Georgia Power restores power to 80% of customers impacted by Hurricane Helene across the state

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Georgia Power has restored power to over 1 million customers impacted by Hurricane Helene, representing about 80% of all affected customers. The company's response has grown to 20,000 personnel working across the state. Approximately 278,000 customers remain without power due to severe damage in coastal, eastern, and southern Georgia.

The company's Outage Map shows the highest concentration of outages in areas like Augusta, Valdosta, and Savannah. Crews are facing challenges such as impassable roads and extensive tree damage. Updated damage estimates include 8,000+ power poles to be repaired or replaced, 21,000+ spans of wire, and 1,500+ transformers.

Georgia Power continues to post updated estimated restoration times on its Outage Map and encourages customers to check it frequently for the latest information.

Georgia Power ha ripristinato l'elettricità a oltre 1 milione di clienti colpiti dall'uragano Helene, che rappresenta circa l'80% di tutti i clienti interessati. La risposta dell'azienda è aumentata a 20.000 personale che lavora in tutto lo stato. Circa 278.000 clienti sono ancora senza elettricità a causa dei gravi danni nelle regioni costiere, orientali e meridionali della Georgia.

La Mappa delle Interruzioni dell'azienda mostra la maggiore concentrazione di interruzioni in aree come Augusta, Valdosta e Savannah. Le squadre stanno affrontando sfide come strade impraticabili e danni estesi agli alberi. Le stime aggiornate dei danni includono oltre 8.000 pali elettrici da riparare o sostituire, oltre 21.000 tratti di cavo e oltre 1.500 trasformatori.

Georgia Power continua a pubblicare orari stimati di ripristino aggiornati sulla sua Mappa delle Interruzioni e incoraggia i clienti a controllarla frequentemente per le ultime informazioni.

Georgia Power ha restablecido el suministro eléctrico a más de 1 millón de clientes afectados por el huracán Helene, lo que representa aproximadamente el 80% de todos los clientes afectados. La respuesta de la empresa ha aumentado a 20,000 personal trabajando en todo el estado. Aproximadamente 278,000 clientes siguen sin electricidad debido a daños severos en la costa, el este y el sur de Georgia.

El Mapa de Interrupciones de la empresa muestra la mayor concentración de apagones en áreas como Augusta, Valdosta y Savannah. Los equipos enfrentan desafíos como caminos intransitables y daño extenso a los árboles. Las estimaciones de daños actualizadas incluyen más de 8,000 postes eléctricos que necesitan ser reparados o reemplazados, más de 21,000 tramos de cable y más de 1,500 transformadores.

Georgia Power continúa publicando horarios estimados de restauración actualizados en su Mapa de Interrupciones y alienta a los clientes a consultarlo con frecuencia para obtener la información más reciente.

조지아 파워는 헬렌 허리케인으로 영향을 받은 100만 고객에게 전력을 복구했습니다, 이는 영향을 받은 모든 고객의 약 80%에 해당합니다. 회사의 대응 인력이 20,000명으로 증가했으며 주 전역에서 작업하고 있습니다. 약 278,000명의 고객이 여전히 전력 없이 있으며, 이는 조지아의 해안, 동부, 남부 지역에서 심각한 피해로 인한 것입니다.

회사의 정전 지도오거스타, 벌도스타, 사바나와 같은 지역에서 정전의 가장 높은 밀집도를 보여줍니다. 대원들은 통행이 불가능한 도로와 광범위한 나무 손상과 같은 문제에 직면해 있습니다. 업데이트된 피해 추정에는 8,000개 이상의 전주를 수리 또는 교체해야 하고, 21,000개 이상의 전선, 1,500개 이상의 변압기가 포함됩니다.

조지아 파워는 정전 지도에 복구 예상 시간을 지속적으로 업데이트하고 있으며, 고객들은 최신 정보를 위해 자주 확인할 것을 권장합니다.

Georgia Power a rétabli l'électricité pour plus d'un million de clients touchés par l'ouragan Helene, ce qui représente environ 80 % de tous les clients affectés. La réponse de l'entreprise a évolué avec 20 000 personnes travaillant dans tout l'État. Environ 278 000 clients sont toujours sans électricité en raison de dommages sévères dans les régions côtières, orientales et méridionales de la Géorgie.

La carte des pannes de l'entreprise montre la plus forte concentration de pannes dans des zones comme Augusta, Valdosta et Savannah. Les équipes font face à des défis tels que des routes impraticables et des dommages importants causés par les arbres. Les estimations de dommages mises à jour incluent plus de 8 000 poteaux électriques à réparer ou à remplacer, plus de 21 000 sections de câble et plus de 1 500 transformateurs.

Georgia Power continue de publier des horaires de restauration estimés actualisés sur sa carte des pannes et encourage les clients à la consulter souvent pour obtenir les dernières informations.

