Synovus wins 15 Best Bank awards from Coalition Greenwich
Synovus Bank has been awarded 15 Coalition Greenwich Best Bank awards for 2025, recognizing its exceptional performance in U.S. Small Business Banking and Middle Market Banking during 2024. The awards, determined through evaluation of over 500 banks and interviews with thousands of executives, highlight Synovus's excellence in serving businesses with sales ranging from $1-$10 million (small business) and $10-$500 million (middle market).
The bank received eight awards in Small Business Banking, including recognition for Customer Service, Trust, and Product Capabilities in Cash Management. In Middle Market Banking, Synovus earned seven awards, notably for Overall Satisfaction and Long-Term Relationships. Both categories acknowledged the bank's strength in the South region for Relationship Manager satisfaction.
These accolades from Crisil Coalition Greenwich, a global provider of strategic benchmarking and financial services insights, were based on superior weighted-average scores measuring service and product quality.
Synovus Bank ha ricevuto 15 premi Coalition Greenwich Best Bank per il 2025, riconoscendo le sue eccezionali performance nel settore della Banca per Piccole Imprese e della Banca per il Mercato Intermedio durante il 2024. I premi, determinati attraverso la valutazione di oltre 500 banche e interviste con migliaia di dirigenti, evidenziano l'eccellenza di Synovus nel servire le aziende con vendite che vanno da 1 a 10 milioni di dollari (piccole imprese) e da 10 a 500 milioni di dollari (mercato intermedio).
La banca ha ricevuto otto premi nella Banca per Piccole Imprese, inclusi riconoscimenti per il Servizio Clienti, la Fiducia e le Capacità di Prodotto nella Gestione della Liquidità. Nella Banca per il Mercato Intermedio, Synovus ha guadagnato sette premi, in particolare per la Soddisfazione Complessiva e le Relazioni a Lungo Termine. Entrambe le categorie hanno riconosciuto la forza della banca nella regione del Sud per la soddisfazione dei Manager delle Relazioni.
Questi riconoscimenti da parte di Crisil Coalition Greenwich, un fornitore globale di benchmarking strategico e di approfondimenti sui servizi finanziari, si basano su punteggi medi ponderati superiori che misurano la qualità del servizio e del prodotto.
Synovus Bank ha sido galardonado con 15 premios Coalition Greenwich Best Bank para 2025, reconociendo su excepcional desempeño en la Banca para Pequeñas Empresas y la Banca para el Mercado Intermedio durante 2024. Los premios, determinados a través de la evaluación de más de 500 bancos y entrevistas con miles de ejecutivos, destacan la excelencia de Synovus en el servicio a empresas con ventas que oscilan entre 1 y 10 millones de dólares (pequeñas empresas) y de 10 a 500 millones de dólares (mercado intermedio).
El banco recibió ocho premios en Banca para Pequeñas Empresas, incluidos reconocimientos por Servicio al Cliente, Confianza y Capacidades de Producto en Gestión de Efectivo. En Banca para el Mercado Intermedio, Synovus obtuvo siete premios, notablemente por Satisfacción General y Relaciones a Largo Plazo. Ambas categorías reconocieron la fortaleza del banco en la región del Sur por la satisfacción de los Gerentes de Relaciones.
Estos reconocimientos de Crisil Coalition Greenwich, un proveedor global de benchmarking estratégico y conocimientos sobre servicios financieros, se basaron en puntuaciones promedio ponderadas superiores que miden la calidad del servicio y del producto.
Synovus Bank는 2025년을 위한 15개의 Coalition Greenwich Best Bank 상을 수상하였으며, 이는 2024년 동안 미국의 중소기업 은행업 및 중형 시장 은행업에서의 뛰어난 성과를 인정받은 것입니다. 이 상은 500개 이상의 은행을 평가하고 수천 명의 경영진과 인터뷰를 통해 결정되었으며, Synovus가 100만 달러에서 1천만 달러(중소기업) 및 1천만 달러에서 5억 달러(중형 시장) 사이의 매출을 가진 기업을 지원하는 데 있어 우수성을 강조합니다.
은행은 중소기업 은행업 부문에서 고객 서비스, 신뢰 및 현금 관리 제품 능력에 대한 인정을 포함하여 8개의 상을 받았습니다. 중형 시장 은행업에서는 Synovus가 전반적인 만족도 및 장기 관계에 대해 7개의 상을 수상했습니다. 두 카테고리 모두 관계 관리자 만족도에 대한 은행의 강점을 남부 지역에서 인정했습니다.
Crisil Coalition Greenwich로부터 받은 이러한 상은 서비스 및 제품 품질을 측정하는 우수한 가중 평균 점수를 기반으로 하고 있습니다.
