Semtech Receives 2024 IoT Excellence Award
Semtech (SMTC) has been awarded the 2024 IoT Excellence Award from TMC and Crossfire Media for its LoRa Connect ICs for sensors. The technology received recognition for its implementation in a LoRaWAN-based wireless alert system in Singapore's public housing, serving over 10,000 flats.
The system has helped more than 800 seniors receive emergency care, with 98% of sensor batteries still operational after five years due to the low power consumption of LoRa Connect ICs. Following this success, the program is expanding to serve approximately 27,000 additional seniors.
With over 350 million devices installed globally, Semtech's LoRa technology continues to drive innovation in smart cities, utilities, building automation, and asset tracking applications. The company will showcase its technology at Embedded World in Nuremberg, Germany, from March 11-13, 2025, at Hall 3, Booth 3-541.
Semtech (SMTC) ha ricevuto il premio IoT Excellence Award 2024 da TMC e Crossfire Media per i suoi LoRa Connect IC per sensori. La tecnologia è stata riconosciuta per la sua implementazione in un sistema di allerta wireless basato su LoRaWAN nelle abitazioni pubbliche di Singapore, servendo oltre 10.000 appartamenti.
Il sistema ha aiutato più di 800 anziani a ricevere assistenza d'emergenza, con il 98% delle batterie dei sensori ancora operative dopo cinque anni grazie al basso consumo energetico dei LoRa Connect IC. A seguito di questo successo, il programma si sta espandendo per servire circa 27.000 anziani aggiuntivi.
Con oltre 350 milioni di dispositivi installati a livello globale, la tecnologia LoRa di Semtech continua a guidare l'innovazione nelle città intelligenti, nei servizi pubblici, nell'automazione degli edifici e nelle applicazioni di tracciamento degli asset. L'azienda presenterà la sua tecnologia all'Embedded World di Norimberga, in Germania, dal 11 al 13 marzo 2025, nel Padiglione 3, Stand 3-541.
Semtech (SMTC) ha sido galardonada con el Premio de Excelencia IoT 2024 de TMC y Crossfire Media por sus LoRa Connect IC para sensores. La tecnología recibió reconocimiento por su implementación en un sistema de alerta inalámbrico basado en LoRaWAN en las viviendas públicas de Singapur, que sirve a más de 10,000 apartamentos.
El sistema ha ayudado a más de 800 ancianos a recibir atención de emergencia, con el 98% de las baterías de los sensores aún operativas después de cinco años gracias al bajo consumo de energía de los LoRa Connect IC. Tras este éxito, el programa se está expandiendo para atender a aproximadamente 27,000 ancianos adicionales.
Con más de 350 millones de dispositivos instalados a nivel mundial, la tecnología LoRa de Semtech sigue impulsando la innovación en ciudades inteligentes, servicios públicos, automatización de edificios y aplicaciones de seguimiento de activos. La empresa mostrará su tecnología en Embedded World en Núremberg, Alemania, del 11 al 13 de marzo de 2025, en el Pabellón 3, Stand 3-541.
Semtech (SMTC)는 TMC와 Crossfire Media로부터 2024 IoT 우수상을 수상했습니다. 이는 LoRa Connect IC 센서를 위한 기술로, 싱가포르의 공공 주택에서 LoRaWAN 기반의 무선 경고 시스템에 적용되어 10,000개 이상의 아파트에 서비스를 제공합니다.
이 시스템은 800명 이상의 노인이 긴급 치료를 받을 수 있도록 도왔으며, LoRa Connect IC의 낮은 전력 소비 덕분에 센서 배터리의 98%가 5년 후에도 여전히 작동하고 있습니다. 이러한 성공에 따라 프로그램은 약 27,000명의 추가 노인을 지원하기 위해 확장되고 있습니다.
전 세계에 3억 5천만 개 이상의 장치가 설치된 Semtech의 LoRa 기술은 스마트 도시, 공공 서비스, 빌딩 자동화 및 자산 추적 응용 프로그램에서 혁신을 주도하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 2025년 3월 11일부터 13일까지 독일 뉘른베르크에서 열리는 Embedded World에서 기술을 선보일 예정입니다. 전시관 3, 부스 3-541.
Semtech (SMTC) a reçu le Prix d'Excellence IoT 2024 de TMC et Crossfire Media pour ses LoRa Connect IC destinés aux capteurs. La technologie a été reconnue pour sa mise en œuvre dans un système d'alerte sans fil basé sur LoRaWAN dans les logements publics de Singapour, desservant plus de 10 000 appartements.
