Georgia Power files plan to reliably, economically meet the energy needs of a growing Georgia

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Georgia Power has filed its 2025 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP) detailing strategies to meet growing energy demands in Georgia. The company projects approximately 8,200 megawatts (MW) of electrical load growth over the next six years, with a 2,200 MW increase by 2030 compared to 2023 projections.

Key proposals include: power uprates at Plants Hatch and Vogtle adding 112 MW of carbon-free energy; upgrades to Plant McIntosh adding 268 MW capacity; extended operation of coal and natural gas units through 2034; modernization of 9 hydroelectric plants; and procurement of 4,000 MW of renewable resources by 2035, expanding the renewable portfolio to approximately 11,000 MW.

The plan also includes transmission improvements across 1,000+ miles of lines and enhanced customer programs focusing on energy efficiency and income-qualified assistance.

Georgia Power ha presentato il suo Piano di Risorse Integrate (IRP) per il 2025, che illustra strategie per soddisfare la crescente domanda di energia in Georgia. L'azienda prevede un aumento della domanda di energia elettrica di circa 8.200 megawatt (MW) nei prossimi sei anni, con un aumento di 2.200 MW entro il 2030 rispetto alle proiezioni del 2023.

Le proposte chiave includono: l'aumento della potenza presso gli impianti Hatch e Vogtle con aggiunta di 112 MW di energia senza carbonio; ammodernamenti all'impianto McIntosh con un'aggiunta di capacità di 268 MW; estensione dell'operatività delle unità a carbone e gas naturale fino al 2034; modernizzazione di 9 impianti idroelettrici; e approvvigionamento di 4.000 MW di risorse rinnovabili entro il 2035, espandendo il portafoglio rinnovabile a circa 11.000 MW.

Il piano include anche miglioramenti alla trasmissione su oltre 1.000 miglia di linee e programmi per i clienti migliorati, focalizzati sull'efficienza energetica e assistenza per le persone a basso reddito.

Georgia Power ha presentado su Plan de Recursos Integrados (IRP) para 2025, que detalla estrategias para satisfacer la creciente demanda de energía en Georgia. La compañía proyecta aproximadamente 8,200 megavatios (MW) de crecimiento de carga eléctrica en los próximos seis años, con un aumento de 2,200 MW para 2030 en comparación con las proyecciones de 2023.

Las propuestas clave incluyen: aumentos de potencia en las plantas Hatch y Vogtle que añaden 112 MW de energía libre de carbono; mejoras en la planta McIntosh que suman 268 MW de capacidad; la operación extendida de unidades de carbón y gas natural hasta 2034; modernización de 9 plantas hidroeléctricas; y adquisición de 4,000 MW de recursos renovables para 2035, expandiendo el portafolio renovable a aproximadamente 11,000 MW.

El plan también incluye mejoras en la transmisión a lo largo de más de 1,000 millas de líneas y programas mejorados para los clientes enfocados en la eficiencia energética y asistencia para personas con ingresos calificados.

조지아 파워는 2025년 통합 자원 계획(IRP)을 제출하였으며, 이는 조지아의 증가하는 에너지 수요를 충족하기 위한 전략을 자세히 설명하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 향후 6년 동안 약 8,200메가와트(MW)의 전력 수요 증가를 예상하며, 2023년 예상치에 비해 2030년까지 2,200MW 증가를 전망하고 있습니다.

주요 제안에는: 해치 및 보그틀 발전소에서 112 MW의 탄소 없는 에너지를 추가하는 발전 용량 증가; 맥인트시 발전소 업그레이드로 268 MW의 용량 추가; 2034년까지 석탄 및 천연가스 발전소의 운영 연장; 9개의 수력 발전소 현대화; 및 2035년까지 4,000MW의 재생 가능 자원 조달이 포함되어 있으며, 재생 가능 포트폴리오를 약 11,000MW로 확대합니다.

이 계획에는 1,000마일 이상의 송전선 개선 및 에너지 효율성 및 소득 자격 지원에 중점을 둔 고객 프로그램 강화도 포함되어 있습니다.

