Georgia Power awarded $160 million from Department of Energy to enhance Georgia's power grid

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Georgia Power, serving 2.7 million customers, has been awarded $160 million in funding by the Department of Energy's Grid Deployment Office. The funding, part of the Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program, aims to enhance grid flexibility, improve power system resilience, and ensure affordable, reliable electricity access.

Projects will include deploying new grid-enhancing technologies such as dynamic line rating and reconductoring of high voltage power lines. These investments are important for serving existing and new customers, connecting clean generation, and increasing energy resilience. Georgia Power plans to share insights and best practices with the broader industry through collaborations with organizations like EEI and EPRI.

The company will work with community organizations and stakeholders, including IBEW union crews, to provide training on new transmission conductor installation. The project is expected to bring community benefits such as decreased environmental impacts, increased clean enterprise contracting, and job creation.

Georgia Power, che serve 2,7 milioni di clienti, ha ricevuto 160 milioni di dollari di finanziamento dall'Ufficio per il Dispiegamento della Rete del Dipartimento dell'Energia. Questo finanziamento, parte del Programma per la Resilienza e le Innovazioni della Rete (GRIP), ha come obiettivo quello di migliorare la flessibilità della rete, aumentare la resilienza del sistema elettrico e garantire l'accesso a un'elettricità affidabile e a prezzi accessibili.

I progetti includeranno l'implementazione di nuove tecnologie per il potenziamento della rete, come il rating dinamico delle linee e la riconduzione delle linee elettriche ad alta tensione. Questi investimenti sono fondamentali per servire i clienti esistenti e nuovi, connettere produzioni energetiche pulite e aumentare la resilienza energetica. Georgia Power prevede di condividere esperienze e migliori pratiche con l'industria più ampia attraverso collaborazioni con organizzazioni come EEI ed EPRI.

La compagnia collaborerà con organizzazioni comunitarie e parti interessate, compresi i gruppi sindacali IBEW, per fornire formazione sull'installazione di nuovi conduttori di trasmissione. Si prevede che il progetto porterà benefici alla comunità come riduzione degli impatti ambientali, aumento dei contratti per le imprese ecologiche e creazione di posti di lavoro.

Georgia Power, que atiende a 2.7 millones de clientes, ha recibido 160 millones de dólares en financiación de la Oficina de Implementación de Redes del Departamento de Energía. Este financiamiento, que forma parte del Programa de Resiliencia e Innovación de Redes (GRIP), tiene como objetivo mejorar la flexibilidad de la red, aumentar la resiliencia del sistema eléctrico y garantizar el acceso a electricidad asequible y confiable.

Los proyectos incluirán el despliegue de nuevas tecnologías para la mejora de la red, como la evaluación dinámica de líneas y la reconductura de líneas eléctricas de alta tensión. Estas inversiones son importantes para atender a los clientes existentes y nuevos, conectar la generación limpia y aumentar la resiliencia energética. Georgia Power planea compartir conocimientos y mejores prácticas con la industria más amplia a través de colaboraciones con organizaciones como EEI y EPRI.

La empresa colaborará con organizaciones comunitarias y partes interesadas, incluidos los equipos del sindicato IBEW, para proporcionar capacitación sobre la instalación de nuevos conductores de transmisión. Se espera que el proyecto aporte beneficios comunitarios como reducción de los impactos ambientales, aumento de la contratación de empresas ecológicas y creación de empleo.

조지아 파워는 270만 고객에게 서비스를 제공하며, 에너지부의 전력망 배급 사무소로부터 1억6000만 달러의 자금을 지원받았다. 이러한 자금은 전력망 탄력성 및 혁신 파트너십(GRIP) 프로그램의 일환으로, 전력망의 유연성을 향상시키고 전력 시스템의 회복력을 개선하며 저렴하고 신뢰할 수 있는 전기 접근을 보장하는 것을 목표로 한다.

프로젝트에는 동적 선 전력 측정 및 고전압 전선의 재구성과 같은 신규 전력망 향상 기술의 배치가 포함된다. 이러한 투자는 기존 및 신규 고객에 대한 서비스, 청정 발전 연결, 에너지 회복력 증가에 중요하다. 조지아 파워는 EEI 및 EPRI와 같은 조직과 협력하여 통찰력과 모범 사례를 공유할 계획이다.

회사는 IBEW 노조 팀을 포함한 지역 사회 단체 및 이해 관계자와 협력하여 새로운 전송 도체 설치에 대한 교육을 제공할 예정이다. 이 프로젝트는 환경 영향을 줄이고, 청정 기업 계약을 증가시키며, 일자리 창출과 같은 지역 사회 혜택을 가져올 것으로 예상된다.

