SoundHound Chat AI Automotive Introduces New Tools for Advanced Voice Assistant Customization

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SoundHound AI (Nasdaq: SOUN) has launched new customization tools for its SoundHound Chat AI voice assistant, aimed at transforming how automotive brands interact with customers in vehicles. The new features include:

1. Brand ID: Allows OEMs to set predefined answers to common questions, reflecting brand image and handling sensitive topics.

2. Onboarding and Education: Enables automakers to integrate personalized branding and educate users on voice assistant functionalities.

These tools are designed to enhance user experience and increase adoption of in-vehicle voice assistants. SoundHound's study found that 87% of regular drivers use voice assistants, with 50% using them weekly and 37% daily. The new features are currently being piloted with some of SoundHound's OEM partners and will be available in a SaaS model.

SoundHound AI (Nasdaq: SOUN) ha lanciato nuovi strumenti di personalizzazione per il suo assistente vocale SoundHound Chat AI, progettati per trasformare il modo in cui i marchi automobilistici interagiscono con i clienti nei veicoli. Le nuove funzionalità includono:

1. Brand ID: Consente ai produttori di equipaggiamento originale (OEM) di impostare risposte predefinite a domande comuni, riflettendo l'immagine del marchio e gestendo argomenti delicati.

2. Onboarding e Formazione: Permette ai costruttori automobilistici di integrare branding personalizzato e formare gli utenti sulle funzionalità dell'assistente vocale.

Questi strumenti sono progettati per migliorare l'esperienza dell'utente e aumentare l'adozione degli assistenti vocali in auto. Uno studio di SoundHound ha rilevato che l'87% dei conducenti abituali utilizza assistenti vocali, con il 50% che li usa settimanalmente e il 37% quotidianamente. Le nuove funzionalità sono attualmente in fase di prova con alcuni dei partner OEM di SoundHound e saranno disponibili in un modello SaaS.

SoundHound AI (Nasdaq: SOUN) ha lanzado nuevas herramientas de personalización para su asistente de voz SoundHound Chat AI, destinadas a transformar la forma en que las marcas automotrices interactúan con los clientes en los vehículos. Las nuevas características incluyen:

1. Brand ID: Permite a los OEM establecer respuestas predefinidas a preguntas comunes, reflejando la imagen de la marca y manejando temas delicados.

2. Incorporación y Educación: Permite a los fabricantes de automóviles integrar una marca personalizada y educar a los usuarios sobre las funcionalidades del asistente de voz.

Estas herramientas están diseñadas para mejorar la experiencia del usuario y aumentar la adopción de asistentes de voz en los vehículos. Un estudio de SoundHound encontró que el 87% de los conductores habituales utilizan asistentes de voz, con un 50% usándolos semanalmente y un 37% diariamente. Las nuevas características se están probando actualmente con algunos de los socios OEM de SoundHound y estarán disponibles en un modelo SaaS.

사운드하운드 AI(Nasdaq: SOUN)가 자동차 브랜드가 차량 내 고객과 상호작용하는 방식을 혁신하기 위해 사운드하운드 챗 AI 음성 비서의 새로운 맞춤화 도구를 출시했습니다. 새로운 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 브랜드 ID: OEM이 일반적인 질문에 대해 미리 정의된 답변을 설정할 수 있도록 하여 브랜드 이미지와 민감한 주제를 반영합니다.

2. 온보딩 및 교육: 자동차 제작자가 개인화된 브랜딩을 통합하고 사용자에게 음성 비서의 기능에 대해 교육할 수 있도록 합니다.

이 도구들은 사용자 경험을 향상하고 차량 내 음성 비서의 채택을 증가시키기 위해 설계되었습니다. 사운드하운드의 연구 결과에 따르면, 정기적으로 운전하는 사람들의 87%가 음성 비서를 사용하며, 50%가 주간 사용하고 37%가 매일 사용하고 있습니다. 새로운 기능은 현재 사운드하운드의 OEM 파트너들과 시험 운영 중이며, SaaS 모델로 제공될 예정입니다.

SoundHound AI (Nasdaq: SOUN) a lancé de nouveaux outils de personnalisation pour son assistant vocal SoundHound Chat AI, visant à transformer la manière dont les marques automobiles interagissent avec les clients dans les véhicules. Les nouvelles fonctionnalités incluent :

1. ID de Marque: Permet aux OEM de définir des réponses prédéfinies à des questions courantes, reflétant l'image de la marque et abordant des sujets sensibles.