Georgia Power hat die Stromversorgung für über 1 Million Kunden wiederhergestellt, die vom Hurrikan Helene betroffen sind, was etwa 80% aller betroffenen Kunden entspricht. Die Reaktion des Unternehmens hat sich auf 20.000 Mitarbeiter ausgeweitet, die im gesamten Bundesstaat arbeiten. Ungefähr 278.000 Kunden sind weiterhin ohne Strom aufgrund schwerer Schäden in den Küsten-, östlichen und südlichen Regionen Georgias.

die Stromausfallkarte des Unternehmens zeigt die höchste Konzentration von Ausfällen in Gebieten wie Augusta, Valdosta und Savannah. Die Teams stehen vor Herausforderungen wie unpassierbaren Straßen und erheblichen Schäden an Bäumen. Die aktualisierten Schadenschätzungen umfassen über 8.000 Strommasten, die repariert oder ersetzt werden müssen, über 21.000 Leitungsspannen und über 1.500 Transformatoren.

Georgia Power veröffentlicht weiterhin aktualisierte voraussichtliche Wiederherstellungszeiten auf ihrer Stromausfallkarte und ermutigt die Kunden, diese häufig auf die neuesten Informationen zu überprüfen.

  • Restored power to over 1 million customers (80% of those affected)
  • Rapid response due to new 'smart grid' technologies and pre-positioned teams
  • Large response force of 20,000 personnel deployed
  • Utilization of additional resources from other companies and states
  • 278,000 customers still without power
  • Extensive damage to infrastructure requiring rebuilding of parts of the grid
  • Challenges including impassable roads, communications issues, and severe tree damage
  • Restoration efforts taking multiple days in many areas due to extensive damage


Georgia Power's response to Hurricane Helene demonstrates impressive resilience and efficiency in their power restoration efforts. Restoring power to over 1 million customers, or 80% of those affected, in just four days is a significant achievement. The scale of damage, including 8,000+ power poles and 1,000 miles of wire needing repair, underscores the storm's severity.

The company's proactive approach, including pre-positioning resources and leveraging "smart grid" technologies, has clearly paid off. Their utilization of a nationwide mutual assistance network, bringing in crews from as far as Texas and New Jersey, showcases the importance of industry cooperation in disaster response.

For investors, this efficient response could translate to reduced revenue loss from outages and potentially lower repair costs in the long term. However, the extensive damage may still result in significant short-term expenses. The company's demonstrated ability to handle such a major event effectively could positively impact investor confidence in Southern Company's operational capabilities.

Georgia Power's response to Hurricane Helene showcases a well-executed emergency management strategy. The company's ability to mobilize 20,000 personnel and restore power to 80% of affected customers within four days is commendable. This rapid response likely mitigates potential economic losses for the region and reduces negative impacts on customer satisfaction.

Key aspects of their strategy include:

  • Pre-storm planning and resource positioning
  • Utilization of smart grid technologies
  • Effective coordination with mutual aid partners
  • Clear communication through multiple channels

The company's transparent approach to providing restoration estimates and regular updates helps manage customer expectations. From an investor perspective, this level of preparedness and execution could translate to reduced regulatory risks and potentially lower insurance costs in the long term. However, the extensive infrastructure damage may lead to increased capital expenditures in the short term for grid improvements and resilience measures.

Georgia Power has restored power to 1 million+ customers over the last four days;

Restoration efforts progressing in hardest hit areas including Valdosta, Savannah and Augusta

ATLANTA, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Georgia Power's response to Hurricane Helene – the most destructive hurricane in the company's history – has now grown to 20,000 personnel and continues its work across the state. As of Tuesday afternoon, the company has restored power to over 1 million customers impacted by Hurricane Helene – approximately 80 percent of all customers impacted by the storm. This rapid response has been possible through the implementation of new "smart grid" technologies and the quick work of pre-positioned teams who were ready to respond as soon as conditions were safe to do so on Friday.

Efforts have intensified to restore power to approximately 278,000 customers who remain without power due to the storm as damage has been cleared and access has improved. Crews continue to converge on and deploy in the hardest hit areas in coastal, eastern and southern Georgia and, as restoration has progressed, crews are working their way through the power system efficiently and effectively to repair extreme damage and restore power to the most customers with every repair made.

Georgia Power's Outage Map illustrates the highest concentration of power outages remain in areas such as Augusta, Valdosta, Savannah, and surrounding communities. In many cases, the damage to infrastructure is so severe that teams are essentially rebuilding parts of the grid and not just repairing specific elements. While crews continue to face hurdles such as impassable roads, cellular and communications issues, and tree damage, progress is being made in the hardest hit areas with thousands of customers being restored in and around Augusta, Savannah, Valdosta and elsewhere. While damage and treacherous conditions remain, teams are working around the clock and will remain in the field until every customer who can accept power is restored.

