First cases using Smith+Nephew’s new CATALYSTEM™ Primary Hip System completed; surgeons hail precision, efficiency and reproducibility

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Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN) has announced positive feedback from the first surgical cases using its new CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System. The system, designed for primary hip surgery, features a triple-taper stem design with uniform proximal loading and reduced distal stem geometry, making it ideal for anterior approach procedures. Key features include:

1. RI.HIP NAVIGATION for enhanced patient outcomes
2. Proprietary ACCUBROACH Technology for reproducible stem seating
3. User-friendly instruments suitable for direct anterior approach
4. Superior cutting and precise feel for rotational stability

Surgeons praised the system's precision, efficiency, and anatomical fit. The CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System represents a significant advancement in hip replacement technology, combining advanced technology with patient personalization.

Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN) ha annunciato feedback positivo dai primi casi chirurgici che utilizzano il nuovo CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System. Il sistema, progettato per la chirurgia dell'anca primaria, presenta un design a stelo a triplo conico con carico prossimale uniforme e geometria dello stelo distale ridotta, rendendolo ideale per le procedure di approccio anteriore. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

1. RI.HIP NAVIGATION per migliorare i risultati sui pazienti
2. Tecnologia proprietaria ACCUBROACH per un posizionamento riproducibile dello stelo
3. Strumenti intuitivi adatti per l'approccio anteriore diretto
4. Taglio superiore e precisione per la stabilità rotazionale

I chirurghi hanno lodato la precisione, l'efficienza e l'adattamento anatomico del sistema. Il CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System rappresenta un'avanzamento significativo nella tecnologia di sostituzione dell'anca, combinando tecnologia avanzata con personalizzazione del paziente.

Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN) ha anunciado comentarios positivos de los primeros casos quirúrgicos que utilizan su nuevo CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System. El sistema, diseñado para la cirugía de cadera primaria, cuenta con un diseño de vástago de triple conicidad con carga proximal uniforme y geometría de vástago distal reducida, lo que lo hace ideal para procedimientos de acceso anterior. Las características clave incluyen:

1. RI.HIP NAVIGATION para mejorar los resultados en los pacientes
2. Tecnología propietaria ACCUBROACH para una colocación reproducible del vástago
3. Instrumentos fáciles de usar adecuados para el acceso anterior directo
4. Corte superior y sensación precisa para estabilidad rotacional

Los cirujanos elogiaron la precisión, la eficiencia y el ajuste anatómico del sistema. El CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System representa un avance significativo en la tecnología de reemplazo de cadera, combinando tecnología avanzada con personalización del paciente.

Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN)는 새로운 CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System을 사용한 첫 번째 수술 사례에서 긍정적인 피드백을 발표했습니다. 이 시스템은 주로 고관절 수술을 위해 설계되었으며, 균일한 근위 하중과 감소된 원위 스템 기하학을 갖춘 삼중 테이퍼 스템 디자인을 특징으로 하여 전방 접근 절차에 이상적입니다. 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

1. RI.HIP NAVIGATION을 통한 향상된 환자 결과
2. 반복 가능한 스템 장착을 위한 독점 ACCUBROACH 기술
3. 직접 전방 접근에 적합한 사용자 친화적인 도구
4. 회전 안정성을 위한 우수한 절단 및 정밀도

외과 의사들은 시스템의 정밀도, 효율성 및 해부학적 적합성을 칭찬했습니다. CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System은 고관절 치환 기술의 중요한 발전을 나타내며, 첨단 기술과 환자 개인화를 결합합니다.

Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN) a annoncé des retours positifs des premiers cas chirurgicaux utilisant son nouveau CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System. Ce système, conçu pour la chirurgie de la hanche primaire, dispose d'un design de tige à trois coniques avec une charge proximale uniforme et une géométrie de tige distale réduite, ce qui le rend idéal pour les procédures d'approche antérieure. Les caractéristiques clés comprennent :

1. RI.HIP NAVIGATION pour de meilleurs résultats chez les patients
2. Technologie propriétaire ACCUBROACH pour un montage reproductible de la tige
3. Instruments conviviaux adaptés à l'approche antérieure directe
4. Découpe supérieure et sensation précise pour la stabilité rotationnelle

Les chirurgiens ont loué la précision, l'efficacité et l'ajustement anatomique du système. Le CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System représente une avancée significative dans la technologie de remplacement de la hanche, combinant technologie avancée et personnalisation du patient.

Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN) hat positives Feedback von den ersten chirurgischen Fällen erhalten, die mit seinem neuen CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System durchgeführt wurden. Das System, das für die primäre Hüftchirurgie entwickelt wurde, verfügt über ein drei-stufiges Konus-Systemdesign mit einheitlicher proximale Lastverteilung und reduzierter distaler Wellengeometrie, was es ideal für anteriore Zugangsverfahren macht. Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören:

1. RI.HIP NAVIGATION für verbesserte Patientenergebnisse
2. Proprietäre ACCUBROACH Technologie für reproduzierbare Wellenplatzierung
3. Benutzerfreundliche Instrumente geeignet für den direkten anterioren Zugang
4. Überlegener Schnitt und präzises Gefühl für rotatorische Stabilität

Chirurgen lobten die Präzision, Effizienz und anatomische Passform des Systems. Das CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System stellt einen bedeutenden Fortschritt in der Hüftprothesentechnologie dar, indem es fortschrittliche Technologie mit der Personalisierung des Patienten kombiniert.

  • Positive surgeon feedback from first completed cases
  • Triple-taper stem design with uniform proximal loading
  • Suitable for anterior approach and all other approaches
  • Proprietary ACCUBROACH Technology for reproducible stem seating
  • User-friendly instruments ideal for direct anterior approach
  • Superior cutting and precise feel for rotational stability
  • Excellent anatomical fit reported by surgeons
  • None.

The introduction of Smith+Nephew's CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System marks a significant advancement in hip replacement technology. The system's triple-taper stem design with uniform proximal loading addresses key challenges in primary hip surgery, particularly for anterior approach procedures. The ACCUBROACH Technology is a standout feature, offering improved reproducibility between broach and implant, which is important for precise stem seating.

Initial surgeon feedback highlights exceptional user-friendliness, superior cutting performance and precise rotational stability. The system's ability to fit patient anatomy accurately is particularly noteworthy. These improvements could potentially lead to better patient outcomes, reduced surgical times and increased surgeon confidence. However, long-term clinical data will be necessary to fully validate these initial positive impressions and assess the system's impact on patient outcomes over time.

The launch of the CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System could positively impact Smith+Nephew's market position in the competitive orthopedic implant sector. With the global hip replacement market projected to grow significantly, this innovative product may help S+N capture a larger market share. The system's compatibility with various surgical approaches, particularly the increasingly popular anterior approach, could expand its adoption among surgeons.

Positive early feedback from prominent surgeons is likely to drive initial interest and potentially accelerate market penetration. However, investors should note that the financial impact may take time to materialize as adoption rates in the medical device industry can be gradual. The success of CATALYSTEM could potentially boost S+N's orthopedic segment revenues in the medium to long term, but it's important to monitor future clinical data and sales figures to assess its true financial impact.

The CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System enters a competitive market with potential for significant growth. The global hip replacement market is expected to expand due to an aging population and increasing prevalence of hip disorders. S+N's new system addresses key market trends, particularly the shift towards anterior approach procedures and personalized implants.

The system's design features, such as reduced distal stem geometry and shorter lengths, align well with current surgical preferences. The positive feedback from respected surgeons could influence peer adoption, potentially accelerating market penetration. However, success will depend on factors like pricing strategy, marketing efforts and long-term clinical outcomes. Competitors' responses and the system's performance in various patient demographics will be important to monitor. Overall, CATALYSTEM positions S+N well to capitalize on evolving market demands, but sustained success will require ongoing innovation and strong clinical evidence.

Smith+Nephew (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN), the global medical technology company, today announces promising surgeon feedback from the first completed cases utilizing its new CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System. Designed to address the evolving demands of primary hip surgery - including the increased adoption of anterior approach procedures – the CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System features a triple-taper stem design with uniform proximal loading.1  The reduced distal stem geometry and shorter lengths are ideal for anterior approach but suitable for all approaches.2

The first surgical procedures using the CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System were completed last week in the United States by three prominent orthopaedic surgeons who commented on their experience utilizing the system for the first time.

“Smith+Nephew’s new CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System with RI.HIP NAVIGATION represents the beginning of a new era combining advanced technology and patient personalization that will, without doubt, enhance patient outcomes,” said Dr. Thorsten Seyler of Duke University.

The CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System also utilizes proprietary, patent-pending, ACCUBROACH Technology delivering proven reproducibility between broach and implant giving confidence in predictable and reproducible stem seating.3,4

“The instruments were exceptionally user-friendly and ideal for the direct anterior approach,” commented George Haidukewych MD, Orlando Health, Orlando, Florida. “The broaches showed a significant improvement in performance, offering superior cutting and a more precise feel for rotational stability. In comparison to other implants I've used in recent years, these stand out as markedly better. Overall A-plus…it could not have gone better.”

Dr. Ran Schwarzkopf, Orthopedic Adult Hip and Knee Reconstruction Surgeon at NYU Langone Health commented, "The case went smoothly and exceeded all my expectations. It's the best anatomically fitting stem I've ever seen - it fit the patient's anatomy perfectly. The advantage of the broaches giving exact stem-to-broach positioning is unmatched in the industry.”

To learn more about Smith+Nephew’s new CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System for total hip arthroplasty, please visit

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Media Enquiries

Dave Snyder          +1 (978) 749-1440 


  1. Smith + Nephew 2024. Finite Element Analysis of the CATALYSTEM Hip Stem Design. Internal Report. OR-24-025
  2. Smith + Nephew 2024. Surgeon Feedback on the CATALYSTEM Total Hip System. Internal Report.  CSD.REC.24.001
  3. Smith + Nephew 2024. Cadaveric study of the repeatability of CATALYSTEM broach and femoral stem seating level. Internal Report. 10144794
  4. Smith + Nephew 2024. CATALYSTEM Accubroach Femur to Bone Interaction Design Rationale. Internal Report. 10142827

This document is provided for informational purposes and is not intended to serve as medical advice.  It is the responsibility of healthcare professionals to determine and utilise the appropriate products and techniques according to their own clinical judgment for each of their patients.

The surgeon testimonials set out in this document represent the individual surgeon’s opinions, findings, beliefs, and/or experiences.  Individual results will vary.  The surgeons featured were involved in the development of CATALYSTEM and were compensated by Smith+Nephew for their time. 

To review the information needed to understand and use CATALYSTEM safely and effectively, including indications for use, contraindications, effects, precautions, and warnings, please consult the product’s applicable Instructions for Use (IFU) prior to use.

Products featured may not be available in individual markets due to regulatory and/or medical practices. Please contact your Smith+Nephew representative if you have questions about availability of Smith+Nephew products in your area.

About Smith+Nephew

Smith+Nephew is a portfolio medical technology business focused on the repair, regeneration and replacement of soft and hard tissue. We exist to restore people’s bodies and their self-belief by using technology to take the limits off living. We call this purpose ‘Life Unlimited’. Our 18,000 employees deliver this mission every day, making a difference to patients’ lives through the excellence of our product portfolio, and the invention and application of new technologies across our three global business units of Orthopaedics, Sports Medicine & ENT and Advanced Wound Management.

Founded in Hull, UK, in 1856, we now operate in more than 100 countries, and generated annual sales of $5.5 billion in 2023. Smith+Nephew is a constituent of the FTSE100 (LSE:SN, NYSE:SNN). The terms ‘Group’ and ‘Smith+Nephew’ are used to refer to Smith & Nephew plc and its consolidated subsidiaries, unless the context requires otherwise.

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Trademark of Smith+Nephew. Certain marks registered in US Patent and Trademark Office.


What is the CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System by Smith+Nephew (SNN)?

The CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System is a new hip replacement system by Smith+Nephew, featuring a triple-taper stem design with uniform proximal loading, reduced distal stem geometry, and proprietary ACCUBROACH Technology for reproducible stem seating.

How does the CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System (SNN) benefit anterior approach procedures?

The CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System is ideal for anterior approach procedures due to its reduced distal stem geometry and shorter lengths. It also features user-friendly instruments specifically designed for the direct anterior approach.

What technology does the CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System (SNN) use for navigation?

The CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System utilizes RI.HIP NAVIGATION, which combines advanced technology and patient personalization to enhance patient outcomes in hip replacement surgeries.

What is the ACCUBROACH Technology in Smith+Nephew's (SNN) CATALYSTEM Hip System?

ACCUBROACH Technology is a proprietary, patent-pending feature of the CATALYSTEM Primary Hip System that delivers proven reproducibility between broach and implant, providing confidence in predictable and reproducible stem seating.

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