10,000+ advance personnel deployed by Georgia Power to restore power Friday morning following Hurricane Helene

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Georgia Power has deployed over 10,000 personnel to begin full-scale damage assessment and power restoration following Hurricane Helene. As of 10 a.m., approximately 730,000 customers are impacted, with the hardest-hit areas including Savannah, Augusta, and Valdosta. Power has been restored to more than 120,000 customers since the storm began.

The company has mobilized additional staff, including crews from sister company Mississippi Power and over 35 companies from 11 states. Georgia Power reminds customers of post-storm safety tips, including watching for downed wires and avoiding chain-link fences. Customers can stay informed through Outage Alerts, the Outage & Storm Center website, and the Georgia Power Mobile App.

Georgia Power ha dispiegato oltre 10.000 personale per avviare una valutazione completa dei danni e il ripristino dell'energia dopo l'uragano Helene. Alle 10 del mattino, circa 730.000 clienti sono stati colpiti, con le aree più colpite che includono Savannah, Augusta e Valdosta. L'energia è stata ripristinata per più di 120.000 clienti da quando è iniziata la tempesta.

L'azienda ha mobilitato personale aggiuntivo, comprese squadre della società sorella Mississippi Power e oltre 35 aziende provenienti da 11 stati. Georgia Power ricorda ai clienti alcuni consigli di sicurezza post-tempesta, inclusi l'attenzione ai cavi caduti e l'evitare recinzioni in filo metallico. I clienti possono rimanere informati tramite Avvisi di Interruzione, il sito web del Centro per Interruzioni e Tempeste e l'App Mobile di Georgia Power.

Georgia Power ha desplegado a más de 10,000 personas para comenzar la evaluación de daños a gran escala y la restauración del servicio eléctrico tras el huracán Helene. A las 10 a.m., aproximadamente 730,000 clientes se ven afectados, siendo las áreas más golpeadas Savannah, Augusta y Valdosta. Se ha restaurado la energía a más de 120,000 clientes desde que comenzó la tormenta.

La compañía ha movilizado personal adicional, incluidas cuadrillas de la empresa hermana Mississippi Power y más de 35 empresas de 11 estados. Georgia Power recuerda a los clientes consejos de seguridad post-tempestad, incluyendo la vigilancia de cables caídos y evitar cercas de alambre. Los clientes pueden mantenerse informados a través de Alertas de Corte, el sitio web del Centro de Cortes y Tormentas y la Aplicación Móvil de Georgia Power.

조지아 파워허리케인 헬렌 이후 피해 평가 및 전력 복구를 위해 10,000명 이상의 인력을 배치했습니다. 오전 10시 기준으로 약 730,000명의 고객이 영향을 받고 있으며, 가장 큰 피해를 입은 지역에는 사바나, 오거스타, 발도스타가 포함됩니다. 폭풍이 시작된 이래로 120,000명 이상의 고객에게 전력이 복구되었습니다.

회사는 자매 회사인 미시시피 파워와 11개 주에서 온 35개 이상의 회사의 인력을 포함하여 추가 직원들을 mobilized했습니다. 조지아 파워는 고객에게 전후 안전 요령을 상기시키며, 떨어진 전선 및 체인 링크 펜스를 피할 것을 권장합니다. 고객은 정전 알림, 정전 및 폭풍 센터 웹사이트 및 조지아 파워 모바일 앱을 통해 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다.

Georgia Power a déployé plus de 10 000 agents pour commencer une évaluation complète des dommages et la restauration de l'électricité suite à l'ouragan Helene. À 10h, environ 730 000 clients sont impactés, les zones les plus touchées étant Savannah, Augusta et Valdosta. L'électricité a été rétablie pour plus de 120 000 clients depuis le début de la tempête.

La société a mobilisé du personnel supplémentaire, y compris des équipes de la société sœur Mississippi Power et plus de 35 entreprises provenant de 11 États. Georgia Power rappelle aux clients les conseils de sécurité après tempête, y compris la prudence face aux fils tombés et l'évitement des clôtures en chaîne. Les clients peuvent rester informés grâce aux Alerte de Panne, au site web du Centre de Pannes et de Tempêtes et à l'Application Mobile de Georgia Power.

