Smith+Nephew’s ALLEVYN™ LIFE Sacrum Foam Dressing and LEAF™ Patient Monitoring System receive ‘favorable’ Evidence Bar™ ratings from ECRI for pressure injury prevention
Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN) announces ECRI's upgraded 'favorable' Evidence Bar ratings for their ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam Dressings and LEAF Patient Monitoring System in pressure injury prevention. The ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam Dressing features a multilayer design for managing chronic and acute wounds, while the LEAF System is a wireless solution improving turn protocol adherence up to 98% and reducing hospital-acquired pressure injuries odds by 73%.
The LEAF System has demonstrated improved nursing efficiencies and generated up to $1.8 million estimated annual cost savings in one facility's critical care units. Hospital-acquired pressure injuries cost an estimated 60,000 lives and $26.8 billion in the US annually. These ratings strengthen Smith+Nephew's position in pressure injury prevention solutions.
Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN) annuncia l'aggiornamento da parte di ECRI delle valutazioni 'favorevoli' per le loro ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam Dressings e il LEAF Patient Monitoring System nella prevenzione delle lesioni da pressione. Il bendaggio ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam presenta un design multilayer per la gestione di ferite croniche e acute, mentre il sistema LEAF è una soluzione wireless che migliora l'aderenza ai protocolli di mobilizzazione fino al 98% e riduce le probabilità di lesioni da pressione acquisite in ospedale del 73%.
Il sistema LEAF ha dimostrato di migliorare l'efficienza infermieristica e di generare risparmi sui costi stimati fino a 1,8 milioni di dollari all'anno in unità di terapia intensiva di una struttura. Le lesioni da pressione acquisite in ospedale costano ogni anno circa 60.000 vite e 26,8 miliardi di dollari negli Stati Uniti. Queste valutazioni rafforzano la posizione di Smith+Nephew nelle soluzioni per la prevenzione delle lesioni da pressione.
Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN) anuncia la actualización de ECRI de las calificaciones de 'favorables' para sus ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam Dressings y el LEAF Patient Monitoring System en la prevención de lesiones por presión. El vendaje ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam cuenta con un diseño multicapa para el manejo de heridas crónicas y agudas, mientras que el sistema LEAF es una solución inalámbrica que mejora la adherencia al protocolo de cambio de posición hasta el 98% y reduce en un 73% las probabilidades de lesiones por presión adquiridas en el hospital.
El sistema LEAF ha demostrado mejorar la eficiencia de enfermería y generar ahorros estimados de hasta 1,8 millones de dólares anuales en las unidades de cuidados críticos de una instalación. Las lesiones por presión adquiridas en el hospital costean aproximadamente 60.000 vidas y 26,8 mil millones de dólares anuales en EE.UU. Estas calificaciones refuerzan la posición de Smith+Nephew en las soluciones para la prevención de lesiones por presión.
Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN)는 ECRI의 '우수한' 평가를 받은 ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam Dressings와 LEAF Patient Monitoring System의 압력 상해 예방을 위한 성과를 발표했습니다. ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam Dressing은 만성 및 급성 상처 관리를 위한 다층 설계를 특징으로 하며, LEAF 시스템은 무선 솔루션으로 전환 프로토콜 준수율을 98%까지 개선하고 병원에서 발생하는 압력 상해의 가능성을 73% 줄여줍니다.
LEAF 시스템은 간호 효율성을 향상시키고 한 시설의 중환자실에서 연간 최대 180만 달러의 비용 절감을 생성했습니다. 병원에서 발생하는 압력 상해는 매년 약 6만 명의 생명과 268억 달러의 비용이 발생합니다. 이러한 평가는 Smith+Nephew의 압력 상해 예방 솔루션에서의 입지를 강화합니다.
Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN) annonce la mise à jour par l'ECRI de ses notations 'favorables' pour leurs ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam Dressings et le LEAF Patient Monitoring System en matière de prévention des lésions par pression. Le bandage ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam présente un design multicouche pour la gestion des plaies chroniques et aiguës, tandis que le système LEAF est une solution sans fil qui améliore l'adhérence aux protocoles de changement de position jusqu'à 98 % et réduit de 73 % les risques de lésions par pression acquises à l'hôpital.
Le système LEAF a démontré une amélioration de l'efficacité des soins infirmiers et a généré des économies de coûts estimées à 1,8 million de dollars par an dans les unités de soins intensifs d'un établissement. Les lésions des tissus cutanés acquises à l'hôpital coûtent environ 60 000 vies et 26,8 milliards de dollars chaque année aux États-Unis. Ces notations renforcent la position de Smith+Nephew dans les solutions de prévention des lésions par pression.
Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN) gibt die aktualisierten 'günstigen' Evidence-Bar-Bewertungen von ECRI für ihre ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam Dressings und das LEAF Patient Monitoring System zur Prävention von Druckgeschwüren bekannt. Der ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam Verband verfügt über ein Mehrlagendesign zur Behandlung chronischer und akuter Wunden, während das LEAF-System eine drahtlose Lösung ist, die die Einhaltung des Lagerungsprotokolls um bis zu 98 % verbessert und die Wahrscheinlichkeit von im Krankenhaus erworbenen Druckgeschwüren um 73 % senkt.
Das LEAF-System hat eine verbesserte Pflegeeffizienz gezeigt und Einsparungen von bis zu 1,8 Millionen Dollar pro Jahr in den Intensivstationen einer Einrichtung generiert. Im Krankenhaus erworbene Druckgeschwüre kosten jährlich schätzungsweise 60.000 Leben und 26,8 Milliarden Dollar in den USA. Diese Bewertungen stärken die Position von Smith+Nephew im Bereich der Lösungen zur Prävention von Druckgeschwüren.
- ECRI upgraded ratings to 'favorable' for both ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum and LEAF System
- LEAF System improves turn protocol adherence up to 98%
- LEAF System reduces hospital-acquired pressure injuries odds by 73%
- LEAF System generates up to $1.8M annual cost savings per facility's critical care units
- None.
The ECRI's upgraded 'favorable' Evidence Bar rating for both the ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam Dressing and LEAF Patient Monitoring System represents a significant clinical validation in the pressure injury prevention market. The LEAF system's demonstrated ability to improve turn protocol adherence to
The annual cost implications are substantial - with HAPIs costing
This dual validation strengthens Smith+Nephew's position in the advanced wound care market, particularly important given that pressure injuries claim approximately 60,000 lives annually in the US. The combination of mechanical protection and digital monitoring creates a comprehensive prevention strategy that aligns with current healthcare trends toward evidence-based, technology-enabled care solutions.
The ECRI validation carries substantial weight in healthcare purchasing decisions and insurance coverage determinations. This favorable rating could accelerate institutional adoption and potentially improve reimbursement prospects for both products. The demonstrated cost savings of up to
The market impact extends beyond direct product revenues. With pressure injuries representing a
Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN), the global medical technology company, today announces that ECRI – leaders in advancing evidence-based healthcare globally - have completed updated Clinical Evidence Assessments of ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam Dressings and the LEAF Patient Monitoring System. In their latest reports, ECRI upgraded its Evidence Bar ratings for both to favorable* after assessing the most recently published clinical evidence and key outcomes for pressure injury prevention.
The ECRI Evidence Bar provides a visual representation of ECRI’s view of the benefits and harms of the technology. Their reports, ratings and conclusions do not constitute a recommendation or endorsement of any product or technology. ECRI is an independent and non-profit organization focused on improving the safety, quality, and cost-effectiveness of health care globally. ECRI’s Clinical Evidence Reports are utilized by third-party payers and health care providers as a means of making informed and objective evidence-based decisions.
Smith+Nephew’s ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam Dressing is indicated to manage chronic and acute exudative and granulating wounds on the sacrum and to help prevent sacral pressure injuries. The dressing has a multilayer design that includes a hydrocellular foam pad that indicates when the dressing requires changing,1,2 a perforated adhesive wound contact layer1,3,4 coated with silicone gel, a showerproof breathable outer layer, an absorbent lock-away core,5,6 and a masking layer to hide the exudate.1,2 Due to independent and non-bonded internal layers of the ALLEVYN LIFE Dressing, a layer-on-layer sliding phenomenon occurs and allows for dissipation of mechanical energy that could otherwise be transferred to the patient. This distinct mode of action could help alleviate pressure injury incidence in a patient's skin and in the underlying soft tissues.7
Smith+Nephew’s LEAF Patient Monitoring System is a wearable, wireless solution that meets the recommendations in the National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel (NPIAP) guidelines.8 The LEAF System is proven to help improve adherence to individualized turn protocols up to
Use of the LEAF System helped improve nursing efficiencies,11,12 and generated up to
“Hospital-acquired pressure injuries represent a significant burden to global healthcare systems and cost an estimated 60,000 lives14 and
ALLEVYN LIFE Foam Dressings and the LEAF Patient Monitoring System are part of Smith+Nephew’s comprehensive Advanced Wound Management portfolio – shaping what’s possible in wound care. To learn more about Smith+Nephew’s pressure injury prevention solutions, please click here.
