1Password Partners with TD SYNNEX

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1Password, a leader in identity security, has announced a strategic partnership with TD SYNNEX, a global IT ecosystem distributor and solutions aggregator. This collaboration aims to expand the reach of 1Password's Extended Access Management (XAM) solution across North America, addressing the security challenges of modern workplaces.

The partnership leverages TD SYNNEX's extensive distribution network and operational capabilities to deliver 1Password's comprehensive security solution, which protects unmanaged apps and devices, filling the 'Access-Trust Gap' left by traditional IAM and MDM solutions. This alliance will involve joint go-to-market initiatives, including co-branded marketing and shared resources, enhancing market visibility for both companies.

Monica Jain, Head of Global GTM Partnerships at 1Password, emphasized the increasing demand for XAM and the strategic fit with TD SYNNEX's expertise in cloud distribution and value-added services. Jim MacBride from TD SYNNEX highlighted the partnership's potential to enrich their cybersecurity portfolio in a critical sector for their partners.

1Password, leader nella sicurezza dell'identità, ha annunciato una partnership strategica con TD SYNNEX, un distributore globale di ecosistemi IT e aggregatore di soluzioni. Questa collaborazione mira ad ampliare la portata della soluzione di Gestione Accesso Esteso (XAM) di 1Password in Nord America, affrontando le sfide di sicurezza dei moderni ambienti di lavoro.

La partnership sfrutta l'ampia rete di distribuzione e le capacità operative di TD SYNNEX per fornire la soluzione di sicurezza completa di 1Password, che protegge applicazioni e dispositivi non gestiti, colmando il 'Divario di Accesso-Fiducia' lasciato dalle tradizionali soluzioni IAM e MDM. Questa alleanza coinvolgerà iniziative comuni di go-to-market, tra cui marketing co-branded e risorse condivise, migliorando la visibilità di mercato per entrambe le aziende.

Monica Jain, Responsabile delle Partnership Globali GTM in 1Password, ha sottolineato la crescente domanda di XAM e l'allineamento strategico con l'expertise di TD SYNNEX nella distribuzione cloud e nei servizi a valore aggiunto. Jim MacBride di TD SYNNEX ha evidenziato il potenziale della partnership di arricchire il loro portfolio di cybersicurezza in un settore critico per i loro partner.

1Password, líder en seguridad de identidad, ha anunciado una asociación estratégica con TD SYNNEX, un distribuidor global del ecosistema de TI y agregador de soluciones. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo expandir el alcance de la solución de Gestión de Acceso Extendido (XAM) de 1Password en América del Norte, abordando los desafíos de seguridad de los lugares de trabajo modernos.

La asociación aprovecha la amplia red de distribución y las capacidades operativas de TD SYNNEX para entregar la solución de seguridad integral de 1Password, que protege aplicaciones y dispositivos no administrados, llenando el 'Hoyo de Acceso-Fiducia' dejado por las soluciones tradicionales de IAM y MDM. Esta alianza involucrará iniciativas conjuntas de comercialización, que incluyen marketing co-branded y recursos compartidos, mejorando la visibilidad del mercado para ambas compañías.

Monica Jain, Jefa de asociaciones globales de GTM en 1Password, enfatizó la creciente demanda de XAM y la adecuación estratégica con la experiencia de TD SYNNEX en distribución en la nube y servicios de valor añadido. Jim MacBride de TD SYNNEX destacó el potencial de la asociación para enriquecer su portafolio de ciberseguridad en un sector crítico para sus socios.

1Password는 아이덴티티 보안 분야의 선두주자로서 글로벌 IT 생태계 배급자이자 솔루션 통합업체인 TD SYNNEX와 전략적 파트너십을 발표했습니다. 이 협력은 북미 전역에서 1Password의 확장된 액세스 관리(XAM) 솔루션의 범위를 확장하여 현대 직장에서의 보안 문제를 해결하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

파트너십은 TD SYNNEX의 방대한 배급 네트워크와 운영 능력을 활용하여 관리되지 않는 앱과 장치를 보호하는 1Password의 종합 보안 솔루션을 제공하며, 전통적인 IAM 및 MDM 솔루션이 남긴 '액세스-신뢰 격차'를 메웁니다. 이 연합은 공동 마케팅 및 자원 공유를 포함한 공동 시장 진입 이니셔티브를 포함하여 두 회사의 시장 가시성을 향상시킬 것입니다.

Monica Jain, 1Password의 글로벌 GTM 파트너십 책임자는 XAM에 대한 수요 증가와 TD SYNNEX의 클라우드 배급 및 부가가치 서비스에 대한 전문성과의 전략적 적합성을 강조했습니다. TD SYNNEX의 Jim MacBride는 파트너십이 그들의 파트너에게 중요한 분야에서 사이버 보안 포트폴리오를 풍부하게 만들 수 있는 잠재력을 강조했습니다.

