Brotherhood Crusade's New Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. Community Garden Will Serve South LA Families with $75,000 Donation from SoCalGas

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SoCalGas has donated $75,000 to Brotherhood Crusade for the development of the Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. Community Garden in South Los Angeles. The garden, set to open in Spring 2025, aims to serve 200 families in its first year, addressing food insecurity and providing access to fresh produce. It will expand Brotherhood Crusade's Teaching Gardens program, offering education on urban agriculture, nutrition, and environmental stewardship.

The garden honors Danny J. Bakewell, Sr., who led Brotherhood Crusade for 35 years and is a prominent community leader. The project aligns with SoCalGas' ASPIRE 2045 sustainability goals, which include a $50 million investment to drive positive change in diverse and underserved communities over five years. This initiative addresses the issue of food deserts in Los Angeles, where 1.4 million Angelenos lack access to sufficient and healthy food.

SoCalGas ha donato 75.000 dollari alla Brotherhood Crusade per lo sviluppo del Giardino Comunitario Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. a South Los Angeles. Il giardino, che aprirà in primavera 2025, si propone di servire 200 famiglie nel suo primo anno, affrontando l'insicurezza alimentare e fornendo accesso a prodotti freschi. Amplificherà il programma dei Giardini Didattici della Brotherhood Crusade, offrendo educazione sull'agricoltura urbana, nutrizione e cura ambientale.

Il giardino è dedicato a Danny J. Bakewell, Sr., che ha guidato la Brotherhood Crusade per 35 anni ed è un leader comunitario di spicco. Il progetto è in linea con gli obiettivi di sostenibilità ASPIRE 2045 di SoCalGas, che includono un investimento di 50 milioni di dollari per promuovere cambiamenti positivi in comunità diverse e svantaggiate nel corso di cinque anni. Questa iniziativa affronta il problema dei deserti alimentari a Los Angeles, dove 1,4 milioni di angeleni non hanno accesso a cibo sufficiente e sano.

SoCalGas ha donado 75,000 dólares a Brotherhood Crusade para el desarrollo del Jardín Comunitario Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. en el sur de Los Ángeles. El jardín, que se abrirá en primavera de 2025, tiene como objetivo servir a 200 familias en su primer año, abordando la inseguridad alimentaria y proporcionando acceso a productos frescos. Ampliará el programa de Jardines Educativos de Brotherhood Crusade, ofreciendo educación sobre agricultura urbana, nutrición y responsabilidad ambiental.

El jardín rinde homenaje a Danny J. Bakewell, Sr., quien lideró Brotherhood Crusade durante 35 años y es un destacado líder comunitario. El proyecto se alinea con los objetivos de sostenibilidad ASPIRE 2045 de SoCalGas, que incluyen una inversión de 50 millones de dólares para impulsar cambios positivos en comunidades diversas y desatendidas durante cinco años. Esta iniciativa aborda el problema de los desiertos alimentarios en Los Ángeles, donde 1.4 millones de angelinos carecen de acceso a alimentos suficientes y saludables.

SoCalGas는 남부 로스앤젤레스에 있는 Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. 커뮤니티 정원 개발을 위해 Brotherhood Crusade에 75,000달러를 기부했습니다. 2025년 봄에 열릴 예정인 이 정원은 첫 해에 200가족에게 서비스하여 식품 불안정성을 해결하고 신선한 농산물에 대한 접근을 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 이는 Brotherhood Crusade의 교육 정원 프로그램을 확장하여 도시 농업, 영양 및 환경 관리에 대한 교육을 제공합니다.

이 정원은 35년 동안 Brotherhood Crusade를 이끌었던 저명한 지역 사회 지도자인 Danny J. Bakewell, Sr.를 기립니다. 이 프로젝트는 SoCalGas의 2045 ASPIRE 지속 가능성 목표와 일치하며, 5년 동안 다양한 소외 공동체에 긍정적인 변화를 추진하기 위해 5천만 달러의 투자를 포함합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 140만 명의 로스앤젤레스 주민이 충분하고 건강한 음식에 접근할 수 없는 문제를 다룹니다.