Le système a aidé plus de 800 personnes âgées à recevoir des soins d'urgence, avec 98 % des batteries des capteurs toujours opérationnelles après cinq ans grâce à la faible consommation d'énergie des LoRa Connect IC. Suite à ce succès, le programme s'étend pour servir environ 27 000 personnes âgées supplémentaires.
Avec plus de 350 millions de dispositifs installés dans le monde, la technologie LoRa de Semtech continue de stimuler l'innovation dans les villes intelligentes, les services publics, l'automatisation des bâtiments et les applications de suivi des actifs. L'entreprise présentera sa technologie lors de Embedded World à Nuremberg, en Allemagne, du 11 au 13 mars 2025, dans le Hall 3, Stand 3-541.
Semtech (SMTC) wurde mit dem IoT Excellence Award 2024 von TMC und Crossfire Media für ihre LoRa Connect ICs für Sensoren ausgezeichnet. Die Technologie erhielt Anerkennung für ihre Implementierung in einem LoRaWAN-basierten drahtlosen Alarmsystem in den öffentlichen Wohnanlagen Singapurs, das über 10.000 Wohnungen bedient.
Das System hat mehr als 800 Senioren geholfen, Notfallversorgung zu erhalten, wobei 98 % der Sensorbatterien nach fünf Jahren aufgrund des geringen Stromverbrauchs der LoRa Connect ICs weiterhin funktionsfähig sind. Nach diesem Erfolg wird das Programm erweitert, um etwa 27.000 zusätzliche Senioren zu unterstützen.
Mit über 350 Millionen weltweit installierten Geräten treibt Semtechs LoRa-Technologie weiterhin Innovationen in Smart Cities, Versorgungsunternehmen, Gebäudeautomatisierung und Anwendungen zur Asset-Verfolgung voran. Das Unternehmen wird seine Technologie auf der Embedded World in Nürnberg, Deutschland, vom 11. bis 13. März 2025, im Hall 3, Stand 3-541 präsentieren.
- Award recognition validates technology excellence
- Successful implementation in Singapore with proven results
- Strong battery performance with 98% still functioning after 5 years
- Large installed base of 350 million devices globally
- Program expansion to serve additional 27,000 seniors
- None.
LoRa Connect ICs for Sensors Recognized for Innovation Excellence in LoRaWAN® Wireless Emergency Alert System

Semtech Receives 2024 IoT Excellence Award (Graphic: Business Wire)
The technology was recognized for its foundational role in a LoRaWAN-based wireless alert system that covers more than 10,000 flats in Singapore’s public housing and has enabled over 800 seniors to receive emergency care. The low power of LoRa Connect ICs has resulted in
“The IoT Evolution Excellence Award underscores the transformative impact of LoRa technology in real-world applications across smart cities, utilities, building automation, asset tracking and more,” said Shahar Feldman, senior director of wireless product marketing at Semtech. “By making LoRa solutions more accessible, scalable and cost-effective, we’re enabling AI-powered IoT deployments with a competitive total cost of ownership. With over 350 million devices installed and a growing LoRaWAN ecosystem, we are proud to drive innovation that delivers the long-range, reliable, and power-efficient solutions our customers need.”
“Semtech’s LoRa Connect ICs stand out for innovation that is advancing real-world IoT capabilities,” said Carl Ford, Community Developer, IoT Evolution World. “In recognizing Semtech with our IoT Excellence Award, we are acknowledging not only the technology impact, but its role in shaping the future of connected solutions.”
Meet Semtech at Embedded World
Semtech will be at Embedded World in Nuremberg,
Learn more about Semtech’s LoRa Connect ICs for sensors.
About Semtech
Semtech Corporation (Nasdaq: SMTC) is a high-performance semiconductor, IoT systems, and cloud connectivity service provider dedicated to delivering high-quality technology solutions that enable a smarter, more connected, and sustainable planet. Our global teams are committed to empowering solution architects and application developers to develop breakthrough products for the infrastructure, industrial and consumer markets. To learn more about Semtech technology, visit us at or follow us on LinkedIn or X.
Semtech, the Semtech logo, and LoRa are registered trademarks or service marks of Semtech Corporation or its subsidiaries. All other trademarks, service marks, and trade names mentioned in this press release are the property of their respective owners.
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Michelle Lozada,
Source: Semtech Corporation
What achievement did Semtech (SMTC) receive in 2024 for its LoRa technology?
How many Singapore housing flats are covered by Semtech's LoRaWAN alert system?
What is the battery performance of Semtech's LoRa Connect ICs in the Singapore project?
How many devices globally use Semtech's LoRa technology as of 2024?