Synovus Bank a reçu 15 prix Coalition Greenwich Best Bank pour 2025, reconnaissant ses performances exceptionnelles dans le secteur de la Banque pour Petites Entreprises et de la Banque pour le Marché Intermédiaire durant 2024. Les prix, déterminés par l'évaluation de plus de 500 banques et des interviews avec des milliers de dirigeants, mettent en lumière l'excellence de Synovus dans le service des entreprises ayant des ventes allant de 1 à 10 millions de dollars (petites entreprises) et de 10 à 500 millions de dollars (marché intermédiaire).
La banque a reçu huit prix dans le secteur de la Banque pour Petites Entreprises, y compris la reconnaissance pour le Service Client, la Confiance et les Capacités de Produit en Gestion de Trésorerie. Dans la Banque pour le Marché Intermédiaire, Synovus a remporté sept prix, notamment pour la Satisfaction Globale et les Relations à Long Terme. Les deux catégories ont reconnu la force de la banque dans la région du Sud pour la satisfaction des Responsables de Relations.
Ces distinctions de Crisil Coalition Greenwich, un fournisseur mondial de benchmarking stratégique et d'analyses des services financiers, se basent sur des scores moyens pondérés supérieurs mesurant la qualité du service et du produit.
Synovus Bank wurde mit 15 Coalition Greenwich Best Bank Auszeichnungen für 2025 ausgezeichnet, die seine außergewöhnliche Leistung im Bereich der US-Kleinstunternehmen und der Mittelstandsbanken im Jahr 2024 anerkennen. Die Auszeichnungen wurden durch die Bewertung von über 500 Banken und Interviews mit Tausenden von Führungskräften ermittelt und heben die Exzellenz von Synovus bei der Betreuung von Unternehmen mit Umsätzen zwischen 1 und 10 Millionen Dollar (Kleinunternehmen) und 10 bis 500 Millionen Dollar (Mittelstand) hervor.
Die Bank erhielt acht Auszeichnungen im Bereich der Kleinstunternehmen, darunter Anerkennung für Kundenservice, Vertrauen und Produktfähigkeiten im Cash-Management. Im Bereich der Mittelstandsbanken erhielt Synovus sieben Auszeichnungen, insbesondere für die allgemeine Zufriedenheit und langfristige Beziehungen. Beide Kategorien würdigten die Stärke der Bank in der Südstaatenregion in Bezug auf die Zufriedenheit der Beziehungsmanager.
Diese Auszeichnungen von Crisil Coalition Greenwich, einem globalen Anbieter von strategischem Benchmarking und Finanzdienstleistungsanalysen, basieren auf überlegenen gewichteten Durchschnittswerten zur Messung von Service- und Produktqualität.
- None.
- None.
These awards from Crisil Coalition Greenwich, a global provider of strategic benchmarking, analytics and insights into the financial services industry, recognize exceptional service quality to small and middle market businesses.
“When we put relationships first, success follows for our clients and the bank,” said Synovus Chairman, CEO and President Kevin Blair. “This honor from Crisil Coalition Greenwich reinforces the trust we’ve built with clients and inspires us to act bolder in delivering exceptional value to them.”
Now consolidated and renamed as Best Bank awards for 2025, the awards continue to recognize the bank's ongoing excellence and performance in middle market and small business banking.
To determine the winners, Crisil Coalition Greenwich evaluated more than 500 banks and interviewed thousands of executives of small businesses with sales of
The Best Bank awards set the gold standard for the industry as defined by superior weighted-average scores that measure the quality of service and products by providers.
Coalition Greenwich Best Bank Award – Small Business Banking in the
Best Bank – Values Long-Term Relationships
Best Bank – Customer Service
Best Bank – Satisfaction with Relationship Managers
Best Bank – Ease of Making Payments
Best Bank – Ease of Doing Business
Best Bank – Product Capabilities in Cash Management
Best Bank – Trust
Best Bank – Satisfaction with Relationship Managers (South)
Coalition Greenwich Best Bank Award – Middle Market Banking in the
- Best Bank – Values Long-Term Relationships
- Best Bank – Satisfaction with Relationship Managers
- Best Bank – Overall Satisfaction
- Best Bank – Ease of Making Payments
- Best Bank – Ease of Doing Business
- Best Bank – Trust
- Best Bank – Satisfaction with Relationship Managers (South)
Synovus Bank, a
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Audria Belton
Source: Synovus Financial Corp.
How many Coalition Greenwich Best Bank awards did Synovus (SNV) win for 2025?
What business segments were evaluated for Synovus's (SNV) 2025 Greenwich awards?
What specific categories did Synovus (SNV) win in Small Business Banking for 2025?
How did Coalition Greenwich determine the 2025 Best Bank award winners for Synovus (SNV)?