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Media Enquiries
Dave Snyder +1 (978) 749-1440
* ECRI Evidence Bar™ Definition: A visualization of ECRI’s judgement about the balance of benefits and harms of the technology after assessing the available published clinical evidence in light of key outcomes and comparisons of interest.
† p=0.012
- Tiscar-González V, Menor-Rodríguez MJ, Rabadán-Sainz C, et al. Clinical and Economic Impact of Wound Care Using a Polyurethane Foam Multilayer Dressing. Adv Skin Wound Care. 2021;34(1):23-30.
- Simon D, Bielby A. A structured collaborative approach to appraise the clinical performance of a new product. Wounds UK. 2014;10(3):80 - 87.
- Smith+Nephew 2016.Product Performance of Next Generation ALLEVYN Life Internal Report. (HVT080) GMCA-DOF/08.
- Smith+Nephew 2016.Permeability of Hydrophillic Polyurethane Film when in contact with water and water vapour (ALLEVYN LIFE). Internal Report. RD/16/019.
- Smith+Nephew 2016.New ALLEVYN Life Gen2 wcl - Physical Testing. Internal Report. DS/15/025/R.
- Smith+Nephew 2016.Wound Model Testing of New ALLEVYN Life Gen2 wcl Dressing using Horse Serum at a Flow Rate Modelling that of a Moderately Exuding Wound. DS/14/303/R.
- Marché C, Creehan S, Gefen A. The frictional energy absorber effectiveness and its impact on the pressure ulcer prevention performance of multilayer dressings. Int Wound J. 2024; 21(4):e14871.
- European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel and Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Clinical Practice Guideline. Emily Haesler (Ed.) EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA: 2019.
- Schutt SC, Tarver C, Pezzani M. Pilot study: Assessing the effect of continual position monitoring technology on compliance with patient turning protocols. Nurs Open. 2017;5(1):21-28.
- Pickham D, Berte N, Pihulic M, Valdez A, Mayer B, Desai M. Effect of a wearable patient sensor on care delivery for preventing pressure injuries in acutely ill adults: A pragmatic randomized clinical trial (LS-HAPI study). Int J Nurs Stud. 2018;80:12-19.
- Smith+Nephew 2020.Leveraging novel technology to decrease hospital-acquired pressure injuries. Internal Report. EO.AWM.PCS006.001.v1.
- Rogers M. Reducing Hospital-Acquired Pressure Injuries (HAPI) in Long-term Acute Care with Turn Cueing Technology. Poster presented at: American Organization for Nursing Leadership; March 18- March 21, 2020; Nashville, Tennessee, USA.
- Gasparini R, Derisma Q, Hannon R. “Turning” to Technology: Reducing Hospital Acquired Pressure Injuries in Critical Care with Visual Turn Cueing. Poster presented at: National Pressure Injury Advisory Panel Annual Conference; March 10- March 12, 2021; Virtual Conference.
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality website. Preventing pressure ulcers in hospitals: a toolkit for improving quality of care. (PDF). Updated October 2014. Accessed October 2024.
- Padula WV, Delarmente BA. The national cost of hospital-acquired pressure injuries in the United States. Int Wound J. 2019;16(3):634-640.
About Smith+Nephew
Smith+Nephew is a portfolio medical technology business focused on the repair, regeneration and replacement of soft and hard tissue. We exist to restore people’s bodies and their self-belief by using technology to take the limits off living. We call this purpose ‘Life Unlimited’. Our 18,000 employees deliver this mission every day, making a difference to patients’ lives through the excellence of our product portfolio, and the invention and application of new technologies across our three global business units of Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine & ENT and Advanced Wound Management.
Founded in Hull, UK, in 1856, we now operate in more than 100 countries, and generated annual sales of
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◊ Trademark of Smith+Nephew. Certain marks registered in US Patent and Trademark Office.

What is the effectiveness of Smith+Nephew's (SNN) LEAF System in preventing pressure injuries?
How does Smith+Nephew's (SNN) ALLEVYN LIFE Sacrum Foam Dressing work?
What is the significance of ECRI's favorable rating for Smith+Nephew (SNN) products?