Georgia Power a soumis son Plan de Ressources Intégré (IRP) pour 2025, détaillant les stratégies pour répondre à la demande énergétique croissante en Géorgie. L'entreprise prévoit une augmentation d'environ 8 200 mégawatts (MW) de charge électrique au cours des six prochaines années, avec une augmentation de 2 200 MW d'ici 2030 par rapport aux prévisions de 2023.

Les propositions clés comprennent : des augmentations de puissance dans les centrales Hatch et Vogtle ajoutant 112 MW d'énergie sans carbone ; des améliorations à la centrale McIntosh ajoutant 268 MW de capacité ; prolongation du fonctionnement des unités à charbon et à gaz naturel jusqu'en 2034 ; modernisation de 9 centrales hydroélectriques ; et approvisionnement de 4 000 MW de ressources renouvelables d'ici 2035, élargissant le portefeuille d'énergie renouvelable à environ 11 000 MW.

Le plan comprend également des améliorations de la transmission sur plus de 1 000 miles de lignes et des programmes client améliorés axés sur l'efficacité énergétique et l'assistance aux personnes à faibles revenus.

Georgia Power hat seinen integrierten Ressourcenplan (IRP) für 2025 eingereicht, der Strategien zur Deckung der wachsenden Energienachfrage in Georgia beschreibt. Das Unternehmen prognostiziert ein Wachstum der elektrischen Last von etwa 8.200 Megawatt (MW) in den nächsten sechs Jahren, mit einem 2.200 MW-Anstieg bis 2030 im Vergleich zu den Prognosen von 2023.

Zu den wichtigsten Vorschlägen gehören: Leistungssteigerungen in den Kraftwerken Hatch und Vogtle, die 112 MW kohlenstofffreie Energie hinzufügen; Aufrüstungen im Kraftwerk McIntosh, die 268 MW Kapazität hinzufügen; die verlängerte Betriebnahme von Kohle- und Erdgas-Anlagen bis 2034; die Modernisierung von 9 Wasserkraftwerken; und die Beschaffung von 4.000 MW erneuerbaren Ressourcen bis 2035, wodurch das erneuerbare Portfolio auf etwa 11.000 MW erweitert wird.

Der Plan umfasst außerdem Verbesserungen der Übertragungsnetze über 1.000 Meilen Leitungen und verbesserte Kundenprogramme, die sich auf Energieeffizienz und einkommensqualifizierte Unterstützung konzentrieren.

  • Projected 8,200 MW load growth over next six years indicates strong market demand
  • Addition of 112 MW carbon-free energy through nuclear plant uprates
  • 268 MW capacity increase at Plant McIntosh
  • Expansion to 11,000 MW renewable portfolio by 2035
  • Grid enhancement across 1,000+ miles of transmission lines
  • Extended operation of coal units through 2034 may face environmental regulatory risks
  • Significant capital expenditure required for plant upgrades and modernization
  • Large infrastructure investments may impact future rate structures


Georgia Power's comprehensive 2025 IRP represents a significant capital investment program that will substantially expand the utility's rate base and strengthen its competitive position in a high-growth region. The plan's multi-pronged approach addresses three critical areas:

1. Generation Fleet Optimization: The strategic decision to extend coal operations at Plants Bowen and Scherer (4,000 MW) while simultaneously investing in nuclear uprates demonstrates a balanced approach to maintaining baseload capacity while managing transition risks. The 112 MW nuclear uprates at Plants Hatch and Vogtle are particularly valuable as they represent low-cost capacity additions to existing assets with minimal regulatory risk.

2. Grid Modernization: The proposed 1,000+ mile transmission expansion is important for system reliability and positions the utility to capitalize on the region's industrial growth. This infrastructure investment will likely receive favorable regulatory treatment given Georgia's supportive regulatory environment and the clear nexus to economic development.

3. Customer Programs & Renewables: The addition of 4,000 MW of renewables by 2035 and expanded customer programs creates optionality in meeting future demand while potentially generating new revenue streams through subscription-based services.

From an investor perspective, this IRP's emphasis on existing asset optimization and grid reliability should support stable returns while managing execution risk. The plan's alignment with Georgia's economic development goals suggests a high probability of regulatory approval for cost recovery mechanisms.

