Safe Pro Enters Multi-Year Agreement for its Patented Drone AI Demining Platform with Ukraine’s Leading Grain Export and Agricultural Organization NIBULON Ltd.

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Safe Pro Group (NASDAQ: SPAI) has entered a multi-year MOU with NIBULON , Ukraine's leading grain export organization, to address Ukraine's agricultural crisis using AI-powered drone demining technology. The collaboration will utilize Safe Pro's SpotlightAI™ platform to survey farmland contaminated by landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO).

NIBULON, which has invested $2.3 billion in food security infrastructure and manages over 189,000 acres of land, will work with Safe Pro to develop and implement drone survey methodologies. The war has caused the abandonment of 5.2-6.9 million acres of farmland, resulting in $2 billion in lost crops in 2023.

SpotlightAI™, running on AWS cloud, has already analyzed over 931,107 drone images in Ukraine, identifying 18,300 explosive remnants across 10,514 acres. The system processes images in 0.2 seconds, compared to several minutes for manual analysis, and can identify 150+ types of landmines and UXO.

Safe Pro Group (NASDAQ: SPAI) ha stipulato un MOU pluriennale con NIBULON, l'organizzazione leader nell'esportazione di grano in Ucraina, per affrontare la crisi agricola del paese utilizzando la tecnologia di sminamento dei droni potenziata dall'IA. La collaborazione sfrutterà la piattaforma SpotlightAI™ di Safe Pro per indagare terreni contaminati da mine e ordigni inesplosi (UXO).

NIBULON, che ha investito 2,3 miliardi di dollari in infrastrutture per la sicurezza alimentare e gestisce oltre 189.000 acri di terreno, lavorerà con Safe Pro per sviluppare e implementare metodologie di rilevamento con i droni. La guerra ha causato l'abbandono di 5,2-6,9 milioni di acri di terreni agricoli, risultando in 2 miliardi di dollari di raccolti persi nel 2023.

SpotlightAI™, funzionante su AWS cloud, ha già analizzato oltre 931.107 immagini di droni in Ucraina, identificando 18.300 residui esplosivi su 10.514 acri. Il sistema elabora le immagini in 0,2 secondi, rispetto a diversi minuti per un'analisi manuale, e può identificare oltre 150 tipi di mine e UXO.

Safe Pro Group (NASDAQ: SPAI) ha firmado un MOU a varios años con NIBULON, la organización líder en exportación de granos de Ucrania, para abordar la crisis agrícola del país utilizando tecnología de desminado con drones impulsada por IA. La colaboración utilizará la plataforma SpotlightAI™ de Safe Pro para evaluar tierras contaminadas por minas y municiones sin explotar (UXO).

NIBULON, que ha invertido 2.3 mil millones de dólares en infraestructura de seguridad alimentaria y administra más de 189,000 acres de tierra, trabajará con Safe Pro para desarrollar e implementar metodologías de encuesta con drones. La guerra ha provocado el abandono de 5.2 a 6.9 millones de acres de tierras agrícolas, resultando en 2 mil millones de dólares en cultivos perdidos en 2023.

SpotlightAI™, que funciona en la nube de AWS, ya ha analizado más de 931,107 imágenes de drones en Ucrania, identificando 18,300 restos explosivos sobre 10,514 acres. El sistema procesa imágenes en 0.2 segundos, en comparación con varios minutos para el análisis manual, y puede identificar más de 150 tipos de minas y UXO.

Safe Pro Group (NASDAQ: SPAI)는 우크라이나의 주요 곡물 수출 조직인 NIBULON과 협력하여 AI 기반 드론 지뢰 제거 기술을 사용하여 우크라이나의 농업 위기를 해결하기 위한 다년간의 MOU를 체결했습니다. 이 협력은 Safe Pro의 SpotlightAI™ 플랫폼을 활용하여 지뢰와 미폭발 유탄(UXO)으로 오염된 농경지를 조사할 것입니다.

NIBULON은 식량 안보 인프라에 23억 달러를 투자하고 189,000에이커 이상의 토지를 관리하고 있으며, Safe Pro와 협력하여 드론 조사 방법론을 개발하고 구현할 것입니다. 전쟁으로 인해 520만에서 690만 에이커의 농경지가 방치되었고, 2023년에는 20억 달러의 작물이 손실되었습니다.

