Cyber Security Starts With An Unrelenting Hardware-Level Defense
SMX (NASDAQ:SMX) is advancing cybersecurity through molecular-based traceability technology that embeds security directly into hardware components at the molecular level. The company's innovative approach moves beyond traditional reactive cybersecurity measures by securing physical components before they reach end users.
The technology integrates molecular markers into computer chips, processors, and hardware components, creating an immutable security system backed by blockchain authentication and AI-driven tracking. Key features include:
- End-to-end traceability through blockchain ledger verification
- Tamper-proof protection with immediate security alerts
- Geolocation and usage controls for military and corporate assets
This proactive security approach addresses the growing vulnerability of hardware-based cyber attacks, particularly relevant as AI systems become more central to digital infrastructure and cloud services. The technology offers a solution to supply chain vulnerabilities, as demonstrated by recent incidents like the reported sabotage of Russian drone pilots through tampered VR goggles.
SMX (NASDAQ:SMX) sta avanzando nella cybersecurity attraverso una tecnologia di tracciabilità basata su molecole che integra la sicurezza direttamente nei componenti hardware a livello molecolare. L'approccio innovativo dell'azienda va oltre le tradizionali misure reattive di cybersecurity, garantendo la sicurezza dei componenti fisici prima che raggiungano gli utenti finali.
La tecnologia integra marcatori molecolari nei chip informatici, nei processori e nei componenti hardware, creando un sistema di sicurezza immutabile supportato da autenticazione blockchain e tracciamento guidato da AI. Le caratteristiche principali includono:
- Tracciabilità end-to-end tramite verifica del registro blockchain
- Protezione a prova di manomissione con avvisi di sicurezza immediati
- Controlli di geolocalizzazione e utilizzo per beni militari e aziendali
Questo approccio proattivo alla sicurezza affronta la crescente vulnerabilità degli attacchi informatici basati sull'hardware, particolarmente rilevante man mano che i sistemi di intelligenza artificiale diventano sempre più centrali per l'infrastruttura digitale e i servizi cloud. La tecnologia offre una soluzione alle vulnerabilità della catena di approvvigionamento, come dimostrato da recenti incidenti come il presunto sabotaggio dei piloti di droni russi attraverso occhiali VR manomessi.
SMX (NASDAQ:SMX) está avanzando en ciberseguridad a través de una tecnología de trazabilidad basada en moléculas que incrusta la seguridad directamente en los componentes de hardware a nivel molecular. El enfoque innovador de la empresa va más allá de las medidas reactivas tradicionales de ciberseguridad, asegurando los componentes físicos antes de que lleguen a los usuarios finales.
La tecnología integra marcadores moleculares en chips de computadora, procesadores y componentes de hardware, creando un sistema de seguridad inmutable respaldado por autenticación blockchain y seguimiento impulsado por IA. Las características clave incluyen:
- Trazabilidad de extremo a extremo a través de la verificación del libro mayor blockchain
- Protección a prueba de manipulaciones con alertas de seguridad inmediatas
- Controles de geolocalización y uso para activos militares y corporativos
Este enfoque proactivo de la seguridad aborda la creciente vulnerabilidad de los ataques cibernéticos basados en hardware, particularmente relevante a medida que los sistemas de IA se vuelven más centrales en la infraestructura digital y los servicios en la nube. La tecnología ofrece una solución a las vulnerabilidades de la cadena de suministro, como lo demuestra incidentes recientes como el presunto sabotaje de pilotos de drones rusos a través de gafas de realidad virtual manipuladas.
SMX (NASDAQ:SMX)는 분자 기반의 추적 기술을 통해 사이버 보안을 발전시키고 있으며, 이 기술은 하드웨어 구성 요소에 보안을 분자 수준에서 직접 내장합니다. 회사의 혁신적인 접근 방식은 기존의 반응형 사이버 보안 조치를 넘어, 최종 사용자에게 도달하기 전에 물리적 구성 요소의 보안을 확보합니다.
이 기술은 컴퓨터 칩, 프로세서 및 하드웨어 구성 요소에 분자 마커를 통합하여 블록체인 인증 및 AI 기반 추적으로 뒷받침되는 불변의 보안 시스템을 생성합니다. 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:
- 블록체인 원장 검증을 통한 종단 간 추적 가능성
- 즉각적인 보안 경고가 있는 변조 방지 보호
- 군사 및 기업 자산에 대한 지리적 위치 및 사용 제어
이러한 사전 대응적 보안 접근 방식은 하드웨어 기반 사이버 공격의 증가하는 취약성을 해결하며, 특히 AI 시스템이 디지털 인프라 및 클라우드 서비스에서 더욱 중심이 될수록 중요합니다. 이 기술은 공급망 취약성에 대한 해결책을 제공하며, 최근에 발생한 사건들, 예를 들어 조작된 VR 고글을 통한 러시아 드론 조종사들의 보고된 사보타주와 같은 사례로 입증되었습니다.
