre Fähigkeit, sich an die einzigartigen Bedürfnisse jedes Kunden anzupassen. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich darauf, Innovationen im Bereich der elektronischen Überwachung mit skalierbaren Lösungen voranzutreiben, die die öffentliche Sicherheit und die Prävention von häuslicher Gewalt beeinflussen.

  • Secured a new three-year national contract for domestic violence monitoring in Europe
  • Won fifth national domestic violence contract in Europe, reinforcing market leadership
  • Expanding presence in the European electronic monitoring market
  • Demonstrating adaptability of PureSecurity Suite to meet unique client needs
  • None.

Reinforcing SuperCom's Leadership in Europe's National Domestic Violence Monitoring Programs

TEL AVIV, Israel, Sept. 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- SuperCom (NASDAQ: SPCB), a global provider of secure solutions for the e-Government, IoT, and Cybersecurity sectors, announced today it has secured a new three-year national contract with the government of a European country to deploy its PureSecurity domestic violence (DV) monitoring solution. This marks SuperCom's continued expansion in Europe, where it has already deployed a substantial number of units, outpacing its competitors and solidifying its position as a leader in domestic violence monitoring solutions. The new contract represents a significant step in enhancing domestic violence prevention and intervention capabilities in this EU region.

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"We are honored to collaborate with this EU country to support their initiatives in addressing domestic violence through advanced monitoring solutions," commented Ordan Trabelsi, President and CEO of SuperCom. "Winning our fifth national domestic violence contract in Europe is a testament to the trust governments place in our technology and our commitment to enhancing public safety. Our DV monitoring solution offers real-time tracking, communication, and security, providing authorities with a powerful tool to improve the protection of vulnerable individuals and promote offender accountability," Ordan added.

"Our ongoing success across Europe demonstrates the effectiveness of our PureSecurity Suite and our ability to adapt our technology to meet the unique needs of each client. We remain committed to driving innovation in electronic monitoring, focusing on robust, scalable solutions that make a tangible difference in public safety and domestic violence prevention." Ordan concluded.

About SuperCom

Since 1988, SuperCom has been a global provider of traditional and digital identity solutions, providing advanced safety, identification, and security solutions to governments and organizations, both private and public, worldwide. Through its proprietary e-Government platforms and innovative solutions for traditional and biometrics enrollment, personalization, issuance, and border control services, SuperCom has inspired governments and national agencies to design and issue secure Multi-ID documents and robust digital identity solutions to its citizens and visitors. SuperCom offers a unique all-in-one field-proven RFID & mobile technology and product suite, accompanied by advanced complementary services for various industries, including healthcare and homecare, security and safety, community public safety, law enforcement, electronic monitoring, and domestic violence prevention. For more information, please visit SuperCom's website:

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. Statements preceded or followed by or that otherwise include the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "projects", "estimates", "plans", and similar expressions or future or conditional verbs such as "will", "should", "would", "may" and "could" are generally forward-looking in nature and not historical or current facts. These forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause our actual results to differ materially from the statements made. Examples of these statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding business and economic trends, the levels of consumer, business and economic confidence generally, the adverse effects of these risks on our business or the market price of our ordinary shares, and other risks and uncertainties described in the forward looking statements and in the section captioned "Risk Factors" in our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the year ended December 31, 2023, filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on April 22, 2024, our reports on Form 6-K filed from time to time with the SEC and our other filings with the SEC. Except as required by law, we not undertake any obligation to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, after the date of this press release.

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What new contract did SuperCom (SPCB) win in Europe?

SuperCom (SPCB) won a new three-year national contract with a European country's government to deploy its PureSecurity domestic violence monitoring solution.

How many national domestic violence contracts has SuperCom (SPCB) won in Europe?

SuperCom (SPCB) has won its fifth national domestic violence contract in Europe, according to the press release.

What does SuperCom's (SPCB) PureSecurity domestic violence monitoring solution offer?

SuperCom's (SPCB) PureSecurity domestic violence monitoring solution offers real-time tracking, communication, and security features to protect vulnerable individuals and promote offender accountability.

Who is the President and CEO of SuperCom (SPCB)?

Ordan Trabelsi is the President and CEO of SuperCom (SPCB).

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