AWS 클라우드에서 운영되는 SpotlightAI™는 이미 우크라이나에서 931,107개의 드론 이미지를 분석하고 10,514에이커에서 18,300개의 폭발 잔여물을 식별했습니다. 이 시스템은 수동 분석에 비해 이미지 처리를 0.2초 만에 수행할 수 있으며, 150종 이상의 지뢰와 UXO를 식별할 수 있습니다.

Safe Pro Group (NASDAQ: SPAI) a signé un MOU pluriannuel avec NIBULON, la principale organisation d'exportation céréalière d'Ukraine, pour aborder la crise agricole de l'Ukraine en utilisant une technologie de déminage par drones alimentée par l'IA. La collaboration utilisera la plateforme SpotlightAI™ de Safe Pro pour inspecter les terres agricoles contaminées par des mines et des munitions non explosées (UXO).

NIBULON, qui a investi 2,3 milliards de dollars dans l'infrastructure de sécurité alimentaire et gère plus de 189 000 acres de terre, travaillera avec Safe Pro pour développer et mettre en œuvre des méthodologies d'enquête par drone. La guerre a entraîné l'abandon de 5,2 à 6,9 millions d'acres de terres agricoles, provoquant une perte de 2 milliards de dollars de récoltes en 2023.

SpotlightAI™, fonctionnant sur le cloud AWS, a déjà analysé plus de 931 107 images de drones en Ukraine, identifiant 18 300 restes explosifs sur 10 514 acres. Le système traite les images en 0,2 seconde, par rapport à plusieurs minutes pour l'analyse manuelle, et peut identifier plus de 150 types de mines et UXO.

Safe Pro Group (NASDAQ: SPAI) hat eine mehrjährige MOU mit NIBULON, der führenden Getreideexportorganisation der Ukraine, unterzeichnet, um die landwirtschaftliche Krise in der Ukraine mit KI-gestützter Drohnenminenräumtechnologie zu bewältigen. Die Zusammenarbeit wird die SpotlightAI™-Plattform von Safe Pro nutzen, um Ackerland, das durch Minen und ungeklärte Munition (UXO) kontaminiert ist, zu untersuchen.

NIBULON, das 2,3 Milliarden Dollar in die Nahrungsmittelsicherheitsinfrastruktur investiert hat und über 189.000 Acres Land verwaltet, wird mit Safe Pro zusammenarbeiten, um Methoden zur Drohnenerfassung zu entwickeln und umzusetzen. Der Krieg hat zur Aufgabe von 5,2 bis 6,9 Millionen Acres Ackerland geführt, was 2 Milliarden Dollar an Ernteausfällen im Jahr 2023 bedeutet.

SpotlightAI™, das auf der AWS-Cloud läuft, hat bereits über 931.107 Drohnenbilder in der Ukraine analysiert und 18.300 explosive Überreste auf 10.514 Acres identifiziert. Das System bearbeitet Bilder in 0,2 Sekunden, verglichen mit mehreren Minuten bei manueller Analyse, und kann über 150 Arten von Minen und UXO identifizieren.

  • Partnership with major agricultural player NIBULON, which manages 189,000 acres and exports to 76 countries
  • SpotlightAI platform demonstrates proven effectiveness with 931,107 drone images analyzed and 18,300 explosives identified
  • Technology processes images in 0.2 seconds vs. several minutes for manual analysis
  • Addresses a large market opportunity with 139,300 km² of contaminated land in Ukraine
  • None.


This groundbreaking agreement represents a significant commercial opportunity in the $35 billion Ukrainian demining market. The partnership with NIBULON, which manages 189,000 acres and has invested $2.3 billion in agricultural infrastructure, provides Safe Pro an ideal launch platform to demonstrate SpotlightAI's capabilities at scale.

The technology's performance metrics are particularly compelling: processing images in 0.2 seconds versus several minutes for manual analysis represents a 1800% efficiency improvement. The platform's ability to identify 150+ types of explosives and integration with AWS cloud infrastructure creates substantial barriers to entry, while the successful detection of 18,300 explosive remnants demonstrates proven field effectiveness.

The market opportunity extends beyond Ukraine, as global demining operations represent a important segment of the defense technology sector. The AWS cloud integration enables rapid scaling and deployment to new markets, while the sub-centimeter precision mapping capabilities open additional revenue streams in precision agriculture and land surveying.

