Exclaimer Announces Partnership with TD SYNNEX

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Exclaimer, the leading email signature management platform, has announced a new partnership with TD SYNNEX (SNX), a global IT ecosystem distributor and solutions aggregator. This collaboration expands Exclaimer's reach to managed service provider (MSP) partners in North America through TD SYNNEX's distribution network.

The partnership allows TD SYNNEX's MSP partners to offer Exclaimer's innovative email signature solution for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace to their customers. Exclaimer's platform provides centralized management of email signatures, ensuring secure and compliant communications while enabling marketing teams to create impactful, personalized signatures.

This strategic move aligns with Exclaimer's ongoing investment in North American partnerships, aiming to meet the growing demand for email signature management solutions.

Exclaimer, la principale piattaforma di gestione delle firme e-mail, ha annunciato una nuova partnership con TD SYNNEX (SNX), un distributore globale di ecosistemi IT e aggregatore di soluzioni. Questa collaborazione espande la portata di Exclaimer ai partner di fornitori di servizi gestiti (MSP) in Nord America tramite la rete di distribuzione di TD SYNNEX.

La partnership consente ai partner MSP di TD SYNNEX di offrire la soluzione innovativa di firma e-mail di Exclaimer per Microsoft 365 e Google Workspace ai loro clienti. La piattaforma di Exclaimer fornisce una gestione centralizzata delle firme e-mail, garantendo comunicazioni sicure e conformi, mentre consente ai team di marketing di creare firme personalizzate e impattanti.

Questo passo strategico si allinea con il continuo investimento di Exclaimer nelle partnership nordamericane, mirando a soddisfare la crescente domanda di soluzioni per la gestione delle firme e-mail.

Exclaimer, la plataforma líder en gestión de firmas de correo electrónico, ha anunciado una nueva asociación con TD SYNNEX (SNX), un distribuidor global de ecosistemas de TI y agregador de soluciones. Esta colaboración amplía el alcance de Exclaimer a los socios de proveedores de servicios gestionados (MSP) en América del Norte a través de la red de distribución de TD SYNNEX.

La asociación permite a los socios MSP de TD SYNNEX ofrecer la innovadora solución de firmas de correo electrónico de Exclaimer para Microsoft 365 y Google Workspace a sus clientes. La plataforma de Exclaimer proporciona gestión centralizada de firmas de correo electrónico, asegurando comunicaciones seguras y conformes, mientras permite a los equipos de marketing crear firmas personalizadas e impactantes.

Este movimiento estratégico se alinea con la continua inversión de Exclaimer en asociaciones en América del Norte, buscando satisfacer la creciente demanda de soluciones de gestión de firmas de correo electrónico.

Exclaimer는 이메일 서명 관리 플랫폼의 선두주자로서 TD SYNNEX (SNX)와의 새로운 파트너십을 발표했습니다. TD SYNNEX는 글로벌 IT 생태계 유통업체이자 솔루션 집합체입니다. 이 협업은 Exclaimer의 북미 관리 서비스 제공업체(MSP) 파트너에 대한 Reach를 확장합니다 TD SYNNEX의 유통 네트워크를 통해 이루어집니다.

이 파트너십은 TD SYNNEX의 MSP 파트너가 고객에게 Microsoft 365 및 Google Workspace를 위한 Exclaimer의 혁신적인 이메일 서명 솔루션을 제공할 수 있게 합니다. Exclaimer의 플랫폼은 이메일 서명의 중앙 집중 관리 기능을 제공하여 안전하고 규정을 준수하는 커뮤니케이션을 보장하며, 마케팅 팀이 영향력 있는 개인화된 서명을 생성할 수 있도록 합니다.

이 전략적 이동은 Exclaimer의 북미 파트너십에 대한 지속적인 투자와 일치하며, 이메일 서명 관리 솔루션에 대한 증가하는 수요를 충족하고자 합니다.

Exclaimer, la principale plateforme de gestion des signatures e-mail, a annoncé un nouveau partenariat avec TD SYNNEX (SNX), un distributeur mondial d'écosystèmes IT et agrégateur de solutions. Cette collaboration élargit la portée d'Exclaimer aux partenaires fournisseurs de services gérés (MSP) en Amérique du Nord grâce au réseau de distribution de TD SYNNEX.

Le partenariat permet aux partenaires MSP de TD SYNNEX d'offrir la solution innovante de signature e-mail d'Exclaimer pour Microsoft 365 et Google Workspace à leurs clients. La plateforme d'Exclaimer fournit une gestion centralisée des signatures e-mail, garantissant des communications sécurisées et conformes tout en permettant aux équipes marketing de créer des signatures percutantes et personnalisées.

Ce mouvement stratégique est en phase avec les investissements continus d'Exclaimer dans les partenariats nord-américains, visant à répondre à la demande croissante de solutions de gestion des signatures e-mail.

Exclaimer, die führende Plattform für das Management von E-Mail-Signaturen, hat eine neue Partnerschaft mit TD SYNNEX (SNX) bekannt gegeben, einem globalen Distributor von IT-Ökosystemen und Lösungsaggregatoren. Diese Zusammenarbeit erweitert Exclaimers Reichweite zu Managed Service Provider (MSP)-Partnern in Nordamerika durch das Vertriebsnetz von TD SYNNEX.

