Nicor Gas celebrates its first renewable natural gas interconnection
Nicor Gas has inaugurated its first renewable natural gas (RNG) interconnection with Air Liquide's facility in Rockford, Illinois, marking a significant milestone in the state's clean energy future. The facility, which began operations on June 12, 2024, is Air Liquide's largest RNG plant globally and converts biogas from the adjacent Winnebago Landfill into usable energy.
The plant is expected to produce approximately 1.3 million MMBtu of RNG annually, equivalent to supplying 12,000 homes. This interconnection was established under Nicor Gas' Renewable Gas Interconnection Pilot Program, approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission in 2021.
The facility captures biogas from organic waste decomposition at the landfill, which would otherwise be flared into the atmosphere, and purifies it into pipeline-quality gas. Nicor Gas will receive and retire 13,900 MMBtu annually of environmental attributes from this project, contributing to its operational greenhouse gas emissions reduction goals.
Nicor Gas ha inaugurato la sua prima interconnessione di gas naturale rinnovabile (RNG) con l'impianto di Air Liquide a Rockford, Illinois, segnando una pietra miliare significativa nel futuro dell'energia pulita dello stato. L'impianto, che ha iniziato le operazioni il 12 giugno 2024, è il più grande impianto RNG di Air Liquide a livello globale e trasforma il biogas proveniente dalla discarica vicina di Winnebago in energia utilizzabile.
Si prevede che l'impianto produca circa 1,3 milioni di MMBtu di RNG all'anno, equivalente a rifornire 12.000 abitazioni. Questa interconnessione è stata realizzata nell'ambito del Programma Pilota di Interconnessione del Gas Rinnovabile di Nicor Gas, approvato dalla Commissione Commerciale dell'Illinois nel 2021.
L'impianto cattura il biogas dalla decomposizione dei rifiuti organici nella discarica, che altrimenti verrebbe bruciato nell'atmosfera, e lo purifica in gas di qualità per pipeline. Nicor Gas riceverà e dismetterà annualmente 13.900 MMBtu di attributi ambientali da questo progetto, contribuendo ai suoi obiettivi di riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra operativi.
Nicor Gas ha inaugurado su primera interconexión de gas natural renovable (RNG) con la instalación de Air Liquide en Rockford, Illinois, marcando un hito significativo en el futuro energético limpio del estado. La instalación, que comenzó a operar el 12 de junio de 2024, es la planta de RNG más grande de Air Liquide a nivel mundial y convierte el biogás del vertedero cercano de Winnebago en energía utilizable.
Se espera que la planta produzca aproximadamente 1.3 millones de MMBtu de RNG anualmente, equivalente a abastecer 12,000 hogares. Esta interconexión se estableció bajo el Programa Piloto de Interconexión de Gas Renovable de Nicor Gas, aprobado por la Comisión de Comercio de Illinois en 2021.
La instalación captura el biogás de la descomposición de residuos orgánicos en el vertedero, que de otro modo se quemaría en la atmósfera, y lo purifica en gas de calidad para tuberías. Nicor Gas recibirá y retirará anualmente 13,900 MMBtu de atributos ambientales de este proyecto, contribuyendo a sus objetivos de reducción de emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero operativos.
니코르 가스는 일리노이주 록포드에 있는 에어 리퀴드 시설과 첫 번째 재생 천연가스(RNG) 상호 연결을 공식 개통하였으며, 이는 주의 청정 에너지 미래에 있어 중요한 이정표가 되었습니다. 이 시설은 2024년 6월 12일에 운영을 시작했으며, 에어 리퀴드의 세계 최대 RNG 플랜트로, 인근의 위네바고 매립지에서 나오는 바이오가스를 사용 가능한 에너지로 전환합니다.
이 플랜트는 매년 약 130만 MMBtu의 RNG를 생산할 것으로 예상되며, 이는 12,000 가구에 에너지를 공급하는 데 해당합니다. 이 상호 연결은 2021년 일리노이 상업 위원회에서 승인한 니코르 가스의 재생가스 상호 연결 시범 프로그램에 따라 설립되었습니다.