Expansion of a diverse energy mix includes continued investment in Georgia Power's existing generation fleet; 
Enhancements to the power grid to increase reliability and resiliency; 
Customer-focused programs that include expanded renewable energy options and increased initiatives for income-qualified customers

ATLANTA, Jan. 31, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Georgia Power today filed its 2025 Integrated Resource Plan (IRP), which details the company's plan to meet the energy needs of customers and support the state's expected continued extraordinary growth. In the IRP, the company has proposed necessary investments in its generation fleet and transmission system to help ensure Georgia Power can continue to provide its customers with the reliability and resiliency they deserve and expect, as well as demand-side and customer programs.

Today's filing with the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC) builds on the foundation of previous IRPs and the recent 2023 IRP Update, which was approved by the Georgia PSC in April 2024 (read more here). Georgia Power continues to see positive economic development trends, in the short and long term, with many of the businesses coming to the state bringing large electrical demands. Over the next six years, Georgia Power projects approximately 8,200 megawatts (MW) of electrical load growth – an increase of more than 2,200 MW by the end of 2030 when compared to projections in the 2023 IRP Update.

"At Georgia Power, our vision extends far beyond today — we plan for tomorrow, the next ten years and decades to come," said Kim Greene, chairman, president and CEO of Georgia Power. "As Georgia continues to grow, this state is well-positioned for the future thanks to proactive planning, policies, and processes like the Integrated Resource Plan. The 2025 IRP provides a comprehensive plan to support Georgia's continued economic growth and serve Georgians with clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy well into the future." 

Expansion of a Diverse Energy Mix
Throughout its more than 140-year history, Georgia Power has built, maintained and improved power plants across the state to reliably serve customers and a growing Georgia. The company's diverse generation mix has evolved to include cleaner and more efficient forms of energy generation as technology has advanced and, as part of the Southern Company system, Georgia Power continues to be an industry leader in the research and development of emerging energy technologies.

With the 2025 IRP, Georgia Power proposes continued investments in existing power plants already in operation today to serve the needs of a growing Georgia more economically and with increased efficiency.

Proposed economical extensions and enhancements to existing generating units include:

  • Extended power uprates to reliable, emission-free units at Plants Hatch and Vogtle. With the completion of Units 3 & 4 at Plant Vogtle, Georgia is now home to the largest generator of clean energy in the U.S., and Georgia Power continues to recognize the importance of additional nuclear capacity for Georgia's energy future. In this IRP, the company has proposed additional investment in Hatch Units 1 & 2 and Vogtle Units 1 & 2 to enable those units to deliver an additional 112 MW of carbon-free energy to Georgia Power customers.

  • Extensions and upgrades to existing power plants. The company's integration of cleaner natural gas – which has helped reduce overall carbon emissions by more than 60% since 2007 – into its fleet continues in the 2025 IRP, with additional upgrades planned for Plant McIntosh near Savannah that would add an additional 268 MW of capacity. The company has also proposed extended operation of certain coal and natural gas units through at least 2034, with additional upgrades and compliance activities planned at multiple facilities. This effort includes the continued operation of coal-fired units at Plants Bowen and Scherer, which have served Georgia Power customers reliably for decades with approximately 4,000 MW of electricity. The units are among the most advanced coal-fired units in the world and, over time, have added and now operate state-of-the-art technology to reduce the environmental footprint of those facilities, including scrubbers, selective catalytic reduction systems and baghouses. These advancements have resulted in reductions in main air emissions by more than 95% over the past few decades.

  • Continued investment to modernize and operate Georgia's hydro fleet. Georgia Power's fleet of hydroelectric generating units is another source of emission-free energy, with some units serving the state of Georgia for more than 100 years. The 2025 IRP continues the company's efforts to modernize its hydro fleet with new projects for 9 existing hydro plants including critical replacements and refurbishments needed for turbines, generators and other equipment. These units have not been previously approved for modernization and these efforts are expected to allow them to operate for at least another 40 years while improving the efficiency and integrity of the hydro fleet and preserving valuable, dispatchable carbon-free resources for the long-term benefit of customers.  

