Hurricane Helene restoration progresses with 250,000+ customers restored; Georgia Power posts estimated restoration times for multiple communities

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Georgia Power has made significant progress in restoring power to customers affected by Hurricane Helene. As of 7 PM Friday, over 250,000 customers have had their power restored, with approximately 620,000 still impacted. The company has mobilized 14,000+ personnel for the response effort, including support from other power companies.

Damage assessment teams are utilizing drones and other technology to evaluate inaccessible areas. Estimated restoration times (ERTs) have been posted for multiple communities on Georgia Power's Outage Map. The hurricane brought 7+ inches of rain and 80-100 mph winds, causing extensive damage and road closures across the state.

Georgia Power emphasizes safety precautions for customers and continues to provide updates through various channels, including their website, mobile app, and social media platforms. The company's preparation and industry support have been key to their response efforts.

Georgia Power ha fatto significativi progressi nel ripristino dell'energia ai clienti colpiti dall'uragano Helene. A partire dalle 19:00 di venerdì, oltre 250.000 clienti hanno riavuto la corrente, con circa 620.000 ancora colpiti. L'azienda ha mobilitato oltre 14.000 personale per l'intervento, con il supporto di altre società di energia.

I team di valutazione dei danni stanno utilizzando droni e altre tecnologie per esaminare aree inaccessibili. I tempi di ripristino stimati (ERT) sono stati pubblicati per diverse comunità sulla Mappa delle Interruzioni di Georgia Power. L'uragano ha portato oltre 7 pollici di pioggia e venti da 80 a 100 mph, causando danni estesi e chiusure stradali in tutto lo stato.

Georgia Power sottolinea l'importanza delle precauzioni di sicurezza per i clienti e continua a fornire aggiornamenti attraverso vari canali, inclusi il loro sito web, l'app mobile e le piattaforme di social media. La preparazione dell'azienda e il supporto del settore sono stati fondamentali per i loro sforzi di risposta.

Georgia Power ha logrado un progreso significativo en la restauración del suministro eléctrico para los clientes afectados por el huracán Helene. A las 7 PM del viernes, más de 250,000 clientes han recuperado su energía, con aproximadamente 620,000 aún afectados. La compañía ha movilizado a más de 14,000 personas para el esfuerzo de respuesta, incluyendo apoyo de otras compañías eléctricas.

Los equipos de evaluación de daños están utilizando drones y otras tecnologías para evaluar áreas inaccesibles. Los tiempos estimados de restauración (ERT) han sido publicados para múltiples comunidades en el Mapa de Interrupciones de Georgia Power. El huracán trajo más de 7 pulgadas de lluvia y vientos de 80 a 100 mph, causando daños extensos y cierres de carreteras en todo el estado.

Georgia Power enfatiza las precauciones de seguridad para los clientes y continúa proporcionando actualizaciones a través de varios canales, incluyendo su sitio web, la aplicación móvil y las plataformas de redes sociales. La preparación de la compañía y el apoyo del sector han sido clave para sus esfuerzos de respuesta.

조지아 파워는 허리케인 헬렌의 영향으로 전력이 중단된 고객들에게 전력을 복구하는 데에서 상당한 진전을 이루었습니다. 금요일 오후 7시 기준, 25만 명 이상의 고객이 전력을 복구했습니다, 약 62만 명은 여전히 영향을 받고 있습니다. 회사는 14,000명 이상의 인력을 동원했습니다고 다른 전력 회사의 지원을 포함하여 응답 작업을 수행하고 있습니다.

손상 평가 팀은 드론 및 기타 기술을 활용하여 접근이 어려운 지역을 평가하고 있습니다. 예상 복구 시간(ERT)이 여러 지역 사회에 대해 게시되었습니다 조지아 파워의 정전 맵에서. 허리케인은 7인치 이상의 비와 시속 80~100마일의 강풍을 동반했습니다, 주 전역에서 광범위한 피해와 도로 폐쇄를 초래했습니다.

조지아 파워는 고객 안전 예방 조치를 강조하고 있으며 웹사이트, 모바일 앱 및 소셜 미디어 플랫폼 등을 통해 지속적으로 업데이트를 제공하고 있습니다. 회사의 준비와 업계 지원은 응답 작업의 핵심이었습니다.

Georgia Power a réalisé des progrès significatifs dans la restauration de l'électricité pour les clients touchés par l'ouragan Helene. À 19 heures vendredi, plus de 250 000 clients ont retrouvé l'électricité, avec environ 620 000 toujours affectés. L'entreprise a mobilisé plus de 14 000 membres du personnel pour l'effort de réponse, en incluant le soutien d'autres entreprises de production d'électricité.

Les équipes d'évaluation des dommages utilisent des drones et d'autres technologies pour évaluer les zones inaccessibles. Les temps de restauration estimés (ERT) ont été publiés pour plusieurs communautés sur la carte des pannes de Georgia Power. L'ouragan a apporté plus de 7 pouces de pluie et des vents de 80 à 100 mph, causant des dégâts étendus et des fermetures de routes à travers l'état.