2. Intégration et Éducation: Permet aux constructeurs automobiles d'intégrer un branding personnalisé et d'éduquer les utilisateurs sur les fonctionnalités de l'assistant vocal.

Ces outils sont conçus pour améliorer l'expérience utilisateur et accroître l'adoption des assistants vocaux à bord des véhicules. Une étude de SoundHound a révélé que 87% des conducteurs réguliers utilisent des assistants vocaux, avec 50% les utilisant chaque semaine et 37% quotidiennement. Les nouvelles fonctionnalités sont actuellement testées avec certains des partenaires OEM de SoundHound et seront disponibles dans un modèle SaaS.

SoundHound AI (Nasdaq: SOUN) hat neue Anpassungswerkzeuge für seinen SoundHound Chat AI-Sprachassistenten eingeführt, die darauf abzielen, die Interaktion von Automarken mit Kunden in Fahrzeugen zu transformieren. Die neuen Funktionen umfassen:

1. Brand ID: Erlaubt OEMs, vordefinierte Antworten auf häufige Fragen zu setzen, die das Markenimage widerspiegeln und sensible Themen behandeln.

2. Onboarding und Bildung: Ermöglicht Automobilherstellern, personalisierte Markenbildung zu integrieren und Benutzer über die Funktionen des Sprachassistenten aufzuklären.

Diese Werkzeuge sind darauf ausgelegt, das Benutzererlebnis zu verbessern und die Akzeptanz von Sprachassistenten im Fahrzeug zu erhöhen. Eine Studie von SoundHound ergab, dass 87% der regelmäßigen Fahrer Sprachassistenten nutzen, wobei 50% sie wöchentlich und 37% täglich verwenden. Die neuen Funktionen werden derzeit mit einigen von SoundHounds OEM-Partnern getestet und werden in einem SaaS-Modell verfügbar sein.

  • Launch of new customization tools for SoundHound Chat AI voice assistant
  • Potential for increased adoption and usage of in-vehicle voice assistants
  • Expansion of SoundHound Chat AI to multiple automotive brands (Alfa Romeo, Citroën, Peugeot, Opel, Vauxhall, and DS Automobiles)
  • Introduction of SaaS model for customization services
  • None.

SoundHound's new customization tools for its Chat AI voice assistant represent a significant leap in automotive AI integration. The Brand ID feature allows OEMs to tailor responses, reflecting brand image and handling sensitive topics, which could enhance brand loyalty and user trust. The Onboarding and Education tool addresses a critical gap in user adoption, potentially increasing the 50% weekly and 37% daily usage rates.

These advancements could position SoundHound as a key player in the automotive AI market, especially with the SaaS model allowing for continuous updates. However, the success will largely depend on how effectively automakers implement these tools and whether they truly enhance the user experience. The real test will be in the long-term adoption rates and user satisfaction metrics.

SoundHound's strategic move aligns with the growing trend of personalized in-vehicle experiences. With 87% of regular drivers using voice assistants, there's a substantial market to tap into. The customization tools could be a game-changer, allowing automakers to differentiate their offerings in a competitive market.

The partnership with Stellantis brands, including the world-first full production integration with DS Automobiles, gives SoundHound a strong foothold. However, the company needs to monitor the impact on user engagement and satisfaction closely. If successful, this could lead to increased demand from other OEMs, potentially boosting SoundHound's market share and revenue streams in the automotive sector.

New Brand ID and Onboarding & Education Features Enhance Automotive Capabilities and Consumer Engagement

SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- SoundHound AI, Inc. (Nasdaq: SOUN), a global leader in voice artificial intelligence, today announced its SoundHound Chat AI voice assistant has launched new customization tools to help transform how automotive brands interact with their customers within the vehicle. The new features are currently being piloted with some of SoundHound’s OEM partners.

SoundHound Chat AI's new customization tools will help transform how automotive brands interact with their customers within the vehicle. (Graphic: Business Wire)

SoundHound Chat AI's new customization tools will help transform how automotive brands interact with their customers within the vehicle. (Graphic: Business Wire)

In addition to the core features offered from SoundHound Chat AI’s best-in-class voice assistant – which integrates generative AI capabilities with car controls and real-time domains like flight times, navigation, and weather – OEMs will be able to take control with customizations that work for their loyal consumers and align closely with their identity as an automaker.

This new layer of customization will provide drivers with a more engaging and informative experience, allowing them to explore vehicle features and functionalities with greater ease and effectiveness.

