Lineworkers honored at Georgia State Capitol for Hurricane Helene response
Georgia Power and state lawmakers gathered at the Georgia State Capitol to honor lineworkers for their response during Hurricane Helene, recognized as the most destructive storm in the company's 140-year history. The State Senate passed Resolution 253, declaring March 11, 2025, as Georgia Linemen Day.
During Hurricane Helene, lineworkers worked up to 18-hour days in hazardous conditions to restore power across Georgia. The resolution acknowledges their important role in maintaining the state's electrical infrastructure and emergency response capabilities.
Kim Greene, chairman, president and CEO of Georgia Power, praised the lineworkers' unwavering commitment. The recognition precedes the annual Lineworker Appreciation Month in April, during which Georgia Power crews will share their Hurricane Helene experiences through the company's social media channels.
Georgia Power e i legislatori statali si sono riuniti presso il Campidoglio della Georgia per onorare i lavoratori delle linee per la loro risposta durante l'uragano Helene, riconosciuto come la tempesta più distruttiva nella storia di 140 anni dell'azienda. Il Senato statale ha approvato la Risoluzione 253, dichiarando l'11 marzo 2025 come Giornata dei Lineman della Georgia.
Durante l'uragano Helene, i lavoratori delle linee hanno lavorato fino a 18 ore al giorno in condizioni pericolose per ripristinare l'energia in tutta la Georgia. La risoluzione riconosce il loro ruolo fondamentale nel mantenere l'infrastruttura elettrica dello stato e le capacità di risposta alle emergenze.
Kim Greene, presidente e CEO di Georgia Power, ha lodato l'impegno instancabile dei lavoratori delle linee. Il riconoscimento precede il Mese di Apprezzamento dei Lavoratori delle Linee annuale di aprile, durante il quale le squadre di Georgia Power condivideranno le loro esperienze legate all'uragano Helene attraverso i canali social dell'azienda.
Georgia Power y los legisladores estatales se reunieron en el Capitolio del Estado de Georgia para honrar a los trabajadores de líneas por su respuesta durante el huracán Helene, reconocido como la tormenta más destructiva en los 140 años de historia de la empresa. El Senado Estatal aprobó la Resolución 253, declarando el 11 de marzo de 2025 como Día de los Lineman de Georgia.
Durante el huracán Helene, los trabajadores de líneas trabajaron hasta 18 horas al día en condiciones peligrosas para restaurar la energía en toda Georgia. La resolución reconoce su papel importante en el mantenimiento de la infraestructura eléctrica del estado y las capacidades de respuesta ante emergencias.
Kim Greene, presidente y CEO de Georgia Power, elogió el compromiso inquebrantable de los trabajadores de líneas. El reconocimiento precede al Mes de Apreciación de los Trabajadores de Líneas anual en abril, durante el cual los equipos de Georgia Power compartirán sus experiencias sobre el huracán Helene a través de los canales de redes sociales de la empresa.
조지아 파워와 주 법률가들이 조지아 주 의사당에 모여 허리케인 헬렌 동안의 대응으로 선로 작업자들을 기리기 위해 모였습니다. 이는 회사의 140년 역사에서 가장 파괴적인 폭풍으로 인정받고 있습니다. 주 상원은 2025년 3월 11일을 조지아 선로 작업자 날로 선언하는 결의안을 통과시켰습니다.
허리케인 헬렌 동안 선로 작업자들은 조지아 전역에 전력을 복구하기 위해 위험한 조건에서 하루 최대 18시간씩 일했습니다. 이 결의안은 주의 전기 인프라와 비상 대응 능력을 유지하는 데 있어 그들의 중요한 역할을 인정합니다.
킴 그린, 조지아 파워의 회장, 사장 및 CEO는 선로 작업자들의 변함없는 헌신을 칭찬했습니다. 이 인정은 4월에 있을 연례 선로 작업자 감사의 달을 앞두고 이루어지며, 이 기간 동안 조지아 파워의 팀은 회사의 소셜 미디어 채널을 통해 허리케인 헬렌에 대한 경험을 공유할 것입니다.