시설은 매립지에서 유기 폐기물 분해 과정에서 발생하는 바이오가스를 포집하여, 대기 중으로 방출되는 것을 방지하고 파이프라인 품질의 가스로 정화합니다. 니코르 가스는 이 프로젝트로부터 매년 13,900 MMBtu의 환경 속성을 수령하고 퇴출할 것이며, 이는 운영온실가스 배출 감소 목표에 기여할 것입니다.
Nicor Gas a inauguré sa première interconnexion de gaz naturel renouvelable (RNG) avec l'installation d'Air Liquide à Rockford, dans l'Illinois, marquant une étape importante dans l'avenir de l'énergie propre de l'État. L'installation, qui a commencé à fonctionner le 12 juin 2024, est la plus grande usine RNG d'Air Liquide dans le monde et convertit le biogaz de la décharge adjacente de Winnebago en énergie utilisable.
L'usine devrait produire environ 1,3 million de MMBtu de RNG par an, ce qui équivaut à alimenter 12 000 foyers. Cette interconnexion a été établie dans le cadre du Programme Pilote d'Interconnexion de Gaz Renouvelable de Nicor Gas, approuvé par la Commission du Commerce de l'Illinois en 2021.
L'installation capture le biogaz provenant de la décomposition des déchets organiques à la décharge, qui autrement serait brûlé dans l'atmosphère, et le purifie en gaz de qualité pour pipeline. Nicor Gas recevra et annulera annuellement 13 900 MMBtu d'attributs environnementaux de ce projet, contribuant à ses objectifs de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre opérationnels.
Nicor Gas hat seine erste Interkonnektion für erneuerbares Erdgas (RNG) mit der Anlage von Air Liquide in Rockford, Illinois, eröffnet, was einen bedeutenden Meilenstein für die saubere Energiezukunft des Bundesstaates darstellt. Die Anlage, die am 12. Juni 2024 in Betrieb ging, ist das größte RNG-Werk von Air Liquide weltweit und wandelt Biogas von der benachbarten Deponie Winnebago in nutzbare Energie um.
Es wird erwartet, dass die Anlage jährlich etwa 1,3 Millionen MMBtu RNG produziert, was 12.000 Haushalten entspricht. Diese Interkonnektion wurde im Rahmen des Pilotprogramms zur Interkonnektion von erneuerbarem Gas von Nicor Gas geschaffen, das 2021 von der Illinois Commerce Commission genehmigt wurde.
Die Anlage fängt Biogas aus der Zersetzung organischer Abfälle auf der Deponie ein, welches sonst in die Atmosphäre abgefackelt würde, und reinigt es zu Pipeline-Qualitätsgas. Nicor Gas wird jährlich 13.900 MMBtu an Umweltattributen aus diesem Projekt erhalten und ausweisen, was zu seinen Zielen zur Reduzierung der betrieblichen Treibhausgasemissionen beiträgt.
- None.
- None.
The interconnection with Air Liquide's largest RNG plant in the world marks a milestone in the clean energy future
"This interconnection is a significant step forward for Nicor Gas and Southern Company Gas on the path to a sustainable energy future for
The interconnection was established under Nicor Gas' Renewable Gas Interconnection Pilot Program approved by the Illinois Commerce Commission in 2021. This is the utility's first-ever interconnection of a biogas upgrading plant to the Nicor Gas delivery system, which went live June 12, 2024.
Located in
RNG is a low-carbon intensity fuel produced from biogas that is derived from organic waste sources such as household waste in landfills, wastewater treatment processes and agriculture. As organic waste decomposes, it produces biogas – a mixture of primarily methane and carbon dioxide. Instead of allowing it to be flared into the atmosphere, Air Liquide's
Nicor Gas' pipeline infrastructure is a vital component in enabling reduced emissions for those entities who are purchasing and/or retiring the environmental attributes and delivering energy to end users, as well as encouraging RNG development. The company will receive and retire 13,900 MMbtu annually of environmental attributes associated with this project, contributing directly to Nicor Gas' reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from its operations.
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About Nicor Gas
Nicor Gas is one of four natural gas distribution companies of Southern Company Gas, a wholly owned subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO). Nicor Gas serves more than 2.3 million customers in a service territory that encompasses most of the northern third of
About Southern Company Gas
Southern Company Gas is a wholly owned subsidiary of
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