Nicor Gas expands Reuse Marketplace to Chicagoland Businesses

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Nicor Gas, in partnership with Rheaply, has expanded its regional Reuse Marketplace to businesses across its Northern Illinois service territory. This expansion follows a successful 2022 pilot and now covers an additional 650 communities. The marketplace facilitates the reuse of surplus inventory and materials from businesses, including furniture, fixtures, and equipment.

During the four-month pilot, the platform saw 137 listings, 198 offers, and 159 completed offers. This resulted in $1.52 million of value created for nonprofit organizations and diverted 80,200 pounds of material from landfills, avoiding approximately 527 kilograms of estimated embodied carbon emissions. Businesses and nonprofits in Nicor Gas' service area can now sign up for the free federated reuse marketplace.

Nicor Gas, in collaborazione con Rheaply, ha espanso il suo Mercato di Riutilizzo regionale alle imprese nel suo territorio di servizio nel Northern Illinois. Questa espansione segue un pilota di successo del 2022 e ora copre ulteriori 650 comunità. Il mercato facilita il riutilizzo di inventario e materiali in surplus dalle imprese, inclusi mobili, impianti e attrezzature.

Durante il pilota di quattro mesi, la piattaforma ha registrato 137 annunci, 198 offerte e 159 offerte completate. Questo ha comportato la creazione di un valore di 1,52 milioni di dollari per le organizzazioni no-profit e ha deviato 80.200 libbre di materiale dalle discariche, evitando circa 527 chilogrammi di emissioni di carbonio incorporate stimate. Le imprese e le organizzazioni no-profit nell'area di servizio di Nicor Gas possono ora registrarsi per il mercato di riutilizzo federato gratuito.

Nicor Gas, en asociación con Rheaply, ha ampliado su Mercado de Reutilización regional a empresas en su territorio de servicio en el Northern Illinois. Esta expansión sigue a un piloto exitoso en 2022 y ahora cubre 650 comunidades adicionales. El mercado facilita la reutilización de inventario y materiales excedentes de empresas, incluidos muebles, instalaciones y equipos.

Durante el piloto de cuatro meses, la plataforma vio 137 anuncios, 198 ofertas y 159 ofertas completadas. Esto resultó en la creación de un valor de 1,52 millones de dólares para organizaciones sin fines de lucro y desvió 80,200 libras de material de los vertederos, evitando aproximadamente 527 kilogramos de emisiones de carbono incorporadas estimadas. Las empresas y las organizaciones sin fines de lucro en el área de servicio de Nicor Gas ahora pueden inscribirse en el mercado de reutilización federado gratuito.

Nicor Gas는 Rheaply와 협력하여 지역 재사용 시장을 확대하여 북부 일리노이 서비스 지역의 기업에까지 이르렀습니다. 이 확장은 2022년 성공적인 파일럿을 계기로 이루어졌으며, 이제 650개 커뮤니티를 추가로 포함하고 있습니다. 이 시장은 가구, 비품 및 장비를 포함한 기업의 잉여 재고 및 자재의 재사용을 촉진합니다.

4개월 간의 파일럿 기간 동안 플랫폼은 137건의 목록, 198건의 제안, 159건의 완료된 제안을 보았습니다. 이로 인해 1.52백만 달러의 가치가 창출되었습니다는 비영리 조직을 위한 것이며, 80,200파운드의 자재를 매립지에서 방출하여 약 527킬로그램의 추정된 탄소 배출량을 피할 수 있었습니다. Nicor Gas의 서비스 지역의 기업과 비영리 단체는 이제 무료 연합 재사용 시장에 등록할 수 있습니다.

Nicor Gas, en partenariat avec Rheaply, a élargi son Marché de Réutilisation régional aux entreprises dans son territoire de service du Northern Illinois. Cette expansion fait suite à un pilote réussi en 2022 et couvre désormais 650 communautés supplémentaires. Le marché facilite la réutilisation des stocks excédentaires et des matériaux provenant des entreprises, y compris des meubles, des installations et des équipements.

Au cours du pilote de quatre mois, la plateforme a enregistré 137 annonces, 198 offres et 159 offres complètes. Cela a permis de créer une valeur de 1,52 million de dollars pour des organisations à but non lucratif et de détourner 80 200 livres de matériel des décharges, évitant ainsi environ 527 kilogrammes d'émissions de carbone incorporées estimées. Les entreprises et les organisations à but non lucratif de la zone de service de Nicor Gas peuvent désormais s'inscrire au marché de réutilisation fédéré gratuit.

Nicor Gas hat in Partnerschaft mit Rheaply sein regionalen Wiederverwendungsmarkt auf Unternehmen in seinem nördlichen Illinois Dienstgebiet erweitert. Diese Expansion folgt einem erfolgreichen Pilotprojekt im Jahr 2022 und umfasst nun zusätzlich 650 Gemeinden. Der Markt erleichtert die Wiederverwendung von überschüssigem Inventar und Material von Unternehmen, einschließlich Möbel, Einrichtungsgegenstände und Geräte.

Während des viermonatigen Piloten wurden 137 Inserate, 198 Angebote und 159 abgeschlossene Angebote verzeichnet. Dies führte zur Schaffung eines Wertes von 1,52 Millionen Dollar für gemeinnützige Organisationen und um 80.200 Pfund Material von Deponien abzuleiten, was etwa 527 Kilogramm geschätzte verkörperte Kohlenstoffemissionen vermeidet. Unternehmen und gemeinnützige Organisationen im Dienstgebiet von Nicor Gas können sich jetzt für den kostenlosen föderierten Wiederverwendungsmarkt anmelden.