SoCalGas a fait don de 75 000 dollars à Brotherhood Crusade pour le développement du Jardin Communautaire Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. à South Los Angeles. Le jardin, qui devrait ouvrir au printemps 2025, vise à servir 200 familles au cours de sa première année, en s'attaquant à l'insécurité alimentaire et en offrant un accès à des produits frais. Il élargira le programme des Jardins Pédagogiques de Brotherhood Crusade, proposant une éducation sur l'agriculture urbaine, la nutrition et la gestion de l'environnement.

Le jardin rend hommage à Danny J. Bakewell, Sr., qui a dirigé Brotherhood Crusade pendant 35 ans et est un leader communautaire éminent. Le projet s'inscrit dans le cadre des objectifs de durabilité ASPIRE 2045 de SoCalGas, qui incluent un investissement de 50 millions de dollars pour favoriser des changements positifs dans des communautés diverses et défavorisées au cours de cinq ans. Cette initiative vise à résoudre le problème des déserts alimentaires à Los Angeles, où 1,4 million d'angelenos n'ont pas accès à une nourriture suffisante et saine.

SoCalGas hat 75.000 Dollar an Brotherhood Crusade gespendet, um den Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. Gemeinschaftsgarten in Südl.Angeles zu entwickeln. Der Garten, der im Frühling 2025 eröffnet werden soll, zielt darauf ab, im ersten Jahr 200 Familien zu dienen, die Nahrungssicherheit anzugehen und den Zugang zu frischen Produkten zu ermöglichen. Er wird das Programm der Lehrgärten der Brotherhood Crusade erweitern und Bildung über städtische Landwirtschaft, Ernährung und Umweltbewusstsein anbieten.

Der Garten ehrt Danny J. Bakewell, Sr., der Brotherhood Crusade 35 Jahre lang geleitet hat und ein prominenter Gemeindeleiter ist. Das Projekt steht im Einklang mit den Nachhaltigkeitszielen ASPIRE 2045 von SoCalGas, die eine Investition von 50 Millionen Dollar umfassen, um in fünf Jahren positive Veränderungen in vielfältigen und benachteiligten Gemeinschaften zu bewirken. Diese Initiative greift das Problem der Ernährungsschwellen in Los Angeles auf, wo 1,4 Millionen Angelenos keinen Zugang zu ausreichender und gesunder Nahrung haben.

  • SoCalGas donated $75,000 to support the development of a community garden
  • The garden aims to serve 200 families in South LA in its first year
  • Project aligns with SoCalGas' ASPIRE 2045 sustainability goals
  • Initiative addresses food insecurity and provides access to fresh produce
  • None.

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LOS ANGELES, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Southern California Gas Co. (SoCalGas) presented a $75,000 donation to Brotherhood Crusade to support the development of the new Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. Community Garden at the organization's headquarters in South Los Angeles. Bakewell served as president and chief executive officer for 35 years at Brotherhood Crusade, a 50-year-old grassroots organization dedicated to improving the lives of low-income, underserved, under-represented and disenfranchised individuals. Los Angeles City Council President Marqueece Harris-Dawson attended the event.

The Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. Community Garden is anticipated to open in Spring 2025. In its first year, the garden aims to serve 200 families in South LA, enhancing access to fresh foods and reducing food insecurity. The new garden will allow Brotherhood Crusade to expand its existing Teaching Gardens program, educating students on the importance of fresh produce and the healing power of natural plants like herbs and aloe vera. The garden will also be used for education programs, community receptions, and movie nights.

"Thanks to the generous grant from SoCalGas, we can significantly enhance our initiatives to promote access to green space, health and wellness in South Los Angeles," said Brotherhood Crusade's Chief Executive Officer Charisse Bremond. "We are deeply grateful for their support and thrilled to dedicate this garden in honor of Danny J. Bakewell, Sr., our Institution Builder who led our institution for 35 years and is a lifelong champion of our community. This garden will host educational programs on urban agriculture, nutrition, healing circles, and environmental stewardship, benefiting hundreds of families in the area."

Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. currently serves as chairman of the board of Brotherhood Crusade. He has been named one of Los Angeles' Most Influential Leaders by the Los Angeles Times and has a long history of social justice activism. He co-founded the National Black United Fund and has been a key figure in the Los Angeles Sentinel's growth since his family purchased the paper in 2004. Bakewell also founded the Taste of Soul Family Festival, now in its 19th year, which attracts over 500,000 people and hundreds of local businesses to Crenshaw Boulevard. The Danny J. Bakewell Sr. Primary Center in South L.A. is named in his honor. His leadership has made Brotherhood Crusade a premier institution in the country.