Georgia Power hat über 10.000 Mitarbeiter eingesetzt, um eine umfassende Schadensbewertung und die Wiederherstellung der Stromversorgung nach Hurrikan Helene zu beginnen. Um 10 Uhr sind etwa 730.000 Kunden betroffen, wobei die am schwersten getroffenen Gebiete Savannah, Augusta und Valdosta sind. Seit Beginn des Sturms wurde die Stromversorgung für mehr als 120.000 Kunden wiederhergestellt.

Das Unternehmen hat zusätzliches Personal mobilisiert, darunter Teams von der Schwestergesellschaft Mississippi Power und über 35 Unternehmen aus 11 Bundesstaaten. Georgia Power erinnert die Kunden an Sicherheitstipps nach dem Sturm, einschließlich der Warnung vor heruntergefallenen Drähten und dem Vermeiden von Kettengliederzäunen. Die Kunden können sich über Stromausfallwarnungen, die Website des Stromausfall- und Sturmzentrums und die Georgia Power Mobile App informieren.

  • Rapid deployment of 10,000+ personnel for power restoration
  • Power already restored to 120,000+ customers
  • Utilization of 'smart grid' technology for remote restoration
  • Mobilization of additional resources from sister company and 35 companies across 11 states
  • 730,000 customers impacted by power outages
  • Significant statewide damage due to hurricane-force winds and heavy rain
  • Extended outages possible due to the size and severity of Hurricane Helene


The deployment of 10,000+ personnel for power restoration after Hurricane Helene is a massive operational undertaking for Georgia Power. With 730,000 customers affected, this represents a significant portion of their 2.7 million customer base. The company's proactive approach, including pre-positioning resources and leveraging mutual assistance networks, demonstrates strong disaster preparedness.

The mention of 120,000 customers already restored highlights the efficiency of their "smart grid" technology. However, the widespread damage across the entire state, particularly in Savannah, Augusta and Valdosta, suggests a prolonged restoration process that could impact Georgia Power's short-term financials due to increased operational costs and potential regulatory scrutiny on response times.

Long-term, this event underscores the growing importance of grid resilience investments, which could drive future capital expenditures and potentially influence regulatory discussions on rate adjustments to fund infrastructure improvements.

This major weather event will likely have a material impact on Southern Company's (SO) financials. While utilities typically recover storm costs through regulatory mechanisms, the short-term effects could include:

  • Increased operational expenses for emergency response and repairs
  • Potential revenue loss from extended outages
  • Higher capital expenditures for grid reinforcement

However, the company's proactive response and technological investments (e.g., smart grid) may mitigate some financial impacts. Investors should watch for:

  • Q3/Q4 earnings impact disclosures
  • Regulatory filings for cost recovery
  • Any changes to capital expenditure forecasts

Long-term, this event may support Georgia Power's case for further grid modernization investments, potentially driving future growth. The company's robust mutual assistance network also highlights operational strengths that could be viewed favorably by regulators and investors.

Damage assessment teams in the field for most efficient response; crews navigating flooded roadways, fallen trees and high wind gusts 

ATLANTA, Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- As Hurricane Helene clears Georgia, Georgia Power has deployed 10,000+ personnel who were assembled in advance of the storm to begin full-scale damage assessment and restoration. There has been significant damage statewide due to hurricane-force winds and heavy rain, coupled with ground that was previously saturated due to Wednesday's "storm before the storm" that hit the state ahead of the historic hurricane.

The entire state of Georgia has been affected by the storm, with the hardest hit areas including Savannah, Augusta and Valdosta. As of 10 a.m., approximately 730,000 Georgia Power customers are impacted by Hurricane Helene. Crews are working now to assess damage in every region across the state and will be restoring power to customers as quickly as possible. Since the beginning of the storm, power has been restored to more than 120,000 customers by crews, and "smart grid" technology enabling remote restoration while storm conditions were still at their worst.

