Snap-on to Present at CL King’s 22nd Annual Best Ideas Conference 2024
Snap-on Incorporated (NYSE: SNA) is set to participate in CL King's 22nd Annual Best Ideas Conference on Monday, September 16, 2024, at 10:15 AM Eastern Time / 9:15 AM Central Time. Investors and interested parties can access the live webcast through the provided link or via the Investor Events page on Snap-on's official website.
The presentation offers an opportunity for stakeholders to gain insights into Snap-on's current strategies and future outlook. Following the live event, an archived replay will be available on the company's website for 90 days, allowing those unable to attend the live session to review the presentation at their convenience.
Snap-on Incorporated (NYSE: SNA) parteciperà alla 22ª Conferenza Annuale delle Migliori Idee di CL King lunedì 16 settembre 2024, alle 10:15 AM ora orientale / 9:15 AM ora centrale. Gli investitori e le parti interessate possono accedere alla webcast dal vivo tramite il link fornito o attraverso la pagina eventi per investitori sul sito ufficiale di Snap-on.
La presentazione offre un'opportunità ai portatori di interesse per ottenere informazioni sulle attuali strategie di Snap-on e sulle prospettive future. Dopo l'evento dal vivo, una replica archiviata sarà disponibile sul sito web dell'azienda per 90 giorni, consentendo a coloro che non possono partecipare alla sessione dal vivo di rivedere la presentazione a loro piacimento.
Snap-on Incorporated (NYSE: SNA) está programada para participar en la 22ª Conferencia Anual de Mejores Ideas de CL King el lunes 16 de septiembre de 2024, a las 10:15 AM hora del Este / 9:15 AM hora central. Los inversores y partes interesadas pueden acceder a la transmisión en vivo a través del enlace proporcionado o mediante la página de Eventos para Inversores en el sitio web oficial de Snap-on.
La presentación ofrece una oportunidad para que las partes interesadas obtengan información sobre las estrategias actuales de Snap-on y las perspectivas futuras. Después del evento en vivo, habrá una repetición archivada disponible en el sitio web de la empresa durante 90 días, lo que permitirá a quienes no puedan asistir a la sesión en vivo revisar la presentación a su conveniencia.
Snap-on Incorporated (NYSE: SNA)는 CL King의 제22회 연례 최우수 아이디어 회의에 2024년 9월 16일 월요일 동부 표준시 오전 10시 15분 / 중앙 표준시 오전 9시 15분에 참여할 예정입니다. 투자자 및 관심 있는 당사자는 제공된 링크를 통해 실시간 웹캐스트에 접근하거나 Snap-on의 공식 웹사이트의 투자자 이벤트 페이지를 통해 접근할 수 있습니다.
이번 발표는 이해관계자들에게 Snap-on의 현재 전략과 미래 전망에 대한 통찰을 제공할 기회를 제공합니다. 실시간 행사 후, 아카이브된 재생본이 회사 웹사이트에 90일 동안 제공되어 실시간 세션에 참석할 수 없는 분들이 편리하게 발표를 검토할 수 있습니다.
Snap-on Incorporated (NYSE: SNA) participera à la 22ème Conférence Annuelle des Meilleures Idées de CL King le lundi 16 septembre 2024, à 10h15 heure de l'Est / 9h15 heure centrale. Les investisseurs et les parties intéressées peuvent accéder à la diffusion en direct via le lien fourni ou par la page Évènements pour Investisseurs sur le site officiel de Snap-on.
La présentation offre une opportunité aux parties prenantes d'obtenir des informations sur les stratégies actuelles de Snap-on et ses perspectives d'avenir. Après l'événement en direct, une rediffusion archivée sera disponible sur le site de l'entreprise pendant 90 jours, permettant à ceux qui n'ont pas pu assister à la session en direct de revoir la présentation à leur convenance.
Snap-on Incorporated (NYSE: SNA) wird an der 22. jährlichen Best Ideas Conference von CL King am Montag, den 16. September 2024, um 10:15 Uhr Eastern Time / 9:15 Uhr Central Time teilnehmen. Investoren und Interessierte können über den bereitgestellten Link oder über die Investor-Events-Seite auf der offiziellen Website von Snap-on auf das Live-Webcast zugreifen.
Die Präsentation bietet den Stakeholdern die Möglichkeit, Einblicke in die aktuellen Strategien von Snap-on und die zukünftige Ausrichtung zu gewinnen. Nach der Live-Veranstaltung wird eine archivierte Wiederholung für 90 Tage auf der Unternehmenswebsite verfügbar sein, sodass Personen, die nicht an der Live-Sitzung teilnehmen konnten, die Präsentation jederzeit nachverfolgen können.
- None.
- None.
The live webcast can be accessed by clicking on or by copying and pasting the following link into your browser, You can also join the webcast by visiting the Investor Events page on the Snap-on website at and clicking on the link to the event. Following the webcast, an archived replay will be available on the company’s website at the aforementioned links for a period of 90 days.
About Snap-on
Snap-on Incorporated is a leading global innovator, manufacturer, and marketer of tools, equipment, diagnostics, repair information and systems solutions for professional users performing critical tasks including those working in vehicle repair, aerospace, the military, natural resources, and manufacturing. From its founding in 1920, Snap-on has been recognized as the mark of the serious and the outward sign of the pride and dignity working men and women take in their professions. Products and services are sold through the company’s network of widely recognized franchisee vans, as well as through direct and distributor channels, under a variety of notable brands. The company also provides financing programs to facilitate the sales of its products and to support its franchise business. Snap-on, an S&P 500 company, generated sales of
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Sara Verbsky
Samuel Bottum
Source: Snap-on Incorporated