1Password, leader en sécurité des identités, a annoncé un partenariat stratégique avec TD SYNNEX, un distributeur mondial d'écosystèmes informatiques et un agrégateur de solutions. Cette collaboration vise à étendre la portée de la solution de Gestion d'Accès Élargi (XAM) de 1Password en Amérique du Nord, afin de relever les défis de sécurité des lieux de travail modernes.

Le partenariat tire parti du vaste réseau de distribution et des capacités opérationnelles de TD SYNNEX pour offrir la solution de sécurité complète de 1Password, qui protège les applications et appareils non gérés, comblant ainsi le 'GAP d'Accès-Confiance' laissé par les solutions IAM et MDM traditionnelles. Cette alliance impliquera des initiatives communes sur le marché, y compris des actions de marketing co-brandées et des ressources partagées, renforçant ainsi la visibilité sur le marché pour les deux entreprises.

Monica Jain, Responsable des Partenariats GTM au niveau mondial chez 1Password, a souligné la demande croissante pour le XAM et l'adéquation stratégique avec l'expertise de TD SYNNEX en matière de distribution cloud et de services à valeur ajoutée. Jim MacBride de TD SYNNEX a souligné le potentiel de ce partenariat pour enrichir leur portefeuille de cybersécurité dans un secteur critique pour leurs partenaires.

1Password, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich Identitätssicherheit, hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit TD SYNNEX angekündigt, einem globalen Distributor von IT-Ökosystemen und Lösungsaggregatoren. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Reichweite der Extended Access Management (XAM)-Lösung von 1Password in Nordamerika zu erweitern und die Sicherheitsherausforderungen moderner Arbeitsplätze anzusprechen.

Die Partnerschaft nutzt das umfangreiche Vertriebsnetz und die Betriebskapazitäten von TD SYNNEX, um die umfassende Sicherheitslösung von 1Password bereitzustellen, die unmanaged Apps und Geräte schützt und die 'Access-Trust-Lücke' schließt, die von traditionellen IAM- und MDM-Lösungen hinterlassen wird. Diese Allianz wird gemeinsame Markteinführungsinitiativen umfassen, darunter co-branded Marketing und geteilte Ressourcen, die die Marktpräsenz beider Unternehmen verbessern.

Monica Jain, Leiterin der globalen GTM-Partnerschaften bei 1Password, betonte die zunehmende Nachfrage nach XAM und die strategische Passung mit der Expertise von TD SYNNEX in der Cloud-Verteilung und den Mehrwertdiensten. Jim MacBride von TD SYNNEX hob das Potenzial der Partnerschaft hervor, ihr Cybersecurity-Portfolio in einem kritischen Sektor für ihre Partner zu bereichern.

  • Strategic partnership with TD SYNNEX expands 1Password's market reach
  • Addresses growing demand for Extended Access Management (XAM) solutions
  • Fills the 'Access-Trust Gap' in cybersecurity for modern workplaces
  • Joint go-to-market initiatives to enhance visibility and distribution
  • None.


This partnership between 1Password and TD SYNNEX marks a significant expansion in the distribution of Extended Access Management (XAM) solutions. The collaboration addresses critical security challenges in today's hybrid work environments, particularly the "Access-Trust Gap" in unmanaged apps and devices. This move could potentially increase 1Password's market penetration and revenue streams.

Key points to consider:

  • Enhanced distribution network through TD SYNNEX's extensive reach
  • Addressing the growing demand for comprehensive security solutions in remote and BYOD scenarios
  • Potential for accelerated growth and market expansion for 1Password
  • Strengthening of TD SYNNEX's cybersecurity portfolio with a cutting-edge XAM solution

While this partnership shows promise, investors should monitor its execution and impact on 1Password's financial performance in the coming quarters. The success of this collaboration could influence SNX's position in the cybersecurity distribution market.

This strategic partnership has several implications for the cybersecurity market and SNX's position:

  • Market Expansion: TD SYNNEX gains access to 1Password's innovative XAM solution, potentially attracting new customers and increasing its market share in the cybersecurity sector.
  • Competitive Advantage: The addition of 1Password's XAM to TD SYNNEX's portfolio differentiates its offerings in a crowded market, potentially leading to increased sales and customer retention.
  • Revenue Growth: As demand for comprehensive security solutions rises, this partnership could drive significant revenue growth for both companies, positively impacting SNX's financial performance.
  • Industry Trend Alignment: This collaboration aligns with the growing trend towards integrated, cloud-based security solutions, positioning SNX favorably in the evolving cybersecurity landscape.