Die Partnerschaft ermöglicht es den MSP-Partnern von TD SYNNEX, Exclaimers innovative E-Mail-Signaturlösung für Microsoft 365 und Google Workspace ihren Kunden anzubieten. Die Plattform von Exclaimer bietet eine zentrale Verwaltung der E-Mail-Signaturen, gewährleistet sichere und konforme Kommunikation und ermöglicht Marketingteams, eindrucksvolle, personalisierte Signaturen zu erstellen.

Dieser strategische Schritt steht im Einklang mit Exclaimers fortlaufenden Investitionen in nordamerikanische Partnerschaften und zielt darauf ab, der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Lösungen zur Verwaltung von E-Mail-Signaturen gerecht zu werden.

  • Expansion of Exclaimer's distribution network in North America
  • Access to TD SYNNEX's extensive MSP partner base
  • Potential for increased market reach and customer acquisition
  • Enhanced offering for TD SYNNEX's MSP partners
  • None.

Collaboration Extends Exclaimer's Reach to Meet Demand for Email Signature Management Solutions

LONDON, Sept. 12, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Exclaimer, the leading email signature management platform, today announced a new partnership with TD SYNNEX, a leading global distributor and solutions aggregator for the IT ecosystem. This new collaboration widens the availability of Exclaimer's best-in-class email signature solution to managed service provider (MSP) partners in North America through TD SYNNEX's distribution network.

"We're thrilled to partner with TD SYNNEX, whose global reach means more organizations will have access to our innovative and game-changing email signature technology, along with top-tier support from a network of highly regarded MSPs," said Shawn Berry, Global Head of Distribution at Exclaimer. "Together with TD SYNNEX, MSP partners can empower their customers to personalize email signatures seamlessly bringing them new opportunities for growth and efficiency."

Through this partnership, customers of TD SYNNEX's MSP partners can amplify their email communications through Exclaimer's innovative solution for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. The user-friendly interface allows non-technical users to centrally manage email signatures, freeing up valuable IT resources. Exclaimer customers also benefit from secure and compliant email communications backed by industry standards like GDPR and HIPAA. Meanwhile, marketing teams can create impactful, cost-effective audience engagement with consistent, compliant, and personalized email signatures.

"TD SYNNEX is committed to uniting IT solutions that deliver business outcomes today and unlock growth for the future," said Jessica McDowell, SVP of Business Development and Security Strategy at TD SYNNEX. "With Exclaimer added to our vast portfolio of vendor partners, we're able to enrich the breadth and depth of our MSP offerings so customers can do great things with technology."

This new collaboration continues Exclaimer's path of investment into strategic partnerships in North America. To learn more about Exclaimer visit:, and to hear more about the Exclaimer Partner Network, visit:

About Exclaimer
Exclaimer is the industry's leading provider of email signature solutions, empowering businesses to unlock the potential of email as a key digital advertising channel. With its award-winning tools, organizations can simplify the management of email signatures to deliver consistent branding, promote marketing campaigns and company news, gather real-time customer feedback, and much more. 

Over 60,000 organizations in 150+ countries rely on Exclaimer for their email signature solutions. Its diverse customer base includes Sony, Mattel, Bank of America, NBC, the Government of Canada, the BBC, and the Academy Awards. For more information, visit or follow Exclaimer on Facebook, LinkedIn, and X (formerly Twitter). 

TD SYNNEX (NYSE: SNX) is a leading global distributor and solutions aggregator for the IT ecosystem. We're an innovative partner helping more than 150,000 customers in 100+ countries to maximize the value of technology investments, demonstrate business outcomes and unlock growth opportunities. Headquartered in Clearwater, Florida, and Fremont, California, TD SYNNEX's 23,000 co-workers are dedicated to uniting compelling IT products, services and solutions from 2,500+ best-in-class technology vendors. Our edge-to-cloud portfolio is anchored in some of the highest-growth technology segments including cloud, cybersecurity, big data/analytics, IoT, mobility and everything as a service. TD SYNNEX is committed to serving customers and communities, and we believe we can have a positive impact on our people and our planet, intentionally acting as a respected corporate citizen. We aspire to be a diverse and inclusive employer of choice for talent across the IT ecosystem. For more information, visit, follow our newsroom or follow us on TwitterLinkedInFacebook and Instagram.

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What is the new partnership announced by Exclaimer and how does it affect TD SYNNEX (SNX)?

Exclaimer has partnered with TD SYNNEX (SNX) to distribute its email signature management solution through TD SYNNEX's network of managed service providers (MSPs) in North America. This collaboration enhances TD SYNNEX's portfolio of vendor partners and expands Exclaimer's market reach.

What benefits does the Exclaimer partnership bring to TD SYNNEX (SNX) customers?

TD SYNNEX (SNX) customers, particularly MSPs, can now offer Exclaimer's email signature solution for Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace. This provides centralized management of email signatures, ensures compliance with standards like GDPR and HIPAA, and allows for creation of personalized, impactful email signatures.

How does the partnership between Exclaimer and TD SYNNEX (SNX) impact North American MSPs?

The partnership gives North American MSPs in TD SYNNEX's (SNX) network access to Exclaimer's email signature management platform. This allows them to expand their service offerings, potentially leading to new growth opportunities and increased efficiency for their customers.

What is Exclaimer's strategy behind the partnership with TD SYNNEX (SNX)?

Exclaimer's partnership with TD SYNNEX (SNX) is part of its ongoing investment in strategic partnerships in North America. This move aims to widen the availability of Exclaimer's email signature solution and meet the growing demand for email signature management technologies in the region.

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