Growing Renewable Energy
In its filing, Georgia Power also continues to demonstrate the importance of economical new energy procurements through competitive RFP processes, which help maintain flexibility amid changing market conditions and enable the company to continue to bring more renewable energy to customers. The company's long-term plan highlights the procurement of a total of 4,000 MW of renewable resources by 2035, with at least 1,100 MW of new renewable resources proposed in this IRP. These new resources would expand the company's renewable resource portfolio to approximately 11,000 MW by 2035. 

Procurement of energy from new battery energy storage (BESS) projects is also expected to be a part of all-source capacity RFPs, building on the company's current plans to add more than 1,500 MW of BESS in the coming years (read more).

Enhancing the Power Grid to Increase Reliability and Resiliency
Georgians continue to benefit from a more reliable and resilient power grid, thanks in large part to strategic investments Georgia Power has made over the last decade. In recent years, the company has provided exceptional reliability with fewer and shorter power interruptions (read more), and the state's growing "smart grid" is showing value for customers by reducing service impacts of severe weather from events like Hurricane Helene and Winter Storm Cora.

A large factor in maintaining reliable electric service every day, as well as during severe weather events, is Georgia Power's continued investment in the state's integrated transmission system. The transmission system moves high-voltage energy from generation plants to local distribution power lines to serve customers.

The 2025 IRP includes Georgia Power's 10-year transmission plan, which identifies the transmission improvements needed to maintain a strong and reliable transmission system to move energy from new and existing power plants to customers across the state. The company's 10-year plan proposes new transmission resources across more than 1,000 miles of transmission lines, improving the system's efficiency and resiliency, and providing the energy infrastructure needed for a growing state. Additionally, the company has proposed a variety of economic and innovative solutions, including new grid enhancing technologies to help meet increasing grid capacity needs and enable further reliable integration of the state's growing amount of solar generation and BESS.

Diverse, Customer-Focused Programs 
In addition to investments in its transmission and generation systems and assets, Georgia Power recognizes how important demand-side resources, such as energy efficiency programs and demand response programs, are to its resource mix and customers' overall experience. Georgia Power's portfolio of customer programs is continually evolving to offer innovative options that help customers meet their sustainability and resiliency goals, as well as enhance energy efficiency and provide customers with more control over their energy usage.

"The changing needs of our customers – and how they use energy every day in their homes and businesses – are at the center of every decision we make," added Greene. "We work with customers every day to help them find solutions that work for them, and we know that every kilowatt we can help them save matters. Through the IRP process, we not only consider how we make and move electricity, but also how to leverage the latest customer insights to develop programs that help our customers meet their unique needs and use energy more efficiently."

In the 2025 IRP, Georgia Power seeks to continue to advance and innovate its program designs, while maintaining focus on enhanced system reliability and affordability for all customers. Highlights include:

  • Solutions to meet increasing customer demand for emission-free, sustainable, and resilient energy including a new solar plus storage program for residential and small commercial customers; a new distributed energy resource (DER)-enabled demand response program aimed at meeting the capacity and resiliency needs of large customers; and expanding existing customer subscription programs to facilitate the addition of more renewable resources available for customer subscriptions. 

  • Increased initiatives for income-qualified customers. The 2025 IRP includes a focus on demand side management offerings specifically for income-qualified customers. The company proposes to continue and expand successful programs including Energy Assistance for Savings and Efficiency (EASE) and HopeWorks, among other adjustments to various customer programs.

To learn more about how Georgia Power is meeting the needs of customers through a diverse, balanced energy portfolio, and the IRP process, visit

About Georgia Power
Georgia Power is the largest electric subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO), America's premier energy company. Value, Reliability, Customer Service and Stewardship are the cornerstones of the company's promise to 2.8 million customers in all but four of Georgia's 159 counties. Committed to delivering clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy, Georgia Power maintains a diverse, innovative generation mix that includes nuclear, coal and natural gas, as well as renewables such as solar, hydroelectric and wind. Georgia Power offers rates below the national average, focuses on delivering world-class service to its customers every day and is recognized by J.D. Power as an industry leader in customer satisfaction. For more information, visit and connect with the company on Facebook (, X ( and Instagram (