Georgia Power et les législateurs de l'État se sont réunis au Capitole de l'État de Géorgie pour honorer les travailleurs de lignes pour leur réponse durant l'ouragan Helene, reconnu comme la tempête la plus destructrice de l'histoire de l'entreprise de 140 ans. Le Sénat de l'État a adopté la Résolution 253, déclarant le 11 mars 2025 comme Journée des Linemen de Géorgie.
Durant l'ouragan Helene, les travailleurs de lignes ont travaillé jusqu'à 18 heures par jour dans des conditions dangereuses pour rétablir l'électricité à travers la Géorgie. La résolution reconnaît leur rôle important dans le maintien de l'infrastructure électrique de l'État et des capacités de réponse aux urgences.
Kim Greene, présidente et PDG de Georgia Power, a loué l'engagement indéfectible des travailleurs de lignes. Cette reconnaissance précède le Mois d'Appréciation des Travailleurs de Lignes annuel en avril, durant lequel les équipes de Georgia Power partageront leurs expériences liées à l'ouragan Helene à travers les canaux de médias sociaux de l'entreprise.
Georgia Power und die Staatsgesetzgeber versammelten sich im Georgia State Capitol, um die Linienarbeiter für ihre Reaktion während Hurrikan Helene zu ehren, der als der zerstörerischste Sturm in der 140-jährigen Geschichte des Unternehmens anerkannt wurde. Der Staatssenat verabschiedete die Resolution 253, die den 11. März 2025 als Tag der Linienarbeiter in Georgia erklärt.
Während des Hurrikans Helene arbeiteten die Linienarbeiter bis zu 18 Stunden am Tag unter gefährlichen Bedingungen, um die Stromversorgung in ganz Georgia wiederherzustellen. Die Resolution erkennt ihre wichtige Rolle bei der Aufrechterhaltung der elektrischen Infrastruktur des Staates und der Notfallreaktionsfähigkeiten an.
Kim Greene, Vorsitzende, Präsidentin und CEO von Georgia Power, lobte das unerschütterliche Engagement der Linienarbeiter. Die Anerkennung erfolgt vor dem jährlichen Monat der Wertschätzung der Linienarbeiter im April, in dem die Teams von Georgia Power ihre Erfahrungen mit dem Hurrikan Helene über die Social-Media-Kanäle des Unternehmens teilen werden.
- Strong customer base of 2.7 million across Georgia
- Diverse energy generation portfolio including conventional and renewable sources
- Recognition by J.D. Power for industry-leading customer satisfaction
- None.
March 11 marked as Georgia Linemen Day by Senate Resolution 253
Senate Resolution 253 (available in full here) highlights that "Hurricane Helene was a devastating hurricane that ravaged multiple areas of
Additionally, "
"A lineworker's job is never done, and today we're honored to join with Senator Kennedy and state leaders to celebrate the unwavering commitment and sacrifice of all the lineworkers across the state who diligently serve us each and every day," said Kim Greene, chairman, president and CEO of Georgia Power. "The response to Hurricane Helene was truly a time when every Georgian came together and we rose to the challenge as a state at every level. We appreciate the continued leadership and support of our state's elected officials for our teams in the field, who are truly heroes who stand ready to respond no matter what. They are always here for
Today's event and declaration precedes the annual Lineworker Appreciation Month, which has been marked every April for more than a decade by utilities across the country as a time to recognize and celebrate the thousands of lineworkers who work around the clock to keep the lights on for electric customers. This April, Georgia Power lineworkers from crews across the state, including Metro Atlanta,
To learn more about Georgia Power's response to Hurricane Helene, visit
About Georgia Power
Georgia Power is the largest electric subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO), America's premier energy company. Value, Reliability, Customer Service and Stewardship are the cornerstones of the company's promise to 2.7 million customers in all but four of
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