"Danny Bakewell has dedicated his life's work to uplifting the community with a sense of both pride and responsibility. He set an expectation to 'do something' and set his family in motion to create a legacy of just that. This garden created in his honor will become a testament to this work, ever growing, ever-changing, and thriving. Thank you to SoCalGas and Brotherhood Crusade for honoring his impact on our community," said Los Angeles City Council President Marqueece Harris-Dawson.

"This day is a celebration of our shared vision for a healthier, greener South Los Angeles. The Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. Community Garden is a testament to our dedication to environmental stewardship and community wellness. I extend my heartfelt thanks to SoCalGas and Brotherhood Crusade for their steadfast commitment to this project," said Los Angeles City Councilmember Curren Price.

"SoCalGas is committed to making a positive difference in the communities it serves, and our support for Brotherhood Crusade is a testament to this ongoing dedication. The Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. Community Garden will not only provide fresh, healthy produce but also serve as a green oasis in the heart of the city, a gathering place for residents, enriching the lives of all who visit," said Andy Carrasco, SoCalGas vice president of communications, local government and community affairs.

According to a study from the University of Southern California Dornsife, 1.4 million Angelenos lack access to sufficient and healthy food due to barriers like limited grocery stores or lack of public transportation creating food deserts - areas with severely limited access to affordable and good-quality fresh food. Due to their limited options, residents in these food deserts may consume more available fast food and non-nutritious meals, which increases the presence of health issues such as heart disease, diabetes and obesity. With a community garden, South LA residents will have greater access to fresh produce, which they can incorporate into their regular diet and move away from unhealthy ingredients previously available to them.

SoCalGas' collaboration with Brotherhood Crusade is part of the company's ASPIRE 2045 sustainability goals, which includes a plan to invest $50 million to drive positive change in diverse and underserved communities across five years. 

About Brotherhood Crusade
Brotherhood Crusade was founded in 1968. The organization's principal mission is to champion equality and equity by removing and/or helping individuals overcome the barriers that deter their pursuit of success in life and facilitate opportunities for a better quality of life by effectuating improved health & wellness, social & economic growth, facilitating academic success, promoting personal, providing access to artistic excellence & cultural awareness, increasing financial literacy, and building community agencies & institutions.

About SoCalGas
SoCalGas is the largest gas distribution utility in the United States serving approximately 21 million consumers across approximately 24,000 square miles of Central and Southern California. SoCalGas' mission is to build the cleanest, safest, most innovative energy infrastructure company in America. SoCalGas aims to deliver affordable, reliable, and increasingly renewable gas service through its pipelines to help advance California's clean energy transition by supporting energy system reliability and resiliency and enabling the integration of renewable resources. SoCalGas is a recognized leader in its industry and community, as demonstrated by being named one of Reuters' Top 100 Innovators Leading the Global Energy Transition and Corporate Member of the Year by the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce. SoCalGas is a subsidiary of Sempra (NYSE: SRE), a leading North American energy infrastructure company. For more information, visit or connect with SoCalGas on social media @SoCalGas.

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SOURCE Southern California Gas Company


What is the purpose of the Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. Community Garden?

The garden aims to enhance access to fresh foods, reduce food insecurity, and expand Brotherhood Crusade's Teaching Gardens program in South LA. It will serve 200 families in its first year and offer education on urban agriculture, nutrition, and environmental stewardship.

When is the Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. Community Garden expected to open?

The Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. Community Garden is anticipated to open in Spring 2025.

How much did SoCalGas (SOCGP) donate to the community garden project?

SoCalGas (SOCGP) donated $75,000 to Brotherhood Crusade for the development of the Danny J. Bakewell, Sr. Community Garden in South Los Angeles.

How does the community garden project relate to SoCalGas' (SOCGP) sustainability goals?

The project is part of SoCalGas' (SOCGP) ASPIRE 2045 sustainability goals, which include a $50 million investment over five years to drive positive change in diverse and underserved communities.



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