Cautionary Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements
Certain information contained in this release is forward-looking information based on current expectations and plans that involve risks and uncertainties. Forward-looking information includes, among other things, statements concerning projected economic growth and load growth, planned capacity additions, and expected timing for the Georgia PSC vote on the 2025 IRP. Georgia Power cautions that there are certain factors that can cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking information that has been provided. The reader is cautioned not to put undue reliance on this forward-looking information, which is not a guarantee of future performance and is subject to a number of uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside the control of Georgia Power; accordingly, there can be no assurance that such suggested results will be realized.  The following factors, in addition to those discussed in Georgia Power's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, and subsequent securities filings, could cause actual results to differ materially from management expectations as suggested by such forward-looking information: variations in demand for electricity; available sources and costs of natural gas and other fuels and commodities; transmission constraints; the ability to control costs and avoid cost and schedule overruns during the development, construction, and operation of facilities or other projects due to challenges which include, but are not limited to, changes in labor costs, availability, and productivity, challenges with the management of contractors or vendors, subcontractor performance, adverse weather conditions, shortages, delays, increased costs, or inconsistent quality of equipment, materials, and labor, contractor or supplier delay, the impacts of inflation, delays due to judicial or regulatory action, nonperformance under construction, operating, or other agreements, operational readiness, including specialized operator training and required site safety programs, engineering or design problems or any remediation related thereto, design and other licensing-based compliance matters, challenges with start-up activities, including major equipment failure or system integration, and/or operational performance, challenges related to pandemic health events, continued public and policymaker support for projects, environmental and geological conditions, delays or increased costs to interconnect facilities to transmission grids, and increased financing costs as a result of changes in interest rates or as a result of project delays; legal proceedings and regulatory approvals and actions related to past, ongoing and proposed construction projects, including Public Service Commission approvals and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission actions; the ability to construct facilities in accordance with the requirements of permits and licenses, to satisfy any environmental performance standards and the requirements of tax credits and other incentives, and to integrate facilities into the Southern Company system upon completion of construction; advances in technology, including the pace and extent of development of low- to no-carbon energy and battery energy storage technologies and negative carbon concepts; the ability to successfully operate Georgia Power's generation, transmission, and distribution facilities, and the successful performance of necessary corporate functions; the inherent risks involved in generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, including accidents, explosions, fires, mechanical problems, discharges or releases of toxic or hazardous substances or gases and other environmental risks; potential business strategies, including acquisitions or dispositions of assets or businesses, which cannot be assured to be completed or beneficial to Georgia Power; the ability of counterparties of Georgia Power to make payments as and when due and to perform as required; the direct or indirect effect on Georgia Power's business resulting from cyber intrusion or physical attack and the threat of cyber and physical attacks; global and U.S. economic conditions, including impacts from geopolitical conflicts, recession, inflation, tariffs, interest rate fluctuations and financial market conditions, and the results of financing efforts; access to capital markets and other financing sources; the ability of Georgia Power to obtain additional generating capacity (or sell excess generating capacity) at competitive prices; catastrophic events such as fires, earthquakes, explosions, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and other storms, droughts, pandemic health events, political unrest, wars or other similar occurrences; and the direct or indirect effects on Georgia Power's business resulting from incidents affecting the U.S. electric grid, natural gas pipeline infrastructure, or operation of generating or storage resources. Georgia Power expressly disclaims any obligation to update any forward-looking information.

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What is Georgia Power's projected energy demand growth by 2030?

Georgia Power projects approximately 8,200 MW of electrical load growth over the next six years, with a 2,200 MW increase by 2030 compared to 2023 IRP Update projections.

How much renewable energy capacity will Georgia Power (SO) add by 2035?

Georgia Power plans to procure 4,000 MW of renewable resources by 2035, with at least 1,100 MW proposed in the 2025 IRP, expanding their renewable portfolio to approximately 11,000 MW.

What upgrades are planned for Georgia Power's nuclear plants?

Georgia Power plans power uprates at Plants Hatch and Vogtle that will add 112 MW of carbon-free energy capacity.

How long will Georgia Power continue operating its coal plants?

Georgia Power has proposed extended operation of coal units at Plants Bowen and Scherer through at least 2034.

What transmission system improvements are included in Georgia Power's 2025 IRP?

The 10-year transmission plan includes improvements across more than 1,000 miles of transmission lines to enhance system efficiency and resiliency.


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