Georgia Power, qui sert 2,7 millions de clients, a été dotée de 160 millions de dollars de financement par le Bureau de déploiement du réseau du Département de l'énergie. Ce financement, faisant partie du Programme de résilience et d'innovation des réseaux (GRIP), vise à améliorer la flexibilité du réseau, renforcer la résilience du système électrique et garantir l'accès à une électricité fiable et abordable.

Les projets comprendront le déploiement de nouvelles technologies d'amélioration du réseau, telles que l'évaluation dynamique des lignes et la reconduction des lignes haute tension. Ces investissements sont essentiels pour servir les clients existants et nouveaux, relier une production d'énergie propre et accroître la résilience énergétique. Georgia Power prévoit de partager ses connaissances et ses meilleures pratiques avec l'ensemble de l'industrie à travers des collaborations avec des organisations comme l'EEI et l'EPRI.

L'entreprise travaillera avec des organisations communautaires et des parties prenantes, y compris les équipes syndicales de l'IBEW, pour offrir une formation sur l'installation de nouveaux conducteurs de transmission. Le projet devrait apporter des bénéfices à la communauté, tels que la réduction des impacts environnementaux, l'augmentation des contrats pour les entreprises écologiques et la création d'emplois.

Georgia Power, das 2,7 Millionen Kunden bedient, hat vom Büro für Netzausbau des Energieministeriums 160 Millionen Dollar an Fördermitteln erhalten. Die Mittel, die Teil des Programms für Netzresilienz und -innovation (GRIP) sind, zielen darauf ab, die Flexibilität des Netzes zu verbessern, die Resilienz des Energiesystems zu steigern und den Zugang zu erschwinglichem, zuverlässigem Strom zu gewährleisten.

Zu den Projekten gehören der Einsatz von neuen netzverbessernden Technologien wie dynamischer Leitungsbewertung und der Neubewertung von Hochspannungsleitungen. Diese Investitionen sind wichtig, um bestehenden und neuen Kunden zu dienen, erneuerbare Energiequellen anzuschließen und die Energie-Resilienz zu erhöhen. Georgia Power plant, Einsichten und Best Practices mit der breiteren Branche durch Kooperationen mit Organisationen wie EEI und EPRI zu teilen.

Das Unternehmen wird mit Gemeinschaftsorganisationen und Interessengruppen, einschließlich der IBEW-Gewerkschaftsteams, zusammenarbeiten, um Schulungen zur Installation neuer Übertragungsleiter anzubieten. Das Projekt wird voraussichtlich Gemeinschaftsvorteile wie Verringerung der Umweltauswirkungen, Erhöhung der Aufträge für saubere Unternehmen und Schaffung von Arbeitsplätzen mit sich bringen.

  • Awarded $160 million in funding from the Department of Energy
  • Investments aimed at enhancing grid flexibility and improving power system resilience
  • Deployment of new grid-enhancing technologies to maximize power transmission capacity
  • Potential for increased renewable generation deployment
  • Collaboration with industry organizations to share insights and best practices
  • Expected community benefits including job creation and increased clean enterprise contracting
  • None.


This $160 million DOE grant to Georgia Power is a significant boost for grid modernization efforts. The focus on expanding transmission capacity and enhancing resilience is important given Georgia's growing energy demands and increasing renewable integration. Key points:

  • Deployment of grid-enhancing technologies like dynamic line rating and advanced conductors will optimize existing infrastructure, potentially deferring costlier new line construction.
  • Improved resilience against extreme weather events is vital, especially considering recent impacts like Hurricane Helene.
  • The investment aligns with Georgia's position as a top 10 solar state, supporting further renewable energy growth.
  • Collaboration with organizations like IBEW for workforce training indicates a focus on long-term skill development.

While positive for Georgia Power's operations, the impact on Southern Company's overall financials may be given its $101.9 billion market cap. However, this grant demonstrates the company's proactive approach to grid modernization and ability to secure federal funding, which could bode well for future initiatives.

This DOE grant represents a strategic win for Georgia Power in the regulatory landscape. Key regulatory implications include:

  • The $160 million federal funding may help offset costs that would otherwise be passed to ratepayers, potentially easing future rate case discussions with the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC).
  • The grant aligns with the PSC-approved $10 billion grid strengthening investments over the past decade, reinforcing the company's commitment to regulatory-aligned grid improvements.
  • By focusing on grid resilience and reliability, Georgia Power is addressing key regulatory priorities, which could facilitate smoother approvals for future projects.
  • The emphasis on stakeholder engagement and community benefits (e.g., minority-owned business contracting) aligns with growing regulatory focus on equity and community impact in utility operations.

This grant may strengthen Georgia Power's position in future regulatory proceedings, potentially leading to more favorable outcomes in terms of cost recovery and project approvals.