  • Expansion of Reuse Marketplace to 650 additional communities
  • $1.52 million of value created for nonprofit organizations during pilot
  • 80,200 pounds of material diverted from landfills
  • 527 kilograms of estimated embodied carbon emissions avoided
  • Free access to the reuse marketplace for businesses and nonprofits in Nicor Gas' service area
  • None.

The expansion of Nicor Gas' Reuse Marketplace is a significant step towards circular economy practices in the Chicagoland area. The initiative's success during the pilot phase, diverting 80,200 pounds of material from landfills and avoiding 527 kilograms of estimated embodied carbon emissions, demonstrates its potential for substantial environmental impact. By extending this program to 650 additional communities, Nicor Gas is creating a scalable model for resource efficiency and waste reduction.

The marketplace's focus on surplus inventory and building materials addresses a critical gap in the waste management ecosystem. Construction and demolition waste, along with commercial surplus, are often overlooked in recycling programs. This initiative not only reduces waste but also promotes the reuse of valuable resources, potentially lowering the demand for new production and associated environmental costs. The $1.52 million value created for nonprofits further illustrates the economic benefits of this environmental initiative, showcasing a win-win scenario for both sustainability and community support.

Nicor Gas' expansion of the Reuse Marketplace represents a strategic move that aligns with growing corporate sustainability trends. By facilitating the reuse of surplus materials, Nicor is positioning itself as an innovative leader in the utility sector, going beyond traditional energy provision to offer value-added services that address broader environmental concerns.

This initiative could potentially:

  • Enhance brand reputation and customer loyalty
  • Attract environmentally conscious businesses to their service area
  • Create new revenue streams through platform fees or related services
  • Reduce waste management costs for participating businesses

The partnership with Rheaply also demonstrates Nicor's ability to leverage technology and partnerships to drive innovation. This could lead to further collaborations and market opportunities in the sustainability space, potentially diversifying Nicor's business model beyond traditional gas distribution.

Expanded reuse and recycling market opportunities follow successful Rheaply pilot

NAPERVILLE, Ill., Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Nicor Gas is partnering with Rheaply to expand its regional Reuse Marketplace to businesses throughout the company's Northern Illinois service territory. The reuse marketplace is now available to an additional 650 communities, helping to drive the reuse of surplus inventory and materials coming out of businesses such as furniture, fixtures, equipment and other building products.

The Chicagoland Reuse Marketplace is now available to an additional 650 communities in Nicor Gas' service area.

"As the largest natural gas provider in the state, we believe that a clean energy future is possible when we work together," said Meena Beyers, vice president of Business and Community Development at Nicor Gas. "Our collaboration with Rheaply is another way we can not only deliver the energy our business and nonprofit customers need, but also help with energy-saving resources and sustainability initiatives."

The expansion of the reuse marketplace to all Nicor Gas business customers follows a successful 2022 pilot; Rheaply's platform enabled Nicor Gas to offer surplus assets like Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) through a hyperlocal digital marketplace and sharing network for United Way member organizations. This private sharing approach made it possible for Nicor Gas to quickly connect its surplus assets to vetted and deserving nonprofit organizations that were eager to put those materials to good use.  

During the four-month pilot, 137 listings were posted on the Rheaply platform, 198 offers were made and 159 offers were completed. This unlocked a total of $1.52 million of value created for nonprofit organizations and diverted 80,200 pounds of material from landfills, resulting in approximately 527 kilograms of estimated embodied carbon emissions avoided.

"Being able to extend Rheaply's reach into Nicor Gas' service areas in Western and Northern Illinois is going to be a major boon for the health, growth and impact of the Chicagoland Reuse Marketplace," said Garry Cooper, CEO of Rheaply. "I'm so excited to see the sustainability and community impact that comes as a result of this exciting partnership. Nicor's leadership to increase access to sustainability solutions in our community continues to be unmatched."

Businesses and nonprofits in Nicor Gas' Northern Illinois service area can sign up for the free federated reuse marketplace. Learn more by visiting,

About Nicor Gas

Nicor Gas is one of four natural gas distribution companies of Southern Company Gas, a wholly owned subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO). Nicor Gas serves more than 2.3 million customers in a service territory that encompasses most of the northern third of Illinois, excluding the city of Chicago. For more information, visit

 About Southern Company Gas

Southern Company Gas is a wholly owned subsidiary of Atlanta-based Southern Company (NYSE:SO), America's premier energy company. Southern Company Gas serves approximately 4.4 million natural gas utility customers through its regulated distribution companies in four states and more than 600,000 retail customers through its companies that market natural gas. Other nonutility businesses include investments in interstate pipelines, asset management for natural gas wholesale customers and ownership and operation of natural gas storage facilities.

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What is Nicor Gas' Reuse Marketplace expansion?

Nicor Gas has expanded its Reuse Marketplace, in partnership with Rheaply, to cover an additional 650 communities in its Northern Illinois service territory, allowing businesses to reuse surplus inventory and materials.

How successful was Nicor Gas' Reuse Marketplace pilot in 2022?

The 2022 pilot was successful, with 137 listings, 198 offers, and 159 completed offers. It created $1.52 million in value for nonprofits and diverted 80,200 pounds of material from landfills.

What environmental impact did Nicor Gas' Reuse Marketplace pilot have?

The pilot diverted 80,200 pounds of material from landfills and avoided approximately 527 kilograms of estimated embodied carbon emissions.

Who can access Nicor Gas' expanded Reuse Marketplace?

Businesses and nonprofits in Nicor Gas' Northern Illinois service area can sign up for free access to the federated reuse marketplace.

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