SMX (NASDAQ:SMX) fait progresser la cybersécurité grâce à une technologie de traçabilité basée sur des molécules qui intègre la sécurité directement dans les composants matériels au niveau moléculaire. L'approche innovante de l'entreprise va au-delà des mesures réactives traditionnelles en matière de cybersécurité, en sécurisant les composants physiques avant qu'ils n'atteignent les utilisateurs finaux.
La technologie intègre des marqueurs moléculaires dans des puces informatiques, des processeurs et des composants matériels, créant ainsi un système de sécurité immuable soutenu par une authentification blockchain et un suivi piloté par l'IA. Les caractéristiques clés comprennent :
- Traçabilité de bout en bout grâce à la vérification du registre blockchain
- Protection à l'épreuve de la falsification avec des alertes de sécurité immédiates
- Contrôles de géolocalisation et d'utilisation pour les actifs militaires et d'entreprise
Cette approche proactive de la sécurité répond à la vulnérabilité croissante des attaques informatiques basées sur le matériel, ce qui est particulièrement pertinent à mesure que les systèmes d'IA deviennent de plus en plus centraux dans l'infrastructure numérique et les services cloud. La technologie offre une solution aux vulnérabilités de la chaîne d'approvisionnement, comme le montrent des incidents récents tels que le sabotage présumé de pilotes de drones russes via des lunettes de réalité virtuelle manipulées.
SMX (NASDAQ:SMX) fördert die Cybersicherheit durch molekulare Tracing-Technologie, die Sicherheit direkt auf molekularer Ebene in Hardwarekomponenten integriert. Der innovative Ansatz des Unternehmens geht über traditionelle reaktive Cybersicherheitsmaßnahmen hinaus, indem er physische Komponenten sichert, bevor sie die Endbenutzer erreichen.
Die Technologie integriert molekulare Marker in Computerchips, Prozessoren und Hardwarekomponenten und schafft ein unveränderliches Sicherheitssystem, das durch Blockchain-Authentifizierung und KI-gesteuertes Tracking unterstützt wird. Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören:
- End-to-End-Traceability durch Blockchain-Ledger-Verifizierung
- Manipulationssichere Schutzmaßnahmen mit sofortigen Sicherheitswarnungen
- Geolokalisierung und Nutzungskontrollen für militärische und Unternehmensressourcen
Dieser proaktive Sicherheitsansatz spricht die wachsende Verwundbarkeit von hardwarebasierten Cyberangriffen an, was besonders relevant ist, da KI-Systeme zunehmend zentral für digitale Infrastrukturen und Cloud-Dienste werden. Die Technologie bietet eine Lösung für Schwachstellen in der Lieferkette, wie die kürzlich gemeldeten Vorfälle, bei denen russische Drohnenpiloten durch manipulierte VR-Brillen sabotiert wurden.
- Only known company offering molecular-level security embedding in hardware
- Innovative technology addressing critical hardware security vulnerabilities
- Blockchain and AI integration for real-time authentication and tracking
- Immediate market-ready solution for growing cybersecurity threats
- No specific revenue or financial metrics provided
- Highly competitive industry with rapid changes
- May require additional capital for business plan execution
- Risk of never achieving profitability mentioned in forward-looking statements
MIAMI, FL / ACCESS Newswire / March 10, 2025 / Cyber attack vulnerability. It's no longer a hypothetical threat-it's an unavoidable reality. As artificial intelligence transitions from a supporting role to a central force in digital systems, the risks escalate. The challenge isn't just about preventing cyberattacks-it's about ensuring they never have the opportunity to occur in the first place. That requires a new approach to security, one that doesn't just detect threats but eliminates vulnerabilities at their source.
SMX (NASDAQ:SMX), a company pioneering molecular-based traceability and authentication technology for materials, is advancing that intent by embedding immutable security directly into hardware at a molecular level. This proactive approach moves beyond traditional digital firewalls, which can be bypassed or manipulated, and secures the physical components themselves. By integrating molecular markers into computer chips, processors, and other critical hardware, SMX ensures that every part of a system is authenticated, traceable, and tamper-proof before it ever reaches the end user. Here's why that's important.
Filling The Security Gap in Hardware
Traditional cybersecurity measures-firewalls, encryption, and software-based monitoring-are reactive by design. They detect breaches after they happen, often too late to prevent damage. But cyber threats have evolved beyond software; today, compromised hardware presents an even greater risk. A single manipulated semiconductor chip or altered circuit board can allow adversaries to infiltrate networks, manipulate industrial systems, or disrupt essential services.
Recent events have exposed just how vulnerable supply chains can be. The reported sabotage of Russian drone pilots using tampered VR goggles is a stark reminder that compromised hardware can lead to devastating consequences. If such tactics can be deployed in military settings, they can just as easily be executed within corporate environments, where infiltrated systems could expose financial data, trade secrets, or even national security intelligence.