Funding focused on innovative approaches to expanding transmission capacity and adding resiliency as company works to meet the energy needs of a growing Georgia

ATLANTA, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Georgia Power, the state's largest electric utility serving 2.7 million customers, has been awarded more than $160 million in funding by the Department of Energy (DOE) through its Grid Deployment Office. As Georgia continues to grow, the company is ensuring that customers have access to clean, safe, reliable, and affordable power, and actively pursued the funding available under the Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program established by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to help reduce the costs of necessary investments for the benefit of customers.

Investments under the GRIP Program are intended to enhance grid flexibility, improve the resilience of the power system against extreme weather and ensure American communities have access to affordable, reliable electricity when and where they need it.

"We know our customers depend on us to make the investments needed in the state's power grid to ensure that we provide the energy resilience and reliability they value and expect, while keeping energy prices affordable," said Fran Forehand, senior vice president of Transmission for Georgia Power. "Leveraging federal funding and working with the DOE to integrate innovative technology is a great example of how we do this. Thanks to the robust and long-term planning process we have in place with the Georgia Public Service Commission (PSC), the investments we're making in a smarter and more resilient power grid are showing value for our customers during extreme weather events such as Hurricane Helene, and every day."

Projects funded by the grant will be varied and will benefit communities across Georgia. As Georgia Power continues to transition to cleaner forms of energy and transform its electric grid, investments in the state's transmission system – the high voltage power lines that transport electricity from generation sources to individual communities – are critical.

Through funding from the GRIP program, Georgia Power will deploy new grid-enhancing technologies including dynamic line rating technology and reconductoring of high voltage power lines. Improved conductor technology can be deployed on existing structures, placed in service much faster than a traditional line build, and can help maximize the amount of power that can be carried through existing transmission lines and in existing rights of way. These investments are important to not only serve existing and new customers but also to help connect a growing amount of clean generation required to serve Georgia's growing electricity needs. For example, Georgia is a Top 10 state for solar growth and, as renewable generation continues to come online, these investments will unlock additional opportunities for renewable generation deployment within critical locations and disadvantaged communities. The investments also increase energy resilience, including reducing outage frequency and duration.

Increasing collaboration, community and stakeholder engagement, and industry improvement are also key elements of projects under the GRIP Program. As the company invests in its system, Georgia Power plans to share insights, lessons learned and best practices with the broader industry through its work with the Edison Electric Institute (EEI), the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies and others.

Many community organizations assisted the company in its application such as the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), the Georgia Minority Supplier Development Council, Fort Valley State University, the Savannah Economic Development Authority and the Savannah Area Chamber of Commerce, among others. Georgia Power is grateful for the support of these organizations during the application process and will continue to solicit input and expertise of these organizations and other stakeholders throughout the state. For example, through the project, Georgia Power will work with IBEW union crews to provide training on the installation and configuration of new types of transmission conductors being installed. The use of these new technologies is expected to provide community benefits such as decreased environmental impacts, increased clean enterprise contracting for businesses majority owned or controlled by underrepresented persons or groups, increased high-quality job creation and job training.

Click here to access the full Georgia Power GRIP fact sheet.

Over the past 10 years, Georgia Power has invested more than $10 billion in strengthening the power grid through programs and initiatives approved by the Georgia PSC. Georgia Power continued this ongoing work on projects throughout Georgia communities in 2023 resulting in a strong year for reliability performance. Read more here.

About Georgia Power

Georgia Power is the largest electric subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO), America's premier energy company. Value, Reliability, Customer Service and Stewardship are the cornerstones of the company's promise to 2.7 million customers in all but four of Georgia's 159 counties. Committed to delivering clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy, Georgia Power maintains a diverse, innovative generation mix that includes nuclear, coal and natural gas, as well as renewables such as solar, hydroelectric and wind. Georgia Power focuses on delivering world-class service to its customers every day and the company is recognized by J.D. Power as an industry leader in customer satisfaction. For more information, visit and connect with the company on Facebook (, X ( and Instagram (




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SOURCE Georgia Power


How much funding did Georgia Power (SO) receive from the Department of Energy?

Georgia Power was awarded $160 million in funding from the Department of Energy's Grid Deployment Office through the Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnerships (GRIP) Program.

What technologies will Georgia Power (SO) deploy with the GRIP funding?

Georgia Power will deploy new grid-enhancing technologies including dynamic line rating technology and reconductoring of high voltage power lines to maximize power transmission capacity.

How will the GRIP funding benefit Georgia Power (SO) customers?

The funding will help enhance grid flexibility, improve power system resilience against extreme weather, and ensure customers have access to affordable, reliable electricity while reducing the costs of necessary investments.

What community benefits are expected from Georgia Power's (SO) GRIP-funded projects?

The projects are expected to provide community benefits such as decreased environmental impacts, increased clean enterprise contracting for underrepresented groups, increased high-quality job creation, and job training opportunities.

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