Investors should watch for changes in SNX's cybersecurity segment performance and overall market positioning as a result of this partnership.

Businesses to secure every sign-in to every app from every device with 1Password Extended Access Management

TORONTO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- 1Password, a leader in identity security, today announced a new strategic partnership with TD SYNNEX, a leading global distributor and solutions aggregator for the IT ecosystem. Leveraging TD SYNNEX’s extensive distribution network and robust logistical and operational capabilities, the partnership will enable businesses across North America to secure every sign-in to every app from every device with 1Password’s category-defining Extended Access Management (XAM) solution.

“We’ve experienced unprecedented demand for 1Password Extended Access Management. Partnering with TD SYNNEX will help us scale to more businesses who aim to secure the modern workforce amidst the challenges of remote and hybrid workplaces, BYOD, and unmanaged applications,” said Monica Jain, Head of Global GTM Partnerships at 1Password. “TD SYNNEX’s expertise in cloud distribution and value-added services aligns perfectly with our mission to deliver a more robust security solution to our customers. With deep technical knowledge and an expensive partner network, this partnership will enable us to expand our reach and accelerate our go-to-market motions.”

Zero Trust requires that every person, device, and login is validated, but it assumes all of these elements are known. 1Password Extended Access Management protects unmanaged apps and devices, providing a comprehensive solution that fills what 1Password calls the ‘Access-Trust Gap’—the discrepancy between the number of sign-ins to a system that is fully trusted and those that are not—left by traditional identity and access management (IAM) and mobile device management (MDM) solutions. This provides a path towards securing and enabling shadow IT and validating the health of devices—all while providing the insights and controls businesses need to secure the modern workforce.

TD SYNNEX’s world-class cybersecurity portfolio offers comprehensive security solutions that maximize business efficiency through reliability, scalability, and flexibility. Through this partnership, 1Password and TD SYNNEX will collaborate on joint go-to-market initiatives, including co-branded marketing, shared resources, and enhanced market visibility.

“TD SYNNEX is committed to uniting IT solutions that deliver business outcomes today and unlock growth for the future,” said Jim MacBride, Senior Director, Business Development, Security at TD SYNNEX. “With 1Password added to our vast portfolio, we’re able to enrich the breadth and depth of our cybersecurity offerings in a critical sector for our partners.”

To learn more about 1Password’s partnership with TD SYNNEX, visit

About 1Password

Trusted by over 150,000 businesses and millions of consumers, 1Password offers identity security and access management solutions built for the way people work and live today. 1Password is on a mission to eliminate the conflict between security and productivity while securing every sign-in for every app on every device. As the provider of the most-used enterprise password manager, 1Password continues to innovate on its strong foundation to offer security solutions relied upon by companies of all sizes, including Associated Press, Salesforce, Canva, Under Armour, and Intercom.


TD SYNNEX (NYSE: SNX) is a leading global distributor and solutions aggregator for the IT ecosystem. We’re an innovative partner helping more than 150,000 customers in 100+ countries to maximize the value of technology investments, demonstrate business outcomes and unlock growth opportunities. Headquartered in Clearwater, Florida, and Fremont, California, TD SYNNEX’s 23,000 co-workers are dedicated to uniting compelling IT products, services and solutions from 2,500+ best-in-class technology vendors. Our edge-to-cloud portfolio is anchored in some of the highest-growth technology segments including cloud, cybersecurity, big data/analytics, AI, IoT, mobility and everything as a service. TD SYNNEX is committed to serving customers and communities, and we believe we can have a positive impact on our people and our planet, intentionally acting as a respected corporate citizen. We aspire to be a diverse and inclusive employer of choice for talent across the IT ecosystem. For more information, visit, follow our newsroom or find us on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.



Source: 1Password


What is the purpose of 1Password's partnership with TD SYNNEX (SNX)?

The partnership aims to expand the distribution of 1Password's Extended Access Management (XAM) solution across North America, leveraging TD SYNNEX's extensive network to address security challenges in modern workplaces.

How does 1Password's XAM solution differ from traditional security measures?

1Password's XAM solution protects unmanaged apps and devices, filling the 'Access-Trust Gap' left by traditional identity and access management (IAM) and mobile device management (MDM) solutions, providing a more comprehensive security approach.

What joint initiatives will 1Password and TD SYNNEX (SNX) undertake in this partnership?

The companies will collaborate on joint go-to-market initiatives, including co-branded marketing, shared resources, and enhanced market visibility to promote 1Password's XAM solution through TD SYNNEX's distribution channels.

How does this partnership benefit TD SYNNEX (SNX)?

The partnership allows TD SYNNEX to enrich its cybersecurity portfolio by adding 1Password's XAM solution, enhancing its offerings in a critical sector for its partners and potentially driving business growth.

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