This deal positions Safe Pro to capture a significant share of the humanitarian demining technology market, with immediate revenue potential from NIBULON's extensive operations and future opportunities through international aid organizations. The impact on global food security - with Ukraine's contaminated farmland causing $2 billion in lost crops affecting 25 million people - adds humanitarian urgency and potential for additional funding sources.

NIBULON Supports the “Breadbasket of Europe” Having Invested $2.3 Billion in Creating an Ecosystem of Sustainable Food Security and Agricultural Production with a Land Bank of Over 189,000 Acres

Agreement to Support Global Food Security and the Urgent Restoration of Ukraine’s Agricultural Productivity

AVENTURA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Safe Pro Group Inc. (Nasdaq: SPAI) (“Safe Pro” or the “Company”), a leading provider of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions specializing in drone imagery processing, today announced that it has entered into a multi-year Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with NIBULON Ltd. (NIBULON) to cooperate on addressing Ukraine’s agriculture crisis which has sustained billions in damages and losses due to the ongoing war.

NIBULON and Safe Pro Group Inc. Join Forces to Implement Innovations in Humanitarian Demining Utilizing AI and Drones to Survey Agricultural Land in Ukraine (Photo: Business Wire)

NIBULON and Safe Pro Group Inc. Join Forces to Implement Innovations in Humanitarian Demining Utilizing AI and Drones to Survey Agricultural Land in Ukraine (Photo: Business Wire)

Safe Pro will provide NIBULON with services and access to SpotlightAI™, its patented hyper-scalable AI-powered drone demining ecosystem running on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud. The collaboration will focus on utilizing AI technology to drastically reduce the time and costs of manually surveying Ukrainian farmland potentially contaminated by landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXO).

According to NASA Harvest, the war in Ukraine has caused the abandonment of between 5.2 and 6.9 million acres of farmland costing Ukraine around $2 billion in lost crops in 2023 that could have fed upwards of 25 million people for an entire year. The enormous area of land, located along the front lines of the war and in areas that have recently been retaken by Ukraine, can be potentially surveyed by SpotlightAI™ to determine the precise location of mines and UXO. NIBULON is one of the leaders in Ukrainian grain exports and agricultural production through partnerships with more than 4,500 Ukrainian agricultural producers, who together supply high-quality agricultural products to 76 countries worldwide through its land bank of over 189,000 acres, its vast rail transportation fleet and 83 vessels built in its own shipyard.

Under the terms of the MOU, Safe Pro and NIBULON will jointly develop, refine and carry out demining survey methodologies utilizing everyday drones and the SpotlightAI™ ecosystem. By incorporating SpotlightAI™ into land surveys, NIBULON’s drone teams can more effectively generate high resolution maps with precise locations of mines and UXO versus the traditional manual collection of direct and indirect evidence of UXO in agricultural areas that would otherwise not be accessible to direct human observation. Safe Pro and NIBULON will also work to engage with demining and agriculture industry stakeholders to showcase the impact of their collaborative efforts with the goal to seek contracts and support from international food security aid organizations.

“Our agreement with NIBULON is critical to our mission to support global food security and the safety of those denied their land and livelihood as we seek to urgently restore Ukraine’s agricultural productivity. Our proprietary AI technologies and algorithms continue to demonstrate how new tools can safely accelerate the demining survey process, a critical first step in land clearance and release operations globally,” said Dan Erdberg, Chairman and CEO of Safe Pro Group Inc.

Mykhailo Rizak, Director of Government Relations at NIBULON stated, “Agriculture is one of the cornerstones of Ukraine’s economy and an important contributor to the stability of global food supplies which has been significantly disrupted by nearly three years of war. That is why we are committed to improving the land survey process to more efficiently detect land mines and UXO. Having seen the significant positive impact that SpotlightAI™ and its revolutionary technology can make in demining operations, we are accelerating our work with Safe Pro as we work to reclaim valuable agricultural land for food production and look forward to sharing our results with our industry stakeholders.”

In Ukraine, an area estimated to exceed 139,300 km2 (Source: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine as of August 2024) (roughly equivalent to the area of the State of North Carolina) is potentially contaminated by landmines and UXO. Utilizing existing methodologies, it could take more than a decade and cost more than $35 Billion (The World Bank, The Ukraine Rapid Damage and Needs Assessment, February 2024), to survey and clear the comminated land in Ukraine.