Proactive Next-Gen Cybersecurity
Addressing these threats requires more than just a strategic shift-it demands a commitment to go beyond the ordinary. Turn-of-the-millennium firewalls are no longer sufficient to counter the advanced cyber threats of 2025. Meanwhile, AI depends on vast physical infrastructure, spanning thousands of square meters of hardware and data centers. As cloud services become an essential human resource, ensuring their security and continuity is more critical than ever. However, this doesn't mean legacy technology must be discarded entirely. With the right support-such as SMX's ability to embed security at the hardware level-it can still play a valuable role.
Once added, the SMX molecular markers in computer chips, processors, and other critical hardware components, enables an unprecedented level of security. These markers, combined with blockchain authentication and AI-driven tracking, create a defense system that is proactive rather than reactive. Key advantages of this approach include:
End-to-End Traceability: Every component is linked to an immutable blockchain ledger, ensuring real-time verification of its authenticity and modification history.
Tamper-Proof Protection: Any unauthorized attempt to alter a marked component-whether inserting malware, changing firmware, or replacing parts-triggers an immediate security alert.
Geolocation and Usage Controls: Military and corporate assets can be restricted to designated locations, preventing unauthorized use or theft.
SMX Can Help Secure the Digital Future
As futuristic as it may sound, SMX's isn't a theoretical solution-it's one that can be implemented now. And it needs to be. Cybersecurity can no longer be treated as an afterthought or a defensive reaction to crises. As AI-powered threats become more sophisticated, organizations must adopt technologies that secure systems from the ground up.
The future of cybersecurity depends on forward-thinking strategies that eliminate vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. Implementing SMX's approach can achieve that goal. And using molecular embedding, they are the only known company that can.
About SMX (Security Matters) Public Limited Company
As global businesses face new and complex challenges relating to carbon neutrality and meeting new governmental and regional regulations and standards, SMX is able to offer players along the value chain access to its marking, tracking, measuring and digital platform technology to transition more successfully to a low-carbon economy.
Forward-Looking Statements
The information in this press release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to, statements regarding expectations, hopes, beliefs, intentions or strategies regarding the future. In addition, any statements that refer to projections, forecasts or other characterizations of future events or circumstances, including any underlying assumptions, are forward-looking statements. The words "anticipate," "believe," "contemplate," "continue," "could," "estimate," "expect," "forecast," "intends," "may," "will," "might," "plan," "possible," "potential," "predict," "project," "should," "would" and similar expressions may identify forward-looking statements, but the absence of these words does not mean that a statement is not forward-looking. Forward-looking statements in this press release may include, for example: matters relating to the Company's fight against abusive and possibly illegal trading tactics against the Company's stock; successful launch and implementation of SMX's joint projects with manufacturers and other supply chain participants of steel, rubber and other materials; changes in SMX's strategy, future operations, financial position, estimated revenues and losses, projected costs, prospects and plans; SMX's ability to develop and launch new products and services, including its planned Plastic Cycle Token; SMX's ability to successfully and efficiently integrate future expansion plans and opportunities; SMX's ability to grow its business in a cost-effective manner; SMX's product development timeline and estimated research and development costs; the implementation, market acceptance and success of SMX's business model; developments and projections relating to SMX's competitors and industry; and SMX's approach and goals with respect to technology. These forward-looking statements are based on information available as of the date of this press release, and current expectations, forecasts and assumptions, and involve a number of judgments, risks and uncertainties. Accordingly, forward-looking statements should not be relied upon as representing views as of any subsequent date, and no obligation is undertaken to update forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date they were made, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable securities laws. As a result of a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties, actual results or performance may be materially different from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Some factors that could cause actual results to differ include: the ability to maintain the listing of the Company's shares on Nasdaq; changes in applicable laws or regulations; any lingering effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on SMX's business; the ability to implement business plans, forecasts, and other expectations, and identify and realize additional opportunities; the risk of downturns and the possibility of rapid change in the highly competitive industry in which SMX operates; the risk that SMX and its current and future collaborators are unable to successfully develop and commercialize SMX's products or services, or experience significant delays in doing so; the risk that the Company may never achieve or sustain profitability; the risk that the Company will need to raise additional capital to execute its business plan, which may not be available on acceptable terms or at all; the risk that the Company experiences difficulties in managing its growth and expanding operations; the risk that third-party suppliers and manufacturers are not able to fully and timely meet their obligations; the risk that SMX is unable to secure or protect its intellectual property; the possibility that SMX may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors; and other risks and uncertainties described in SMX's filings from time to time with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
SOURCE: SMX (Security Matters) Public Limited
View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire
How does SMX's molecular-based security technology protect hardware components?
What are the key advantages of SMX's hardware-level security system?
Why is SMX's approach to cybersecurity different from traditional methods?