Siteimprove Appoints Nayaki Nayyar as New Chief Executive Officer
Siteimprove, the AI-powered SaaS platform for digital content experiences, has appointed Nayaki Nayyar as its new Chief Executive Officer and Board Member. Nayyar brings over 25 years of industry experience in transformation and innovation at enterprise software companies.
Previously serving as CEO at Securonix, Nayyar led the company to become a major unicorn in cybersecurity. Her career includes leadership roles at Ivanti, SAP, and BMC Software. She currently serves on the boards of TD Synnex and Corteva Agriscience.
Alongside this appointment, John Damgaard has been named Chairman of the Board. The company is preparing to launch new products in 2025, focusing on expanding its accessibility capabilities with content intelligence.
Siteimprove, la piattaforma SaaS alimentata dall'IA per le esperienze di contenuto digitale, ha nominato Nayaki Nayyar come nuovo Amministratore Delegato e Membro del Consiglio. Nayyar porta con sé oltre 25 anni di esperienza nel settore, focalizzandosi sulla trasformazione e innovazione nelle aziende di software enterprise.
In precedenza, Nayyar ha ricoperto il ruolo di CEO presso Securonix, guidando l'azienda a diventare un importante unicorno nel campo della cybersecurity. La sua carriera include ruoli di leadership in Ivanti, SAP e BMC Software. Attualmente, fa parte dei consigli di amministrazione di TD Synnex e Corteva Agriscience.
Insieme a questa nomina, John Damgaard è stato nominato Presidente del Consiglio. L'azienda si sta preparando a lanciare nuovi prodotti nel 2025, concentrandosi sull'espansione delle sue capacità di accessibilità attraverso l'intelligenza dei contenuti.
Siteimprove, la plataforma SaaS impulsada por IA para experiencias de contenido digital, ha nombrado a Nayaki Nayyar como su nueva Directora Ejecutiva y Miembro de la Junta. Nayyar aporta más de 25 años de experiencia en la industria, enfocándose en la transformación y la innovación en empresas de software empresarial.
Anteriormente, Nayyar se desempeñó como CEO en Securonix, donde llevó a la compañía a convertirse en un importante unicornio en ciberseguridad. Su carrera incluye roles de liderazgo en Ivanti, SAP y BMC Software. Actualmente, forma parte de las juntas de TD Synnex y Corteva Agriscience.
Junto con este nombramiento, John Damgaard ha sido nombrado Presidente de la Junta. La empresa se está preparando para lanzar nuevos productos en 2025, centrándose en expandir sus capacidades de accesibilidad con inteligencia de contenido.
Siteimprove는 디지털 콘텐츠 경험을 위한 AI 기반 SaaS 플랫폼으로, Nayaki Nayyar를 새로운 CEO이자 이사회 멤버로 임명했습니다. Nayyar는 기업 소프트웨어 회사에서의 혁신 및 변혁에 관한 25년 이상의 산업 경험을 가지고 있습니다.
이전에는 Securonix의 CEO로 재직하며, 회사를 사이버 보안 분야의 주요 유니콘으로 성장시켰습니다. 그녀의 경력에는 Ivanti, SAP, BMC Software에서의 리더십 역할이 포함되어 있습니다. 현재 TD Synnex와 Corteva Agriscience의 이사회에서도 활동하고 있습니다.
이번 임명과 함께 John Damgaard가 이사회 의장으로 선임되었습니다. 회사는 2025년에 새로운 제품을 출시할 준비를 하고 있으며, 콘텐츠 인텔리전스를 통해 접근성 기능을 확장하는 데 집중하고 있습니다.
Siteimprove, la plateforme SaaS alimentée par l'IA pour les expériences de contenu numérique, a nommé Nayaki Nayyar comme nouvelle Directrice Générale et Membre du Conseil. Nayyar apporte plus de 25 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie, se concentrant sur la transformation et l'innovation au sein des entreprises de logiciels.
Auparavant, Nayyar a été PDG de Securonix, où elle a conduit l'entreprise à devenir un important unicorn dans le domaine de la cybersécurité. Sa carrière comprend des postes de leadership chez Ivanti, SAP et BMC Software. Elle siège actuellement aux conseils d'administration de TD Synnex et Corteva Agriscience.