Updated damage estimates illustrating the extensive destruction of Hurricane Helene include:

  • 8,000+ power poles that must be repaired or replaced
  • 21,000+ spans of wire equivalent to approximately 1000 miles
  • 1,500+ transformers
  • 3,200+ trees on power lines that must be removed or addressed to restore power

Restoration Status Being Regularly Updated 
Georgia Power appreciates the importance of accurate information for customers as they make plans for their families following this historic storm. As the company anticipated and announced before the arrival of the storm, restoration efforts are taking multiple days in many areas due to the extensive damage from Helene. Georgia Power continues to post updated estimated restoration times (ERTs) for communities on its Outage Map

The company will continue to post updated information throughout the remainder of the restoration process and will make every effort to return power to customers sooner than expected. However, as new damage in previously inaccessible areas becomes apparent, restoration efforts may take longer than originally estimated. Customers are encouraged to check the Outage Map often for the latest information and not rely on possibly inaccurate details they may see from non-company sources.

Preparation, Industry Support Key to Response 
Georgia Power monitored the path of Hurricane Helene for more than a week prior to the storm entering Georgia. As part of its preparations, Georgia Power mobilized additional staff from across the industry to respond to Hurricane Helene. Mobilized crews across the state pre-positioned restoration workers, equipment, and supplies near areas of anticipated impact including extra transformers, poles, cable and other equipment. Hurricane Helene had a statewide impact and Georgia Power matched that with a statewide response, including engagement of every Georgia Power crew at the beginning of the storm and thousands of additional lineworkers from outside of Georgia.

All this is part of advance planning and strategy to allow the company to restore power more quickly and efficiently for its customers as soon as weather conditions allow.

The company continues to utilize additional resources from outside of its system including support from Alabama Power, Mississippi Power and dozens of other companies. The response force currently engaged is larger than the company's response to other major hurricanes including Michael, Irma and Zeta.

Georgia Power is also a member of a nationwide mutual assistance network, which consists of hundreds of utilities from around the country. Georgia Power has proactively mobilized crews from over 35 companies from states as far away as Texas, Oklahoma, Indiana, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The company continues to acquire additional off-system resources to aid in response.

As always, the company encourages customers to keep safety first following Hurricane Helene:

  • Watch for Georgia Power crews working across the state. If driving, move over one lane for utility vehicles stopped on the side of the road – it's the law in Georgia.
  • Watch for downed wires. Downed power lines may be hidden by debris or fallen trees.
  • Never touch any downed wire or attempt to remove tree branches from power lines – it can kill.
  • Don't step in standing water or saturated ground where downed lines may be present. They could be electrified.
  • Avoid chain link fences. They may be electrified by a downed line out of sight and conduct electricity over great distances.
  • Never attempt repairs to electric service connections. Customers should also note that if their home, including the meter box or mast/connection point, is severely damaged by the storm repairs may need to be made by an electrician before Georgia Power can reconnect power. 

Tools You Can Use to Stay Connected & Informed

  • Outage Alerts – Customers subscribed to our free Georgia Power Outage Alert service will receive personalized notifications and updates via text message. Check that your contact number is up to date to receive the latest information.
  • Outage & Storm Center – Available at, customers can visit this site to check their contact information is updated to receive Outage Alerts, report and check the status of outages, and access useful safety tips and information. Customers can also report and check the status of an outage 24 hours a day by contacting Georgia Power at 888-891-0938.
  • Outage Map – Housed within the Outage & Storm Center, Georgia Power's interactive Outage Map provides near real-time information, allowing users to see where outages are occurring across the state and track estimated restoration times.
  • Georgia Power Mobile App – Download the Georgia Power mobile app for Apple and Android devices to access storm and outage information on the go.
  • @GeorgiaPower on X (Twitter) – Follow @GeorgiaPower on X for storm tips, outage updates, customer service and more.

About Georgia Power
Georgia Power is the largest electric subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO), America's premier energy company. Value, Reliability, Customer Service and Stewardship are the cornerstones of the company's promise to 2.7 million customers in all but four of Georgia's 159 counties. Committed to delivering clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy, Georgia Power maintains a diverse, innovative generation mix that includes nuclear, coal and natural gas, as well as renewables such as solar, hydroelectric and wind. Georgia Power focuses on delivering world-class service to its customers every day and the company is recognized by J.D. Power as an industry leader in customer satisfaction. For more information, visit and connect with the company on Facebook (, X ( and Instagram (

Media Contact:
Georgia Power Media Relations
(404) 506-7676 or (800) 282-1696

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SOURCE Georgia Power


How many customers has Georgia Power (SO) restored power to after Hurricane Helene?

Georgia Power has restored power to over 1 million customers, which represents approximately 80% of all customers impacted by Hurricane Helene.

What are the most affected areas by Hurricane Helene in Georgia according to Georgia Power (SO)?

The hardest hit areas with the highest concentration of power outages are Augusta, Valdosta, Savannah, and surrounding communities.

How many personnel has Georgia Power (SO) deployed for Hurricane Helene restoration efforts?

Georgia Power has deployed 20,000 personnel for the restoration efforts following Hurricane Helene.

What is the extent of damage caused by Hurricane Helene to Georgia Power's (SO) infrastructure?

The damage includes over 8,000 power poles to be repaired or replaced, 21,000+ spans of wire (about 1000 miles), 1,500+ transformers, and 3,200+ trees on power lines that need to be addressed.

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