Georgia Power met l'accent sur les précautions de sécurité pour les clients et continue de fournir des mises à jour par le biais de divers canaux, y compris leur site Web, leur application mobile et leurs plateformes de médias sociaux. La préparation de l'entreprise et le soutien du secteur ont été essentiels pour leurs efforts de réponse.

Georgia Power hat wesentliche Fortschritte bei der Wiederherstellung der Stromversorgung für Kunden, die von Hurrikan Helene betroffen sind, erzielt. Stand Freitag um 19 Uhr, haben über 250.000 Kunden ihren Strom wiederhergestellt, während etwa 620.000 weiterhin betroffen sind. Das Unternehmen hat über 14.000 Mitarbeiter mobilisiert, um die Reaktion zu unterstützen, einschließlich Hilfe von anderen Stromunternehmen.

Schadenbewertungsteams nutzen Drohnen und andere Technologien, um unzugängliche Gebiete zu bewerten. Geschätzte Wiederherstellungszeiten (ERT) wurden für mehrere Gemeinden auf der Ausfallkarte von Georgia Power veröffentlicht. Der Hurrikan brachte über 7 Zoll Regen und Winde von 80 bis 100 Meilen pro Stunde, was im ganzen Bundesstaat zu umfangreichen Schäden und Straßensperrungen führte.

Georgia Power betont die Sicherheitsvorkehrungen für Kunden und bietet weiterhin Updates über verschiedene Kanäle an, einschließlich ihrer Website, mobilen App und Social-Media-Plattformen. Die Vorbereitung des Unternehmens und die Unterstützung der Branche waren entscheidend für ihre Reaktionsbemühungen.

  • Over 250,000 customers have had their power restored since the beginning of the storm
  • 14,000+ personnel engaged in response efforts, including support from other power companies
  • Estimated restoration times (ERTs) posted for multiple communities
  • Utilization of drones and technology for efficient damage assessment
  • Proactive mobilization of crews and resources from 35+ companies across multiple states
  • Approximately 620,000 customers still without power as of 7 PM Friday
  • Extensive damage and road closures due to 7+ inches of rain and 80-100 mph winds
  • Inaccessibility of many areas hampering restoration efforts
  • Potential need for customer-side repairs before power can be reconnected in severely damaged areas


Hurricane Helene's impact on Georgia Power's infrastructure is significant, with 620,000 customers still affected as of Friday evening. The company's massive response, involving 14,000+ personnel, surpasses previous major hurricane efforts. This scale of damage and restoration effort will likely have short-term financial implications for Southern Company (SO).

The extensive use of mutual assistance networks, drawing resources from 35 companies across multiple states, demonstrates the severity of the situation and potential for increased operational costs. However, Georgia Power's proactive approach, including pre-positioning resources and utilizing advanced technologies like drones for damage assessment, may help mitigate some financial impacts through more efficient restoration.

Long-term, this event may accelerate discussions about grid resilience investments, potentially leading to future capital expenditures. Investors should monitor regulatory responses and any potential rate case discussions that may arise from this event, as they could impact Southern Company's future earnings and capital allocation strategies.

While the article doesn't provide specific financial figures, the scale of Hurricane Helene's impact suggests significant short-term costs for Southern Company (SO). With 620,000 customers still without power and a massive restoration effort underway, we can expect increased operational expenses and potential revenue losses in the near term.

However, regulated utilities like Georgia Power typically have mechanisms to recover storm-related costs, which could mitigate long-term financial impacts. Investors should watch for:

  • Potential regulatory filings for cost recovery
  • Impact on Q3 and Q4 earnings
  • Any changes to capital expenditure plans for grid hardening

The company's preparedness and rapid response may be viewed positively by regulators, potentially smoothing the path for cost recovery. Long-term, this event could support arguments for increased investment in grid resilience, potentially creating opportunities for future rate base growth.

Overall, while negative in the short term, the financial impact on SO may be manageable given the regulatory framework and the company's size ($98.27 billion market cap).

14,000+ personnel engaged in response; additional ERTs to be posted as available

ATLANTA, Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Georgia Power's response to Hurricane Helene continued through the day Friday with teams working safely and quickly to restore power to more than 250,000 customers since the beginning of the storm. As of 7 PM on Friday, approximately 620,000 customers remain impacted due to the storm.

The company continues to bring more resources from outside of its system and currently has 14,000+ personnel engaged in response, including support from Alabama Power, Mississippi Power and dozens of other companies. The response force currently engaged is larger than the company's response to other major hurricanes including Michael, Irma and Zeta.

Georgia Power teams have worked throughout the day not only restoring power to customers, but also conducting damage assessment which is an essential part of efficient restoration and helps the company identify where resources are best utilized to return power to customers quickly. Damage assessment teams enter the field and begin the restoration process as soon as conditions allow. Given the inaccessibility of many areas, teams are utilizing drones and other technology to patrol damaged lines. These damage assessment teams are then followed by repair crews.