Parallèlement à cette nomination, John Damgaard a été nommé Président du Conseil. L'entreprise se prépare à lancer de nouveaux produits en 2025, en mettant l'accent sur l'expansion de ses capacités d'accessibilité grâce à l'intelligence des contenus.
Siteimprove, die KI-gestützte SaaS-Plattform für digitale Inhaltserlebnisse, hat Nayaki Nayyar zur neuen Geschäftsführerin und Vorstandsmitglied ernannt. Nayyar bringt über 25 Jahre Branchenerfahrung in Transformation und Innovation in Unternehmen der Softwarebranche mit.
Zuvor war Nayyar als CEO bei Securonix tätig und führte das Unternehmen zu einem wichtigen Unicorn im Bereich Cybersicherheit. Ihre Karriere umfasst Führungspositionen bei Ivanti, SAP und BMC Software. Derzeit ist sie Mitglied der Aufsichtsräte von TD Synnex und Corteva Agriscience.
Zusammen mit dieser Ernennung wurde John Damgaard zum Vorsitzenden des Vorstands ernannt. Das Unternehmen bereitet sich darauf vor, 2025 neue Produkte auf den Markt zu bringen, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der Erweiterung seiner Barrierefreiheitsfunktionen durch Inhaltsintelligenz liegt.
- Appointment of experienced CEO with 25+ years in enterprise software
- New CEO's proven track record in driving company growth and transformation
- Strategic board experience with Fortune 500 companies
- Planned product expansion in 2025
- None.
Seasoned SaaS and Artificial Intelligence (AI) veteran joins Siteimprove to drive the next phase of
innovation and growth
Nayyar is a seasoned executive with over 25 years of deep industry experience in driving transformation, innovation and growth at large enterprise software companies. Most recently, as CEO at Securonix, she successfully led the company through rapid transformation and innovation to become one of largest unicorns to address cybersecurity challenges faced by organizations globally. Over the course of her career, she has driven significant growth at companies like Ivanti, SAP, and BMC Software, leading to strategic expansions and technological advancements. She also currently serves on the boards of Fortune 500 companies, TD Synnex (NYSE: SNX) and Corteva Agriscience (NYSE: CTVA).
"When it comes to delivering impactful digital experiences, I believe having an AI-powered platform with strong accessibility, analytics and search engine optimization is key for enterprises to reach their revenue, reputation and compliance goals." said Nayaki Nayyar, Chief Executive Officer at Siteimprove. "I'm excited to be joining Siteimprove at this pivotal moment as we expand our accessibility capabilities with content intelligence, enabling customers to maximize reach and return on their digital assets."
"We are pleased to welcome Nayaki to Siteimprove," said Fredrik Näslund, Board member of Siteimprove and Partner and Head of Technology & Payments at Nordic Capital Advisors. "As a seasoned executive with a strong track record of leading companies through periods of rapid innovation and growth, there couldn't be a better time for Nayaki to be at the helm of Siteimprove building on its position as a leader in the industry with a series of new products coming to market in 2025."
Simultaneously, John Damgaard has been appointed Chairman of the Board of Siteimprove. Damgaard is a highly experienced software industry executive and board director. Most recently, John served as CEO of VelocityEHS, where he still serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
To learn more about Siteimprove, please visit:
About Siteimprove:
Founded in 2003, Siteimprove empowers companies to deliver engaging, accessible and compliant digital experiences that not only perform, but matter. Today, clients spanning manufacturing, government, higher education, financial services, and healthcare rely on Siteimprove's AI-powered platform to capture their users' attention, drive engagement, and adhere to the highest accessibility standards. Based in
About Nordic Capital
Nordic Capital is a leading sector-specialist private equity investor with a resolute commitment to creating stronger, sustainable businesses through operational improvement and transformative growth. Nordic Capital focuses on selected regions and sectors where it has deep experience and a long history. Focus sectors are Healthcare, Technology & Payments, Financial Services, and Services & Industrial Tech. Key regions are
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Sarah Neuman
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What experience does Nayaki Nayyar bring to Siteimprove as the new CEO?
What are Siteimprove's plans for product development in 2025?
Who was appointed as Siteimprove's Chairman of the Board?