Safe Pro’s proprietary AI models have analyzed more than 931,107 drone images in Ukraine, pinpointing over 18,300 explosive remnants of war (ERW) across 4,255 hectares (over 10,514 acres). Operating at lightning speed on the AWS cloud, SpotlightAI™ analyzes each drone image in less than 0.2 seconds. In contrast, traditional human analysis can take several minutes per image-a process that could span decades if done manually.

The SpotlightAI™ software ecosystem utilizes advanced machine learning (ML) models for small object detection and data reporting built on an extensive proprietary dataset capable of rapidly identifying and locating 150+ types of land mines and UXO. Operating locally for rapid object detection and locating, or through the hyper scalability of the AWS Cloud, SpotlightAI™ can process massive amounts of sub-centimeter-level drone imagery, providing customers with unique flexibility based on evolving operational needs. Enhanced with the hyper scalability of the AWS cloud, SpotlightAI™ can securely generate detailed, high-resolution orthomosaic maps highlighting objects of interest and can plot detection results on customizable, GPS-tagged, sub-centimeter-level, high resolution 2D and enhanced, interactive 3D maps. These maps can provide a “bird’s-eye view” of the surveyed area, delivering enhanced situational awareness for planning clearing and land release efforts by local governments and humanitarian aid organizations.

For more information about Safe Pro Group, its subsidiaries, and technologies, please visit and connect with us on LinkedIn, Facebook, X and Instagram.

About Safe Pro Group Inc.

Safe Pro Group is a leading provider of artificial intelligence (AI) solutions specializing in drone imagery processing leveraging commercially available “off-the-shelf” drones with its proprietary machine learning and computer vision technology to enable rapid identification of explosives threats, providing a much safer and more efficient alternative to traditional human-based analysis methods. Built on a cloud-based ecosystem and powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS), Safe Pro Group’s scalable platform is targeting multiple markets that include commercial, government, law enforcement and humanitarian sectors where its Safe Pro AI software, Safe-Pro USA protective gear and Airborne Response drone-based services can work in synergy to deliver safety and operational efficiency. For more information on Safe Pro Group Inc., please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

Some of the statements in this press release are forward-looking statements, which involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking statements relate to future events, future expectations, plans and prospects. Forward-looking statements in this press release include, without limitation, the ability of Safe Pro Group to locate funding for the request made by the Ukraine government. Although Safe Pro Group believes the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable as of the date made, expectations may prove to have been materially different from the results expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Safe Pro Group has attempted to identify forward-looking statements by terminology including ''believes,'' ''estimates,'' ''anticipates,'' ''expects,'' ''plans,'' ''projects,'' ''intends,'' ''potential,'' ''may,'' ''could,'' ''might,'' ''will,'' ''should,'' ''approximately'' or other words that convey uncertainty of future events or outcomes to identify these forward-looking statements. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, including market and other conditions. More detailed information about the Company and the risk factors that may affect the realization of forward-looking statements is set forth in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), copies of which may be obtained from the SEC’s website at Any forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of its date. Safe Pro Group undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements contained in this press release to reflect events or circumstances occurring after its date or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events, except as required by law.

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Source: Safe Pro Group Inc.


What is the scope of Safe Pro's (SPAI) agreement with NIBULON in Ukraine?

Safe Pro has entered a multi-year MOU with NIBULON to provide SpotlightAI™ drone demining services for surveying agricultural land potentially contaminated by landmines and UXO in Ukraine.

How effective is SPAI's SpotlightAI technology in detecting landmines?

SpotlightAI has analyzed over 931,107 drone images, identified 18,300 explosive remnants across 10,514 acres, and processes each image in 0.2 seconds compared to several minutes for manual analysis.

What is the market size for SPAI's demining technology in Ukraine?

The potential market in Ukraine includes 139,300 km² of contaminated land, requiring an estimated $35 billion and over a decade to survey and clear using traditional methods.

How much agricultural land has been affected by the war in Ukraine according to SPAI's assessment?

According to NASA Harvest data cited in the agreement, between 5.2 and 6.9 million acres of farmland have been abandoned, resulting in $2 billion in lost crops in 2023.

Safe Pro Group Inc.


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