Friday evening, teams were continuing this effort and providing details that allow the company to post estimated restoration times for customers where possible. Estimated restoration times (ERTs) are currently available on Georgia Power's Outage Map for multiple communities including Albany, Alpharetta, Americus, Atlanta, Austell, Canton, Carrollton, Cartersville, Columbus, Dalton, Jonesboro, Lawrenceville, Newnan, Rome, Smyrna and Tucker.

The company appreciates the importance of accurate information for customers as they make plans for their families and is committed to publishing up to date information throughout the remainder of the storm response. Additional evaluation is occurring as areas are accessible across southern, coastal and eastern Georgia, where communities experienced hurricane force winds leading to extensive damage. New ERTs will be posted to the company's Outage Map as they are available. 

Hurricane Helene poured more than seven inches of rain overnight onto communities across the state, which combined with 80-100 mph winds to cause hundreds of road closures statewide and catastrophic damage to hundreds of structures with the greatest concentration in the south and east regions of the state. Teams continue to navigate these challenging conditions to repair damage and restore service to customers.

As always, the company encourages customers to keep safety first following Hurricane Helene:

  • Watch for Georgia Power crews working across the state. If driving, move over one lane for utility vehicles stopped on the side of the road – it's the law in Georgia.
  • Watch for downed wires. Downed power lines may be hidden by debris or fallen trees.
  • Never touch any downed wire or attempt to remove tree branches from power lines – it can kill.
  • Don't step in standing water or saturated ground where downed lines may be present. They could be electrified.
  • Avoid chain link fences. They may be electrified by a downed line out of sight and conduct electricity over great distances.
  • Never attempt repairs to electric service connections. Customers should also note that if their home, including the meter box or mast/connection point, is severely damaged by the storm repairs may need to be made by an electrician before Georgia Power can reconnect power. 

Tools You Can Use to Stay Connected & Informed

  • Outage Alerts – Customers subscribed to our free Georgia Power Outage Alert service will receive personalized notifications and updates via text message. Check that your contact number is up to date to receive the latest information.
  • Outage & Storm Center – Available at, customers can visit this site to check their contact information is updated to receive Outage Alerts, report and check the status of outages, and access useful safety tips and information. Customers can also report and check the status of an outage 24 hours a day by contacting Georgia Power at 888-891-0938.
  • Outage Map – Housed within the Outage & Storm Center, Georgia Power's interactive Outage Map provides near real-time information, allowing users to see where outages are occurring across the state and track estimated restoration times.
  • Georgia Power Mobile App – Download the Georgia Power mobile app for Apple and Android devices to access storm and outage information on the go.
  • @GeorgiaPower on X (Twitter) – Follow @GeorgiaPower on X for storm tips, outage updates, customer service and more.

Preparation, Industry Support Key to Response
Georgia Power monitored the path of Hurricane Helene for more than a week prior to the storm entering Georgia. As part of its preparations, Georgia Power mobilized additional staff from across the industry to respond to Hurricane Helene. Mobilized crews across the state pre-positioned restoration workers, equipment, and supplies near areas of anticipated impact including extra transformers, poles, cable and other equipment. All this is part of advance planning and strategy to allow the company to restore power more quickly and efficiently for its customers as soon as weather conditions allow. 

Georgia Power is also a member of a nationwide mutual assistance network, which consists of hundreds of utilities from around the country. Georgia Power has proactively mobilized crews from over 35 companies from states as far away as Texas, Oklahoma, Indiana, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The company continues to acquire additional off-system resources to aid in response.

About Georgia Power
Georgia Power is the largest electric subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO), America's premier energy company. Value, Reliability, Customer Service and Stewardship are the cornerstones of the company's promise to 2.7 million customers in all but four of Georgia's 159 counties. Committed to delivering clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy, Georgia Power maintains a diverse, innovative generation mix that includes nuclear, coal and natural gas, as well as renewables such as solar, hydroelectric and wind. Georgia Power focuses on delivering world-class service to its customers every day and the company is recognized by J.D. Power as an industry leader in customer satisfaction. For more information, visit and connect with the company on Facebook (, X ( and Instagram (

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How many customers has Georgia Power restored power to after Hurricane Helene?

Georgia Power has restored power to over 250,000 customers since the beginning of Hurricane Helene.

How many personnel are engaged in Georgia Power's Hurricane Helene response?

Georgia Power has mobilized over 14,000 personnel for the Hurricane Helene response effort, including support from other power companies.

What wind speeds did Hurricane Helene bring to Georgia?

Hurricane Helene brought wind speeds of 80-100 mph to parts of Georgia, causing extensive damage.

How can customers check their estimated power restoration time for Hurricane Helene?

Customers can check their estimated restoration time (ERT) on Georgia Power's Outage Map, available on their website and mobile app.

How is Georgia Power (SO) assessing damage in inaccessible areas after Hurricane Helene?

Georgia Power is using drones and other technology to assess damage in areas that are difficult to access due to Hurricane Helene.



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