Damage assessment is an essential part of efficient restoration and marks the first phase of the restoration process once the storm has left impacted areas. Damage assessment teams enter the field and begin the restoration process as soon as conditions allow. These teams are followed by repair crews depending on the amount of damage and access to the area. As weather conditions improve, restoration efforts can accelerate, but extended outages are possible due to the size and severity of Hurricane Helene.

Georgia Power reminds customers that dangerous conditions exist following a storm, and to always heed the advice of local, state, and federal emergency authorities in storm-affected areas.

After the Storm Safety Tips

  • Watch for downed wires. Downed power lines may be hidden by debris or fallen trees.
  • Never touch any downed wire or attempt to remove tree branches from power lines – it can kill. 
  • Don't step in standing water or saturated ground where downed lines may be present. They could be electrified.
  • Avoid chain link fences. They may be electrified by a downed line out of sight and conduct electricity over great distances.
  • Watch for Georgia Power crews working across the state. If driving, move over one lane for utility vehicles stopped on the side of the road – it's the law in Georgia.
  • Protect electronics and appliances. Disconnect or turn off any appliances that will start automatically when power returns to avoid overloading circuits when power is restored.

For more on the damage assessment and restoration process, visit Georgia Power's website or follow our social media channels.

Tools You Can Use to Stay Connected & Informed

  • Outage Alerts – Customers subscribed to our free Georgia Power Outage Alert service will receive personalized notifications and updates via text message. Check that your contact number is up to date to receive the latest information.
  • Outage & Storm Center – Available at, customers can visit this site to check their contact information is updated to receive Outage Alerts, report and check the status of outages, and access useful safety tips and information. Customers can also report and check the status of an outage 24 hours a day by contacting Georgia Power at 888-891-0938.
  • Outage Map – Housed within the Outage & Storm Center site, Georgia Power's interactive Outage Map provides near real-time information, allowing users to see where outages are occurring across the state and track estimated restoration times.
  • Georgia Power Mobile App – Download the Georgia Power mobile app for Apple and Android devices to access storm and outage information on the go.
  • @GeorgiaPower on X (Twitter) – Follow @GeorgiaPower at for storm tips, outage updates, customer service and more.

Support from Across the Industry
As part of its preparations, Georgia Power mobilized additional staff – including from sister company Mississippi Power – to respond to Hurricane Helene. Mobilized crews across the state pre-positioned restoration workers, equipment, and supplies near areas of anticipated impact including extra transformers, poles, cable and other equipment. All is part of advance planning and strategy to allow the company to restore power more quickly and efficiently for its customers as soon as weather conditions allow.

Georgia Power is also a member of a nationwide mutual assistance network, which consists of hundreds of utilities from around the country. Georgia Power has proactively mobilized crews from over 35 companies from 11 states as far away as Texas, Oklahoma, Indiana, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. The company is acquiring additional off-system resources and will be moving them into the state today.

About Georgia Power
Georgia Power is the largest electric subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO), America's premier energy company. Value, Reliability, Customer Service and Stewardship are the cornerstones of the company's promise to 2.7 million customers in all but four of Georgia's 159 counties. Committed to delivering clean, safe, reliable and affordable energy, Georgia Power maintains a diverse, innovative generation mix that includes nuclear, coal and natural gas, as well as renewables such as solar, hydroelectric and wind. Georgia Power focuses on delivering world-class service to its customers every day and the company is recognized by J.D. Power as an industry leader in customer satisfaction. For more information, visit and connect with the company on Facebook (, X ( and Instagram (

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How many Georgia Power customers are affected by Hurricane Helene?

As of 10 a.m. on September 27, 2024, approximately 730,000 Georgia Power customers are impacted by Hurricane Helene.

How many personnel has Georgia Power deployed for power restoration after Hurricane Helene?

Georgia Power has deployed over 10,000 personnel to begin full-scale damage assessment and power restoration following Hurricane Helene.

Which areas in Georgia were hardest hit by Hurricane Helene?

The hardest-hit areas in Georgia include Savannah, Augusta, and Valdosta.

How can Georgia Power customers stay informed about outages and restoration efforts?

Customers can stay informed through Outage Alerts, the Outage & Storm Center website, the Georgia Power Mobile App, and the company's social media channels.

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