Brand ID

SoundHound Chat AI’s custom Brand ID tool introduces a new way for automotive partners to shape their brand’s interaction with customers. OEMs can now set predefined answers to common and brand-relevant questions. This feature offers:

  • Custom Brand Attributes and Safety: Adjust responses to reflect brand image and handle sensitive topics with care.
  • Time-Limited Changes: Easily implement seasonal or campaign-specific updates.
  • Global Language and Variant Support: Enter a question in one language and deploy it across all supported languages, with adaptability to various question variants.

Onboarding and Education

SoundHound Chat AI’s Onboarding and Education feature allows automakers to seamlessly integrate personalized branding and educate users on the functionalities of their in-vehicle voice assistants. This includes onboarding hints to engage users, as well as customizable greetings, guidance on instruction manual access, and more.

In a recent SoundHound study, “How Generative AI Will Help Automakers Build Great In-Car Experiences,” the company found that 87% of regular drivers employ their voice assistant, with usage frequencies hitting 50% weekly and 37% daily. These statistics indicate that while many drivers are accessing voice AI capabilities, they often do not fully utilize them. SoundHound Chat AI’s Onboarding and Education tool will unlock a more immersive, voice-driven experience, evolving from basic vehicle controls to a prominent and central part of the in-car experience.

As innovation and technological advancements in the automotive industry evolve, these new features from SoundHound Chat AI allow automakers to keep the end user in focus. SoundHound’s customization tools underscore a commitment to enhancing the user experience as well the value of the in-vehicle assistant for OEMs.

Customization services – including further features in SoundHound’s product pipeline – will be available to automakers in a SaaS model. This will enable partners to benefit from AI customization on an ongoing basis and allow OEMs to evolve their assistant to suit changing brand and customer needs.

“SoundHound Chat AI has evolved beyond a general in-car experience by offering a tailored voice assistant that allows automakers to strengthen the perception of their brand,” said Michael Zagorsek, COO of SoundHound AI. “Furthermore, the new tools we’re launching today enable OEMs to carefully guide and educate their customers on the power of their customized in-vehicle voice assistant, helping increase adoption and repeat usage.

This announcement follows recent launches of SoundHound Chat AI in Alfa Romeo, Citroën, Peugeot, Opel, Vauxhall, and DS Automobiles. In March 2024, SoundHound AI announced that Stellantis’ DS Automobiles was the first automaker in the world to go into full production with a voice assistant that integrates the latest generative AI technology via SoundHound Chat AI.

Learn more about SoundHound Chat AI here.

About SoundHound AI

SoundHound (Nasdaq: SOUN), a global leader in conversational intelligence, offers voice and conversational AI solutions that let businesses offer incredible experiences to their customers. Built on proprietary technology, SoundHound’s voice AI delivers best-in-class speed and accuracy in numerous languages to product creators and service providers across retail, financial services, healthcare, automotive, smart devices, and restaurants via groundbreaking AI-driven products like Smart Answering, Smart Ordering, Dynamic Drive Thru, and Amelia AI Agents. Along with SoundHound Chat AI, a powerful voice assistant with integrated Generative AI, SoundHound powers millions of products and services, and processes billions of interactions each year for world class businesses.

Fiona McEvoy


Source: SoundHound AI, Inc.


What new features has SoundHound AI (SOUN) introduced for its Chat AI voice assistant?

SoundHound AI has introduced two new features for its Chat AI voice assistant: Brand ID, which allows OEMs to set predefined answers to common questions, and Onboarding and Education, which enables automakers to integrate personalized branding and educate users on voice assistant functionalities.

How are the new SoundHound AI (SOUN) features being implemented in the automotive industry?

The new features are currently being piloted with some of SoundHound's OEM partners. They will be available to automakers in a SaaS model, allowing partners to benefit from AI customization on an ongoing basis and evolve their assistant to suit changing brand and customer needs.

What percentage of drivers use voice assistants according to SoundHound AI's (SOUN) study?

According to SoundHound AI's study, 87% of regular drivers use voice assistants, with 50% using them weekly and 37% using them daily.

Which automotive brands have recently launched SoundHound Chat AI?

SoundHound Chat AI has recently been launched in Alfa Romeo, Citroën, Peugeot, Opel, Vauxhall, and DS Automobiles. DS Automobiles was the first automaker to go into full production with a voice assistant integrating the latest generative AI technology via SoundHound Chat AI in March 2024.

SoundHound AI, Inc.


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